Lambs Lane Primary School
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Lambs Lane Primary School
‘Reach Out and Shine’
Our School Principles:
We are a community which values and celebrates the individual and inspires everyone to achieve their potential
Everyone’s journey matters
If it works, build on it. If it doesn’t, change is always possible
Everyone is different, everyone is valued
A sense of belonging creates ownership and commitment
Learning takes place all the time, everywhere
Co-operation and support create opportunities Lambs Lane Primary School
Lambs Lane Primary School is a Community school maintained by Wokingham Borough Council Local Authority. It caters for up to 210 children between the ages of four and eleven years.
The school also has a Resource which provides up to 10 places for children with physical disabilities, who are fully integrated into the mainstream school.
In addition to the educational service the school provides, the school also offers a breakfast club and an after school childcare facility.
The school is set in a rural location between the villages of Spencers Wood and Swallowfield. It was originally built in 1908 and the older parts of the building still retain some of the character of that period. Various extensions have been added over the years to give attractive additional teaching and office space.
Features of the school include:
Nine well equipped classrooms A library, for both KS1 and KS2, which encourages pupils to develop a love of reading. Large hall for assemblies, PE, dance and lunchtime dining School bus for small group work and lunchtime activities Medical room Facilities for the Resource pupils, including bathroom and physiotherapy room Large playground with low level adventure playground equipment and covered areas for shade Garden area with pond and gazebo Separate Foundation Stage playground with play equipment and playhouse Playing field opposite the school Visitors/parents car park opposite the school
2 Lambs Lane Primary School
Primary admissions are co-ordinated by Wokingham Borough Council in line with their Admissions Policy.
Parents/guardians need to register their child with Wokingham Borough Children Services’ Admission Section. Please contact the Admissions Section for a copy of the “A Parent’s Guide to Primary School Admissions” booklet or visit the Wokingham Borough Council’s website
Lambs Lane is a one form entry school which means our allocation for each year group is limited to 30 pupils. When there are too many applications received for places available at the school then the Admissions Criteria will be applied as stated in their booklet.
Admissions into the Resource are also co-ordinated by Wokingham Borough Council and are included as part of our allocation.
Once a child has been allocated a place at Lambs Lane, the school will send a letter to the parents/guardians confirming their place. The term preceding their start parents/guardians will be invited to a ‘New Parents Evening’. There they will meet their child’s teacher and be given a New Entrants Pack which holds all the information needed for when the child starts school. This meeting is also an opportunity to answer any questions or worries that parents/guardians might have.
Due to the increase in pupil numbers in the local area the school is managing additional numbers in two year groups which means that we have 9 classes. The school aims to organise those classes to best meet the needs of the pupils but generally children are in academic year groups throughout KS1 and vertically grouped in KS2. For the academic year 2014/15 the classes will be as follows:
Infants - Key Stage 1 classes: Juniors – Key Stage 2 classes:
3 Lambs Lane Primary School
Rising 5s/Reception Year 3/4 x 3 Year 1 Year 5/6 x 2 Year 2 x 2
The school gives a high priority to providing Teaching Assistants in each class, to work with and support the class teacher in their duties.
OFSTED 2013 quotes …
“Teaching assistants give very good support to those pupils who have statements of special educational needs. They are very sensitive to their specific needs.”
Term dates are set by the Local Authority. The school also sets teacher training days and pupils do not attend on these days. Details of these dates are sent out well in advance to help parents/guardians plan childcare and holidays. Occasionally changes to these dates are unavoidable and details are sent out as soon as they are known.
All pupils are expected to wear school uniform.
Navy blue sweatshirt/cardigan with embroidered school badge White polo shirt, or plain white shirt/blouse Grey trousers (boys and girls)/grey skirt or pinafore dress Grey/black socks (boys) White socks or grey/black/navy tights (girls) Black shoes
Summer wear option: Grey shorts (boys and girls) Red and white checked dress
PE/Games Kit: Team coloured T-shirt with embroidered school badge Navy blue shorts Plimsolls or trainers PE bag
4 Lambs Lane Primary School
Embroidered items, as well as some of the other school uniform items, can be purchased from the school.
The wearing of jewellery (except watches and small stud earrings) is not permitted.
High standards of behaviour are expected of all staff, visitors and pupils. Codes of Conduct exist for both adults and pupils, and these must be adhered to at all times. Respect and politeness to others, as well as respect for school and individuals’ property, is expected by the whole school community. The school’s Behaviour & Discipline Policy sets out procedures for dealing with inappropriate pupil behaviour.
