What Is a Graduation Project

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What Is a Graduation Project

Project Suggestions

These are some of the possibilities for graduation project topics; this list is in no way all- inclusive. School Improvement Projects •Write computer program for administration •Design and publish a newsletter or brochure for local company using desktop publishing •Develop a pamphlet describing research on careers or colleges •Organize a career day •Design Business Education Department of the future •Create district pamphlet •Cater a school event •Produce a video about physical fitness and health issues •Work with elementary and middle school classes to reinforce wellness •Create aesthetic projects, murals, landscaping •Design a playground •Design and create a program for graduation or reflections service

Internship Projects •Internship with business firm at entry level or higher position •Internship with elementary teacher/subject area teacher •Internship in health related career •Internship with government or private industry •Internship with newspaper or publishing entity •Internship with designing firm/local theater/art association •Internship at day care center •Apprentice with seamstress or tailor or any other field of interest •Participate in career shadowing •Participate in summer career camps

Community Projects •Coordinate a service project for philanthropic organization •Perform service project with community organization •Create advertisement brochures for foreign speaker in area •Volunteer at homeless shelter •Participate in health related fund raisers •Volunteer at senior center facility to promote fitness •Organize wellness program for district employees •Volunteer at hospital/nursing home (Candy Striper) •Generate an environmental improvement project •Examine community needs and implement an improvement project •Design golf course or miniature golf course •Renovate house Entrepreneur Projects •Design an expanded student store •Form a company and design, develop, and produce a product •Organize a fund-raiser •Establish a catering business •Establish a coffee shop

Art/Visual Communications Projects •Create and exhibit a one man/woman show •Organize community art shows •Write art reviews for the local newspapers •Design an advertising campaign •Illustrate a children’s book •Design a program to provide art enrichment to senior citizens or special needs children or any targeted population •Design a brochure or a CD advertising/promoting NPHS or any appropriate product or service •Design and produce a sculpture garden for NPHS •Design and produce a tile installation piece for the main lobby

Technology Education Projects •Design and construct a racetrack to measure speed and acceleration of 0 model vehicles •Design and construct a light sensitive finish line for a scaled model racetrack •Organize, set-up, and run the car show as part of the Auto Club •Design and construct a solar vehicle •Design and set-up a network by varied methods •Design and construct an electromagnetic train •Design an addition to an historical building – create drawings and renderings to illustrate the historically and aesthetically correct changes to match the original designs •Develop and render solid modeling 3D – file structure, full color modeling •Develop a template for creating a portfolio biographical resume using computer, digital camera, and audio/visual equipment to be burned onto a CD •Develop a template for making a video biographic portfolio utilizing audio and video equipment •Create a power point presentation about the technology education program or other topic in the Technology Education program •Develop and present a technology education unit to an elementary school, a special education class, administration, or school board •Survey the graphic communications industry in the North Penn area to determine manpower needs, educational requirements, processes used, and up-to-date technology •Evaluate the communication systems in the North Penn High School •Participate on a Habitat for Humanity project •Design and construct a fitness trail around a North Penn School District building Business Technology Projects •Investigate a business career •Create a web page •Design an advertising campaign •Prepare a marketing plan for a new product •Create a multi-media presentation on a chosen topic •Investigate the stock market and establish an investment club •Extend an applied economics project

Gifted Education Projects •Extend independent gifted study project

English Projects •Complete a journalistic report on a school personality including research, interviewing and ultimately, reporting on television and before the North Penn School Board •Organize a “Lincoln-Douglas” debate including cross examination and rebuttals in a public forum (possibly two students as coordinators) •Create a set design, build the set model, make a costume sketch, pick fabrics, make masques, then write a report on a selected play •Read and study a variety of authors who belong to a particular literary genre; present report and make appropriate commentaries in an oral report •Mentor in language arts/English class for underclassmen •Research and build a model of a Shakespearean playhouse or Greek theater and write about the procedures used in the performances •Read to children in a school setting or any library or group •Research and chronicle a local author •Memorize and perform a soliloquy using a specific, recommended acting approach •Create a collection of original poems; write an introductory unit and then be prepared to read some of them aloud •Attend five plays in a school year – critique them and write a report •Interview a senior citizen and write or tape an oral history

