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July 2010 IEEE P802.15-10-0623-00-0006 IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks
Project TG6 Body Area Networks
Title TG6 San Diego Plenary Meeting Minutes
Date 15/July/2010 Submitted [Igor Dotlić] Voice: [+81-46-847-5066] Source [NICT] Fax: [+81-46-847-5431] [Yokosuka, Japan] E-mail: [[email protected]] Re: TG 6 San Diego Meeting Minutes
Abstract Minutes of TG6 in San Diego 2010
Purpose Minutes of TG6 sessions
Notice This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and January be made publicly available by P802.15.
TG6 submission Page 1 NICT July 2010 IEEE P802.15-10-0623-00-0006 Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA, USA July 12-16, 2010
Monday, 12/July 2010– Session 1 16:00 Meeting was called to order by chair Art.
Art asked for approval of the previous meeting minutes (10-0369-01). Meeting minutes were approved.
Art presented “TG6 July opening report” (10-0536-01). Jin-Meng: p.6: Does this mean that the first person will be leading and second will be a secretary? Daniel: The goal was to setup groups which be self-organizing; the most efficient way you will do the job. Jin-Meng: I propose to merge MAC and Security. Daniel: OK, we will merge the groups.
Marco: Some comments combine PHY and MAC, so I propose the joint session. Art: OK, maybe on Wed.
Dave: When will we present the resolutions to the group? Art: We can do it on Wed or Thu.
Ashtosh: Do we need to apply certain comment policies to the subgroups? Bob: I suggest getting James Gilb here to show how to deal with the comments.
Jin-Meng: Can we move Sec. 5 together to 6, 7, 8? Art: We will review this offline.
James: The name of the Section 5 is “General”, so it sounds descriptive to me. Art: The clause should not be written twice, so there are no mistakes.
Bob: Can we have James explain the procedure? James: Explained the comment resolution procedure.
Art presented changes in the TG6 agenda.
Chair Art and Daniel went with the comment resolution.
Art recessed the meeting.
Tuesday, 13/July 2010– Session 2 08:00 Meeting was called to order by chair Art. Saad Mezzour and Peter Chadwick presented “ETSI TG6 coordination” (15-10-0552-00-0006). Anuj: What is duty cycle requirement for 2483 MHz band? Peter Chadwik: We did not get that far yet.
Ashtosh: Where is duty-cycle boundary? Peter Chadwik: It depends on a application.
Ashtosh: For medical applications, what are wake-up mechanisms? Peter Chadwik: Various methods can be used. Saad Mezzour: There is compromise between power level, duty-cycle and access method.
Ranjeet: Is 30 MHz band used only for animal implant? Saad Mezzour: Any implant can be used in this band.
TG6 submission Page 2 NICT July 2010 IEEE P802.15-10-0623-00-0006 Ranjeet: Audio is not allowed in MICS. Saad Mezzour: We want to exclude interference from voice comm. to medical devices.
Marco: Does ETSI have a plan to use UWB for the MBAN? Peter Chadwik: We have ETSI task group with whom we will have joint meeting. Dave Evans presented: “Coexistence Issues for MBAN” (15-10-0499-00-mban).
Dave Davenport: We need to address the terminology of “MBAN”; we are mixing PHY/MAC functionality of TG6 group with yours, especially in FCC. Dave Evans: It should be cleared in communication with FCC.
Art recessed the meeting with starting comment resolution subgroups.
Tuesday, 13/July 2010– Session 3 13:30 Meeting was called to order by chair Art.
Daniel reported on comment resolution progress. Art presented new set of rules for comment resolution.
Art recessed the meeting with continuing comment resolution subgroups.
Tuesday, 13/July 2010– Session 4 16:00 Meeting was called to order by chair Art.
Art recessed the meeting with continuing comment resolution subgroups.
Wednesday, 14/July 2010– Session 5 08:00 Meeting was called to order by chair Art. Daniel presented “LB55 d01P802-15-6 Sorted Comments” (15-10-0492-03-0006).
Art recessed the meeting with continuing comment resolution subgroups.
