Minutes of the Huntsville Town Council Meeting
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Thursday, November 10th, 2016 7:00 p.m. Huntsville Town Hall
Present: Mayor James Truett Council Member Mike Engstrom Council Member Bill Wangsgard Council Member Bill White Council Member Doug Allen Billing Clerk/Ramona Clapperton Legal Counsel William Morris
Citizens: Angel Truett Richard Sorensen Regen Sorensen Ron Gault Lt. Jason Talbot Brian Cornell Kilen Nielson Clint Anderson Carol Stoker Cathy Stoker Terry Thompson Brandon Thueson/Fire Marshall Curt Vandenbosch (Snowcrest Jr. High) C. Beck Dave Hales (Valley Elementary) Paul Lund Vickie McKenney Gage Froerer/State Rep. Scott Haney/Fire Fighter Star Primm Chief Anderson James H. Facer (Huntsville Marathon Committee) Candy Facer (Huntsville Marathon Committee) Jeanie Wendell Deputy Leon
Mayor Truett called the meeting to order. There is a full quorum present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by former school teachers Candy Facer, Angel Truett, Carol Stoker and Cathy Stoker.
The Mayor asked for a minute of silence in memory of Town Employee Greg Roylance who passed away this week, just 6 weeks after his wife passed.
Opening Ceremony was led by CM Wangsgard.
Huntsville Marathon Committee Presentation: Mayor Truett turned the time over to Jim and Candy Facer for the Marathon presentation. Jim remarked that this was the 5th year of the Huntsville Marathon. It takes an incredible amount of work to pull this off, not just for the Marathon Committee but for all the volunteers. They start planning for the event in February. The marathon has been an effort of six years in the making. This is their favorite part of it, because they get to come and share the profits with non-profits in the Ogden Valley.
Page 1 of 13 Jim said it was Mayor Truett’s idea to start the marathon, he reached out to people who knew who had run multiple marathons and lived in the area, and asked for their help. The Facer’s were two of those people. Jim said he and Candy started running marathons back in 1984; they used Monte Cristo road as part of their training runs and always thought it would be a beautiful backdrop for a marathon. The main objective of the marathon would be to raise money for Huntsville Town. Over the past 5 marathons they have raised $300,000 for non-profits. They have tried to spread the wealth around donating to the Pathways, Make a Wish Foundation, CERT, Valley Elementary, and Snowcrest Jr. High and the Town. Jim reported that there are eight committee members who work without any pay; donating their time and resources. Jim stressed that every dime raised goes to a non-profit.
Jim handed out the first check to Mayor Truett for $24,605 for Huntsville Town. Mayor Truett remarked that this year Fire Fighter Scott Haney ran the entire marathon in full firefighter gear. The gear weighs between 40-50 pounds. Scott ran the marathon for Fire Fighters Cancer Support Network; this is for firefighters that develop cancer from smoke inhalation while fighting fires. Mayor Truett presented Scott with a $500.00 check to help with his cause. CM Engstrom stated that this was his first year working with the marathon committee. CM Engstrom presented a check to Lt. Talbot for the Weber County Sheriff’s Foundation for $500.00. CM Engstrom remarked that it’s been a real privilege to have these Sheriff’s and Deputies taking care of the town. With the events that have occurred over the past few years it has really come to light how at risk their lives are while keeping us safe. Mayor Truett commented that most of the deputies worked the marathon donating their time. They do an outstanding job keeping this event running smoothly.
Candy said presenting these checks is the culmination of a year’s worth of work. Candy said she feels it is an honor her to be able to do this for this valley. There were over 450 volunteers that started at 4:00 am and finished up in the evening. Thank you is a small word to say for what they do. Together we pulled off one of the most beautiful marathons in the world. But a more important part is that the volunteers enable the runners to reach their dreams. Most of the comments about the marathon on social media are about how wonderful the volunteers are, they also comment on the finish line, and food. Candy presented checks for $4,500 to Principal Dave Hales for Valley Elementary and Principal Kurt Vandenbosch with Snowcrest Jr. High. The sixth graders from Valley Elementary help stuff 2,000 runner bags, and students from Snowcrest Honor Society man a water stop along with the cheerleaders. Candy said she would love to be able to give money to every non-profit but by giving a donation to education we truly touch everyone.
