2013-14 Nu Chapter Member Excellence Award
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Name ______
Activities must be completed between May 1, 2014 and April 30, 2015. Only those who complete at least 46 activities should submit their form to Jan Freeman, Leadership Development/Impacting Personal & Professional Pride Committee Chairman, by May 15, 2015 to receive recognition. Recognition will consist of presentation of a certificate and recognition pin at the November 2015 meeting and notification of the award to the member’s supervisor. Also, members achieving this award will have their picture taken for a newspaper article and the Nu website.
Member’s Attendance: 1. Attend the meetings: 1st Meeting in September 2014 _____; 2nd Meeting in November 2014 _____; 3rd Meeting in January 2015 _____; and 4th Meeting in March 2015 ______. _____ 2. Attend the 2015 Eta State Convention in Chapel Hill, NC on Friday-Sunday, April 24-26, 2015 (at least one day). Member’s Participation: 3. Wear your keypin to each of the regular meetings, Nu Chapter Initiation & Fashion Show. Aug. ______Sept. ______Oct. ______Nov. ______Jan. ______Mar. ______4. Respond to the call committee and either RSVP or decline your attendance for each meeting. Aug. ______Sept. ______Nov. ______Jan. ______Mar. ______5. Read each of the Nu Chapter newsletters (Nu News). Aug. ______Oct. ______Dec. ______Feb. ______6. Serve as an officer. _____ 7. Serve as a committee chairman. _____ 8. Actively serve on a committee. List activities ______9. Serve as a Nu Buddy or M&M (Mentoring Member) to another sister. Buddy/Sister’s Name ______10. Attend the Initiation Ceremony at St. Andrew’s on Sunday August 10, 2014. _____ 11. Attend the Fashion Show Extravaganza at CVCC on October 7, 2014. _____ 12. Decorate a table for the Fashion Show Extravaganza on October 7, 2014. _____ 13. Sell tickets for the Fashion Show Extravaganza AND turn in money by Monday October 6th. _____ 14. Donate a prize for the Fashion Show Extravaganza. _____ 15. Make a donation of preschool books to Parents as Teachers at the Fashion Show. _____ 16. Attend the Relay for Life celebration at the Hickory Fairgrounds in June 2014. _____ 17. Sell raffle tickets for Relay for Life in June 2014. _____ 18. Bring an item to the EEC Project supporting Beginning Teachers. _____ 19. Participate in the EEC Water Bottle Project to support Beginning Teachers & Schools for Africa. _____ 20. Volunteer in a school for a Beginning Teacher (keep track of your hours) or make a donation to their classroom. _____ 21. Write one or more letters to a politician on the behalf of education and send a copy to Nu President. _____ 22. Programs/Meetings: Helping to plan or organize a program (i.e. brainstorming what to do, contacting a speaker, setting up tech equipment if needed, contacting the meeting facility to see if they have available what we need such as a microphone, etc.) or assisting or facilitating a program (i.e. handing out materials, setting up chairs or tables, introducing a speaker, helping to create a power point or creating the handout, etc.) _____ 23. Apply for a scholarship: Nu Scholarship or National Board Stipend (deadline: June 30, 2015), Eta State Scholarship (deadline: February 1, 2015) and/or 2015 International Scholarship (deadline: February 1, 2015). (Forms are online—check our website) _____ 24. Apply for a Nu Chapter Teacher Grant (deadline: November, 2014)
Member’s Financial Contributions: _____ 25. Pay Membership Dues by the 1st Meeting on September 4, 2014 (Dues must be paid by October 1 or member is dropped) _____ 26. Make a contribution to World Fellowship (Yes, the Brag Bucket Counts!) _____ 27. Make a contribution to Schools for Africa. _____ 28. Make a contribution to one of the following International or ETA State Funds: Educational Foundation Fund, Emergency Fund, Golden Gift Fund, International Speakers Fund, International Scholarship Fund, Pauline Longest Leadership Award, ETA State Headquarters Fund and/or ETA State Scholarship Fund. Contribution must be made by February 1, 2015. Directions: You may make your check payable to Nu Chapter or since these fund donations are tax deductible, you may make the check payable to DKG. In either case, specify which fund you would like to contribute to on the Memo line of the check. Give your check to Leslie Black, Treasurer, and the checks will be mailed to International and State Headquarters as a batch to give our chapter credit for the contributions. Please check which funds you donated to in the chart below. A brief description of each fund will be given at the end of this form.
