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Common Council of the City of Antigo met in regular session on the above date at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Mayor Brandt presiding.
Roll Call – Present: Alderpersons Kapusta, Darling, Kassis, T. Bauknecht, Beck, Dunn, Bugni, Balcerzak, and D. Bauknecht.
Department Managers in attendance were: Mark Desotell, Director of Administrative Services; Kaye Matucheski, Clerk-Treasurer; Eric Roller, Police Chief/Public Safety Director; Jon Petroskey, Fire Chief; Charley Brinkmeier, Civil Technologist/Surveyor; Robert Piskula, Street Commissioner; James Pike, Communication and Technology Supervisor; and Sarah Repp, Parks, Recreation, and Cemetery Supervisor.
Others in attendance were: Michael Winter, City Attorney; Jeanne Jensen, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer; Lisa Haefs, Antigo Daily Journal; Drew Kelly, Media-Radio; Dave Maccoux, Schenk Government and Not-For-Profit Solutions; Derek Goplin, Antigo Smoke Shop; Dave Schneider, Langlade Hospital; Jack Strasser; Brian Baginski; Adam Finn; Corey Smith; John Krueger; Tyler Ignaczak; Sandy Stevens; Chuck Stevens; Daniel Persen; Joe Jopek; and Pete Pennington.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by a moment of silent meditation.
Alderperson Bugni moved, Alderperson Kapusta seconded, to approve the minutes from the June 12, 2013, meeting. Carried.
Citizen Comments
Dave Maccoux, Schenk Government and Not-For-Profit Solutions – Presentation of 2012 Financial Statement
Mr. Maccoux distributed the management communication document and the financial report to Council members. The City implemented two new standards, GASB 63 and GASB 65 in 2012, but they did not affect the financial status. Total assets managed are valued at $73.5 million. Net ownership position for the City is $43.0 million.
Mr. Maccoux explained the City is reinvesting in its infrastructure and is showing favorable growth.
Mr. Maccoux noted the total fund balance is about $12.6 million compared to about $14.8 million last year. The decrease is primarily in debt service timing. He noted the City shows very positive results in the general activity.
Mr. Maccoux then reviewed the Management Communication document. He noted everyone within all City departments worked with were very cooperative.
Mr. Maccoux reviewed the Summary Financial Information with comparisons from 2011 to 2012 data. The City’s general fund is in good financial position as it enters the 2013 fiscal year. TIF Districts were reviewed along with the City’s debt position. There is approximately $1 million available for additional debt service to stay within required statute limits. He continued the rate of return in the water utility fund increased and followed the projection made when the rate increase was implemented. The sewer utility fund had less net income in 2012 but operations and maintenance expenses increased. The stormwater utility net income shows consistent results. The Health Self-Insurance fund had an ending balance of $1.7 million, a relatively strong balance entering into 2013. The Dental Self-Insurance Fund remains stable.
Upon inquiry by Alderperson Kassis, Mr. Maccoux noted the City is in a strong financial position and certainly in the general fund area. July 10, 2013
Upon inquiry by Alderperson Kapusta, Kaye Matucheski, Clerk-Treasurer, explained for all accounting and audit services for the year there is an annual fee of $32,000-$34,000.
Fire Department Year End Report presented by Eric Roller, Police Chief/Public Safety Director.
Chief Roller reviewed significant changes in 2012 including staffing changes and an upgrade to paramedic critical care level. There were a record number of calls in 2012 reflecting the increase in transfers for the department.
Chief Roller reviewed the fire department annual report that was previously distributed to Council. He explained three grants were received by the department in 2012 for equipment. Public information sessions continue to be staffed by the department such as latch-key programs and car seat safety.
Corey Smith had signed in to address Council but stated he was withdrawing his request as he did not wish to address Council at this time.
There were no other individuals wishing to address Council.
Update on Citizen’s Referrals from Previous Council Meeting
No previous referrals were reported on.
