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TUF 204
Sports Turf Seminar
Effective Term Spring 2015 INSTRUCTIONAL PACKAGE
Effective Term: Spring 2015 (201420)
Course Prefix: TUF 204 Course Title: Sports Turf Seminar
Contact Hours: Lecture = 1; Lab = 3 Credit Hours: 2
Rationale for the Course: Successful completion of this course gives the Sports Turf student exposure to successful Sports Turf Managers and their workplaces to see and hear first-hand the fundamentals of operating various Sports Fields. Once completed the student has a better grasp of the professional, personal and academic skill sets required in these areas to become Sports Turf Managers.
Course Description: (Per the Web Course Catalog) This course has been designed to give the student an overview of the sports turf profession. Guest speakers from the industry will discuss topics pertinent to today’s highly specialized athletic field managers. Career development and certification will be emphasized. Also included will be discussion on the various liabilities and regulations faced by the industry.
Prerequisites: None
Required Materials: None
Additional Requirements: None
Technical Requirements: None
2 Student Course Learning Outcomes
1. To use the correct turf grass species on various sports field and their correct cultural management, such as painting and marking fields, mowing, and identification of pests along with their controls for these specialized turf fields; 2. To learn how to interview specialized guest speakers and have pertinent questions ready to efficiently use guests’ time and be prepared within restrictive schedules; 3. To understand and apply economic reasoning behind field application of agronomic principles such as mowing heights on football fields versus baseball fields; 4. When on field trips to maximize exposure to guest expertise by being aware of general requirements prior to visits through class discussion prior to visiting; 5. By having a variety of field trips and guest speakers, to begin through class discussion to become focused on areas of Sports Turf Management to specialize in and to write out in a logical format what is appealing and why; 6. To be able to present the correct procedures for setting up a football and baseball field for daily play and a golf course for tournament play; 7. To be able to explain through documentation the major differences such as installation, cleaning, replacement, and life-span between artificial and natural turfs.
Required Course Measures/Artifacts:
Field trips to golf/sport field sites to see accepted practices applied. Class discussions are made prior to these visits and focus points identified which will be discussed after the visits. With all of these, student participation is crucial for understanding. These discussions include:
- Painting and marking of football, baseball, and softball fields - Crowd control measures applied - Specialized pest problems and solutions for different Sports Turfs - How to pick the right grasses for the field, the players, the outcomes - Deciding on artificial turfs or not – what goes into those decisions and how to make them - Getting personal meetings with Sports Turf Managers that may assist student careers
Telephone guest speakers will have been sent standardized focus points such as those listed above for the students to learn about, primarily taken from the students study into the type of Sports Turf the speaker works with. These are then discussed after the guest speaker finishes and the class then has a more group understanding of that manager’s work requirements.
Evaluation of Required Course Measures/Artifacts
As this class is a broad overview of the Sports Turf Industry, emphasis is on participation learning through repeated exposure to those Sports Turf Mangers who are successful and who can help instill that into the students: therefore, this class basis its evaluation on attendance.
Grading System: One absence is allowed for an A, two absences for a B, three for a C; below three is an F grade.
3 Grades earned in courses impact academic progression and financial aid status. Before withdrawing from a course, be sure to talk with your instructor and financial aid counselor about the implications of that course of action. Ds, Fs, Ws, WFs and Is also negatively impact academic progression and financial aid status.
The Add/Drop Period is the first 5 days of the semester for full term classes. Add/Drop periods are shorter for accelerated format courses. The following week of the semester is Financial Aid Attendance Verification period. You must attend at least one meeting of all of your classes during that period. If you do not, you will be dropped from the course(s) and your Financial Aid will be reduced accordingly.
The Student Success and Tutoring Center (SSTC) The SSTC offers to all students the following free resources: 1. Academic coaches for most subject areas, Writing Center Support, and college success skills
2. On-line student success and academic support resources
a. 24/7 online academic tutoring assistance (access in WaveNet)
b. 24/7 Online Resource Center (ORC)
c. Campus2Campus Virtual Appointments
d. Tips and tricks for college life, studying, and learning (Facebook: hgtcsstc)
3. Other student resources and academic support
a. Resource guides to improve college success skills
b. Science models & other supplemental tools and textbooks
c. Workshops on college success skills and citation styles
d. Study Skills, Test Anxiety, Time Management, etc.
e. APA, MLA, and Preventing Plagiarism
f. Check the EVENTS calendar in WaveNet for more information!
Visit the SSTC website: and visit the student services tab in your WaveNet account to schedule appointments using TutorTrac. For more information, call: SSTC Conway, 349-7872; SSTC Grand Strand, 477-2113; and SSTC Georgetown, 520-1455. Room locations and Live Chat is available on the SSTC website.
Student Information Center: WaveNet Central (WNC) WNC offers to all students the following free resources: 1. Getting around HGTC: General information and guidance for enrollment!
4 2. Use the Online Resource Center (ORC) for COMPASS support, technology education, and online tools 3. Drop-in technology support or scheduled training in the Center or in class 4. In-person workshops and online tutorials are available for: 1. D2L & WaveNet, 2. Microsoft Office Word, PowerPoint and Excel, 3. Basic Computer Skills, 4. Budgeting your Money, and more. 5. Check the EVENTS calendar or the WNC Online Resource Center for more information! 5. Additional services such as reviewing Degree Works, scheduling tutoring, or scheduling testing center appointments, scanning and uploading documents, etc. Visit the WNC website: Live Chat and Center locations are posted on the website. Or please call one of the following locations: WNC Conway, 349-5182; WNC Grand Strand, 477-2076; and WNC Georgetown, 520-1473. View tips and tricks for college life, personal development and technology learning on their Facebook page (Facebook: hgtcwnc).