Statement of Proceedings

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Statement of Proceedings

STATEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 2005, 9:00 AM Board of Supervisors North Chamber 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 310, San Diego, California

MORNING SESSION: - Meeting was called to order at 9:02 a.m. Present: Supervisors Pam Slater-Price, Chairwoman; Bill Horn, Vice-Chairman; Greg Cox; Dianne Jacob; Ron Roberts; also Thomas J. Pastuszka, Clerk.

Invocation was led by Vice-Chairman Bill Horn.

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Anthony Jenkins and Jamal Brown, Monarch School students.

Approval of Statements of Proceedings/Minutes for the Meetings of February 1, 2005 and February 8, 2005

ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Roberts, seconded by Supervisor Horn, the Board of Supervisors approved the Statements of Proceedings/Minutes for the meetings of February 1, 2005 and February 8, 2005

AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Roberts, Horn

Public Communication: [No Speakers]

3/1/05 1 Category Agenda No. Subject












3/1/05 2 Category Agenda No. Subject


13. FISCAL YEAR 2004-05 SECOND QUARTER OPERATIONAL PLAN STATUS REPORT, BUDGET AND STAFFING ADJUSTMENTS (4 VOTES) (Relates to Air Pollution Control District (1); Flood Control District (1); and Sanitation Districts (1), Agenda Items)

Communications 14. COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED Received



Closed Session 17. CLOSED SESSION

Presentations/Awards 18. PRESENTATIONSAWARDS

3/1/05 3 1. SUBJECT: SUPPORT FOR INCREASED HOMELAND SECURITY AT THE U.S./MEXICO BORDER (DISTRICT: 1) OVERVIEW: In the post 9/11 world, securing the integrity of our borders has become one of our nation’s highest priorities. The U.S./Mexico border area extends 2,000 miles in length and is one of the busiest border areas in the world. The portion of the border that lies between San Diego County and Mexico is home to the nation’s busiest ports of entry and plays an integral role in our local economy. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most popular points of illegal entry into the United States. The Federal government is moving forward with the construction of the last segment of a secure triple border fence between the United States and Mexico. The County of San Diego has spent considerable resources, both monetary and labor, in acquiring and managing land as part of our Tijuana River Valley Regional Park, which borders the Tijuana Slough National Wildlife Refuge along the western most 3 miles of the U.S./Mexico border. Today’s action seeks the San Diego County Board of Supervisors’ endorsement of Federal efforts to secure our national borders by constructing a secure triple border fence, while requesting that the Federal government protect the biological diversity, unique sensitive habitat, and natural beauty that we all treasure.

FISCAL IMPACT: There are no fiscal impacts associated with today’s action.

RECOMMENDATION: SUPERVISOR COX: 1. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to draft a letter for the Chairwoman’s signature to the Secretary of Homeland Security and all members of the San Diego County Federal delegation expressing the County’s strong support for Federal efforts to construct a secure triple border fence. 2. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to include in the letter for the Chairwoman’s signature this Board of Supervisors’ desire that the Federal government design and engineer the border fence enhancements using best engineering practices, which will minimize the negative effects to the surrounding environment. 3. Direct County staff to work with the Federal government to ensure mitigation that will offset the unavoidable damage to natural resources that will occur as a result of the fence construction, including future erosion and slope stability issues generated by the cut and fill of Smuggler’s Gulch. 4. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to communicate this Board of Supervisors’ support for the Federal border fence project as outlined in the previous recommendations to San Diego County’s Legislative Representative in Washington, D.C.

3/1/05 1 ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Horn, the Board took the following actions: 1. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to draft a letter for the Chairwoman’s signature to the Secretary of Homeland Security and all members of the San Diego County Federal delegation expressing the County’s strong support for Federal efforts to construct a secure triple border fence; 2. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to work with U.S. Customs and Border Patrol to ensure the execution of the mitigation included in the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS); 3. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to enter into an agreement with U.S. Customs and Border Patrol to establish a public safety easement with access roads on County property along the Border and return to the Board once an agreement has been reached; 4. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to communicate this Board of Supervisors’ support for the Federal border fence project as outlined in today’s recommendations to San Diego County’s Legislative Representative in Washington, D.C.; 5. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to draft a letter for the Chairwoman’s signature to the Secretary of Homeland Security and all members of the San Diego County Federal delegation expressing the County’s strong support for Section 102 of H.R. 418 with inclusion of the mitigation in Final EIS. AYES: Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn, Roberts NOES: Cox


OVERVIEW: The federal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has provided funding to California’s Office of Homeland Security (OHS) through the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI). This program provides direct Anti-Terrorism grant funding to large cities to address the unique equipment, training, planning, and exercise needs of large, high-threat urban areas. The recipient of this grant, the City of San Diego, and the core county, San Diego County, both need to sign the application and therefore need to coordinate to ensure that all needs are being met for the urban area. The City of San Diego accepted $11,359,682 from the FY03 (II) UASI Grant in September 2003, and $10,418,116 from the FY04 UASI grant in April 2004. The City of San Diego is the recipient and administrator of the UASI grant and has allocated UASI grant funding to all of the jurisdictions within San Diego County. The City of San Diego accepted the grant funds for the FY03 (II) UASI grant from the State in 2003, however, the City did not release the funds to the receiving jurisdictions, including San Diego County, until November of 2004. This is a request to accept, as a sub grantee of the City of San Diego, a portion of FY03 and FY04 UASI funds identified.

3/1/05 2 FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for this request are not budgeted. If this request is approved, it will result in $4,471,473 costs and revenues in the current fiscal year, subsequent year costs and revenues of $3,090,130 and will require the addition of no staff years. The subsequent year costs and revenues of $3,090,130 will be included in the Office of Emergency Service’s Fiscal Year 2005-06 Operational Plan. The funding source is the State of California UASI Grant. There are no cost-share or match requirements for these grants.

RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1. Waive Board Policy A-91, Mid Year Budget Changes. 2. Waive Board Policy B-29, Fees, Grants, Revenue Contracts – Department Responsibility for Cost Recovery. 3. Authorize the Director of the Office of Emergency Services to accept the FY03 UASI Grant funding in the amount of $4,471,473 and the FY04 UASI Grant funding in the amount of $3,090,130. 4. Establish appropriations in the amount of $4,471,473 in the Office of Emergency Services based on grant revenues from the State of California passed-through the City of San Diego. (4 VOTES) 5. In accordance with Section 401 et seq, of the County Administrative Code authorize the Director, Department of Purchasing and Contracting to issue a Competitive Solicitation for necessary equipment on the approved equipment list for these grants, and upon successful negotiations and determination of a fair and reasonable price, award contracts and to amend the contracts as needed to reflect changes to funding, subject to approval of the Director of the Office of Emergency Services.

ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Horn, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn, Roberts


OVERVIEW: Since 1999, the Sheriff’s Department has been using Mobile Data Computers (MDC’s) in patrol cars. These computers have become an integral part of our operation contributing to both operational efficiency and officer safety. By dispatching low-priority calls via the computer, radio traffic is reduced making radio frequencies available for high priority calls and emergencies involving officer safety. The MDC’s allow the deputies to run their own warrants, Department of Motor Vehicles inquiries, and criminal history inquiries which increases their efficiency while reducing the dispatchers’ workload.

3/1/05 3 Approximately 50% of the existing MDC inventory is over five years old and is quickly approaching the end of its useful life. The current MDC’s require the processing unit to be located in the trunk which is causing a high failure rate due to heat, vibration and dust. In addition the current MDC’s use outdated technology that is slow and cause a high drain on the vehicle batteries. There are now mobile data computers available from several manufacturers that can be installed inside the patrol car, eliminating damage from heat. These units also run the latest software and contain power saving technology that will reduce demand on the vehicles’ electrical system. The Sheriff’s Department would like to replace all of the MDC’s over the next five years. This letter is to request authorization to issue a competitive solicitation for the procurement of Mobile Data Computers.

FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for this request are appropriated in the General Services Fleet Internal Service Fund (ISF). The cost of the MDC will be added to the total cost of the vehicle and the Sheriff’s Department will reimburse the ISF through the annual payment of depreciation. If approved, this request will result in $1,050,000 current year costs and future costs of $2,450,000 for a total cost of $3,500,000, and will require the addition of zero staff years.

RECOMMENDATION: SHERIFF In accordance with Section 401, et. seq., of the County Administrative Code, authorize the Director of the Department of Purchasing and Contracting to issue a competitive solicitation for Mobile Data Computers, and upon successful negotiations and determination of a fair and reasonable price, award a contract for a term of one (1) year, with four (4) one-year options and up to an additional six months if needed, and to amend the contract as needed to reflect changes to services and funding, subject to approval of the Sheriff.

ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Horn, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn, Roberts


OVERVIEW: This is a request to ratify the submission and authorize the acceptance of four (4) grants totaling $43,096 from the California Office of Traffic Safety (COTS) to participate in the California Seat Belt Compliance Campaign (CSBCC). Through the combined efforts of state and local law enforcement, a seat belt enforcement campaign will be conducted for a three- week (May 16 through June 5, 2005) mobilization period that includes the Memorial Day

3/1/05 4 Holiday. The seat belt enforcement campaign is in support of the May 2005 Buckle-Up America/Operation Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) National Mobilizations. These grants will be utilized to increase the level of seat belt enforcement hours in the cities of Imperial Beach, Lemon Grove, San Marcos, and Vista.

FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for this request are not budgeted. The funding source is unanticipated revenue from the California Department of Traffic Safety. If approved, this request will result in $43,096 in over-realized revenue. No appropriations are requested at this time. Operating costs associated with this grant will be expended out of existing appropriations. If approved, this request will require the addition of zero staff years.

RECOMMENDATION: SHERIFF 1. Waive Board Policy B-29, which requires Board approval prior to grant submission.

2. Ratify the submission and authorize the acceptance of four (4) grants totaling $43,096 from the California Office of Traffic Safety (COTS), for the California Seat Belt Compliance Campaign (CSBCC), for the period February 1, 2005 through August 31, 2005, to be administered as follows: $6,280 by Imperial Beach Sheriff’s Station; $15,001 by the Lemon Grove Sheriff’s Station; $14,846 by the San Marcos Sheriff’s Station and $6,969 by the Vista Sheriff’s Station.

3. Authorize the Sheriff to review and execute on the Board’s behalf the grant documents and any extensions, amendments, or revisions relating to the CSBCC from the COTS that do not materially impact or alter either the grant program or funding level.

ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Horn, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn, Roberts


OVERVIEW: The Campo Fire Department serves the community of Campo and surrounding areas by providing fire suppression and emergency medical services with dedicated volunteer firefighters and limited funding. The Fire Department currently leases a County building for $1 per year. The Fire Department has expanded services since 1985 and now needs additional space for the housing and training of additional volunteers. The Fire Department has requested the use of the adjoining vacant County employee residence for this purpose. The Department of General Services has indicated the adjoining vacant residence that was formerly used to house a County employee is no longer needed by the County for that purpose. A wall is what separates the two facilities. If this action is approved, a new lease

3/1/05 5 agreement would be executed to combine the existing Fire Station with the adjoining County residence of approximately 1,400 square feet at no cost to the Campo Fire Department. The new lease agreement will also extend the current term to June 30, 2015 and provide two five- year extension options.

FISCAL IMPACT: The Fire Department will assume maintenance expenses for this residence under the new lease.

RECOMMENDATION: SUPERVISOR JACOB: 1. Find that this activity is not subject to the environmental assessment process as it is categorically exempt under Article 19, Section 15301 of the State of California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, being a continued use of an existing facility. 2. Waive Board Policies B-29 and F-51 pertaining to department responsibility for cost recovery and market rate leasing of County real property. 3. Authorize the Director, Department of General Services, to execute the new Lease Agreement with the Campo Fire Department.

ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Horn, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn, Roberts


OVERVIEW: The Department of General Services periodically requests authority to re-establish Job Order Contracting capacity in order to execute approved major maintenance, repair, and remodeling projects. This proposal will authorize the advertisement and award of up to $25.5 million in Job Order Contracting capacity to execute remaining Fiscal Year 2004-05 projects and Fiscal Year 2005-06 major maintenance program including unanticipated emergency work added by departments during the year. An emphasis on JOC contracts with a maximum value of $250,000 will provide greater opportunity for smaller, local contractors to participate in this program. JOC contracts will be issued on an as-needed basis. The Job Order Contracting authority will cover only projects already budgeted within departments or approved separately by the Board of Supervisors.

FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact at this time; funds are budgeted at the project level upon award. No additional annual costs or additional staff years will be required as a result of this action.

3/1/05 6 BUSINESS IMPACT STATEMENT: Expenditures resulting from this action may create private sector jobs and economic opportunities in San Diego County. Job Order Contracting contractors provide jobs for small sub-contractors who may not have the insurance or bonding capabilities to bid directly for County of San Diego projects.

RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1. Find pursuant to Sections 15301, 15302, and 15303 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines that the recommended action to authorize Job Order Contracting will execute approved Major Maintenance projects involving only the repair, maintenance, and replacement of existing facilities, and the construction and conversion of small structures and is, therefore, categorically exempt from CEQA. 2. Authorize the Director of Purchasing and Contracting to take any action authorized by Section 401 et seq. of the Administrative Code, with respect to contracting for public works projects with Job Order Contracting. 3. Designate the Director of General Services as the County Officer responsible for the administration of all contracts associated with Job Order Contracting.

ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Horn, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn, Roberts


OVERVIEW: Funding for the Community Projects Grant program was included in the fiscal year 2004- 2005 adopted budget in order to further public purposes throughout the County.

FISCAL IMPACT: The current year total combined cost of these two projects is $17,500. The funding source is the Community Projects Budget (Org 0263). This will result in the addition of no staff years and no future year costs.

RECOMMENDATION: CHAIRWOMAN SLATER-PRICE: 1. Allocate $15,000 from the Community Projects Grant Budget (org 0263) to the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation for the BRAC base retention effort. 2. Allocate $2,500 from the Community Projects Grant Budget (org 0263) to the Charles Hulme Community Therapy Pool, Inc. for “Augas Hermosa,” a dinner fundraising event, which raised $10,000 for upgrades to the pool.

3/1/05 7 3. Authorize the Chief Financial Officer to execute these grant agreements with the organizations establishing terms for receipt of the funds described above. 4. Find that all grant awards described above have a public purpose.

ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Horn, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn, Roberts


OVERVIEW: Community Projects Funding assists non-profit organizations in providing essential services to citizens of San Diego County. Reinvesting taxpayer money in these worthwhile organizations is a benefit to the children and all the communities of North County.

FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of the proposed recommendations is $15,000.00. The funding source is Community Projects Budget (15670). This action will result in the addition of no staff years and no future costs.

RECOMMENDATION: VICE CHAIRMAN HORN: 1. Allocate $5,000.00 from Community Projects Budget (15670) to the Women’s Resource Committee to support the Hope for the Future Benefit Auction. 2. Allocate $10,000.00 from Community Projects Budget (15670) to the Valley Center Chamber of Commerce to support the 2005 Valley Center Western Days community festival. 3. Authorize the Chief Financial Officer to execute a grant agreement with the organizations listed above, establishing terms for receipt of the funds described above. 4. Find that these grant awards have a public purpose.

ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Horn, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn, Roberts


OVERVIEW: The La Mesa-Spring Valley School District (the “District”) is requesting that the County of San Diego issue on the Districts behalf, the La Mesa-Spring Valley School District Election of 2002 General Obligation Bonds, Series B in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $12,669,860. The District will also be refunding (refinancing) all of the outstanding current interest bonds maturing on or after August 1, 2013, of the District’s Series A General Obligation Bonds. An election was held in the District on March 25, 2002, whereby the affirmative vote of more than fifty-five percent of the voters casting ballots in the District authorized the issuance of a maximum principal amount of $44 million in General Obligation Bonds (the ”Authorization”), payable from the levy on ad valorem tax against the taxable property in the District. The proposed bonds are the second and final series of bonds to be issued under the Authorization. The first series of bonds were issued on July 10, 2002, in the amount of $31,330,140 and are known as the “La Mesa-Spring Valley School District Election of 2002 General Obligation Bonds, Series A.

FISCAL IMPACT: These bonds are general obligations of the district to be paid from ad valorem property taxes and do not constitute an obligation of the County.

RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER AND DEBT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Adopt the resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of the 2002 Election General Obligation Bonds, Series B, for the La Mesa-Spring Valley School District in an amount not to exceed $12,669,860.



OVERVIEW: The proposed competitive solicitation is designed to provide quality pharmacy services to current employees of the County of San Diego at competitive rates. The recommended actions will authorize the solicitation and award of a contract for the management of the Pharmacy Benefit component of the County of San Diego’s Employee Benefits program. This solicitation allows the County of San Diego to consider the option of carving out and self-funding the prescription benefits that are currently included in the PacifiCare health plan. The Kaiser Permanente health plan will continue unchanged and currently includes prescription benefits dispensed and managed by Kaiser Permanente. The successful bidder will administer the program on the County’s behalf. Approval of the recommended action may result in the negotiation and award of a contract for two one-year terms with three one- year options for a total of five years commencing October 1, 2005.

FISCAL IMPACT: This action will not require additional appropriations. Funding for employee benefit program costs will be included in all departmental budgets for fiscal year 2005-2006.

RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER In accordance with Section 401 et seq, of the County Administrative Code authorizes the Director, Department of Purchasing and Contracting to issue a Competitive Solicitation for the County’s Pharmacy Benefit Management, and upon successful negotiation and determination of a fair and reasonable price, award a contract for a term of two one-year contracts, with three one-year option years and up to an additional six months if needed to reflect changes to services and funding, subject to the approval of the Director of the Department of Human Resources.

ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Horn, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn, Roberts


OVERVIEW: The proposed amendments to the San Diego County Compensation Ordinance are part of the ongoing effort to manage and maintain a skilled and competitive workforce dedicated to sustaining operational excellence and serving the public. These amendments include: establishing and renaming several classifications to reflect organizational changes, deleting obsolete classifications, adjusting salaries in selected classifications to reflect the job market, amending the variable entry and union code indicator for specified classifications, and amending sections of the Compensation Ordinance.

3/1/05 10 FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for these recommendations are included in the 2004-2005 budget.

RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Approve introduction (first reading) of ordinances; read title and waive further reading of ordinances (MAJORITY VOTE):


Submit ordinances for further Board consideration and adoption (second reading) on March 22, 2005.

ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Horn, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent, introducing Ordinance for further Board consideration and adoption on March 22, 2005. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn, Roberts


OVERVIEW: The Board of Supervisors serves as the Code Reviewing Body for any Local Government Agency, other than Cities, with jurisdiction wholly within the county per Government Code Section 82011.

