Regular Meeting of California Borough Council, October 11, 2012, 6:30 Pm

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Regular Meeting of California Borough Council, October 11, 2012, 6:30 Pm

Regular Meeting of California Borough Council, October 11, 2012, 6:30 pm

President Bittner called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm

ATTENDANCE: Mr. Alfano, Mr. Bittner, Mr. Difilippo, Mr. Encapera, Mr. Glab, Mrs. Gutosky, and Mr. Mariscotti

ABSENT: Mayor Durdines


ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO AGENDA Mr. Agrafiotis added Columbia Gas easement Mr. Glab added a camera grant for the police department Mr. Mariscotti added winter maintenance seminar Mr. Bittner added Streetscape and Monongahela Veterans Council donation

ADOPT AGENDA Mr. Bittner stated the agenda will stand approved as printed and amended.

PUBLIC COMMENT Commander Carl Miller thanked council in advance for their consideration in granting the two parking spaces requested by the American Legion.

MINUTES: Motion by Difilippo/Gutosky to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of September 13, 2012 duly carried with all members present stating aye.

Motion by Difilippo/Gutosky to approve the minutes of the special meeting of September 27, 2012 duly carried with all members present stating aye.

SECRETARY/TREASURER REPORT – MS. EVANS Ms. Evans read the account balances and accounts payable.

Motion by Gutosky/Difilippo to approve the secretary’s report duly carried with all members present stating aye.

BID OPENINGS FOR TWO (2) POLICE VEHICLES Mr. Agrafiotis stated these are to be bid separately

Chicago Motors, Inc., Chicago, IL - 2007 Ford Crown Victoria - $2,107.00 Chicago Motors, Inc., Chicago, IL -2002 Ford Explorer - $1,207.00 And they have provided a check in the amount of $335.00.

Sulli Motors in Ambridge PA – 2007 Ford Crown Victoria - $668.00 Sulli Motors in Ambridge PA – 2002 Ford Explorer - $552.00 And they have a provided a 10% check also.

Robert Staley – 2007 Crown Victoria - $1,697.00- No 10% check included with the bid Robert Staley – 2002 Ford Explorer - $1,878.00- NO 10% check included with the bid.

Scott VanDivner – 2007 Crown Victoria - $300.00 with 10% cash Scott Van Divner – 2002 Ford Explorer - $1,000.00 with 10% cash

Grace Use Cars – Morrisville, PA – 2007 Crown Victoria - $2,137.00 and a check for $214.00 enclosed.

Ross H. Swords of Brownsville Borough – 2002 Ford Explorer - $1,010.00 However, no 10% check enclosed.

Mr. Glab asked that they hold up so he can retrieve some papers from his locker. Mr. Bittner suggested perhaps council think about it during the rest of the meeting and then revisit it later on.


COUNTY HAULING – JOHN MCGARVEY Mr. McGarvey talked about the leaf recycling this year and he wants to change it up a little bit with the permission of council. Normally we did it in the month of November but that may be too late and he knows according to the contract that he is required a two week notice but what he is proposing is Oct. 27, Nov. 3, and Nov. 10 and they will advertise in the Focus and they will provide the paper bags for everybody. He would like to ask council to allow him to do three pick-ups instead of two this year. Mr. Bittner asked if any council members have any objections to what Mr. McGarvey has proposed. They do not have any objections. Mr. Bittner stated and the bags will be made available here at the borough building. Mr. McGarvey stated that is correct and he would like to get as much participation as possible. Mr. Bittner stated we can get those dates on the sewer bills to notify the customers.

TRI COUNTY BOROUGH ASSSOCIATION MEETING Mr. Bittner announced that the Tri County Borough Association meeting will be held on Oct. 18th at 7:00 pm at the Dunlevy Recreation Center.

PAYMENT REQUEST – BAIANO CONSTRUCTION – $52,823.30 Mr. Bittner stated we have a payment request for Baiano Construction, estimate #5 in the amount of $52,823.27.

Motion by Glab/Mariscotti to pay Baiano Construction $52,823.27 for estimate #5 duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

PAYMENT REQUEST – MACKIN ENGINEERING - $13,750.71 Mr. Bittner stated we have a payment request from Mackin Engineering for estimate #3 in the amount of $13,750.71. Mr. Glab asked if that was still the negotiated amount. Mr. Bittner stated yes they are still under the amount.