Candy said this year the marathon committee is excited to start a new tradition. Every year one person will be inducted into the Huntsville Marathon Hall of Fame. This nominee is nominated by the committee. There are two criterions that they will look at: 1) does this person promote the sport of running, 2) does this person promote the marathon. This year’s Hall of Famer does promote the sport of running and has helped many people in the finish area, cheering for the runners at the finish line. This person has also help further the success of the marathon by implementing some ideas at the finish line that the runners have commented on. This person has been a beloved teacher and is a loved member of the community, this person is Carol Stoker.
Page 2 of 13 Mayor Truett reported that Jim and Candy Facer, Richard Sorensen, Marsha Smith, Mike Engstrom and he are the committee members, this committee works together perfectly. The Mayor said he enjoys handing out the checks but he also enjoys hearing the personal stories of the runners on marathon day, watching people make it to the finish line, the ladies in pink who are breast cancer survivors, the 78 years old man running his 625th marathon, and the lady who was going to quit at the monastery and one of the volunteers walked the rest of the way with her, encouraging her not to quit. Mayor Truett thanked the committee members; this marathon has been a fabulous thing for the valley as well as the town.
*Mayor Truett: Department Reports: Mayor Truett stated that everyone has heard that Weber County was going to implement a 25% tax increase to help compensate some of the deputies pay, but the county piggybacked other items with this increase. There was a negative response to this proposal.
A Law Enforcement Cost Study Committee is being formed. The board members will be Mayor Truett, Mayor Bullous, Mayor Dickamore, Mayor Taylor, Commissioner Ebert, Matt Dickson, Chief Ashmott, Reed Richards, and Chief Anderson. Weber County is losing good deputies to other counties because of the low pay. Mayor Truett feels strongly that the deputies should be paid well, they deserve it.
RAMP Grant project discussion: Mayor Truett asked Star Primm for an update on the RAMP grant application. Star reported that she attended the RAMP grant workshop held at the county offices. She is new to this process. Star asked the Council what project they would like her to apply for in the 2017 grant application. The grant applications are divided into three different groups, major requests greater than $200,000, regular requests from $2,000 up to $199,999, and easy requests for $2,000 or less. The RAMP committee approves quite a few bathroom projects. The applications are graded on a point system and if the town could come up with 50% of the cost of the project the town would get an automatic 25 points, this could include volunteer hours. Her husband Lee has volunteered already to do any cement work that might be needed. The requirements for applying are that it has to be a recreational facility, cultural organization, art museum, or park, and something that will benefit all of Weber County.
Mayor Truett replied that the first things that came to his mind were the bathrooms and some antique street lights to place around the park. Brad Layton has three street lights left over from a project that he is willing to give the town a good deal on. CM Allen said the new kiosk was built with RAMP funds and volunteer work. Star will need a detailed budget with cost estimates and cost comparisons and man hours. The grant deadline is Jan 13th. Star spoke up about the need for a bathroom by the children’s playground area. The Council agreed that a bathroom would be at the top of the priority list this year. CM Engstrom said he would work with Star to come up with a cost estimate for the bathrooms.
CM Engstrom asked Star for a report on the Community Foundation for the Ogden Valley fundraiser. Star reported that $5,000 is their maximum match allotment and she hopes to reach that amount for next year.
Page 3 of 13 This year the donation to the town was about $6,000 with the matching funds. Mayor Truett reported that he just signed a five year contract with Pepsi. Pepsi is one of the top contributors to the Huntsville Marathon. The contract says that whenever the town has an event the town will only sell Pepsi products; they are willing to give the town discounts on the products as well. Pepsi will also donate $2,000 around the 4th of July to the Town Park. This amount will be added to the CFOV Fundraiser to be matched. This is a win/win for the town.
*Council Member Wangsgard: Department Reports: CM Wangsgard reported that the wooden benches at the park have been varnished. This was an Eagle Scout project completed by Steve Songer’s grandson.
CM Wangsgard reported that they are making a little headway on the CERT trailer. Tadd Judd has agreed to build shelves inside.
CM Wangsgard reported that he attended the CFOV presentation dinner with Star Primm. He said this is a great foundation that is doing a lot of good in the Ogden Valley.
*Council Member Allen: Department Reports: CM Allen reported that he is getting bids for the electrical for the new cemetery shed. The power needs to be run over from the existing shed to the new shed, outlets, and lights.
CM Allen reported that the maintenance crew demonstrated the new water line locator tonight; this expense was approved during the last meeting.
