End of the Year Summary: 2000

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End of the Year Summary: 2000

SLEWTHS Project End of the year summary 2002 Research

Helicobacter study: SLEWTHS arranged a new collaboration with the prestigious Dr. James Fox’s laboratory at MIT. Dr. Fox has described and discovered more species of Helicobacter than anyone else in the world. We agreed to collaborate on developing a methodology for sampling Helicobacter in pinnipeds and describing the sea lion Helicobacter type, and ultimately antibiotic resistance testing to develop a treatment. The first set of fecal and gastric samples for this new collaboration began in March using voluntary samples on our 4 sea lions. The initial results have isolated a novel species of the bacteria (by both culture and PCR) and determined an appropriate methodology for sampling. Future work will include trials on wild stranded animals at the MMC. This work was presented as a poster at the annual IMATA conference and as a capstone project for Wendy Lewis at CSUMB.

Affects of instrumentation on transport cost Amber Stephens began work on a project evaluating the effects of instrumentation (harness, harness with camera, and harness with EKG) on a diving CA sea lions transit time to and from depth in the ocean in comparison to an uninstrumented condition. This year these conditions were successfully tested at 5m, 15m, 27m, and 40m. The training methodology was presented at the IMATA conference in Nov, and the work constituted the capstone project for Amber at CSUMB. Future trials will be conducted in the following year to elucidate more of the relevant variables to the cost of transport while instrumented.

Camera development Working with Dr. Steve Moore at CSUMB, Allison Reesh continued the development of integrated depth circuitry into a digital camera for use with sea lions diving at sea. We expect a reliable and robust real time depth read-out with video to be forth coming from these efforts next year.

Stomach Temperature study In collaboration with Dan Costa a Professor of Biology from UCSC and his graduate student Carey Kuhn, we began collecting data on the stomach temperature changes associated with different masses of food consumed. We successfully completed a complete set of trials with one sea lion (Sake) and partially completed with another. In the coming year we will investigate the affects of ambient temperature on the stomach temperature to continue to build a calibration for the use of this technique in studying food consumption in the wild. And we will complete the remaining trials with the second animal (Beaver). Publications, Presentations, and Proposals


- Fish, F., Hurley, J.A., and Costa, D.P. (in press) Aquatic maneuverability by the sea lion, Zalophus californianus. Jour. Exp. Biol.

- Harper, C.G., Xu, S., Rogers, A.B., Feng, Y., Shen, Z., Taylor, N.S., Dewhirst, F.E., Paster, B.J., Miller, M., Hurley, J.A. and Fox, J.G.. (In review) Isolation and Characterization of Novel Helicobacter spp. from the gastric mucosa of harp seals, Phoca groenlandica. J. Clin. Micribiol.

Presentations and conference participation

-Beau Richter represented the project at the 2nd annual Animal Behavioral Management Association meeting and was honored to serve as one of the judges for the presentations. -The SLEWTHS staff presented 25 sea lion natural history and Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary public outreach demonstrations for education days and the general public during the SC county fair Sept. 12-15. -We created 3 educational posters for use in our public programs covering how we care for the sea lions, sea lion natural history, and marine mammals of the Monterey Bay. -Presented a poster for the IMATA conference in Nov. entitled “ Stomach ulcers in marine mammals” -Presented a formal presentation at IMATA entitled “ The effects of instrumentation on a diving sea lion: The advantages of being naked” -Jenifer Hurley served on the abstract review committee for IMATA -Stefani Skrovan served as a moderator for the IMATA conference -Amber Stephens presented her capstone work at CSUMB in May -Wendy Lewis presented her capstone work at CSUMB in Dec


-Submitted a Sea Grant proposal for stomach temperature calibration with Carey Kuhn and Dan Costa -Submitted a proposal to LL Bean Inc. to fund the Sea Lion Stewards program. -6/02 submitted a new proposal for continued funding of Helicobacter research from OWCN entitled “Gastric disease in stranded pinnipeds: Evaluating the prevalence and treatment of a novel helicobacter species” this grant was funded. -Submitted a proposal to the Ittleson Foundation to support the Sea Lion Stewards environmental outreach program. -Submitted a “Whale Tail” proposal to the CA Costal Commission in order to fund the Sea Lion Stewards environmental outreach program. -Modified a comprehensive NMFS permit proposal to cover work for the next five years and a change in status to include public display educational activities. Education/Public Outreach