OFSTED 2013 quotes …
“ Teachers display good classroom and pupil management skills. They have developed very good relationships with pupils, which supports positive learning in all classes.”
“Pupils’ behaviour in and around school is good. They are extremely polite to visitors and say everyone is kind to each other.”
“Pupils respect the school’s behaviour policy, ‘Good to be Green’ and are clear about what happens if behaviour standards fall.”
“They behave well and are keen to learn. They feel safe and are well cared for.”
“The school places a strong emphasis on the well-being of all pupils”
‘ Lambs Lane is a diverse problem-solving organisation with a common mission which responds to all individuals. We believe that inclusion is not about place: inclusion is participation, a sense of belonging, removing barriers to learning and involvement.’ This mission statement was the result of close work between staff, governors, parents and pupils.
Inclusion is about staff, governors, parents, pupils, external professionals and the wider community working together in partnership to ensure: that everyone is valued for the contribution they make to our school community
5 Lambs Lane Primary School
that all can participate in the learning and social life of the school an environment which encourages all pupils to maximise their potential
The school’s Inclusion Policy supports the identification and procedures stated in the SEN Code of Practice, which is followed in all cases, and in the identification of Gifted and Talented pupils.
As the school has a Resource for physically disabled pupils there is a teacher specifically to look after the needs of those pupils. This teacher also acts as the school’s Inclusion Manager and is responsible for working with classroom teachers to help identify and support pupils with such needs.
OFSTED 2013 quotes …
“Pupils with complex specific needs, including those supported by the specialist resource provision, make good progress. This is because they benefit from high quality support that targets their specific needs well.”
The school is committed to providing equal opportunities for all members of the school community. The school believes no-one should receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of race, disability, physical ability, age, income, religion/belief, colour, ethnic or national origin, marital status, gender, gender reassignment, sexuality, nationality or trade union membership.
The school aims to be a fully inclusive school, where the whole school community, adults and children, have access to all areas of school life and its practices. This includes building and curriculum access for those with disabilities and for those with other special needs. Because Lambs Lane is a resourced school, many adaptations have already been made to ensure that pupils with disabilities have access. The school has an Accessibility Plan which highlights areas for improvement and this is reviewed and updated regularly as part of our aim for Lambs Lane to become fully inclusive.
OFSTED 2013 quotes …
6 Lambs Lane Primary School
“Pupils who have statements of special educational needs and receive specialist help and those in the resource base make good progress. This is because teaching assistants provide sensitive and effective support, which enables them to be fully included in school life.””
Lambs Lane believes that pupils, being a major part of the school community, should have the opportunity to express their views and make suggestions on school issues. The School Council is made up of pupil representatives from each class, who meet regularly with a member of staff to discuss any issues or suggestions they might have and these are reported back to the headteacher and, where appropriate, the Governing Body.
Health and safety inspections are carried out on a regular basis and any appropriate action taken.
High levels of security are maintained at the school and access into the building is controlled.
Staff are trained in first aid to the standard required for the size of the school.
The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. All staff are required to undertake a DBS Enhanced Disclosure. Procedures are also in place to ensure safe practices for other adults working in school. The school also undertakes regular training on Child Protection procedures and ensures that these procedures are carried out.
The Lambs Lane After School Club (LLASC) is a Local Authority and OFSTED registered childcare facility for primary aged children, offering a safe, caring and fun environment for children to enjoy after school hours. This facility is available during term time only between 3.30pm and 6.00pm.
7 Lambs Lane Primary School
We now also offer a Breakfast Club to our pupils from 8am on a daily basis during term time.
For more information on the LLASC or Breakfast Club please request a copy of the LLASC or Breakfast Club leaflets, available from the school.
A holiday club, provided by Energy Kidz, is offered at the school during most school holidays, Details are available from the school.
The Rising 5s/Reception class follow what is known as the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. It is based upon stepping-stones towards early learning goals, which most pupils will achieve, and some will go beyond, by the end of Reception.
OFSTED 2013 quotes …
“Good teaching in the Reception classes helps children get off to a good start at school. Sessions are planned well and help children to learn and develop successfully.”