Wednesday, 14/July 2010– Session 6 13:30 Meeting was called to order by chair Art. Art presented changes in the TG6 agenda (15-10-0396-03-0006) including numbers of resolved comments by every comment resolution subgroup. Anuj: Suggestion to color-code comments. Art: Any objections for adopting by other groups? None; suggestion is accepted.
Art recessed the meeting with continuing comment resolution subgroups.
Wednesday, 14/July 2010– Session 7 16:00 Meeting was called to order by chair Art. Art presented a new method for sorting comments, finding multiples and counting, based on a Visual Basic script.
Art recessed the meeting with continuing comment resolution subgroups.
Thursday, 15/July 2010– Session 8 08:00 Meeting was called to order by chair Art. Art presented the changes in comment resolution document structure (10-0492-04) together with the number of resolved and remaining comments for each ad-hoc subgroup. Art, Daniel: Congrats to the narrowband group for resolving all comments. Dave: Will we vote on comments? Art: We will at the beginning of PM1.
TG6 submission Page 3 NICT July 2010 IEEE P802.15-10-0623-00-0006 Art: Any suggestions from other subgroups? Marco: We have some resolutions that depend on MAC subgroup. Jing-Meng: We are not yet on sub-clauses that are related to the UWB PHY. Ryuji: It is also related to coexistence issues.
Ryuji: We are looking for to organize new subgroup for coexistence issues. How we can establish that? Art: Maybe we can talk after the session.
Art recessed the meeting with continuing comment resolution subgroups.
Thursday, 15/July 2010– Session 9 10:30 Meeting was called to order by chair Art. Art informed about the meeting room allocation for the comment resolution subgroups. Art recessed the meeting with continuing comment resolution subgroups.
Thursday, 15/July 2010– Session 10 13:30 Meeting was called to order by chair Art.
Art: Proposal to have ad-hoc meeting few days before Hawaii IEEE 802 in Hawaii. Dave: We can’t wait that long to tackle all issues remaining. Art: You suggest meeting earlier than that? Bob: 30 days minimum. Omeni: I can’t make any ad-hoc that is not connected to the Hawaii IEEE 802 meeting. Anuj: Give us some time to think about it. Art: Good idea. Nancy: Official IEEE rule is to have 30 days announcement of any official business.
Art: Coexistence and interference issues are becoming more and more significant. Should we form a study group or a interest group to address this problem? Ryuji: I know IEEE doesn’t request such studies; however we will have medical and non-medical applications. For medical applications we have to address SAR. Also, there is interference and reliability issue of BAN. Anuj: It is dangerous to open the question of the BAN uniqueness. Art: This is study group to address coexistence and interference issues. Ryuji: I am interested in solving coexistence between IEEE 802.15.4a and IEEE 802.15.6 UWB.
Anuj: Motion to adapt resolutions done in Clause 9 of the draft (Narrowband PHY) (10-0556-04), Mark second. No objections – motion passes. Art recessed the meeting with continuing comment resolution subgroups.
Thursday, 15/July 2010– Session 11 16:00 Meeting was called to order by chair Art. Art reserved first 45 minutes of the session for the work of comment resolution subgroups. Completion of comment resolutions for UWB PHY (Clause 10) and HBC PHY (Clause 11) was announced. Art presented “TG6 Closing Report” (10-0368-01).
Ryuji: What is time-line for the next letter ballot? Art: Actually, we are on schedule (p.11). Ideally we would like to release D02 with all the comments which go through the sponsor ballot, which will be probably November. Ryuji: We shall finish resolution of the comments at latest November. Nancy: A suggestion: Look at the comments which you defer and give to people as an assignment which can be done in call conf. and through e-mails. Art: Next time we go through the deferred comments, we will need more time per comments.
TG6 submission Page 4 NICT July 2010 IEEE P802.15-10-0623-00-0006 Ranjeet: Could you please look at the MAC draft, as a neutral person and see if it is comprehensively written? Art: Yes. Ryuji: In my observation there are no comments which are too hard to solve. We should invite commentators which gave comments which are not clear to explain them thoroughly. Art: Yes.
Art: Checking interest for the sub-committee for the coexistence and interference issues. Kiran: If proposer can send the rationale for forming such sub-committee to the reflector; it would help me decide joining. Ryuji: Sure.
Meeting was adjourned by Art.
TG6 submission Page 5 NICT