Resolution No. 079-13 re Approving Operators Licenses
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, City of Antigo, that an Operator's License be issued to: Andrew Guenthner; Thomas Kubiaczyk; Lydia Messer; Michael J. Swirkowski; Terri L. Stift; Ann M. Boshan; Richard Hurlbert; Carol A. Verhagen- Smith; Maureen A. Grones; Jeanne E. Volkman; Marcos D. Lopez; Stephanie L. Duncan; Wanda J. Seis; Tina L. Onson; Shannon Hamel; Nichole M. Verstoppen; Kelly L. Koeppel and Carol Glugia pursuant to payment of fees.
Resolution No. 080-13 re Adoption and Implementation of Bike Trail Route
WHEREAS, the City of Antigo has developed a five-year Park, Recreation, Cemetery and Forestry plan based on public feedback and staff input, and,
WHEREAS, the five year plan will assist with implementing and completing projects, in a systematic and transparent manner and,
WHEREAS, the plan will further assist with procuring funding for various projects, and,
WHEREAS, the Park, Cemetery & Recreation Commission approved the plan concept for a bike trail route that loops the community and connects various community centers, parks, facilities, and cemeteries;
WHEREAS, the additional bike trail route plan will be submitted to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to be placed with the five year Park, Recreation and Forestry Plan which was previously submitted;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, City of Antigo that the bike trail route be adopted and implemented and filed appropriately.
(Committee approved 6-0, Absent 1)
Reports from the department managers and agencies (placed on file).
Proclamation Declaring June 20, 2013, Arbor Day in the City of Antigo (placed on file). July 10, 2013
Alderperson T. Bauknecht moved, Alderperson Bugni seconded, to approve the Consent Agenda.
Ayes were: Kapusta, Darling, Kassis, T. Bauknecht, Beck, Dunn, Bugni, Balcerzak, and D. Bauknecht. Noes were: None. Carried.
Derek Goplin dba Antigo Smoke Shop, Cigarette License contingent upon completion of necessary inspections.
Alderperson Kassis moved, Alderperson Kapusta seconded, to approve the cigarette license for Derek Goplin dba Antigo Smoke Shop. Carried.
Schizmar’s LLC, amend premise description for Schizmar’s liquor license for August 3, 2013 only, to include the adjoining property at 831 Fifth Avenue (known as Con’s).
Alderperson Darling moved, Alderperson Dunn seconded, to approve amending the premise description for Schizmar’s liquor license for August 3, 2013. Carried.
Authorize Mayor to explore financing options for ambulance with Langlade Hospital including a hospital based ambulance service.
Alderperson Darling moved, Alderperson Kassis seconded, to authorize the Mayor to explore financing options for ambulance with Langlade Hospital including a hospital based ambulance service.
Mayor Brandt noted this is merely a motion to explore different options and is not an obligation for the City or for the hospital.
Mayor Brandt stated those who attended the Ambulance Study Group heard a financing option with regards to using sales tax. After investigating the option it was determined that Langlade County is already at their maximum amount for sales tax collections and Langlade County has elected not to use any portion of the sales tax collected for this purpose.
Mayor Brandt noted Eau Claire County contracts are being reviewed, as they have a joint effort with their hospitals for a contribution to the City annually for funding. In this instance, the City of Eau Claire must continue to provide an agreed upon level of service and both hospitals make a donation each year to assist with the cost of maintaining the City ambulance services.
Alderperson Balcerzak noted the Ludwig study looks like the City is doing the best it can. He stated there are other options mentioned in the study to raise the revenue which should be explored. He is also concerned regarding what happens to the Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating if the City reverts to a volunteer fire department as this would have an effect on the City industries.
Mayor Brandt noted all revenue options would be explored in the planning stages as would the effect of a volunteer fire department on residents and businesses. There are many items which need to be addressed and these are a few of them.
Upon inquiry by Alderperson Beck, Mayor Brandt explained this is being worked on at a staff level, then will move to a Committee level and there will be a report to Council and Council makes the decision. He as Mayor is not setting any policies and noted this is why the City has a committee structure in place.