Motion by Mariscotti/Alfano to pay Mackin Engineering $13,750.71 for estimate #3 duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

HALLOWEEN PARADE Mr. Bittner announced that the Halloween parade will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 31st, line up from 6:00 -6:30 at the ambulance building, formerly the old fire hall at the bottom of Wood St.

TRICK OR TREAT Mr. Bittner asked council what their wishes are on Trick or Treating. Mr. Glab stated he would like to stay with past practices.

Motion by Glab/Encapera to hold Trick or Treating on October 27th from 2:00 to 4:00 pm duly carried with all members present voting yes.

UNIFORM CONTRACT Mr. Bittner stated we have a tentative agreement with our uniformed employees which is the police department and he asked council wishes on approving this and if we approve it will also have a memorandum of understanding.

Motion by Difilippo/Encapera to approve the uniform police contract along with the memorandum of understanding duly carried on a roll call vote with Mr. Alfano, Mr. Bittner, Mr. Difilippo, Mr. Encapera, Mrs. Gutosky, and Mr. Mariscotti voting yes and Mr. Glab voting no.

STREETSCAPE Mr. Bittner stated on the Streetscape project we ran into a little problem with the electricity and we may have to do some rewiring of the lamps that came in and also to the power source. The money is available and we may have to transfer a little more from the Community Development Block Grant fund. We do not have a price yet and we are getting the engineer to look at it now to see what is going to take. He would entertain a motion now that these expenses be paid out of the Community Development Block Grant. Mr. Mariscotti asked if there would be further discussion prior to making a payment. Mr. Bittner stated in talking to the Redevelopment Authority and everyone else 2 it is what it is and if it is going to have to be done it has to be done we don’t have much leeway as far as that is concerned because we are getting up against the end of the contract and if we extend the contract we may have to extend the inspection and if we extend the inspection then that is going to be more money.

Motion by Mariscotti/Glab to pay the extra costs for electrical out of the Community Development Block Grant money duly carried on a roll call vote with Mr. Encapera, Mr. Glab, Mrs. Gutosky, Mr. Mariscotti, Mr. Alfano, and Mr. Bittner voting yes and Mr. Difilippo voting no.

MONONGAHELA VETERANS COUNCIL Mr. Bittner stated the Monongahela Veterans council is having a County parade in Monongahela this year and they asked if we would like to become a sponsor at a cost of $100.00 for the parade. Mr. Glab asked if our local legion is participating in this parade and Commander Carl Miller stated yes they will be participating.

Motion by Glab/Difilippo to donate a $100.00 to the Monongahela Veterans Council duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.


ZONING /CODE ENFORCEMENT REPORT Mr. Alfano stated the Code Enforcement Office has over 20 complaints and violations that they’ve been working on and getting cured as far as trash & debris, grass, many miscellaneous things such as abandoned cars, violations, condemnations, and there is a lot of work going into all of this and they are keeping him up to date with what is going on. As far as the income we are going to see a substantial difference in what we’ve seen in the past since we are doing it in house again. As of Mondays date they have a total of $155,303.96 in income from various permits, subdivisions and so on and so forth and all the permit fees aren’t in yet. He thanked Shannon and Mr. Petro for all of their hard work in that department. He wants to make Council aware that there will probably be a conditional use hearing prior to the next regular meeting so keep in the back of your minds you will need to be hear at 5:30 instead of 6:30.

AUTHORIZE SOLICITOR TO ATTEND ZONING HEARING BOARD Motion by Alfano/Glab authorize Melenyzer & Agrafiotis to attend the next Zoning Hearing Board meetings because he understands that the plaintiff is going to have legal counsel there so he thinks our legal counsel should be there to protect our interest duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

RESIGNATION OF BETH BAXTER FROM THE RECREATION AUTHORITY Mr. Alfano stated he has received a resignation from Beth Baxter from the Recreation Authority and the Recreation Authority accepted her resignation at their meeting this past Monday so at this time he is asking council to formerly accept the resignation of Beth Baxter.

Motion by Alfano/Difilippo to accept the resignation of Beth Baxter from the Recreation Authority duly carried with all members present stating aye.

Mr. Alfano stated he doesn’t think council will want to do a formal notice for a new board member but maybe we could put it on the website.