Mathematics Department •Develop unit plans for students who might be interested in mathematics •Write a computer program •Tutor – elementary, middle and secondary •Participate in a mentorship program •Perform a statistical analysis

Science Department •Complete a laboratory project •Investigate the physics principles and safety of thrill rides •Describe and model the physics of architectural design •Design and run experiments proving physics principles •Demonstrate and explain exothermic/endothermic reactions •Create a safety program for a chemistry lab •Develop a draft impact statement •Work at the community level to identify open space and facilitate its purchase •Do a habitat evaluation •Develop a population survey for an environmental agency •Generate an onsite pollution evaluation with a plan for control and clean-up •Write and demonstrate a planetarium program • Participate in the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science • Participate in the Montgomery County Science Research Competition • Participate in the Delaware Valley Science Fairs, Inc. • Participate in the Intel Science and Engineering Fair

Social Studies Projects • Create video, slide show, or interactive computer program on a social studies topic • Generate a portfolio of original political cartoons • Participate in an historic event re-enactment • Develop and deliver presentations, dressed and in character of historical figures • Complete an oral history project with a senior citizen about the depression, WII, McCarthyism, etc. • Participate in Law Day activities in local government • Perform community service with government agencies such as senior centers, abuse hot lines, county information offices, etc. • Write, design, and perform historic skits for elementary children • Serve as a museum or library volunteer (e.g. Mercer Museum) and journal the experience • Initiate a change (traffic lights, recycling, park maintenance) with local government • Research and construct a family tree • Lobby local officials regarding a political, social, educational or economic concern • Read and report on an approved work of historical fiction; compare actual

history to author’s work • Create a picture board or slide show after visiting several historical sites (e.g. Gettysburg, Antietam, Bull Run, Shilo, or revolutionary sites in or around Philadelphia) • Make interpretations of historic periods of time through political cartoons • Interpret periods of history through music • Interpret periods of history through art • Create an original work reflecting a period of history, (e.g. Write an original protest song for Vietnam War, create poetry about the Great Depression, compose original music or art for a time period, write a fictional short story) • Serve as an officer or cabinet member in either SGA or class government • Serve as school board liaison from SGA • Participate in the Stock Market Game and document the experience • Create business plans for product or company of your creation • Design a project and compete in Pennsylvania National History Day

ESL Projects • Compare two education systems from two different countries • Research a topic and access information at the appropriate reading and analytical level. Give a brief presentation, write a brief paper, submit a paper, and give an oral presentation • Compare two literary genre • Read a short story; re-write it into a play

Foreign Language Projects • Complete a research project including museum study of art or archaeology • Create a travelogue video with script in the target language with prerequisite research • Participate in a teaching internship in elementary school using logs, lesson plans, and observations for evaluation • Illustrate and write a children's book in the target language with a report on the way children learn • Complete a research paper on travel, history, literature, study of a favorite author, economy, etc. • Give oral presentations on literature and the culture of foreign countries • Serve internships in international banking, business, or finance • Complete service projects in the community as a liaison for foreign visitors or relocated persons

Music Projects • Compose or arrange an original composition • Participate in a recital and research the presented music • Research a musical topic • Write an opera or musical • Produce a musical compact disc (CD)

Guidance Project • Participate in a job-shadowing experience

Health Projects • Create and implement a community health project • Participate in an of ongoing, existing community service project that is health related • Maintain a health notebook/portfolio with the health education work done during high school • Select some health problem and research its effects on the individual/society • Complete a health related certification program (life saving, CPR) • Create, implement, and participate in a health promotion campaign / health fair • Research and complete a self-improvement health project (smoking cessation, drug or alcohol rehab, etc.)