FISCAL IMPACT: The funding source is the Fiscal Year 2004/2005 Adopted Budget. These reviews require minor current year costs, which may be recoverable from the State of California.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Conflict of Interest Code adopted by the following agencies: Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk Auditor and Controller County Technology Office Helix Water District Leucadia Wastewater District Metro Wastewater JPA Metropolitan Transit Development Board North County Transit District Otay Water District

3/1/05 11 Padre Dam Municipal Water District Ramona Municipal Water District Resource Conservation District of Greater San Diego County San Diego Association of Governments San Diego Unified School District San Diego Workforce Partnership San Ysidro School District Santa Fe Irrigation District Sweetwater Authority Sweetwater Union High School District

ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Horn, the Board closed the Hearing and took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn, Roberts

13. SUBJECT: FISCAL YEAR 2004-05 SECOND QUARTER OPERATIONAL PLAN STATUS REPORT, BUDGET AND STAFFING ADJUSTMENTS (DISTRICT: ALL) OVERVIEW: This report summarizes the second quarter status of the County’s Fiscal Year 2004-05 Operational Plan as measured by projected year-end fund balance. The projected fund balance from current year operations for the General Fund is $74.4 million and for all budgetary funds combined is $138.3 million.

Further, this letter recommends budget adjustments to fund various one time projects from fund balance or unanticipated revenues. Among these projects are the design of a new Medical Examiner facility, construction of a Sheriff’s station in Rancho San Diego, design of a Sheriff’s patrol station in Alpine, Crime Lab renovations, fire-fighting helicopter equipment, start-up costs for the Community Trails maintenance program, ballfield improvements in Pine Valley, major maintenance projects at County facilities, erosion control in fire damaged areas, expansion of the Spring Valley Community Center, South County Animal Shelter improvements, information technology application development, unanticipated costs for the November 2004 election, preservation of certain services in the Department of Agriculture, Weights and Measures, completion of the emergency video link between the County Administration Center and the Emergency Operations Center, various improvements at County airports, various improvements in the Lakeside, Alpine, and Spring Valley Sanitation districts, and park land acquisition or improvements at various locations. Three additional positions are requested for the Registrar of Voters, four positions are requested to be transferred from the Finance and General Government Group Executive Office to the Department of Human Resources (2 positions) and to the Auditor and Controller’s Department (2 positions), and one position is requested to be transferred from the Department of Public Works to the Land Use and Environment Group Executive Office. Also recommended is the establishment of Management Reserves in various departments and Group executive offices as well as a net increase in the fund balance designation for the Department of Environmental Health.

3/1/05 12 FISCAL IMPACT: The funds for a portion of these requests are not budgeted. These actions will cancel budgeted appropriations and the related sources of funding in the amount of $1,409,119. If approved, these actions will establish additional appropriations of $78,583,839 resulting in a net increase in appropriations of $77,174,720.

RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1. 1. Accept the Fiscal Year 2004-05 second quarter report on projected year-end results.

2. Waive Board Policy A-91, Mid-Year Budget Changes.

3. Establish appropriations of $7,534,000 in the County General Fund based on a shift of County General Purpose Revenue allocations as a result of receiving State revenue for county juvenile probation services established in the Probation Department, to be allocated as follows: (4 VOTES)

a. $350,000 in Agriculture, Weights, and Measures for continued funding for the USDA Wildlife Services Program;

b. $1,000,000 in the General Fund Contribution to Facilities Management Internal Service Fund for staff work on space management and capital improvement planning activities in countywide facilities;

c. $2,000,000 in Contributions to the Capital Outlay Fund for design work on a new Medical Examiner building;

d. $1,000,000 in Defense Attorney/ Contract Administration for increased costs of indigent defense;

e. $500,000 in Contributions to the Capital Outlay Fund for baseball field renovations at two County parks;

f. $300,000 in the Department of Planning and Land Use for code enforcement;

g. $284,000 in the Finance and General Government Group for enhancements to the Kronos time collection application of the ERP project;

h. $1,300,000 in the Finance and General Government Group for major maintenance projects in facilities shared by departments in more than one Group;

i. $600,000 in the Finance and General Government Group for continued ERP support staff and,

j. $200,000 in the Registrar of Voters for outreach to communities and voters who do not speak English.

3/1/05 13 2. Establish appropriations of $2,000,000 in the Justice Facility Construction Fund for Capital Project 1006566, Medical Examiner Building, based on an Operating Transfer from the General Fund. (4 VOTES)

3. Transfer $1,000,000 in estimated revenues within the Facilities Management Internal Service Fund from Charges for Services to Operating Transfer In to correctly classify the revenues to be received for space management and capital facilities planning from the General Fund.

4. Establish appropriations of $450,000 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1006608, Pine Valley Ballfield Improvements, based on an Operating Transfer from the General Fund. (4 VOTES)

5. Establish appropriations of $50,000 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1005259, Guajome Park Playground/Restrooms/Dock, based on an Operating Transfer from the General Fund. (4 VOTES)

6. Establish appropriations of $844,863 in the Public Safety Group Executive Office for the Mainframe O/S390 upgrade, Major Maintenance project MP4876, and Information Technology ISF costs based on the Public Safety Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-2004 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

7. Establish appropriations of $6,854,053 in the Public Safety Group’s Management Reserves based on the Public Safety Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

8. Establish appropriations of $7,675,292 in the Contribution to Trial Court Org for the payment of unbudgeted expenditures related to the Negotiated Undesignated Fee Payment and revenue sharing payments to the State based on anticipated over-realized revenues of $6,556,732 in the Contribution to Trial Court Org and $1,118,560 of the Public Safety Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

9. Establish appropriations of $441,143 in the Penalty Assessment Collection Fund for payment to the Department of General Services Facilities Management ISF based on FY 2003-2004 Penalty Assessment Collection fund balance available. (4 VOTES).

10. Amend the Department of General Services Facilities Management ISF spending plan by $441,143 for the staff work associated with the County's preparation for the transfer of court facilities in accordance with the Trial Court Facilities Act of 2002, SB 1732, based on penalty assessment revenue from the Penalty Assessment Collection Fund.

11. Establish appropriations of $5,474,705 in the Proposition 172 Special Revenue Fund, for transfer to the Sheriff’s Department Management Reserves, based on fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

3/1/05 14 12. Establish appropriations of $5,474,705 in the Sheriff’s Department Management Reserves based on an Operating Transfer from the Proposition 172 Special Revenue Fund. (4 VOTES)

13. Establish appropriations of $782,101 in the Proposition 172 Special Revenue Fund for transfer to the Probation Department based on fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

14. Establish appropriations of $782,101 in the Probation Department for costs required to open a dorm at the Juvenile Ranch Facility and to correct application defects in the Probation Case Management System based on an Operating Transfer from the Proposition 172 Special Revenue Fund. (4 VOTES)

15. Establish appropriations of $46,793 in the Medical Examiner to mitigate the loss of revenue contracts based on the Public Safety Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

16. Establish appropriations of $52,600 in Department of Housing and Community Development for a Special Needs Housing Coordinator position based on the Public Safety Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