Mr. Alfano stated the Recreation Authority has been granted from the Benedum foundation a $40,000.00 grant. They plan on using $30,000.00 of that as a minimum budget for the cost of a master site plan for the loop trail. He stated the recreation authority has agreed to be the contracting entity for the site plan of the California Loop Trail master plan. They have signed a mini grant agreement with the foundation to get those monies. What he would like council to consider at this time is that the Recreation Authority has earmarked an additional $5,000.00 in funds for that master site plan just in case the bids come in over the $30,000.00 and they might ask council to participate because all the foundations are looking very favorably on multiple organizations participating to get recreation improvements done. The $10,000.00 remainder of the grant will be allocated for a spring project. They have sent out requests for qualification proposals and they will be opened soon to narrow a bidder list down to a short list of firms that they may want to solicit for plans for the master site plan. We will bring those 3 in as bids and award it to somebody. He stated it is finally coming to fruition with the help from Kent Edwards and the River Town project and he thanked them.


STREET DEPT. UPDATE Mr. Mariscotti stated that Street Dept. has been doing typical operations for this time of year the guys are preparing some of equipment for the winter maintenance.

SEMINAR FOR STREET DEPT. As far as winter maintenance there is a free class that Jeff would like the street department to attend on Oct. 30th from 8:00 to 4:00.

Motion by Mariscotti/Difilippo to authorize the street department to attend a winter maintenance class on October 30th from 8:00 to 4:00 pm duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.


LSA APPLICATION Motion by Glab/Mariscotti authorizing the approval for the Borough of California to apply for LSA monies to make major renovations and rebuild Technology Drive and under the advice of the Solicitor we should authorize the application contingent upon being co-sponsored on the application with the Redevelopment Authority duly carried with all members present voting yes. Mr. Agrafiotis stated it would be a joint application.

POLICE DEPARTMENT GRANT Mr. Glab stated he would also like to authorize the police department to enter into a joint grant amongst other police departments to purchase vehicle cameras that will have special abilities to spot invalid registrations and other violations. Mr. Glab stated that it would require a match if we receive it and it also requires authorization from the borough to make that application.

Motion by Glab/Difilippo to authorize the Borough to go in conjunction with the other municipalities in Washington County to make application via the District Attorney’s office for a grant for vehicle cameras duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

Chief Encapera stated to call it a match is misnomer we are only responsible for he thinks it is $7,200.00 but we will have access to approximately $158,000.00 of equipment. Mr. Glab stated our leverage contributions will be $7,200.00. Chief Encapera stated that is correct.

Motion by Glab/Alfano to authorize leverage contribution of $7,200.00 to apply for District Attorney’s grant duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

Chief Encapera stated the leverage contribution is contingent on being awarded the grant.

HANDICP PARKING STALL – PENNSYLVANIA AVE. Mr. Glab stated under the Mayor’s report there was a request for a handicap parking stall at 232 Pennsylvania Ave. It was reviewed by the Chief of Police who recommends that we issue her a temporary one until 12-31-12 the reason being she is not a resident of Pennsylvania and this will allow her enough time to transfer everything over to this state and once that happens it will be reviewed again.

Motion by Glab/Difilippo to authorize placing a temporary handicap stall on 232 Pennsylvania duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

Mr. Bittner stated that it may be good to review our handicap parking stalls yearly and make them renew every year because some people are moving out and they are just sitting there and not being used. Maybe we should grant all those on a yearly basis and make everyone renew yearly that way we would have a better control on them.

4 FINANCE REPORT – MRS. GUTOSKY Motion by Gutosky/Difilippo to pay the monthly bills as presented duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.


HANDICAP STALLS- UNION STREET Motion by Difilippo/Mariscotti to add two handicap parking stall on Union Street by the American Legion duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

Mr. Glab asked if they are paid and Mr. Difilippo stated no they are just two handicap stalls and they are not dedicated to the Legion but you have to have to have a placard and a plate

Mr. Difilippo stated he would like to thank the public he understands that they have been watching each others back and calling the police whenever they are seeing something out of the usual and that it good to hear.

PERSONNEL – MR. GLAB & MR. ENCAPERA Mr. Encapera announced that this weekend is homecoming weekend here in California and he’d like to see everyone come and take part in the festivities. It starts at noon on Saturday.

MAYOR’S REPORT – MR. DURDINES Mr. Bittner stated that the Mayor is absent but council took care of his agenda items already.


REMEDIATION OF PEACH ALLEY Mr. Johnson asked what council’s pleasure is concerning the remediation of Peach alley. Mr. Bittner stated that because of the total amount it is going to cost perhaps we could do it in a couple of phases and he would like to meet again to discuss the options. We got to do it, we want to do it but we need to know if there are any other alternatives.

SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT EQUIPMENT BIDS Mr. Johnson stated the bidding process is complete and he had submitted recommendations to the solicitor and recommend notices of award to the following;

Sanitaire, Inc. f for SBR Process Equipment - $892,270.00 Duperon Corp. for Mechanical Bar Screen - $112,000.00 Trojan Technologies for Ultraviolet Disinfection Unit - $216,000.00 Centrisys Corp. for Skid Mounted Sludge Dewatering Centrifuge - $391,426.00 Kraft Power Corp. for Packaged Engine Generator - $107,670.00

He is seeking authorization to issue notices of awards. Mr. Glab stated there are storage fees on your letter and he would like to know when those would start. Mr. Johnson stated in the bid specification there was a delivery date in there, each item bid has a different date, and then storage fees would occur if we do not accept delivery on that day. Mr. Glab asked if there is a delay that the contactor is responsible for then is he responsible for the storage fees because some of these are pretty substantial. Mr. Johnson stated the process that is laid out is the tanks would be built first and then the service building and once the building is up we can accept delivery of all these items and store them ourselves at no cost. Mr. Glab asked what the earliest date is that these storage fees would begin. Mr. Johnson stated he thinks the first item is scheduled for delivery on May 26th but he’d have to check that to confirm it. Mr. Glab asked if they have enough latitude built into that contract that there is a little bit of buffer. Mr. Johnson stated absolutely without question. Mr. Glab asked if whoever is responsible for watching over this project will stay on them like a dog on a bone. Mr. Johnson responded yes. Mr. Difilippo asked if the estimated time for the building to be up is late next Spring. Mr. Johnson stated that is correct.

REJECT BID – HEADWORKS, INC. Motion by Alfano/Glab to reject the bid from Headworks, Inc. which was the lowest bidder for the mechanical bar screen per the engineers recommendation in the 5 correspondence dated October 11, 2012 duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

Mr. Johnson explained that the proposed equipment was not pre-approved and was not in compliance with the as-bid specifications. Mr. Agrafiotis asked what Headworks, Inc. bid was compared to the next lowest bidder. Mr. Johnson stated Headworks, Inc. bid was for $100,744.00 and the next lowest bidder was Duperon Corp. for $112,000.00.

REJECT BID – BUCKEY PUMPS Mr. Johnson stated that Buckeye Pumps, Inc. bid on the Skid Mounted Sludge Dewatering Centrifuge however after review the proposed equipment was not pre- approved and was not in compliance with the as-bid specifications. They were the lowest bidder with a bid of $390,300.00 and the second lowest bidder was Centrisys Corp and their bid was $391,426.00.

Motion by Glab/Difilippo to reject the bid from Buckeye Pumps, Inc. which was the lowest bidder on the Skid Mounted Sludge Dewatering Centrifuge per recommendation from Fayette Engineering in the correspondence dated October 11, 2012 duly carried with all members present voting yes.

Mr. Difilippo asked again about the delivery schedules and the storage fees and there was some discussion. Mr. Johnson asked if they want to hold off and he would sit with them and go over the schedules. Mr. Bittner asked if any approvals such as DEP could hold this project up. Mr. Johnson stated no everything has been submitted and he is expecting finals on that in mid November. Mr. Mariscotti asked if there is anything we could take possession of to avoid storage fees or is it too big to store ourselves. Mr. Johnson stated the biggest package is the SBR Processor and it is not that there are big items just a lot of items. If you are thinking about storing it in the Street Dept. building he doesn’t think there is enough room there. He stated if by chance we have a really intense winter we can always put a conex on site and store the materials in the conex. Mr. Glab asked what that would cost. Mr. Johnson stated he doesn’t know off hand but less than $1,000.00 per month. Mr. Difilippo stated if we hold up another month will that push anything to a later date say like July. Mr. Johnson stated he doesn’t think so. Mr. Alfano stated we are already realizing $300,000.00 in savings from what we thought we would spend and what we are actually spending so if have a couple of thousand dollars on storage fees he doesn’t think it is going to make a difference.

