Students Will Acquire and Use Grade Level Appropriate Academic Words. (L6)
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Name:______Date:______Objectives: Students will acquire and use grade level appropriate academic words. (L6) Students will identify the central idea of text and how it relates to the supporting details. (RI2) Students will cite textual evidence to support their analysis and inferences. (RI1) Students will read and comprehend non-fiction text. (RI10)
Journal Framework
Sentence 1
o Topic Sentence
. Your topic sentence introduces your reader to your topic.
Sentences 2
o Narrow down your topic
Sentences 3-9
o You should have at least three ideas/reasons and each should be supported by at least one detail.
Sentence 10
o Conclusion
Responses must be at least ten sentences long and include the correct use of capitalization and punctuation.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Obama’s friends talked “acting black” and “acting white.” What does this mean? Is there anything wrong with black people (or other races) “acting white”? Is there anything wrong with white people (or other races) “acting black”?
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Revisions to Monday’s Journal
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Both Obama and Tan felt out of place because of their looks – Obama because of the color of his skin, Tan because she looked Asian. Do looks matter in your world? Should they?
Friday, October 3, 2014
Revisions to Wednesday’s Journal Name:______Date:______Objectives: Students will acquire and use grade level appropriate academic words. (L6) Students will identify the central idea of text and how it relates to the supporting details. (RI2) Students will cite textual evidence to support their analysis and inferences. (RI1) Students will read and comprehend non-fiction text. (RI10)
Monday, September 29, 2014
Whole Group/Independent – Blue Notebook (15 points)
1. Watch spoken word piece.
a. Record three important things you hear.
2. Watch spoken word piece.
a. Record two things you hear that are similar to what you read about Obama’s experience with his father.
3. Watch spoken word piece
a. Record two things you hear that different from you read about Obama’s experience with his father.
1. Discuss with your shoulder partner one of the similarities you and one of the differences you found.
2. If your partner shared something you did not think of initially, you may record it.
Independent – Loose Leaf Paper (15 points)
1. Write in paragraph form how this spoken word piece is similar and different to Obama’s experience with his father. Name:______Date:______Objectives: Students will acquire and use grade level appropriate academic words. (L6) Students will identify the central idea of text and how it relates to the supporting details. (RI2) Students will cite textual evidence to support their analysis and inferences. (RI1) Students will read and comprehend non-fiction text. (RI10) a. All responses must be written using complete sentences, have correct use of capitalization and punctuation, and use evidence from the text to support your responses.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Independent Work – Blue Notebook (15 points)
All responses must be written using complete sentences, have correct use of capitalization and punctuation, and use evidence from the text to support your responses.
1. Describe how Obama’s father and grandfather were “trapped between two worlds.”
2. When Obama was a boy, what did he receive from his father?
3. What did his father fail to give that he might have needed?
4. Why was it so important for Obama to learn about his father?
5. Could he have done just fine without knowing about him? Explain.
6. How did Obama’s upbringing shape his life?
1. Discuss independent questions and shoulder partner discussions. Name:______Date:______Objectives: Students will acquire and use grade level appropriate academic words. (L6) Students will identify the central idea of text and how it relates to the supporting details. (RI2) Students will cite textual evidence to support their analysis and inferences. (RI1) Students will read and comprehend non-fiction text. (RI10)
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Independent Work (30 points)
Read the passage below from page 20 of Family Ties. Identify the WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and/or WHY from the passage.
Barry’s adventures, however, were just beginning. In 1965, his mother married Lolo Soetoro, he was a graduate student from Indonesia, a nation of islands in the South Pacific. Barry was six years old when he and his mother joined Soetoro in Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital.
______Name:______Date:______Objectives: Students will acquire and use grade level appropriate academic words. (L6) Students will identify the central idea of text and how it relates to the supporting details. (RI2) Students will cite textual evidence to support their analysis and inferences. (RI1) Students will read and comprehend non-fiction text. (RI10) ______Turn in this page at the end of the period.
Read the description below of Barack Obama’s visit to Kenya after his father died. Circle the focus of the paragraph. Cross out any sentences that do not fit that focus.
Barry Obama Jr. arrived in Kenya in the summer of 1988 to learn about his father’s family.
His half-sister Auma gave him a tour of Nairobi where he met half-brothers, cousins, aunts, and uncles. The days in Nairobi were cool and dry. Auma next took Obama to Kogelo, the village where his father had grown up. Obama often thought about going to law school at Harvard in the fall. Obama met his father’s stepmother who told him tales about the family’s past generations.
Now reread pages 40-41 of Family Ties. Compare the passage above to those pages.
How did the author of the book focus the topic on Obama’s family? Name:______Date:______Objectives: Students will acquire and use grade level appropriate academic words. (L6) Students will identify the central idea of text and how it relates to the supporting details. (RI2) Students will cite textual evidence to support their analysis and inferences. (RI1) Students will read and comprehend non-fiction text. (RI10) ______
Turn in this page at the end of the period.
Friday, October 3, 2014
ASSESSMENT (30 points)
Read the following paragraph. Then revise it clearly focusing on the topic and writing only about what is important and interesting.
The group of campers woke up to the sound of an angry growl. It was early morning in the Alaska wilderness. Back in San Francisco, most people were still asleep. The campers looked outside their tents, and to their horror, a huge brown bear stared back at them. Bears live in Alaska. The bear began stalking towards their tent.
______Name:______Date:______Objectives: Students will acquire and use grade level appropriate academic words. (L6) Students will identify the central idea of text and how it relates to the supporting details. (RI2) Students will cite textual evidence to support their analysis and inferences. (RI1) Students will read and comprehend non-fiction text. (RI10) ______
Turn in this page at the end of the period.