“ Children start the school with skills and knowledge typically expected for their age. They get off to a good start and enjoy the well-planned activities in the vibrant, well- resourced Reception classrooms. By the time they move to Year 1, children are above the levels expected for this age”
From the beginning of Year 1 (the September after the child’s fifth birthday) the National Curriculum subjects are taught. Mathematics, English, Science and I.T. are the ‘core’ subjects, with Music, Physical Education, Art, History, Geography, French and Design & Technology known as the ‘foundation’ subjects. Personal, Social & Health Education and Religious Education are taught alongside these subjects. A copy of the National Curriculum is available to look at from the school upon request. Where appropriate, a range of subjects are taught
8 Lambs Lane Primary School through topics in the Creative Curriculum. Other subject – specific skills are taught discretely.
At all times we take into account the very wide range of abilities that our pupils have. We take great care to structure their work so that we challenge and support as required, enabling all to receive the satisfaction of achievement.
The latest Standard Assessment Tasks (SATs) results can be found at the back of this pack.
The school’s policy is informed by the awareness of two important facts. Firstly, that our pupils and their parents hold a variety of beliefs, and secondly, that our pupils will enter a multi-cultural society which depends upon mutual respect and co-operation.
The provision of Religious Education is based on the Wokingham Agreed Syllabus.
Parents/guardians have the right to withdraw their child from Religious Education and if they wish to exercise this right they will need to speak to the Headteacher.
Schools have a statutory obligation to provide a daily act of collective worship for all pupils. At Lambs Lane this is done through holding whole school or Key Stage group assemblies, where a range of themes or topics will be used to carry out this requirement.
Parents/guardians have the right to withdraw their child from Collective Worship and if they wish to exercise this right they will need to speak to the Headteacher.
9 Lambs Lane Primary School
The school feels that work done at home plays an important part in education as it supports learning and helps pupils to develop responsibility and a good working routine at home.
All pupils receive some form of home learning each week which is set by the class teacher who ensures that it is appropriate to their ability. They will also be given home learning tasks on a termly basis which cover a variety of subjects and can be tailored to meet individual learning styles.
Various extra activities are offered to pupils at lunchtimes and after school, according to the time of year and the interests of the staff and pupils. Such activities may include:
Football * Running Tag Rugby * * On occasions, matches against other local Recorders/Ocarina schools are arranged History Detectives Space Art Cooking Drama Environment I.T.
The Berkshire Maestros also provide musical instrument tuition on the school premises. Charges for this must be met by the parents/guardians.
Each year pupils in Year 5 have the opportunity of doing bikeability.
Educational visits are planned to support the curriculum. These include visitors coming to the school (including theatre and musical groups) or the pupils going off-site, and they may be part or whole day, or residential.
10 Lambs Lane Primary School
Swimming lessons for Key Stage 2 pupils take place during the Spring or Summer Terms.
Parent/guardian contributions are requested for all educational visits to help cover expenses incurred. Families are encouraged to join the ‘Trips and Visitors Fund Scheme’ where a set donation per pupil is paid for the year. Charges made are in line with the school’s Charging Policy.
Pupils are also given the opportunity of participating in two residential trips during their time at Lambs Lane, the first in Year 3/4 and the next in Year 5/6. These involve various organised visits to places of interest and adventurous activities during the stay. Payments for these trips are separate from the Scheme and rely on parent/guardian contributions.
Throughout the year the school holds the following annual events:
Sports Day Separate Infant and Junior events held on one day during the Summer Term
Y3/4 Production Spring Term
Y5/6 Production Summer Term
Infant Nativity Autumn Term
Art Week Themed week to include all the Arts
Harvest Festival A special performance assembly where each class performs and sings
Book Week Special emphasis on the enjoyment of reading
Local Playgroups are invited to spend half a day each term with the Reception class Senior citizens are invited to the school, and visits made to them, to watch various events throughout the year Visits are made to/from the local Secondary Schools, where possible The postman, bus driver, police and fire brigade come in to do regular talks
11 Lambs Lane Primary School
Visits are made to the local library, post office and bakery Community Week
OFSTED 2013 quotes …
“The friendly pupils enjoy showing visitors around.”
12 Lambs Lane Primary School HOME – SCHOOL LINKS
Lambs Lane has developed the Home-School Agreement through consultation with parents, pupils, staff and governors. It sets out the expectations of all parties to ensure that the child is given the opportunity of achieving the most from their education. Families are encouraged to join with the school and abide by the Agreement.