Physical Education and Fitness Projects • Participate in a physical exhibition/performance/competition • Participate in an all-school tournament (table tennis, 3 on 3 basketball, a learn-to-swim program) • Participate in an intramural/extra-mural program • Complete a personal fitness improvement program • Design and complete a personal skill improvement program • Design and lead a good sportsmanship day • Design and lead A Fitness Fair • Design and lead a community based sports/recreation program • Train for and complete a triathlon • Become a student aquatic aide • Become a student trainer aide • Participate in interscholastic athletics • Serve as an intramural official • Maintain a physical education portfolio • Select, research, write and implement an individualized fitness program in one given physical activity

Family and Consumer Science Projects • Participate in a partnership with business and industry • Complete a mentorship program • Study child development. Pick an age and plan activities that could be done at home with the child (Include adaptations for special needs children)

Nursing/Medical Projects • Evaluate a specific medical problem and its impact on the school community • Research and conduct a school health environment assessment • Raise awareness of monthly national health issues/topics for the school community • Develop safe/cooperative/noncompetitive outside activities for various age groups (possibly to be used for elementary recess) • Develop a booklet, series of booklets, or video on health issues related to elementary level • Document a nutrition and exercise regime • Research and present a current health issue

Extracurricular Activities Projects All clubs and sports may be appropriate. • Academic Decathlon • FBLA competitions • Regional Science Fair • Thespian Troupe Competition • State VICA Conferences • State Level Government Conferences • Special Olympics • Chess Club • Knight Crier • Troubadour • Accolade • Knight Crier

Additional Suggestions for Topics for Graduation Projects •Create a cross cultural handbook for social service members of the community, i.e. lawyers, nurses, home care workers •Create a cost-efficient climate control system for district buildings (non-air conditioned buildings) - funding, bond issues, installation costs, discussion of details with installers •Complete a statistical study of various insurance company rates/ coverage /car classes •Complete a study of cancer deaths - or other medical fields - (history of land use, environmental concerns, research medical records, types of cancer deaths) •Start a stock club, track stocks, research stock history, economic growth •Update local history - oral histories, interviews, government, land use, religion, art, entertainment, occupations •Design, plan and prepare for the operation of a teenage community center •Design a piece of environmental sculpture for the high school •Design a wellness program for the high school •Develop a student crisis hot line •Develop a home page for Internet access •Create an art display of original works demonstrating a new media or style •Design and build a storage shed •Select, develop and implement a community service project •Design a bicycle safety program for students in grades K-3 •Study the effects on the environment of chemicals •Identify environmental problems in the community and generate solutions [i.e., a study to examine and improve waste management, comparison study of throw away vs. returnable bottles (cost effectiveness/environmental), develop practical issues for cafeteria wastes] •Study alternate funding options for schools •Complete a study and make suggestions for improving traffic patterns, speed limits in the local area •Complete a study of advertising vs. purchasing of teen advertised products •Organize a multi-cultural community festival (art, music, foods, culture) •Establish a town watch group •Investigate a charitable organization •Develop a product/invention and explore the patent-marketing process •Restore an old car to street legal condition •Design an addition or room for your house •Study the effects of telemarketing on various age groups •Study the factors related to teenage drinking and driving deaths (school programs, public service programs vs. actual deaths) •Develop and market a new game or toy •Develop and manufacture an original computer game (game, packaging, marketing, copyright) •Reorganize a supermarket for convenience to the consumer •Record an oral history of: relative, business leader, oldest township resident, etc. •Compose and perform a piece of music (with copyright) •Research and analyze the effects of jogging and/or walking on one's health •Investigate township resources available to help treat addictions •Develop a solution to the overpopulation of deer - consider loss of habitat, lyme disease •Write (and illustrate) a short story or book/novel and formulate a marketing plan •Compose an arrangement (band, chorus, orchestra) for an American folk song or Native American song •Create a listening guide, map, chart or game for a major medical work and submit to an educational magazine •Start a home business - prepare charts and spreadsheets on costs •Develop a school design to better meet the needs of students in the 21st century •Create an original architectural design including blueprints, step-by-step procedure and a3-D model •Design a portfolio of futuristic fashion for male and female teenage apparel, including sketches and fabric samples, reason for the product, sample models •Create a travel project for leisure time including costs, means, mileage covered, necessary items - consider weather, tourist center, etc. •Redesign a vacant property to become a useful area in the community •Establish a North Penn volunteer youth corps •Organize an Earth Day celebration - cleanup project, assembly speeches, posters, etc. •Design and create a wind tunnel and use it to evaluate automotive design, using groups and other means to communicate results •Prepare a study of the effects of nursing home care on interests/activities of senior citizens •Plan and build a model of a farm of the future, focusing on one or more new crops/produce and including a marketing plan

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