Sea Lion Stewards Environmental Outreach Program and Beach clean-up activities - Conducted 22 Sea Lion Stewards half-day programs for 610 students (grades K-12) and 108 adults who collected over 500 lbs of garbage from our local beach in the process. - Earth Day April 21, the project had an open house and special beach clean up for past program participants. 120 people attended the successful event including the president of CSUMB. - International Beach Clean-up Day (September 21) SLEWTHS acted as beach captain for Moss Landing and host to over 75 people cleaning up over 350 lbs of trash and recycling.

Tours 4/26/02 Conducted a tour and demonstration for SJSU foundation employees 6/21/02 Conducted a demonstration and beach-clean-up requested by MLML Friends for Salinas youth leadership institute 7/12/02 Conducted a demonstration and beach-clean-up requested by MLML Friends for Salinas youth leadership institute 7/30/02 Conducted a tour and demonstration for the SJSU Provost and Dean and the Superintendent of schools for Santa Clara Valley 10/25/02 Conducted a tour and demonstration for 50 students visiting from EATM, Moorpark College 10/25/02 Conducted a tour and demonstration for the ESSP, CSUMB Marine Biology class 10/30/02 Conducted a tour and demonstration for the SJSU Provost and educators through K. Coale 11/02/02 Conducted 3 demonstrations for the Center for Talented Youth, John Hopkins University in collaboration with Dr. Simona Bartl and MLML

Classes - 52 undergraduate students attended Cal state classes taught by the project -Working With Marine Mammals and Techniques and Theories of Animal Training were each taught as intensive immersion classes in July through CSUMB extended education. 36 students attended from the all over the US, Canada, and Europe. -The Techniques and Theories of Training class was taught for the first time during the fall semester for both CSUMB and MLML (16 students)

Internships - 52 day-long internships for students were conducted - 11 week-long internships were also provided. - 8 certificates were earned by participants who successfully completed both classes and a weeklong internship. Student projects - Chrissy Kane a UCSC student did an independent study project for Dan Costa on stomach temperature for the Winter 2002 quarter. - Jamie Mullins also a UCSC student did an independent study project for Dan Costa in the Spring 2002 quarter entitled “Effects of Sea Surface Temperature on the Stomach Temperature in California sea lion.” - Wendy Lewis completed her capstone project entitled “Investing the presence of a novel Helicobacter species in Pinnipeds: Relevance and treatment implications for oiled wildlife.” - Carrie Michaelis researched a possible capstone thesis on lactic acid accumulation with diving in sea lions - Allison Reesh completed the first stage of her capstone work developing integrated depth circuitry for the underwater video camera. - Gina Paolini and Shannon Weinstein both did their service learning internships with the project through their work in beach clean-up organization and the SC county fair.

Miscellaneous -JH was invited to serve on the TAG group for AZA for California sea lions and to assist in the development of standards of care for sea lions for the captive industry. -We entered the photo art contest at the SC county fair and won first place in best use of the theme of the fair “The Star Spangled Fair”for a photo of a sea lion saluting in front of the flag.