CM Allen asked if there was a meter on the outdoor stage. CM Allen doesn’t think the town is charging enough to even pay the power bill when there is a concert. CM Engstrom said there is a meter on the SW pavilion. The street lights are billed separately. CM Engstrom didn’t think the power use would be that substantial. Brad Layton would have more knowledge on this topic.
CM Allen stated that the town owns a big snow blower that hooks onto the tractor, however, the blower is too big for the tractor. The town either needs a larger tractor or needs to sale the snow blower. Wayne Hadley and Gary Probasco have mentioned that Lonny Bailey might be interested in purchasing it. CM Allen proposed making a deal with Lonny, he would get a great price on the blower in exchange for him blowing the cemetery when there is deep snow. The Council agreed.
CM Allen asked advice from the Attorney William Morris, there is a person building a structure and an illegal septic tank too close to the town’s springs. The springs run into the town’s water supply. CM White said he notified Iris Hennon, Weber County Enforcement Officer, two different times and still hasn’t heard back from her. CM Allen contacted Weber/Morgan Health Department and they sent some guys up to take a look. No building or septic permits have been issued. This is a potential contamination risk to the town’s drinking water. The building and septic system is being built within the town’s Source Protection Plan. Attorney William Morris asked the Council to forward him the information and he will draft a letter to the county on behalf of the town.
Page 4 of 13 *Councilmember Engstrom: CM Engstrom said these items were on his agenda last meeting, but questions arose as to whether the meeting had been properly noticed or not, so they were tabled.
Discussion and/or action on proposed amendments to Title 15.6.7: Side Yard Setbacks: (See Attachment #1) CM Engstrom read the proposed wording addition for Title 15.6.7: “The only portion of the structure allowed to violate the ten (10) foot setback is a roof eave extending out 18 inches or less.” Before the Title allowed porches and covered decks, this has recently cause problems. CM Engstrom made a motion to approve the amendments as presented. CM White seconded. All votes aye. Motion passed.
Roll Call: CM White Yea CM Engstrom Yea CM Allen Yea CM Wangsgard Excused Mayor Truett Yea
Discussion and/or action on proposed amendments to Title 15.6.2.H: R-1 Land Use Uses: (See Attachment #2) CM Engstrom stated that the Planning Commission recommended not taking any action on the proposed changes to Title 15.6.2.H. They are comfortable with the current ordinance. The PC decided they were trying to solve a problem that didn’t exist. The concern was that someone could claim they were creating a B&B but operate it like a vacation rental. CM White agreed, he said he read through the ordinance and it says specifically that you have to have an owner occupied dwelling to run a B&B and it also says that a residential unit can’t be rented for less than 30 days. The re-write had some technical issues. No action was taken.
Discussion and/or action on proposed amendments to Allowable Use Table 15.1: (See Attachment #1 & #3) CM Engstrom reviewed the proposed amendments to the Allowable Use Table. Under Uses, Section: Hotel, motel or inn with fewer than 16 rooms was changed to “fewer than 6 rooms”, and Section: Hotel, motel or inn with 16 rooms or more was changed to “with more than 6 rooms” and all zones marked as “N” for not permitted. The original proposal from two PC meetings ago was to make all hotels no matter the size, as “N” not allowed. After further discussion and effort to facilitate future businesses in the C-1 zone the PC felt it was a good compromise to make it conditional for hotel, motel or inns with fewer than 6 rooms. If at a later date the town was to annex property that is outside the traditional boundary of Huntsville we may have to create a second commercial zone in where a larger number of rooms would be allowed.
CM White clarified that the PC recommended allowing no more hotel, motels, or inns. CM White said the problem they had last time when this topic came up was defining the difference in a hotel/motel with 6 rooms or less and an overnight rental if the town doesn’t require someone to be on site and in charge. There are a number of properties in town that are zoned commercial that people would like to rent out rooms as vacation rentals. CM White asked if the town government wants to allow this. The lengthy discussion the council had with Jeff Hyde was “who’s in charge of your hotel?” As it turns out, maybe no one. CM White asked what the difference is with that and overnight rentals, if you don’t have to have someone on site. The ordinance requires someone to be on site for a B&B, and a B&B is limited to three guest rooms. CM Engstrom replied that one difference is that B&B’s are in a residential zone, where a hotel/motel or inn is only allowed in a commercial zone.
