
“The Highwayman” Name: ______

Text-dependent Questions (Answer on a separate sheet of paper.) 1. In line 1 it says, “The wind a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees”. What does this reveal about the setting? Find other evidence from the text that supports how the author portrays the setting of this story.

2. Based on context clues, what does the word cobbles mean in line 13?

3. What can you infer when the highwayman tells Bess on line 27, “Yet, if they press me sharply, and harry me through the day, then look for me by moonlight”?

4. What does the highwayman promise Bess?

5. It is implied in the poem that Tim told the redcoats of the highwayman’s love for Bess. What is Tim’s motive, or reason for betraying Bess?

6. Comparing the descriptions given of Tim and the highwayman, what can you infer about each of their characters?

7. Describe why Noyes uses the metaphor “ribbon of moonlight” to describe the road? Find at least two more metaphors.

8. Lines 77-79 says “Her musket shattered in the moonlight, Shattered her breast in the moonlight and warned him—with her death.” Who is Bess warning and why? 9. Line 85 says “back he spurred like a madman, shouting a curse to the sky.” What caused the highwayman to be so angry? 10. What literary device is used in the last two stanzas of the poem and how does it affect the plot?

11. Explain in detail the plot of the story.

12. How is the soldiers’ behavior ironic?

13. Explain how the Highwayman is an and a hero.

14. In line 57 Noyes says “..and the hours crawled by like years”. What literary term is used here?

15. Explain the theme of this poem. Cite textual evidence to support your answer. (This should be in paragraph form, and you need at least 3 pieces of supporting evidence.)

“The Highwayman” Name: ______

Extended Response: (You may use your annotations on this.)

 Prompt In the poem, Tim is being a good citizen by turning in the robber; however, is portrayed as the villain. Why does the reader sympathize with the highwayman as opposed to the “Good Samaritan”?

Use the evidence chart to help you lay out your answer. One example has been given to show you how to complete.

Evidence Page Elaboration / explanation of how this evidence Quote or paraphrase number supports ideas or argument 1. “And he rode with a jeweled Line 10 This quote is showing the positive description of the twinkle, his pistol butts a highwayman. He is portrayed as a shining knight-- twinkle, his rapier hilt a- someone the reader likes and wants to succeed. twinkle, under the jeweled sky.”


