Foundation Phase Year 2 R.E. Scheme of Work

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Foundation Phase Year 2 R.E. Scheme of Work

Church in Wales Primary School Foundation Phase Year 2 R.E. Scheme of Work

Strand (Range): Bible, Jesus Term: Summer 2 Year Group: Year 2 Learning Objectives: Literacy & Numeracy Framework. BIBLE - Literacy Elements:  To know that there are stories about children in the Bible. Oracy – developing and presenting information and ideas – speaking, listening, collaboration and discussion  To hear about and talk about the life of an Old Testament Reading – Locating, selecting and using information. Responding to character. what has been read.  To recognise the variety of characters in the Bible compared Writing – Organising ideas and information. Writing accurately. with modern times  To begin to understand the Bible as a guide to the way we Numeracy Elements - treat other people. Using data skills – present gathered information in graphs or tables  To begin to understand Bible references to the use and Developing numerical reasoning – represent and communicate development of gifts. ideas and results  To know more about how the Bible was treasured and taught in Wales. JESUS –  To look at illustrations of Jesus.  To understand what comprises a story, a story with a moral and a parable.  To understand what a miracle is.  To know about the way Jesus treated people.  To learn the ‘LORD’S PRAYER’.

Aim: For all children to attain Outcome 5 and be moving into Outcome 6 RE core skills

1 Church in Wales Primary School Core Skills/A.f.L Links Suggested Skill Development (including resources) (Values, [Learning Activities] S.E.A.L. And P.4.C) Spiritual Development: Values BIBLE -  Can explore their own feelings about the Loyalty . Use a variety of methods and approaches to read or tell Old beginnings of their own faith journey Perseverance Testament stories. Stories such as Joseph, Abraham, Moses, [Outcome 5] David and Goliath etc.  Can give their opinions on aspects of religion SEAL . Use a variety of big books, different Bibles, puppets, Videos and [Outcome 5] Good CD rom.  Can begin to accept concept of faith--what Relationships one cannot see. [Outcome 6]  Can explore shared values personal identity . Provide a variety of resources to enhance role play within the a sense of belonging [Outcome 6] outside area or classroom environment. Provide resources that support some of the Old Testament stories told. Curriculum Cymreig: Eg. Multicoloured coats, large walking canes, armour for a  Can recognize the importance of local and soldier, baby and basket. Video children in the role play area. National traditions and explore these with traditions from other cultures. [Outcome 5] . Show a picture of modern Cardiff and Britain. Suggest and  Can say what they have learnt and why these identify the many different groups of people and professions traditions are important to Wales within Britain. – Fireman, doctor, traffic warden, nurse, dentist, [Outcome 5] beauty therapist, teacher, vet etc  Can research and explain why we need to . Children to make a list of the people who they think appear in care for God’s world and what are the the stories in the Old Testament. Research in groups different strengths and weaknesses of the local Stories from the Old Testament and report to whole class. environment. [Outcome 6] (Fishermen, tax collectors, Romans, Pharisees, ordinary people.) . Write accounts of ‘A DAY IN THE LIFE OF a fisherman/Roman’. Communication: Illustrate and share with whole class during collective worship or  Can ask questions about their own ‘special time’. experiences, the world around them and aspects of religion and suggest some . Tell an appropriate Bible story that reflects how we treat others. answers [Outcome 5] Eg. – Forgiveness – Kingdom of Heaven – Matthew 18.23. 2 Church in Wales Primary School  Can talk/write about values and rules and . Children can ‘hot seat’ different characters in the story. Role play offer an explanation of how these come the story using resources to enhance the story. from Jesus example and how they can apply . Read the ‘Parable of the Talents’ Matthew 25.14 to their own lives. [Outcome 6] Question with children - What is the parable about? What is a talent? Who gives the servants money – Master? Why are they Thinking & Problem Solving: given money – To increase it or spend it? Did the servants use  Can suggest in simple terms why religious their talents wisely? stories and celebrations are important to . What meaning and significance does this parable have for us people. [Outcome 5] today as individuals, as a school community and within our  Can say what they have learned and realize family lives? that not all questions have answers. . Make a class display/book to celebrate all the natural talents [Outcome 5] that we have. Celebrate these as ‘GIFTS FROM GOD’  Can explore questions raised by their own experience and the world around them and . Learn about the importance of The Bible in Wales. Watch videos give their own opinion [Outcome 6] about the story of ‘Mary Jones’. Personal Social Wellbeing:  Can begin to recognize that there are . Plot her journey on a map of Wales. What problems did she reasons why people celebrate in different encounter on her journey and would these be the same ways. [Outcome 5] problems today?  Can ask questions about world events and . Discuss what it means to be brave. – have teeth out, not to cry how world religions help people to cope with when fallen over, do something that you don’t like to do. difficulty/unfairness [Outcome 5] . Discuss when you have saved something that you really want  Can explore own feelings in a variety of and others think it is old/rubbish. Was this the same for Mary situations [Outcome 6] Jones? JESUS – . Show pictures of Jesus in different artistic and cultural representations. Include pictures of the crucifixion and resurrection. . Discuss with the children why they are different. Discuss what feelings the pictures portray – happiness, sadness, joy. . Make own representations of a picture or write a poem about 3 Church in Wales Primary School one of the pictures studied.