Page 5 of 13 CM White remarked that the dividing line between residential and commercial zones isn’t that great. A lot of people live right next to commercial properties. What would happen if everyone who owned commercial property decided to do 6 units of nightly rentals? Jon Herring who owns the building just west of the Shooting Star and Club Rec who owns property along 100 S. wanted to do this and they were told no. It is profitable and people are going to want to do this. The Town Government needs to decide now if this is something they want to allow. The main issue that needs to be resolved is whether or not the town is going to require someone to be on site, or abandon the no-nightly rentals. There could be multiple people wanting to rent rooms out. CM White doesn’t have a problem with allowing units, he just wants to know if the town government is going to require someone to be on-site to monitor them or are we going to allow everyone to do vacation rentals.
Star Primm asked if there were plans to have units without a manager. CM Engstrom said the Council has had some solid discussions with the Hyde’s regarding their development. The compromise was made that the Hyde’s created a strict set of house rules that would accomplish taking care of the facility without requiring them to have someone on-site 24 hours a day. CM White said there were a number of citizens that attended that meeting and they all had negative comments about the Hyde’s facility being run that way. So, in reaction to that, the Council has been trying to decide whether or not to allow that going forward. Unfortunately, right now, if someone files a Conditional Use Permit, they have the right to move forward. The Council was considering not allowing any more hotel/motels or inns at all, the proposal was sent to the PC and the PC didn’t like the proposal.
CM Engstrom said he didn’t think a 6 room hotel/motel could be profitable if it had to have full time staff. CM Engstrom asked the Attorney if the Council can put restrictions or conditions that would give the Council comfort that the town is being protected without requiring a full time on- site employee with a Conditional Use Permit application. Attorney Bill Morris replied not with the present ordinance. The conditions would need to be written into the ordinance. The Council would need to come up with a list of conditions and adopt those as an ordinance. CM White asked Attorney Morris the following question: If someone has a blank piece of commercial property and they want to build 6 condos on that property because they want to do a hotel/motel or inn with fewer than 6 rooms, would that be allowed with this change to the ordinance. Attorney Morris replied yes. CM White remarked that he doesn’t think that’s what the Council is looking for.
Mayor Truett would like to hold a work session on this; there are still a lot of questions that need to be answered. Regen Sorensen said there are 7 commercial properties in town that are not in residential areas. That would be a potential for 42 new condos in town, and people were very concerned about the Hyde’s having 8. CM White would like to table this amendment to the Allowable Use Table. People were furious over the 8 condos how will they react if the town allows 42 units.
CM Engstrom asked Attorney Morris about an email that was sent to the Council a month ago. (See Attachment #4) CM Engstrom read the email: “The pending ordinance rule applies to this ordinance. This means that any application submitted since the public hearing was noticed on this ordinance are subject to follow the ordinance even though it has yet to be adopted.”
Page 6 of 13 In other words, the PC recommended marking uses in all zones for hotel/motel and inns as Not Permitted. Therefore the application from the Sorensen’s for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to do a hotel/motel would be affected by what the Council is doing right now. CM Engstrom asked for further clarification because the PC received a lot of push back about this. Attorney Morris asked if Gail published Ordinance 2016-11-10 in a newspaper, as of the date that it was published it would trigger the pending ordinance rule. The pending ordinance rule is that if there is an ordinance being changed and someone comes in with an application, and the public hearing was published, then the pending ordinance change goes through the process first. Once the pending ordinance is adopted then the CUP can be processed.
Discussion on the proposed changes to the Allowable Use Table started on September 22, and CM Engstrom believes that it was posted correctly; this will need to be verified. The date on the CUP from the Sorensen’s is dated October 5. It is the Council’s understanding that until we resolves the question we have before us regarding the Allowable Use Table that the CUP from the Sorensen’s is on hold, only as it relates to hotel/motels and inns.
Attorney Morris said he had a couple questions with the CUP. Title 15.4.3.A: requires a site plan, and he doesn’t believe they turned in a legible site plan that would meet the requirements of the ordinance. (See Attachment #5) There are over 30 uses identified, typically a CUP identifies one or two uses. CM Engstrom commented that when the Hyde’s turned in their CUP they did a similar thing by highlighting multiple uses, does this set precedence? Attorney Morris replied that the Council made a mistake and should not do it again. Attorney Morris mentioned that one of the uses that the Sorensen’s highlighted was childcare. Childcare facilities require fencing all the way around the building. Regen stated that this discussion isn’t reflecting what their presentation was. CM White said that is true, but the CUP that has been submitted shows childcare as one of the requested uses. Regen wanted childcare removed from the CUP. Attorney Morris said it would be helpful if their scope of uses was narrowed. This item was tabled for a few minutes so Fire Marshall Theuson could make his presentation.