Alderperson Bugni moved, Alderperson T. Bauknecht seconded, to amend the motion to strike the words “including a hospital based ambulance service.” July 10, 2013
Alderperson Bugni further commented he agrees Council and Town persons should be included in planning and that kind of dialogue is necessary.
Alderperson Bugni stated the amendment is with the premise that the ambulance service remains City based as the ten calls he has received indicate residents wish to keep a full-time fire service.
Mayor Brandt noted that Mr. Schneider cannot approve anything for the hospital and the Mayor cannot approve anything for the City without discussion at the committee levels.
Mayor Brandt noted the City wants to keep a top-notch ambulance service and other discussions can be held with the hospital besides them taking over the service.
Alderperson Kassis commented he understands the ambulance is not generating enough revenue to cover its expenses. Mayor Brandt explained the City supplements covering the expenses with taxpayer dollars and this is not an unusual circumstance but does not negate the importance of looking at other options for paying the expenses of the ambulance service.
Ayes to approve the motion amendment were: Kapusta, Darling, Kassis, T. Bauknecht, Beck, Dunn, and Bugni. Noes were: Balcerzak and D. Bauknecht. Carried.
Upon inquiry by T. Bauknecht, Attorney Winter explained this action is because the hospital is looking for acknowledgement to see how Council would like to proceed so they can decide where the hospital focus and direction should be placed.
Alderperson Beck moved, Alderperson Kassis seconded, to suspend Council Rules to allow Dave Schneider of Langlade Hospital to address Council. Carried.
Dave Schneider, Langlade Hospital, noted the hospital has been in discussions with the Mayor for some time with maintaining current level quality. The hospital plan was to fund the study and see if there were ways to cut costs while maintaining a great ambulance service. The City has a very good service with a great formula and fooling with the formula is a concern. The Hospital’s position is to work with the City and Mayor to support the current level of service and explore possibilities for increasing the revenue.
Mayor Brandt noted the manner in which the ambulance service currently is funded leaves it on a precipice if even one town decides to leave, which almost occurred last year. It is important to find a solution that sustains the ambulance service, the quality of its service, whether or not all the towns continue to participate in its funding in the future. He feels consulting with Langlade Hospital on solutions is one way of achieving this.
Alderperson Kassis noted concern remains as to how the City will be able to continue to fund the ambulance service. The support of the towns is essential and maybe this is a good way to look at all the options.
Ayes to approve the motion as amended were: Darling, Kassis, T. Bauknecht, Dunn, and Bugni. Noes were: Kapusta, Beck, Balcerzak and D. Bauknecht. Carried.
Resolution No. 081-13 re Authorize Sale of Property at 1033 Second Avenue
WHEREAS, the Finance, Personnel and Legislative Committee and the City Plan Commission have considered use of the City owned property located at 1033 Second Avenue, and
WHEREAS, both the Committee and the Commission consider it in the best interest of the City to sell the property and place it back on the active tax role, and
WHEREAS, the parcel is zoned as R-3 Residential which could allow for construction, and
WHEREAS, Finance, Personnel and Legislative Committee and City Plan Commission have placed restrictions on the sale of the property which were listed for bids by interested persons: July 10, 2013
1. The property shall be sold in its entirety 2. Bidder must include a statement of their 12-month plan for the parcel 3. The City will not provide a survey of the property 4. The City is responsible for the creation of the required deed documents 5. The bidder is responsible for the recording fees
WHEREAS, a qualifying bid was received and opened for the purchase of the property in the amount of $800.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, City of Antigo, to authorize the sale of property at 1033 Second Avenue to Thomas J. Ahlers for the bid of $800 subject to the restrictions listed above.
(Finance, Personnel and Legislative Committee approved 5-0, Absent 1) (City Plan Commission approved 4-0, Absent 3)
Alderperson Kassis moved, Alderperson Darling seconded, to approve Resolution No. 081-13.