17. Establish appropriations of $13,207 in the District Attorney’s Federal Seized Asset Forfeiture Fund for services and supplies based on unanticipated revenue from the Jurisdictions Unified for Drug Gang Enforcement (JUDGE) Seized Asset Forfeiture Trust Fund. (4 VOTES)

18. Establish appropriations of $5,000 in the District Attorney’s State Seized Asset Forfeiture Fund for costs associated with alcohol and drug crime prevention public education services based on State Seized Asset Forfeiture Fund fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

19. Establish appropriations of $5,000,000 in Contributions to Capital Outlay Fund, for construction of the Rancho San Diego Station, based on Public Safety Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

20. Establish appropriations of $5,000,000 in the Justice Facility Construction Fund for Capital Project 1006584, Rancho San Diego Station, based on an Operating Transfer from the General Fund. (4 VOTES)

21. Establish appropriations of $250,000 in Contributions to Capital Outlay Fund, for the construction design work for the Alpine Sheriff’s Patrol Station, based on Public Safety Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 Votes)

22. Establish appropriations of $250,000 in the Justice Facility Construction Fund for Capital Project 1006585, Alpine Sheriff’s Patrol Station, based on an Operating Transfer from the General Fund. (4 Votes)

3/1/05 15 23. Establish appropriations of $762,000 in the Sheriff’s Department Management Reserves to offset CAC Security costs based on the Public Safety Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

24. Establish appropriations of $210,936 in the Sheriff’s Department for fire-fighting helicopter equipment based on grant revenue from the Indian Gaming Local Community Benefit Committee. (4 VOTES)

25. Establish appropriations of $54,219 in the Sheriff’s Department to provide law enforcement services for marijuana eradication based on unanticipated revenue from the Drug Enforcement Administration. (4 VOTES)

26. Establish appropriations of $294,930 in the Sheriff’s Department to provide for Cal- ID program equipment based on revenue from the Sheriff Fingerprint ID Trust Fund. (4 VOTES)

27. Establish appropriations of $750,000 in the Sheriff’s Department for Crime Lab renovations based on the Public Safety Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

28. Establish appropriations of $3,429,214 in the Health and Human Services Agency, Aging and Independence Services, for the In-Home Supportive Services Program, based on unanticipated revenue from the State Department of Social Services. (4 VOTES)

29. Authorize the Auditor and Controller to increase the reserve designation within the General Fund for the Department of Planning and Land Use-Building Code Enforcement by $15,165, based on Land Use and Environment Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

30. Establish appropriation of $20,000 in the Department of Agriculture Weights and Measures for the purchase of an all terrain vehicle based on Land Use and Environment Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

31. Establish appropriations of $250,000 in the Department of Agriculture Weights and Measures to restore State reductions in the High Risk Pest Exclusion Program and to support the Veterinarian program based on Land Use and Environment Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

32. Establish appropriations of $90,000 in the Farm and Home Advisor for facilities and vehicle maintenance based on Land Use and Environment Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

33. Establish appropriations of $316,000 in the Farm and Home Advisor for the purpose of remodeling their office space based on Land Use and Environment Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

3/1/05 16 34. Authorize the Auditor and Controller to increase the reserve designation within the General Fund for Environmental Health by $2,950,524 based on Land Use and Environment Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

35. Authorize the transfer of one (1) position from the Department of Public Works Road Fund to the Land Use and Environment Group – Executive Office.

36. Establish appropriations of $56,905 in Department of Public Works General Fund, Watershed Protection Program for various stormwater capital projects, based on Land Use and Environment Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

37. Establish appropriations of $26,000 in Department of Public Works General Fund for costs of the County’s Performance Management Unit based on Land Use and Environment Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

38. Establish appropriations of $750,000 in Department of Public Works General Fund for erosion control for fire damaged areas, based on Land Use and Environment Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

39. Establish appropriations of $55,000 in the Department of Parks and Recreation, to fund a position transferred from the Department of General Services, based on Land Use and Environment Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4VOTES)

40. Establish appropriations of $10,000 in the Department of Parks and Recreation, for signage and trail accessories at Wright's Field, as well as a cultural resource assessment/historic registry application, based on Land Use and Environment Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4VOTES)

41. Establish appropriations of $600,000 in the Department of Parks and Recreation, to fund current year costs for implementation of the Community Trails Master Plan, based on Land Use and Environment Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4VOTES)

42. Establish appropriations of $300,000 in the Alpine Sanitation District for construction inspection for capital project K371LA Galloway Pump Station Force Main based on Alpine Sanitation District fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

43. Establish appropriations of $70,000 in the Alpine Sanitation District for consultant costs for capital project K469LA Galloway Pump Station Improvements based on Alpine Sanitation District fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

44. Establish appropriations of $75,000 in the Lakeside Sanitation District for construction inspection for the Lakeside Sanitation Interceptor based on Lakeside Sanitation District fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

3/1/05 17 45. Establish appropriations of $70,000 in the Spring Valley Sanitation District for consultant costs for capital project K396LN La Presa Trunk Realignment based on Spring Valley Sanitation District fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

46. Establish appropriations of $120,000 in the Spring Valley Sanitation District for consultant costs for capital project K466LN Jamacha Pump Station based on Spring Valley Sanitation District fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

47. Establish appropriations of $7,000 in the Spring Valley Sanitation District for staff costs for capital project K396LN La Presa Trunk Realignment based on Spring Valley Sanitation District fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

48. Establish appropriations of $25,000 in the Spring Valley Sanitation District for staff costs for capital project K307LN Central Avenue Sewer based on Spring Valley Sanitation District fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

49. Establish appropriations of $30,100 in the Spring Valley Sanitation District for staff costs for capital project K467LN Spring Valley Outfall MH 31-39 based on Spring Valley Sanitation District fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

50. Amend the Fiscal Year 2004-05 Airport Enterprise Fund Spending Plan by $312,402 for the completion of Gillespie Field Runway Rehabilitation for Runway 27L based on fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

51. Establish appropriations of $20,000 in the Special Aviation Fund for operations and maintenance costs based on unanticipated revenue from a grant from the State Department of Transportation – Aeronautics Division. (4 VOTES)

52. Amend the Fiscal Year 2004-05 Airport Enterprise Fund Spending Plan by $157,895 for Borrego Valley Airport Slurry Seal of apron areas based on FY 2003-04 fund balance available ($7,895) and a grant from the Federal Aviation Administration ($150,000). (4 VOTES)

53. Amend the Fiscal Year 2004-05 Airport Enterprise Fund Spending Plan by $630,440 for the Gillespie Field Rehabilitation of Runway 27R project to be funded by a Federal Aviation Administration Grant. (4 VOTES)