Fire Marshal Brandon Theuson & Gage Froerer presentation: (See Attachment #6) Fire Marshal Brandon Theuson said the Mayor asked him to come tonight to speak tonight about state burning and burning regulations. In 2012 the Federal EPA was in contact with the State Division of Air Quality about the air quality in Utah. In those discussions they had numbers and data that showed a lot of particulate matter in the air during the burn windows. The Federal EPA came down pretty hard on the State by saying if the State didn’t do something about this they would. The Fire Marshal at that time, grew up running an orchard and understood the importance of burning for the farming and agricultural industry. He was willing to stand up and fight, and because of the way he approached things with the EPA and DEQ the state ended up with a compromise system. They split the burning windows into a spring burn from March 30 through May 30th, and a fall burn from September 15th through October 30th. This helped with the particulate matter. In regards to burning they decided they wanted to deal with agricultural burning for farmers and ditch companies which is still allowed year around, and open burning for the rest of us to burn yard clippings etc. in our yards. Open burning is regulated; you can only burn specific things and only during the specified burn windows. Burn material has to be grown on site, raised on the property where the burn will take place.
Page 7 of 13 They created a permitting system that the DEQ took over and they issue all the burn permits now. The window for the permit is only 3 days prior to the day you want to burn, it is a complicated system, and it only lets you apply for the permit if the air quality is forecasted to be ok. If you want to burn you are held to a clearing index, which basically means the level to which the smoke will rise. Which leads us to the situation the Town has with its Green Waste Facility; the residents take their green waste to the landfill, and this waste needs to be disposed of. Huntsville is not unique in wanting to dispose of the waste by burning it; other communities want to do this too. The problem is in the way the statutes are written. The burn permit is not for communities, it is targeted to residential burns. Brandon referred the Council to Environmental Quality, Air Quality, and Emission Standards: General Burning. R307-202-4: Prohibitions. 1) No open burning shall be done at sites used for disposal of community trash, garbage, and other wastes. There is a process the town can go through to ask permission from the DEQ, the Town needs to have a permit from the director of DEQ in order to burn. The County’s ordinances basically mirror the States. The state code is where the problem comes from, it is separate from the Fire Department, it all relates to air quality issues.
Air quality has become a big issue for the entire state. CM Engstrom summarized; unless the law is changed somehow, it is not legal for the town to burn at the green waste facility. Brandon said as it stands right now he can’t see a way to make it work under the current language and have it be justifiable and legal. There is not a permit route for that except for writing to the director of the DEQ. Mayor Truett reported that the Town received a certified letter which talked about fines and quoted R307-202-4. The Mayor read the letter and thought they were thinking the town was burning garbage, so he called Jared James with the state and told him that the town has been burning for 30 years and explained the process to him. Jared mentioned that this particular code was written for the Wasatch Front and Huntsville is in the Wasatch Back, he recommended contacting our State Representative to work on a bill that would allow us to continue to burn. So, Mayor Truett reached out to Gage Froerer. The Mayor isn’t sure the Council even wants to continue to burn if there is a chance the town could get a $10,000 fine.
CM Engstrom commented that anything that changes our air from pristine valley air to Salt Lake air, he is not in favor of. CM White agrees. Mayor Truett asked the Facer’s what they felt about the burning at the landfill. Jim replied that they live next to the landfill and if the town burns once a year it’s not a big deal to them. Jim would rather have a few days of smoke than listen to a wood chipper all summer. Jim said property owners by the landfill have fires on their property quite often, so he feels it is hypocritical for them to complain about the landfills fire. If you build a home by a landfill you should expect some maintenance.
Brandon said the challenge he has as a fire marshal is the difference between agricultural, residential, and recreational fires. Agricultural is exempt and they can burn all year and don’t have to meet the air quality index. These agricultural properties are bordered by residential neighborhoods, they start burning because the farmers are burning. Residents get in trouble but the farmers don’t. Cities and Towns are not exempt. This is a complex issue. They narrowed down the description of agricultural properties to be at least 5 acres. If residents want to burn their own yard waste it will need to be during the burn window, they will need a burn permit, and the piles are limited to size and placement on the property.