Educational Emergency Golden Gift International International Pauline ETA State ETA State Foundation Fund Fund Speakers Fund Scholarship Longest Headquarters Scholarship Fund Fund Leadership Fund Fund Award
Other: Name ______
_____ 29. Visit, call and/or write another Nu member List member(s) contacted:______30. Tell your colleagues about Nu and its projects (Elevator Speech) _____ 31. Visit and explore our Nu Chapter website Link: www.deltakappagamma.org/NC-nu _____ 32. Visit and explore the Eta State website (Link found on our Nu Chapter website) _____ 33. Visit and explore the DKG website (Link found on our Nu Chapter website) _____ 34. Visit and explore the Schools for Africa Newsletters (monthly newsletters focusing on one of the eleven countries being helped) _____ 35. Visit and explore the Educational Foundation website (Link found on our Nu Chapter website) _____ 36. Visit and explore the US FORUM website (Link found on Nu Chapter website) _____ 37. Read and review the Standing Rules online at our Nu Chapter website _____ 38. Read the Nu Chapter History found on our website _____ 39. Read Our Heritage Volume I (may be checked out from Amanda Moose) _____ 40. Read Our Heritage Volume II (may be checked out from Amanda Moose) _____ 41. Read Our Heritage Volume III DVD (may be checked out from Amanda Moose) _____ 42. Please list any other DKG activities not previously listed ______
According to my calculations I’ve completed ______out of 57 activities Signature of Member______
Description of International Funds Educational Foundation Fund – any educator may apply for project grants. Projects must meet one or more of the following: (1) Support and encourage intercultural understanding, (2) Encourage standards of excellence in education, and (3) Assist and cooperate with schools, colleges, universities and other persons, organizations, trust funds or foundations in support, encouragement and improvement of education. Also Cornetet funds are available for professional development for individuals and for seminars. Emergency Fund – members who sustain major losses from floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, wild fires and other natural disasters may be recommended by their chapter and state organization presidents to receive a $500 Emergency Fund Award. Golden Gift Fund – provides for a member to attend a two-week leadership/management training seminar held in early July at the Red McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin in even numbered years. International Speakers Fund – the purpose of ISF is to facilitate exchange of Society speakers among member countries and help unite women educators of the world. The ISF committee considers requests for ISF speakers from state organizations twice annually. We have an IS at our Eta State Conventions each spring. Scholarship Fund – members may apply for a $6,000 scholarship to assist them with their graduate studies or $10,000 for doctorial studies.
Description of Eta State Funds Pauline Longest Leadership Fund – provides support for key women educators seeking personal and professional development experiences enhancing leadership in Delta Kappa Gamma and in the field of education. This fund is intended to extend leadership opportunities beyond those that are funded by Eta State. The Leadership Fund is relying on contributions to reach a minimum balance of $50,000. Earnings generated by this amount can then be used to fund leadership experiences. Eta State Scholarship Fund – This fund supports three $4,000 Eta State Academic Scholarships—the Gilbert-McNairy Scholarship, the Emmons-Flintom Scholarship and the Hunter-Moore Scholarship. Members enrolled and seeking degrees in doctoral or sixth year graduate study may also apply. Eta State Headquarters Fund - supports the operation and maintenance of the headquarters building and grounds in Asheboro, NC. This site provides storage for Eta State records and serves as a central office for the executive secretary and treasurer. It is a meeting place for Executive Board, workshops, committees, chapters and other Society activities.