The school newsletter is sent out on a weekly basis to parents/guardians on a Friday. By keeping it to a regular day parents know when to expect information from the school.
The school uses a text messaging service on occasions when immediate contact is necessary.
The school learning platform has been developed to be of interest to the whole school community, as well as other interested parties in the local community.
Parents/guardians and pupils can visit the site to get up-to-date information, such as newsletters, curriculum topics, homework, Governing Body information and much more. You can even take a guided tour around the school and see which members of staff do what jobs.
Visit and click on the link to be re-directed.
Every Friday the school holds a Sharing Assembly between 9.15am and 10.00am which is open to families and friends to watch. Different pupils each week from every class have the opportunity of showing something they have been doing that week. Also during this assembly weekly awards to mark achievements are given out to pupils.
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Two Parents’ Evenings are held each year, the first in the Autumn Term and the second in the Spring Term. These evenings are an opportunity for parents/guardians to look through their child’s work while taking refreshments in the school hall, before their appointment with the class teacher to discuss their child’s progress. These evenings are also used to display special pieces of children’s work for everyone to view.
Towards the end of the Summer Term parents/guardians receive a written report on their child and appointments can be made with the class teacher to discuss any issues in the report.
This does not restrict parents/guardians from discussing their child’s education at other times. An appointment can be made to see the class teacher at any other time that is convenient to both parties.
Parents/guardians of all Key Stage 1 pupils and some Key Stage 2 pupils are invited to come into the classroom Monday to Thursday each week at 9.00am for 15 minutes of ‘Reading Time’ with their child or with other pupils.
Voluntary help from parents/guardians or other members of the family are most welcome. Volunteers can help in many ways - art activities, listening to pupils read, library duties, extra-curricular activities, educational visits, or perhaps they have an interest or hobby that they would like to share with the pupils – all ideas are welcomed.
Volunteers coming in to help on a regular basis are required to undertake a DBS Enhanced Disclosure.
As part of the school’s aim to be fully inclusive, on occasions consultation meetings may be held or working parties organised to discuss or work on
14 Lambs Lane Primary School particular topics/policies. Parents/guardians, staff, pupils, governors and any other interested parties will be invited to be part of these.
The Lambs Lane School Association (LLSA) is a committee of parent/guardian and staff volunteers who organise events throughout the year to raise extra funds for the school to buy additional resources not funded through the main school budget.
The LLSA is a means of involving parents/guardians in the work and social community of the school. All parents/guardians are eligible to join the committee or they can just help at the events – all help (however little) is very much welcomed.
15 Lambs Lane Primary School GENERAL INFORMATION
SCHOOL ADDRESS: Lambs Lane Primary School Back Lane Spencers Wood Reading Berkshire RG7 1JB
TELEPHONE: 0118 988 3820 FAX: 0118 988 7448
EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]
FROM M4 JUNCTION 11: Take the A33 towards Basingstoke. At the next roundabout turn left towards Three Mile Cross. Go straight over the mini roundabout by the petrol station and continue towards Spencers Wood. Continue along this road and through the village until the Heron Industrial Estate on the right hand side and take the next right into Back Lane. The school is situated on the right hand side along this road.
FROM RISELEY: Follow the main road from Riseley through Swallowfield and into Spencers Wood. After the Mill House Hotel on the left hand side take the next left into Back Lane. The school is situated on the right hand side along this road.
16 Lambs Lane Primary School
The Governing Body has a key role in helping the school provide the best possible education for all its pupils. It works closely with the Headteacher to develop a strategic framework for the school, setting aims and objectives, policies, targets, the School Development Plan, and reviewing progress. Governors act as a ‘critical friend’ to the Headteacher by providing advice and support.
As set out in the school’s Instrument of Government, the Governing Body is made up of the following types of governors:
4 Parent governors 1 Local Authority (LA) appointed governor 1 Headteacher 1 Staff governor 4 co-opted governors
CHAIR OF GOVERNORS: Ms Lesley Holstead c/o Lambs Lane Primary School
Copies of all school policies are held in school and on the Learning Platform. These are available for inspection by prior notice or electronic copies can be requested.
This booklet is designed to give you an overview of what Lambs Lane has to offer you and your child. If you feel that it does not answer all your questions or you would like further clarification on a particular issue please do not hesitate to contact the school office and we will be happy to help.
Visits to the school are welcomed. Please contact the school office to arrange an appointment.