Page 8 of 13 CM Allen said he was a fireman for years and in his opinion he feels the town should pursue the option of being able to continue to burn. CM Allen understands that burning is yesterday’s technology but until something better comes along, to him burning is safer and cleaner to let the residents take their green waste to the landfill to be burned in one day then having a hundred different fires all over town. CM Allen said when he was first assigned the responsibility of the green waste facility there was piles of stuff that had been accumulating for years. He would start a fire every Saturday in an effort to get rid of some of the piles. Two people who lived by the landfill complained. Someone called the DEQ and complained so CM Allen spoke with the DE and explained that the green waste facility only accepts limbs 4 inches or smaller, no logs or stumps. CM Allen was told to have the burn done by Halloween. Brandon said if it’s a burn that he knows about, he can plan for it.
Gage Froerer remarked that Brandon hit it on the head when he quoted the State Code. The DEQ has the policy making decisions. A few years ago the DEQ wanted to ban any wood burning stoves, this was resolved when the public complained. Gage wanted to make a notice of full disclosure; he is a farmer and burns on his property and has done for 100 years. The Council needs to decide if whether the impact of what the town does is anywhere in comparison to agriculture. Gage will guarantee one thing; the DEQ will never limit the ability for farmers to burn. The question is would the town rather have fires all over town as opposed to one large burn. Gage feels that burning is the best way to get rid of yard waste. This does not mean garbage only yard waste. Gage said he is open to bill file after discussion with the Mayor, he has a couple attorney’s looking at different issues relative to this discussion tonight. Obviously air quality is a big deal along the Wasatch Front. The number one pollution source is your car. The question is should Huntsville be allowed to continue to burn the green waste or not. Gage said he is willing to help the town solve a problem. A piece of legislation will need to be crafted to address the garbage aspect in the code. The bill could argue that Huntsville is in the Wasatch Back. The bill could possibly giving cities and towns in the Wasatch Back, through political subdivisions, the ability to create their own burn ordinances. That would be Gage’s preference. The problem Gage can see is if Huntsville is allowed to burn then what about Tremonton, Box Elder, etc. This would open the door for other communities. Once statute is created it will affect more than just Huntsville Town.
CM Engstrom asked how likely it will be if the town shuts down the green waste facility that residents will start burning on their property vs residents hauling their green waste down to Ogden. Does it create more pollution to drive your load to Ogden then it does to burn the green waste in your yard. CM Allen said the town can stop burning and purchase a chipper or sale the property. CM Engstrom said given the fact that most residents would burn in their yards, he would like to find a way where it is permissible to be a burn at the green waste facility. The Mayor said the council will make a decision on this within the next two weeks and will let Gage know what has been decided. Gage will also need a member of the council come down to the committee and testify. CM Allen said he would be willing to go. Mayor Truett thanked Brandon and Gage for taking time to inform the council on this matter.
Page 9 of 13 Discussion and/or action on Richard Sorensen’s Conditional Use Permit: (See Attachment #5) Regen Sorensen asked the Council to keep an open mind with their presentation; she feels that the Council has a misconception of what they would like to do. She said they want to make their 100 year old building beautiful again.
CM Engstrom remarked that he does have an open mind and is supportive of what they are trying to do. However, it does make it difficult when a CUP comes in with 30 different uses identified. This application process might need to be re-evaluated because the Council has a responsibility to them and to the rest of the citizens to make the best decision possible based on the information the council has. Britain Sorensen gave a short presentation on their proposed project “Valley Events Center & Inn.”
The power point started with the history of Leon’s Market. The Building was built in late 1890’s by Soren Peterson. From 1930-1950 Ed Jespersen owned it and it was known as Jespersen Mercantile. The building was two stories at that time; the top story was a dance hall. From 1950- 1989 the store was renamed to Leon’s Market and was run by Leon Sorensen. The store was in poor condition so the top floor was removed and the windows were filled in with brick. A new storefront was added, the bricks were painted and a new floor was installed. From 1989-2001 it became Woods Market. The last era was from 2001-2016 when the Ogden Valley Community Church added a gabled roof and a new front on the building. They have now relocated.