AWARD BID Motion by Alfano/Glab to accept the bid for the SBR Processing Equipment to Sanitaire, Inc. in the amount of $892,270.00 duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

Motion by Alfano/Encapera to accept the bid for the Mechanical Bar Screen to Duperon Corporation in the amount of $112,000.00 with a potential storage fee of $150.00 per week duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

Motion by Alfano/Glab to accept the bid for the Ultraviolet Disinfection Unit to Trojan Technologies, Inc. in the amount of $216,000.00 with a potential storage fee of $25.00 per week duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

Motion by Alfano/Glab to accept the bid for the Skid Mounted sludge Dewatering Centrifuge to Centrisys Corporation in the amount of $391,426.00 with a potential storage fee of $250.00 per week duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

Motion by Alfano/Glab to accept the bid for the Packaged Engine Generator to Kraft Power Corporation in the amount of $107,670.00 with a potential storage fee of $1,000.00 per week duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.


ORDINANCE #534 Mr. Agrafiotis stated he has finally received a letter back from the Planning Commission of Washington County and they have reviewed ordinance #534 which is the curative amendment for the sale of alcohol in the Institutional District so we need to get a public 6 hearing scheduled and have a special meeting after that and if there are not substantive changes to the ordinances it can be voted immediately thereafter. Mr. Agrafiotis needs authorization to prepare an ad for the public hearing and the special meeting.

Motion by Glab/Gutosky to authorize the solicitor to prepare the ad for public hearing for Ordinance #534 duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

Mr. Bittner asked what the date would be for that. Mr. Agrafiotis stated in about 2 maybe 2 ½ weeks. Mr. Bittner stated that would take us to our committee meeting. Mr. Alfano stated lets’ just have the public hearing right before and have the special meeting and then go into the committee meeting. Mr. Bittner stated everyone knows we have to be here on the first of November anyhow it should already be on our calendars. So the date of the public hearing and the special meeting at 6:00 pm.

Motion by Difilippo/Glab to authorize the solicitor to advertise for the special meeting at the conclusion of the public hearing that this could be voted on as long as there are no substantive changes made during the public hearing duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes

EASEMENT – COLUMBIA GAS Mr. Agrafiotis stated we were approached by Columbia Gas , Mr. Doug Baird is here tonight if anyone has any questions, and they need a 20’ wide gas pipeline easement on the corner of a piece of property that the borough owns and that is on the bend of Pike Run Drive going around the corner. Mr. Agrafiotis stated if we give them the easement obviously we can never build on top of that so that portion of the lot will be practically worthless, but they have offered $6,500.00 which he deems to be very reasonable being that the appraisal was much lower than that. So if you wish to enter into an agreement.

Motion by Glab/Alfano to grant Columbia Gas an easement and enter into agreement for $6,500.00 duly carried on a roll call vote with Mr. Difilippo, Mr. Encapera, and Mr. Glab, Mrs. Gutosky, Mr. Alfano, and Mr. Bittner voting yes and Mr. Mariscotti voting no.

Mr. Glab asked who would be responsible for cutting the grass and the maintenance. Mr. Agrafiotis stated we still own the property so we would be responsible but they have an easement to the pipeline underneath. Mr. Bittner stated we can still use the property we just can’t build on top of it. Mr. Baird stated the purpose of this is with Penndot putting a new bridge in there and our current pipe is in the way of their construction so that is why we approached California borough to do this so we can get out of their way so they can put the bridge in.

POLICE VEHICLE BIDS Mr. Glab stated Shirley produced some numbers just to give you gentlemen and Mrs. Gutosky an idea on the 2007 for the last 15 months we have put in over $4,500.00 in repairs to the automobile plus tires, but the tires we can switch out with one of our other cars. If we can’t switch the tires then we’re around $6,700.00 in repairs and that far exceeds the amounts that we received on any bid so he is making the following motion;

Motion by Glab/Difilippo to table all vehicle bids for further review duly carried with all members present stating aye.

Mr. Mariscotti added that this has been done before in the past and the bids don’t come in any higher and then we end up spending more money because we re-advertise again and then we wind up selling them for less because everyone knows what the high bid is. Mr. Bittner stated it is what it is. Mr. Mariscotti stated he knows we put $4,000.00 into it but we’re only going to get $2,000.00 out of it. People are not going to bid $4,000.00 on these. Mr. Glab stated he understands that but it just seems like we are really taking a beating on it. Mr. Mariscotti stated we are. Mr. Glab stated there has to be some other purpose we can have for that car at this time, can we keep it as a reserve for the police department in the event that something happens to one of the other cars. Mr. Bittner asked Mr. Tuday if he thinks we should hold off for right now since we have an issue with the other Crown Victoria at this time. Mr. Bittner stated he is not in favor of throwing the bids out except right now we have an issue with the other car right now. Mr. Agrafiotis stated then just table them but don’t reject them and it can be done at the next meeting. Mr. Agrafiotis stated you should table them separately them. 7 Motion by Glab/Difilippo to table the bids on the 2007 Crown Victoria at this time duly carried with all members present stating aye.