. Provide a variety of books, novel, paper back book, hard back book, annual. Explain that stories can be found in many books including the Bible. . Tell stories/research stories that have a moral ending. Explain that these stories have a special ending.

. Explain that there are special stories told by Jesus in the Bible. These stories have a special meaning and are called Parables. . Discuss how the parables of Jesus convey meaning. – The Good Samaritan shows how we should treat other people in trouble and be good neighbour. . Ask children to write a story illustrating that we should help others whether we like them or not. Share stories with others in collective worship. .


. What is a miracle? Explain that the miracles of Jesus are things that he did, and NOT things that he said. He did not do magic he had the power of God to heal and change things. . Children are to work together to find some stories of ‘Miracles of Jesus’ in the Bible.

. Provide two apples one red and one green. Discuss with class why they are different and why they are the same. . Cut the apples open, are they the same on the inside. So the only difference is the outside. . Discuss how Jesus treated people in the stories, miracles, Parables already learnt and read. He showed his love for all

4 Church in Wales Primary School regardless of age, gender, colour, or disability. . Explain that people don’t always show each other ‘love’ for the reasons mentioned above. Relate to class experiences. To their likes and dislikes of others. . Learn about some of the world organisations that help people in these situations and circumstances today. – Oxfam, Christian Aid, UNICEF, Help the Children etc. . Children could learn about their work through designing posters and leaflets. . If possible plan a fund raising activity with the children. Invite parents or careers to support the fund raising activities. Advertise in local papers, church gazettes, web site and celebrate their success.

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 Discussions on how the people felt to have the army after them NB - sensitivity required if there are children from war-torn countries in the class – good opportunity for them to share their experience] How did they feel when they were safe on the other side? How different it was when they were safe but hungry and fed up!

God sent signs to help them – a cloud by day and a fire by night to guide them…food to eat ….what signs can the children remember from out in the street?

Activity – Role play if appropriate, the moaners of the Israelites and Moses’ answer. ‘Hot Seat’ Moses and someone from the people. Or illustrate with pictures and writing in their books.

5 Church in Wales Primary School Recap on year 1 work on Jesus as a child, when he went to the synagogue. Show pictures of the interior of a synagogue. Make a skullcap (Kippah). Make a mezuzah out of plasticene or playdough. Pentecost falls on 8th June 2014 Seder plate – to hole the symbolic foods (in Judaism resource box). The Chanukia – 9 branched candle stick. Dreidle – used for a game of chance at the festival of Chanukah. Torah scrolls. Have a Passover meal… When Jesus came there was a new way to celebrate – Holy Communion….and other signs Pentecost, when God sent The Holy Spirit to be with his disciples and with us.

Visit the synagogue – or see CD or use Godly Play Synagogue/Church equipment

Talk about how Mary & Joseph must have felt when they realized he was ‘lost’ Have any of the children ever been ‘lost’? What does it feel like, how did they get ‘found’? how did they feel when they were safe? What did mum or dad say? Make a simple Feelings graph by the whole class and an adults experience in different colour pens or write their name on the graph [ see Thinking Skills attached]


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