54. Amend the Fiscal Year 2004-05 Airport Enterprise Fund Spending Plan by $157,895 for Fallbrook Community Airpark to correct drainage problems based on FY 2003-04 fund balance available ($7,895) and a grant from the Federal Aviation Administration of ($150,000). (4 VOTES)

55. Amend the Fiscal Year 2004-05 Airport Enterprise Fund Spending Plan by $183,770 for runway and ramp repairs based on FY 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

3/1/05 18 56. Establish appropriations of $35,000 in the San Diego Flood Control District for the MS4 inventory project based on San Diego Flood Control District fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

57. Establish appropriations of $60,000 in the San Diego Flood Control District for a design procedure manual based on San Diego Flood Control District fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

58. Amend the Fiscal Year 2004-05 Department of Public Works Internal Service Fund Spending Plan – Equipment Operations Spending Plan by $1,519,806 for maintenance and fuel costs, based on based on unanticipated revenue from equipment rental operations. (4 VOTES)

59. Establish appropriations of $280,000 in the Department of Public Works Transportation for Hansen improvements based on Road Fund fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

60. Establish appropriations of $33,605 in the Department of Public Works Detailed Work Program for North Bonita Street Improvements based on Road Fund fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

61. Establish appropriations of $60,000 in the Department of Public Works Transportation for network upgrades based on Road Fund fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

62. Establish appropriations of $225,000 in the Department of Public Works Transportation for roadside mowing based on Road Fund fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

63. Establish appropriations of $200,000 in the Department of Public Works Transportation for road way best management practices (BMP) assessment and maintenance based on Road Fund fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

64. Establish appropriations of $40,000 in the Department of Parks and Recreation, to fund an agreement for the operation of Refurbishing, Technology, and Community Youth programs at the community building in Old Ironsides Park, based on unanticipated revenue from San Diego Youth and Community Services. (4 VOTES)

65. Establish appropriations of $1,007,000 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1006572 – Spring Valley Community Center Expansion, based on awarded Proposition 40 Murray-Hayden grant funds. (4 VOTES)

66. Establish appropriations of $115,000 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1006573 – Lakeside/Ramona Open Space Restoration, based on awarded State Off- Highway Vehicle grant funds. (4 VOTES)

3/1/05 19 67. Cancel appropriations and related Operating Transfer from the Valle de Oro Park Land Dedication Ordinance (PLDO) Fund of $16,000 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1000243 – Cottonwood III Park Improvements, to provide funds for the installation of bollards at Cottonwood I Park.

68. Establish appropriations of $16,000 in the Department of Parks and Recreation for special departmental expense incurred for the installation of bollards at Cottonwood I Park, based on an Operating Transfer from the Valle de Oro PLDO fund. (4 VOTES)

69. Transfer appropriations of $23,422.88 from the Department of Parks and Recreation to Contributions to Capital Outlay Fund, for Capital Project 1000245 – Volcan Mountain Preserve Phase VI Acquisition.

70. Transfer appropriations of $10,463.41 from the Department of Parks and Recreation to Contributions to Capital Outlay Fund, for Capital Project 1000212 – Sweetwater Morrison Pond.

71. Establish appropriations of $20,646 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1000121 – Trail Easement Acquisitions, based on unanticipated revenue from the Federal Forest Reserve. (4 VOTES)

72. Establish appropriations of $200,000 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1000040 – Volcan Mountain West Acquisition, based on awarded Habitat Conservation Fund grant funds. (4 VOTES)

73. Cancel appropriations and related Proposition 12 Roberti-Z'berg-Harris grant revenue of $6,667 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1005260 – Nancy Jane Park Swings, to reflect a revised grant award.

74. Cancel appropriations and related Proposition 12 Roberti-Z'berg-Harris grant revenue of $4,667 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1005261 – South Lane Park Improvements, to reflect a revised grant award.

75. Cancel appropriations and related Nonpoint Source Pollution Control grant revenue of $300,000 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1005263 – Santa Maria Creek Acquisition, to provide funds for the Santa Maria Creek Restoration project.

76. Establish appropriations of $300,000 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1005264 – Santa Maria Creek Restoration, based on Nonpoint Source Pollution Control grant revenue made available by the cancellation of grant funds in Capital Project 1005263. (4 VOTES)

77. Establish appropriations of $3,480 in Contributions to Capital Outlay Fund, for the San Dieguito Park Recycled Water Retrofit Improvements project, based on

3/1/05 20 unanticipated revenue from Sprint PCS. (4 VOTES)

78. Establish appropriations of $3,480 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1005106 – San Dieguito Park Recycled Water Retrofit Improvements, based on an Operating Transfer from the General Fund. (4 VOTES)

79. Establish appropriations of $18,079 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1005265 – Santa Maria Creek Acquisition II, based on unanticipated revenue received from the sale of a sewer easement. (4 VOTES)

80. Cancel appropriations and related Operating Transfer from the General Fund of $60,000 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1000239 - Otay Valley Regional Park Fencing/Trees- to provide funds for the purchase of a tractor, trailer, dump truck, and portable toilet.

81. Transfer appropriations of $60,000 from Contributions to the Capital Outlay Fund to the Department of Parks and Recreation for the purchase of fixed assets--tractor, trailer, dump truck, and portable toilet.

82. Establish appropriations of $700 in the Alpine Park Land Dedication Ordinance (PLDO) Fund for general planning staff costs based on fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

83. Establish appropriations of $1,500 in the Fallbrook PLDO Fund for general planning staff costs, based on fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

84. Establish appropriations of $2,500 in the Lakeside PLDO Fund for general planning staff costs, based on fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

85. Establish appropriations of $2,300 in the Palomar/Julian PLDO Fund for general planning staff costs, based on fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

86. Establish appropriations of $32,000 in the Ramona PLDO Fund for general planning staff costs, based on fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

87. Establish appropriations of $1,000 in the Valley Center PLDO Fund for general planning staff costs, based on fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

88. Cancel appropriations and related Proposition 12 Roberti-Z’berg-Harris grant revenue of $703,000 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1005255 – Lakeside Park Improvements, to provide funds for the East County Sports Complex project.

89. Establish appropriations of $703,000 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1005258 – East County Sports Complex, based on Proposition 12 Roberti-Z’berg-Harris grant revenue made available by the cancellation of grant funds in Capital Project 1005255. (4 VOTES) 90. Cancel appropriations and related Operating Transfer from the General Fund of $94,003 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1000202 – Open Space Preserves

3/1/05 21 Volunteer Pads, to provide funds for the Guajome Adobe Stabilization/Restoration project.