Ayes were: Kapusta, Darling, Kassis, T. Bauknecht, Beck, Dunn, Bugni, Balcerzak, and D. Bauknecht. Noes were: None. Carried.
Resolution No. 082-13 re Authorize Sale of Property at 722 Second Avenue
WHEREAS, the Finance, Personnel and Legislative Committee and the City Plan Commission have considered use of the City owned property located at 722 Second Avenue, and
WHEREAS, both the Committee and the Commission consider it in the best interest of the City to sell the property and place it back on the active tax role, and
WHEREAS, the parcel is zoned as R-3 Residential which could allow for construction, and
WHEREAS, Finance, Personnel and Legislative Committee and City Plan Commission have placed restrictions on the sale of the property which were listed for bids by interested persons:
1. The property shall be sold in its entirety 2. Bidder must include a statement of their 12-month plan for the parcel 3. The City will not provide a survey of the property 4. The City is responsible for the creation of the required deed documents 5. The bidder is responsible for the recording fees
WHEREAS, a qualifying bid was received and opened for the purchase of the property in the amount of $1,250.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, City of Antigo, to authorize the sale of property at 722 Second Avenue to Chet J. Haatvedt for the bid of $1,250 subject to the restrictions listed above.
(Finance, Personnel and Legislative Committee approved 5-0, Absent 1) (City Plan Commission approved 4-0, Absent 3)
Alderperson Darling moved, Alderperson Balcerzak seconded, to approve Resolution No. 082-13.
Ayes were: Kapusta, Darling, Kassis, T. Bauknecht, Beck, Dunn, Bugni, Balcerzak, and D. Bauknecht. Noes were: None. Carried.
Resolution No. 083-13 re Approving Transfer of Ownership of Property Located on Freiburger Avenue (Parcel #201-1497) from the City of Antigo to Adjoining Property Owners
WHEREAS, the City of Antigo currently owns a strip of property (Parcel# 201-1497) which is located on the far west end of Freiburger Avenue, and,
WHEREAS, the City has no utilities which run through the strip but the Department of July 10, 2013
Transportation does have an easement on the most west portion of the parcel, and,
WHEREAS, the property is currently being used by the adjacent property owners as access to their respective properties, and,
WHEREAS, the property owners would benefit from the transfer by allowing them to make improvements to their property.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, City of Antigo, to authorize transfer of ownership of the parcel 201-1497 from the City of Antigo to the property owners located at 636 Freiburger Avenue (Parcel #201-1496); 628 Freiburger Avenue (Parcel #201-1498); 622 Freiburger Avenue (Parcel #201- 1498.001); and 612 Freiburger Avenue (Parcel#201-1498.002) as the adjacent property owners.
(Commission Approved 5-0, Absent 2) (Finance, Personnel and Legislative Committee Approved 5-0, Absent 1)
Alderperson Darling moved, Alderperson Kassis seconded, to approve Resolution No. 083-13.
At the request of Alderperson Darling, Charley Brinkmeier, Civil Technologist/Surveyor, explained the strip of land was deeded to the City in 1922 and no one knows why. It is located outside the right of way.
Ayes were: Kapusta, Darling, Kassis, T. Bauknecht, Beck, Dunn, Bugni, Balcerzak, and D. Bauknecht. Noes were: None. Carried.
