Organizational Body System and Body Systems Lesson Plans
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Organizational Body System and Body Systems Lesson Plans
1. Read pages 42-43 on different cells
2. Make a flipbook for Branching, flat, and Round cells
3. Read pages 44-45
4. Discuss cells to tissues
5. HW: Workbook page 15A
6. Read pages 46-49
7. Review the organization system of cells……tissues…… organs….. organ systems
8. Make a Layered Flipbook
9. Title is Human Body Systems… List organizational System
10. Label the 6 flaps….. Circulatory System, Heart Diagram, Respiratory System, Digestive System, Skeletal System, and Skeletal Diagram
Circulatory & Respiratory Lesson Plans
TSW understand how each of the body systems work and know the organs included in each system.
Circulatory System
1. Read Pages 63-65
2. Study Jam system.htm
3. Put notes on the layered book for the circulatory system
5. Make a pyramid of the types of blood cells
6. Brain pop
7. Read pages 66-67
8. Make flipbook for arteries, capillaries, and veins 9. Read pages 8-9 in My Heart and Lungs book
10. Complete activity on page 9
11. Read pages 68-69
12. Label a heart diagram
14. Read pages 4-7, 10-11 in the My Heart and Lungs
15. Discuss the structure of the heart: The heart is the size of a fist. It’s made of a very strong muscle. The heart is divided into four chambers: right auricle, right ventricle, left auricle, and left ventricle. A series of valves open to allow blood flow from one chamber to the next. A muscle wall called the septum separates the left and right side of the heart.
16. Never Skips a Beat activity on page 23 in Science is Fun book
17. Complete The Heart WS for INB
18. Color body page 113 in The Body Book according to the oxygenation of blood as it pumps throughout the body. Add this to the INB.
19. Locate pulse on wrist. Count the pulse for 15 seconds and multiple this by 4 to get beats per minutes (multiply beats per minute by 60 to get beats per hour, multiply this result by 24 to get beats in one day). Then run in place for 2 minutes. Check pulse again. Have students explain why pulse when up.
20. Create a model of the blood -add ingredients to a zip lock bag: Plasma = corn syrup, White blood cells = marshmallows, Platelets = rice, Red Blood Cells = red hots1.
a. Plasma The liquid part of the blood. About 90% of the plasma is water. The other 10% of plasma is made up of such items as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and mineral salts. These parts of plasma are responsible for growth (body tissues) and energy. b. Red Blood Cells The solid part of the blood. The red blood cells are the most numerous of the three types of cells. The function of the red blood cells is to carry oxygen from the lungs to different body tissues and to transport the carbon dioxide away from the tissues. Red cells contain a chemical called hemoglobin which absorbs oxygen and gives blood its red color. Blood which returns to the heart is a darkened red color due to the lack of oxygen. c. White Blood Cells White cells, also known as leukocytes, also make up the solid part of the blood. These cells serve a major purpose. They help fight off diseases by wrapping themselves around any dangerous microbe and engulfing it. White cells are not white but are of a colorless nature. d. Antibodies, which are blood proteins also aid in helping to fight off foreign invaders such as viruses. Antibodies also maintain the body’s immunity to disease by reacting to foreign substances before a disease can occur. e. Platelets They are tiny living colorless particles in the solid part of the blood that help form blood clots. Drops of blood coming out of a cut begin to thicken. They cling together. Instead of being liquid, the blood turns to a jelly that fills the cut completely. This jelly hardens, forming a seal which prevents blood from leaking out and prevents bacteria from creeping in. From the above information, students can see why blood is so important and so vital for life. The responsibility of the blood for transporting Op and C02 to all areas of the body is essential otherwise damage to cells and tissues can occur. 21. Dissect Sheep heart 22. Test
Respiratory System 1. Read pages 70-71 on the Respiratory System 2. Make notes on layered booklet of Body Systems 3. Study Jam system.htm 4. Brain pop 5. Label parts of the respiratory system with a small flap book 6. Read pages 12-5 in my Heart and Lung book 7. Count the number of times you breathe in as your time one minute. Multiply by 60 and the result by 24 to find out how many times you breathe in one day. Run in place for 2 minutes and count again. Is there a difference? Why? 8. Read p. 72-73 9. Make chart of diseases 10. Complete WB 25a 11. Discuss the diseases of the respiratory system (worksheet) 12. Read “How do the respiratory and circulatory system work together?” 13.
Digestive System 1. Read pages 74-77 on the digestive system 2. Add notes on the layered booklet for body systems 3. Make a step booklet for the route of your digestive system 4. Label the digestive system 5. Study Jams system.htm
6. Read pages 4-5 in the My Digestive System book 7. Complete activity on page 5 with string 8. Brain Pop
9. Pass out paragraph about the digestive system for the kids to cut out as groups and group together correctly. 10. Complete digestion simulation with zip lock bags 11. HW: comic strip 12. HW: worksheet 13. swfpath=science/bodyandmedicine/digestive.swf
Skeletal and Muscular System 1. Read pages 46-49 2. Label notes on our layered booklet 3. Label the human skeleton for the bone test 4. Hannah Montana bone song 5. Brain Pop
6. Help I am Shrinking activity… Measure at the beginning of the day and then measure at the end of the day. 7. Read Trade books on bones Read My Bones Book Bare Bones Book
8. Discuss different types of muscles 9. Why are muscles important? 10. Make a flipbook on the diseases of the skeletal or muscular system