The main road was 200 S. which was a thriving business area for decades. There were 3 grocery stores, 2 dance halls, 2 auto repair shops, a town hall, a post office, a hotel, a church, telephone office, Relief Society building, and a school. Britain shared a couple historic pictures of the old main street businesses. Across from the market there was a telephone office, a post office, and a jail with bars on the basement windows. Harold Wangsgard owned the Shell gas station. Back in the day, Huntsville was a thriving town. There was a meat market where the dentist office is now, and a second dance hall where the LDS church sits now. There was also a train that came up from Ogden and stopped in front of Soren Peterson’s store. Across from today’s Rendezvous Lodge there was a Relief Society building, which was torn down in 1959 and the property was sold to Leon Sorensen for $2,000.
At some point the down town area had some major blows that caused the demise of the downtown area. The train was discontinued, the dam was built and the road re-routed, automobiles became common place and Huntsville became a bedroom community verses a farming community. The post office moved out to the highway and the chevron/mercantile opened on the highway, Wood Market went out of business, and the school was moved to Eden.
This brings us up to today. The Sorensen building is now vacant. Rent in the valley starts at $1 a foot, that building is 3000 sq. ft. so a month’s rent would be $3,000, which is not feasible for most businesses. Several local restaurants have closed this fall; the Subway, Huntsville BBQ, Luis’ and Carlos and Harley’s has been sold and Alpine Pizza is up for sale. This time of year there is very low traffic in town. A successful business must have a creative business plan.
Britain is proposing a new business plan for a multi-use facility to include the following uses; business retreats, family reunions, parties, weddings, reunions, special events, seasonal dinner
Page 10 of 13 theaters, game nights, charter school, dance or yoga classes, and a game room with ping pong, air hockey, foosball, etc., something similar to the Eden Recreation Center but with expanded capabilities.
Britain said they have a multi-phase renovation planned; it will involve extensive landscaping next summer. They plan to expose the interior brick, paint the outside to resemble the original brick, and add a storefront to resemble the original design. They will restore original windows and doors; add awnings, put in a new sound and audio/visual system, add a mural, and upgrade the two cabins. Future buildings may include: a barn type storage/support structure, possibly a drive through ATM, and the original granary may be returned.
Britain remarked that the current landscaping and paint is an eyesore. They plan to remove the asphalt and do extensive landscaping with water features and paths. They plan to upgrade the 16 X 20’ cabins with metal roofing and rustic siding. They plan to rearrange things on the inside as well. They plan to leave the lighting alone; they are advocates of the dark sky initiative. For weddings or events they might string some Christmas lights. There will be no new construction so the septic system will be left alone. The septic will be installed for the two cabins this spring and will meet the Health Department regulations. There will be no zoning changes with this project. There will be minimal changes to the existing footprint. Their main purpose is the restore a historic structure. The Sorensen’s CUP identifies uses in Title 15.1 the Allowable Use Table that was adopted on Aug. 4, 2016; financial services, historic structure, hotel or inn, property management office, recreation center, teaching studio, or schools. Britain would like to request approval of their Conditional Use Permit Application tonight, all uses comply with Title 15.1 of Huntsville Town Ordinances, which is supported and approved by the PC and TC. They plan to do a grand opening this coming summer.
CM Wangsgard asked if the two cabins would be used for rental buildings. Brit replied yes, that is why they are installing new septic. Richard mentioned that the two cabins could be used for overflow from the B&B as well as Bride and Groom Rooms for weddings.
Mayor Truett commented that he likes the concept and the idea of restoring the building and the landscaping. CM Engstrom asked the Attorney if the CUP did not include the hotel/motel or inn portions could the rest of the CUP be approved. The septic will still need a design and Will Serve letter from the health department. So they aren’t really ready to start renting out the cabins or rooms. Richard stated that this is true; however, he was planning on going down to the health department tomorrow. CM Engstrom restated his question, can the Council approve the CUP without the hotel/motel/inn portion because the Council has significant concerns about how the Town is going to manage this. Once that issue is solved can the CUP be amended or will there need to be a new CUP application made. Attorney Morris replied that the proposed uses need to be narrowed down and the hotel/motel/inn issue can be addressed at a later time. This will give the town enough time to figure out the issues and come to a consensus.
Richard said the septic needs to go in before the landscaping. The Mayor restated that he loves the plan, but is concerned about the 6 nightly rental rooms. What if each commercial property owner decided to jump on the band wagon and decided to rent out 6 rooms as well, the town is opening up a can of worms.