Resolution No. 084-13 re Authorizing the Submission of a Wisconsin Department of Transportation Facilities for Economic Assistance (TEA) Grant Application for reconstruction of a portion of Clermont Street in conjunction with the Volm Companies Plaspak Division
WHEREAS, the City of Antigo and Volm Companies have mutually agreed to develop a site and business to construct an expansion project at its Plaspack Division; and
WHEREAS, the agreement between the City of Antigo and Volm Companies provides for construction/reconstruction of a roadway project to make the project feasible; and
WHEREAS, given all the financial demand on the City of Antigo related to this project the City of Antigo is in need of assistance to make the transportation improvements. Without the grant assistance, the City of Antigo cannot reasonably afford to construct the required improvements; and
WHEREAS, the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s Facilities Transportation Economic Assistance (TEA) program provides financial assistance to municipalities to develop transportation facilities required to enable industrial development to occur;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the City of Antigo hereby authorizes the submission of an application to the Department of Transportation TEA program and authority is granted to the City of Antigo Director of Administrative Services to take the necessary steps to prepare and file the appropriate application for funds under this program in accordance with this resolution and that he is hereby authorized to sign all necessary documents on behalf of the City of Antigo; and
BE IF FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the City of Antigo does hereby commit to fund at least 50% of the cost of the roadway improvements from the City of Antigo and/or other sources; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the City of Antigo will have jurisdictional responsibility for the transportation improvements; and
BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED THAT, the City of Antigo will sign a Jobs Guarantee with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the City of Antigo will administer and oversee the development of the transportation improvement; and July 10, 2013
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the City of Antigo will comply will all applicable Federal, State, and Local regulations.
(Committee approved 5-0, Absent 1)
Alderperson Dunn moved, Alderperson T. Bauknecht seconded, to approve Resolution No. 084-13.
Ayes were: Kapusta, Darling, Kassis, T. Bauknecht, Beck, Dunn, Bugni, Balcerzak, and D. Bauknecht. Noes were: None. Carried.
Resolution No. 085-13 re Authorizing the Transportation Economic Assistance Job Guarantee Grant Application for Volm Companies Plaspak Expansion Project
The City of Antigo agrees to authorize inclusion and be bound by this repayment provision in the Project Agreement that will be executed between the applicant and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation as part of the Department’s approval of the applicant’s request for assistance under the Transportation Facilities Economic Assistance and Development (TEA) program.
The City of Antigo agrees, in this repayment provision, to reimburse the Department up to the full grant amount if employment within the economic development project (Volm Companies Plaspack Expansion Project) fails to meet the following goals: (1) Retention of 10 jobs and creation of 10 jobs within 3 years after the Project Agreement is executed from a baseline employment of 10; and (2) Retention of these 20 jobs for an additional 4 years. Via email, report the FTE job total each year to WisDOT for 7 consecutive years starting August 1 st , 2012 through August 1 st , 2019.
For purposes of this provision, a job is defined to be consistent with Trans. 510 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code. It will include all new non-retail jobs and exclude jobs obtained through geographic job transfers within Wisconsin except those that would be lost to the state. Eligible jobs include full time equivalents (FTE’s).
If the job guarantee is not satisfied, the Department will evaluate the job benefits that have been obtained in order to determine if reimbursement of either the full grant amount or reimbursement of a reduced amount based on a prorated share related to the number of jobs that have materialized as a result of the economic development project is appropriate.
The full grant amount involved here, of which partial or total reimbursement may be required, is $100,000.
(Committee Approved 5-0, Absent 1)
Alderperson Dunn moved, Alderperson Darling seconded, to approve Resolution No. 085-13.
Ayes were: Kapusta, Darling, Kassis, T. Bauknecht, Beck, Dunn, Bugni, Balcerzak, and D. Bauknecht. Noes were: None. Carried.
Payment of Bills
Alderperson Bugni moved, Alderperson Kassis seconded, that Direct Deposits for June 7 and 21, 2013, payrolls, City Citizens Bank Accounts Payable Check Nos. 55494- 55700, both inclusive, Self-Funding Health Insurance Check Nos. 1781-1782, and Block Grant Revolving Loan Fund Check Nos. 3322-3323, be allowed as approved by the Mayor; and the Clerk-Treasurer be directed to pay the same.
Ayes were: Kapusta, Darling, Kassis, T. Bauknecht, Beck, Dunn, Bugni, Balcerzak, and D. Bauknecht. Noes were: None. Carried.
Committee Referrals
There were no committee referrals. July 10, 2013
Alderperson Kassis moved, Alderperson Darling seconded, to adjourn at 7:10 p.m. Carried.