Motion by Alfano to sell it to Mr. Staley for $1,878.00. Mr. Bittner stated there was no 10% check with is bid. Mr. Mariscotti stated he may not want it because he thinks it is a 2007. Mr. Agrafiotis stated technically his bid is null and void because he didn’t provide a check.

Motion by Glab/Gutosky to table the bids for the 2002 Ford Explorer duly carried with all members present stating aye.


EASEMENT ON GHOORAY PROPERTY Mr. Alfano asked Mr. Agrafiotis what progress we’ve made on getting the easement from the Ghooray property since we now have movement in a positive direction for the project down there we are going to need to know if we can utilize that down there. Mr. Agrafiotis responded saying that when this topic was approached a few months ago Mr. Ghooray was not interested. The property has changed hands to his children so we might approach them to see if they would be interested. Mr. Alfano stated well he thinks we need an answer one way or another. So he would like to authorize the solicitor to do that.

Motion by Alfano/Mariscotti to authorize the Solicitor to approach the Ghooray family for an easement for the recreation authority project duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

NEW BUSINESS No new business at this time


CARL MILLER Mr. Miller thanked council for addressing the issue for Legion Post #377 and stated this will be a great benefit to the members down there. He added they will be having homecoming festivities on Saturday and invited everyone to stop down. Mr. Bittner thanked Mr. Miller and the Legion for all the work they do and their efforts with the school children.

JIM MADDIEX Mr. Maddiex stated he is surprised that the bond was not brought up being that we saved over $1,000,000.00 and he asked if council wants to say anything about that. Mr. Alfano stated we already had a meeting about that. Mr. Bittner stated we did save 1.1 million dollars and Christine kindly had that in the newspapers for us and that money is earmarked for capital improvements within the borough. Mr. Agrafiotis stated that was voted on and approved at last week’s special meeting. Mr. Maddiex stated he tends to push for public hearings for projects like that but if you are going to do any streets that you take approximately a year to plan them this way you can see if there are any utilities that need addressed and sewer and plan it all out ahead. If you combined that with Liquid Fuels and CDBG monies you could do one massive project and save on mobilization costs. Mr. Maddiex told everyone Happy Halloween and the Planning Commission will meet on the 30th of this month at 6:30.

ROBERT MCFADDIN Mr. McFaddin stated that he approached council last February to acquire an alley that is between his two properties and he wants to know the status of that. Mr. Agrafiotis stated that he and Mr. Petro were just discussing this tonight and should have an answer at the next meeting. He also asked to about loading & unloading in front of his house and Mr. Bittner advised him to contact the Chief of Police and find out the rules and regulations.

8 TIFFANY ROSSI Ms. Rossi stated she works at the Center for Civic Engagement doing volunteer work and they are holding a kickball tournament to help support the Dave Thomas Foundation for adoption. It will be held on Oct. 23rd & 24th and she wanted to let everyone know that the community is welcome to participate and form a team and come out and play. There will be a great kids zone if you have children there will be a helicopter, police car, ambulance, fire trucks so they can tour them. There will be face painting, balloon animals and other kid activities. It will be held at Roadman Park Oct. 23rd & 24th. If you need to contact her, her email is [email protected].

ART HARRIS Mr. Harris asked when they voted to use more money to finish the project in town you didn’t put a ceiling on it and usually you put a ceiling on it so it doesn’t leave it wide open on how high it can go. He asked why the Solicitor needs to attend the Zoning hearing Board when they have their own solicitor. Mr. Bittner stated that is true but the issue coming up involves more than the zoning hearing board, there are some questions on the zoning ordinance and since they are questioning the validity of the ordinance then we feel we should have our solicitor there. Mr. Harris stated so we are going to pay two solicitors instead of the having their solicitor bring it back to council. Mr. Bittner stated we feel we need his representation there that night. Mr. Harris stated you got that extra money for refinancing the bond which was great, we put these sound panels up and they didn’t help, we put cushions on the walls they didn’t help and tonight at this meeting the one we could hear the best is Mr. Difilippo when he leaned up and talked in to the microphone and when Patsy leaned up and talked into the microphone we could hear him. He requested that council spend money on getting the audio fixed once and for all. I

ADJOURNMENT Motion by Difilippo/Mariscotti to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 duly carried with all members present stating aye.


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