Page 11 of 13 CM Engstrom said the town restricts the number of rooms that can be rented for a B&B; maybe the town could restrict the motel to 3 rooms as well. CM White stressed that the B&B also has a proprietor on site. CM White said the council was in favor of the mixed-use development the Hyde’s presented and then there were 150 people who signed the referendum against it. There was a lot of opposition to just 8 condos, and this would allow just on the Sorensen’s property 6, and then all the other commercial properties and now we are up to 42 units. The council doesn’t really have a problem with the condo concept, but the residents did. CM White is trying to react to the intense criticism that the council came under when the proposal was just for 8 condos. There is also the issue of the nightly rentals, how does the town enforce that when no one is on-site and in charge. CM White really likes the Sorensen’s plan. CM Engstrom suggested that the Sorensen’s go through the CUP and cross off the uses that they are not going to do to narrow down the uses. CM Engstrom is proposing to delay the part of the CUP that has anything to do with overnight, overnight stays will be addressed at a future time. The Sorensen’s will have 10 days to appeal this decision. CM Engstrom mentioned that if they plan to do a remodel or addition they will need to obtain a building permit. CM Engstrom wondered about the septic, have they checked out the current system. Richard replied that he believes his dad put in the septic back in the 1970’s, there was one bathroom, from 1960-2001 the system was hardly used. The Community Church who has about 100 members used the building twice a week from 2002-2016, which has proven the septic to be sufficient.
CM Engstrom made a motion to approve the Valley Event Center & Inn Condition Use Permit filed by Richard Sorensen uses being as follows: banks and financial services, historic structures preservation related to accessory uses, movie theatres, performing art center, reception center, recreation or public use, and restaurant/full service. CM Engstrom also includes in the motion that at this time no overnight stay capabilities be approved; however, the Council acknowledges that overnight stays might become a part of their CUP at a future time, once the Planning Commission and Council Members have had a chance to further review the issue the town is facing regarding what is appropriate for overnight stays in the town and come to a consensus. At that time the Sorensen’s can approach the Council to amend their CUP. CM Allen seconded. All votes aye. Motion passed.
Roll Call: CM White Yea CM Engstrom Yea CM Allen Yea CM Wangsgard Excused Mayor Truett Yea
CM Engstrom recommended that the minutes show the Council was in consensus to approve the Sorensen’s application for a business license once the CUP is signed.
Discussion and/or action on proposed amendments to Title 21.6.2: Sign Ordinance: (See Attachment #1) CM Engstrom reported that there is a citizen in town that lives out on the highway who owns a tree trimming business. He has approached the town months ago about being able to put more than a 1’X1” sign because people drive past his house at 50 mph, people can’t see his sign. There was no ordinance in place that would allow him to do this. The PC has recommended the following verbiage: “For R-1 lots with a residence that has a home business in the residence and a property boundary that adjoins a state or county highway; one sign meeting the requirements in Title 15.31.B shall be allowed only for that home business and only along the property boundary
Page 12 of 13 adjoining the state or county highway.” This would allow him to put up a bigger sign, like a monument sign similar to what the Chevron has. The PC held a public hearing on this proposed amendment and has recommended it to the town council.
CM Engstrom made a motion to approve the amendment to Title 15.21.C.2 Signs, as presented. CM White seconded. All votes aye. Motion passed.
Roll Call: CM White Yea CM Engstrom Yea CM Allen Yea CM Wangsgard Excused Mayor Truett Yea
Approval of Town Council minutes for meeting held October 6 th , 2016: CM White made a motion to approve the Town Council minutes for October 6th, 2016, as prepared. CM Wangsgard seconded. All votes aye. Minutes were approved.
Approval of Bills for August, 2016: CM Engstrom made a motion to approve the bills for August as prepared. CM Wangsgard seconded. All votes aye. Bills are approved.
Approval of Bills for September, 2016: CM Engstrom made a motion to approve the bills for September as prepared. CM Wangsgard seconded. All votes aye. Bills are approved.
Citizen Comments: Richard Sorensen wanted the record to reflect that he feels that they applied for lodging under the conditional use for a hotel/motel/inn with fewer than 16 rooms. They were hoping to have enough rooms for a family to come and stay. CM Engstrom stressed that the town’s action on changing the Allowable Use Table took place prior to the Sorensen’s turning in their CUP. Richard said they are thinking of adding additional cabins and building some rooms in the large building.
CM white made a motion to adjourn. CM White seconded. All votes aye.
Meeting adjourned at 9:58 p.m.
______Gail Ahlstrom, Clerk/Recorder James A. Truett, Mayor
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