91. Cancel appropriations of $79,782 and related operating transfer from the General Fund ($10,000) and revenue from sale of fixed assets ($69,782) in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1000228 – Guajome Adobe Facilities Improvements, to provide funds for the Guajome Adobe Stabilization/Restoration project.

92. Establish appropriations of $173,785 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1005338 – Guajome Adobe Stabilization/Restoration, based on an Operating Transfer from the General Fund ($104,002) and revenue from the sale of fixed assets ($69,782). (4 VOTES)

93. Cancel appropriations and related revenue in the amount of $75,000 from Aid from the City of San Diego in the Department of Parks and Recreation due to an error in budgeting.

94. Authorize the Chief Financial Officer to reduce the Reserve Designation for the Department of Environmental Health in the amount of $966,300.

95. Establish appropriations of $709,600 in the Department of Environmental Health for various Information Technology projects, based on a reduction in the DEH Fund Balance Reserve Designation. (4 VOTES)

96. Establish appropriations of $240,700 in the Department of Environmental Health for the acquisition of reference and outreach materials for the Hazardous Materials Division, based on a reduction in the DEH Fund Balance Reserve Designation. (4VOTES)

97. Establish appropriations of $16,000 in the Department of Environmental Health for the purchase of landfill gas detection equipment, based on a reduction in the DEH Fund Balance Reserve Designation. (4 VOTES)

98. Establish appropriations of $25,000 in the Department of Environmental Health to perform winter recreational beach water quality monitoring based on unanticipated revenue from the California Department of Health Services. (4 VOTES)

99. Establish appropriations of $52,040 and related revenues in the Department of Environmental Health to reflect the final negotiated amounts of contracts and grants for Fiscal Year 2004-2005. (4 VOTES)

100. Establish appropriations of $89,000 in the Department of Environmental Health, for the creation of a first responder training institute and to establish an automotive green business program in Tijuana, Mexico, based on unanticipated revenue from United States/Mexico Border 2012 program grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency. (4 VOTES)

101. Establish appropriations of $21,800 in the Department of Environmental Health to

3/1/05 22 perform vector surveillance based on unanticipated revenue from an agreement with the City of San Diego, Department of Parks and Recreation. (4 VOTES)

102. Establish appropriations of $157,000 in the Land Use and Environment Group’s Management Reserves, based on Land Use and Environment Group’s Fiscal Year 2003- 04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

103. Authorize the Auditor and Controller to discharge an accounts receivable in the amount of $44,952.50 in the Capital Outlay Fund, from the California State Coastal Conservancy, for project costs not reimbursed by the granting agency.

104. Establish appropriations of $350,000 in the Department of Animal Services for the lobby renovation project at the South County Animal Shelter based on Community Services Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

105. Establish appropriations of $65,000 in the Department of Animal Services for the lobby renovation project at the South County Animal Shelter based on funds available from the South Shelter Improvement Trust Fund (Fund 61281). (4 VOTES)

106. Establish appropriations of $35,000 in the Department of Animal Services for an animal medical x-ray machine for the North County Animal Shelter based on Community Services Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

107. Authorize the Auditor & Controller to refund $35,181.61 to the Port of San Diego for an overpayment for services rendered related to the North Embarcadero Visionary Plan.

108. Reallocate $25,000 in Housing and Community Development CDBG funds to the CDBG Housing Development Fund from the canceled Catholic Charities Cold Weather Voucher-Homeless Preventions Services Program.

109. Reallocate $30,000 in Housing and Community Development CDBG Housing Development Funds to the FY 2004-05 Cold Weather Shelter Voucher Program.

110. Establish appropriations of $30,000 to the Housing and Community Development Lead Based Paint Hazard Program based on revenue from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development Lead Grant. (4 VOTES)

111. Transfer appropriations of $454,832 within the Housing and Community Development Special Revenue Fund (Lead Based Paint Hazard Program) from Other Charges to Operating Transfer Out to the Housing Authority.

112. Establish appropriations of $19,361 in Housing and Community Development for staff support provided during the November 2004 election based on a cost applied agreement with the Registrar of Voters. (4 VOTES)

113. Establish appropriations of $31,000 in Housing and Community Development for

3/1/05 23 shared funding of the Safe Housing Coordinator position based on a cost applied agreement with the Health and Human Services Agency. (4 VOTES)

114. Establish appropriations of $438,915 in the Library Fund for the Innovative library software contract and to complete background checks for volunteers, based on Library Fund fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

115. Establish appropriations of $44,200 in the Library Fund for ergonomic equipment, furniture, and computer equipment, based on Library Fund fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

116. Establish appropriations of $258,926 in the Library Fund for customer service improvements based on Library Fund fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

117. Establish appropriations of $55,000 in the Library Fund for Out-of-County Travel and Library program marketing, based on Library Fund fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

118. Establish appropriations of $2,592,887 in the Library Fund Management Reserves, based on Library Fund fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

119. Establish appropriations of $1,000,000 in the Registrar of Voters office for voter education and poll worker training based on a HAVA Grant (Help America Vote Act) received from the California Secretary of State from HAVA Title II Federal funding. (4 VOTES)

120. Establish appropriations of $900,000 in the Registrar of Voters office to fund unanticipated costs of the November 2004 election based on Community Services Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

121. Establish appropriations of $652,107 in the Registrar of Voters office based on unanticipated revenues from Special Elections, candidate statements, and over-realized postage reimbursements related to the November 2004 election. (4 VOTES)

122. Authorize the addition of three (3) new positions, Coordinator, Volunteer and Public Services – Voter Outreach Option at the Registrar of Voters to provide minority language services as required in an agreement with the U. S. Department of Justice; and direct the Department of Human Resources to classify the positions.

123. Establish appropriations of $3,194,393 in the Community Services Group Executive Office Management Reserves, based on Community Services Group’s Fiscal Year 2003- 04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

124. Cancel appropriations and related revenue of $70,000 in the Library Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1000109, Ramona Senior Center Predevelopment/Acquisition, due to cancellation of Community Development Block Grant funding.

125. Establish appropriations of $197,000 in Board of Supervisors District 1 for one-time expenses in services and supplies based on Finance and General Government Group’s

3/1/05 24 Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

126. Establish appropriations of $130,000 in Board of Supervisors District 2 for one-time expenses in services and supplies based on Finance and General Government Group Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

127. Establish appropriations of $131,000 in Board of Supervisors District 3 for one-time expenses in services and supplies based on Finance and General Government Group Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

128. Establish appropriations of $165,000 in Board of Supervisors District 4 for one-time expenses in services and supplies based on Finance and General Government Group Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

129. Establish appropriations of $334,000 in Board of Supervisors District 5 for one-time expenses in services and supplies based on Finance and General Government Group Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

130. Transfer two positions, Staff Development Specialist and Intermediate Clerk, from the Finance and General Government Group Executive Office to the Department of Human Resources.

131. Transfer two positions, ERP System Functional Analyst and Departmental Clerk from the Finance and General Government Group Executive Office to the Auditor and Controller.

132. Establish appropriations of $90,000 in the Civil Service Commission for salary and benefits costs of the department Director based on Finance and General Government Group Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

133. Establish appropriations of $600,000 in the Auditor and Controllers Office for one- time application development expenses based on Finance and General Government Group Group’s Fiscal Year 2003-04 fund balance available. (4 VOTES)

134. Establish appropriations of $184,520 in the Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk for one- time facilities maintenance and renovation expenses based on revenue from the Property Tax Administration Trust Fund and the Revenue Modernization Trust Fund. (4 VOTES)

135. Establish appropriations of $932,100 in the Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk for one- time application services expenses for the development and/or upgrade of information technology systems based on revenue from the Property Tax Administration Trust Fund and the Modernization Trust Fund. (4 VOTES)

136. Establish appropriations of $150,000 in the Department of Media and Public Relations fixed assets account to complete the emergency video link between the EOC and CAC,

3/1/05 25 based on fund balance available in the Cable TV fund. (4 VOTES)

137. Establish appropriations of $100,000 in the Department of Media and Public Relations management reserves account to pay costs of conducting franchise renewal assessments for five cable television operators, based on fund balance available in the Cable TV fund. (4 VOTES).

138. Establish appropriations of $282,000 in the Air Pollution Control District for the purchase of 5 new vans for the Compliance Division for emission producing site visits and inspections and to fund the annual lawnmower replacement event based on overrealized forfeiture and penalty revenues. (4 VOTES)

Relates to Air Pollution Control District (1); Flood Control District (1); and Sanitation Districts (1), Agenda Items

ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Horn, the Board of Supervisors withdrew Recommendation 36, at the request of the Chief Administrative Officer, and took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn, Roberts


OVERVIEW: Board Policy A-72, Board of Supervisors Agenda and Related Process, authorizes the Clerk of the Board to prepare a Communications Received for Board of Supervisors' Official Records. Routine informational reports, which need to be brought to the attention of the Board of Supervisors yet not requiring action, are listed on this document. Communications Received documents are on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Board.

FISCAL IMPACT: Not Applicable.


ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Horn, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn, Roberts


OVERVIEW: These appointments are in accordance with applicable Board Policy A–74, Citizen Participation in County Boards, Commissions and Committee, Board Policy I–1, Planning and Sponsor Group Policies and Procedures and A-134, Procedures for Appointment to Resource Conservation District Board of Directors.


RECOMMENDATION: CHAIRWOMAN SLATER-PRICE: Appoint James M. Hudgins to the Integrated Pest Management Committee, for a term to expire March 1, 2007.

VICE-CHAIRMAN HORN: Re-appoint Jackie R. Camp to the Committee for Persons with Disabilities as a disabled representative for a term to expire January 8, 2007. Re-appoint Michael Matthews to the San Diego County Mental Health Board for a term to expire December 31, 2007. Re-appoint Jim Beezhold to the Pala/Pauma Valley Sponsor Group, Seat No. 7, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Re-appoint John Ljubenkov to the Pala/Pauma Valley Sponsor Group, Seat No. 1, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Appoint Ira Epstein to the San Dieguito Community Planning Group, Seat No. 6, for a term to expire January 8, 2007. Re-appoint Ogden Watson to the Upper San Luis Rey Resource Conservation District, for full four-year term.

SUPERVISOR JACOB: Appoint Tom McNicol to the Pine Valley Planning Group, Seat No. 13, for a term to expire January 5, 2009.

SUPERVISOR ROBERTS: Appoint Nathan Fletcher to the San Diego County Veterans Advisory Council, for a term to expire January 8, 2007.

CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: Appoint Patrick Hunter to the Citizens’ Law Enforcement Review Board to fill an unexpired term, created by the resignation of Samantha Leach, to expire June 30, 2006, then appoint to a full term starting July 1, 2006 to expire June 30, 2009.

3/1/05 27 Confirm the appointment of Phil Simon to replace Boyd Richardson, as an alternate representative from the Santee Chamber of Commerce to the County Service Area No. 69 – Heartland EMS District Advisory Committee. In accordance with the Committee Bylaws, “the term of office for each member shall be at the discretion of the appointing organization.”

ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Horn, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn, Roberts


OVERVIEW: On February 24, 2005 the Chief Administrative Officer issued a Proclamation of Local Emergency as the result of the winter storm that began on February 18, 2005. Ordinance No. 8183 of the County of San Diego and State law require that Proclamations of Local Emergency be ratified by the Board of Supervisors within seven days of being issued.

FISCAL IMPACT: This recommended action has no fiscal impact.

RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: 1. Ratify the attached Proclamation of Local Emergency made by the Chief Administrative Officer on February 24, 2005. 2. Find that there is a need for continuing the local emergency until March 22, 2005, unless conditions warrant earlier termination.

ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Horn, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn, Roberts


OVERVIEW: A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9) County of San Diego v. Samir Z. Razooky, et al.; San Diego County Superior Court No. GIC 830162-1 B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9) Gregory Smith, et al. v. County of San Diego, et al.; San Diego County Superior Court No. GIE020763 C. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9) People of the State of California, County of San Diego Air Pollution Control District v. Construction Renovation Services, Inc., et al.; San Diego Superior Court No. GIC 834646

ACTION: Any reportable matters will be announced on Wednesday, March 2, 2005, prior to the Board of Supervisors Planning and Land Use meeting.


OVERVIEW Supervisor Greg Cox presented a proclamation in honor of Kevin Carlson, outgoing President of the Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce.

There being no further business, the Board adjourned at 11:18 a.m. in memory of Virginia Fletcher Hawk Church; Philip Sharp; John Lewis Allen; Robert “Bob” Bardwell Majors; Anna ter Horst; and Ben Ramsey.

THOMAS J. PASTUSZKA Clerk of the Board of Supervisors County of San Diego, State of California

Consent: Francia Discussion: Hall

NOTE: This Statement of Proceedings sets forth all actions taken by the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors on the matters stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up.

3/1/05 29

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