Media - VM Productions (a French documentary company) completed a documentary, Apnea, about the sea lion heart rate project in 2001. The completed one-hour documentary aired January 19. Nova bought the rights to the documentary in the U.S. - The project was featured in an article in "l'actu" a French kids magazine about the documentary about apnea divers with Loic Leferme and Pierre Frola. called "Les hommes poissons". - The project was featured in an article entitled “Bending the rules”. (2002) In this Issue: Highlights from the Journal of Experimental Biology 2001. The Company of Biologist Limited. Cambridge, UK. Pp.49. - Jenifer and staff were interviewed 3/22/02 for a radio program on KAZU which aired in May covering institutions doing marine mammal research in the Monterey Bay. - In early April, Stefani co-authored an article about our sea lion stewards program, which was published in the Spring 2002 issue of Sanctuary Watch Magazine. - In August the project was featured in Savvy Up magazine for Natural Horsemanship trainers. - Dan Moschetti from Newsradio 1460AM interviewed Heather Yeager from our staff regarding our programs that aired live on September 13 at 3:10pm. - In early September, our program was featured in several local newspaper articles about the SC county fair, including the Santa Cruz Sentinel and the Register Pajaronian. - September 16-18 worked with National Geographic Magazine and Wild Things on a still shot for the April 2003 edition for an article on the evolution of mammals. - Dr. Hurley collaborated with Dave Lichman in August to develop a comparative video on the training and behavioral differences between prey animals (horses) and predators (sea lions). The Parelli organization is going to market the video called “The Challenge” nationwide next year. - Shot a new introduction and segue shots for National Geographic re-airing the “Diving With Seals” show about our project. Host Boyd Matson came to participate in the filming that aired national on MSNBC Nov. 3, 2002 - The project was featured in an article about our Sea Lion Stewards program in the Marina Hears (Health, Education, Arts, Recreation, and Safety) Newsletter, Oct. 2002. - The project was featured in an article in the Sacramento Bee Nov 6, 2002 regarding sea lions hunting in rivers. The reporter consulted with Jenifer as a sea lion expert. - Two student projects (spring and fall) for CSUMB technology majors produced short documentaries about the project that aired locally on the CSUMB TV Channel.

Animal Training and Research, International  Jen and Stef founded their own business partnership (ATR International), registered a fictitious name, and obtained a seller’s permit, employer identification number, and APHIS permit.

Facilities Projects - Reepoxyed the seams of M1 pool so that they are matching grey, and more reinforced (1/02) - Found that Ajax removed the glue stains in the fish kitchen from construction, and finally was able to totally clean the glue stains making a totally white fish kitchen. (2/02) - Constructed a new set of stairs between the fish kitchen and M2 pool to enable easy access to the back drains (3/02) - Replaced the M1/2 fence that had gotten old (5/02) - Re-fiberglassed old M3 pool so it would be whole and usable again (8/02) Acquisitions -Purchased two used freezers and sanded and repainted them for endurance. (2/02) -A centrifuge was donated to spin down blood samples (2/02) -An older but functional computer was donated and installed in the staff trailer. -O’neill wetsuits donated 6 new pairs of surf booties for the project (3/02) -A stomach pump for sampling was obtained. (5/02) -Built a floating island for the sea lions to play on (5/02) -Purchased a digital still camera and hook-ups for computer download (7/02) -Purchased a canopy for education area in case of rain and for shade (7/02) -Purchased a new incubator for growing water quality tests and helicobacter cultures (7/02) -Several small platforms were built and donated for the sea lions to use as a stage when away from home (8/02) -Finally purchased a freight scale to weigh the sea lions with accuracy! (12/02) -Purchased a new wet/dry vacuum for pool cleaning (12/02) Animals Behaviors started but not completed this year are called working on, behaviors started and completed this year are called learned, and behaviors started in a previous year and finished this year are called finished.


- Finished balance - Working on handstand - Working on verbal only SD’s - Learned shoulder target - Started moon

Sake - Working on Follow-me - Finished Circle - Working on Seal - Learned Tongue - Started Not - Started clap on ground - Learned left salute

Nemo - Finished Look - Finished Dance - Finished Sail - Finished Handstand - Working on extensive tether training - Learned bounce - Learned tandem kiss - Learned backup - Started pillar - Learned clap - Started balance - Started ocean/remote work - Started transport training - Learned recall - Learned spin - Learned kiss (person)

Jonah - Working on Flip - Finished Look - Working on Dance - Working on Sail - Working on Extensive tether training - Finished Put - Learned tumble - Learned spin - Started handstand - Started pillar - Learned tandem kiss - Started clap - Started balance - Started slap


6 new people were hired into Animal Care (Genievive del Mundo, Kristi Leikvol, Erin Collins, Edward Diaz, Jackie Rifkin, Amanda Werth) 12 people left the project after an average longevity of 1.6 years (Jamie Goodis (0.8 years) Kate Gilligan (2.8years) Neil Beadle (0.3) Chrissy Kane (1 yr) Mea Cottman (0.5 years) Beau Richter (4 years) Shannon Walsh (0.5years) Alicia Vieira (.6 years) Genievive del Mundo (.25 year) Sarah Radloff (3.3 years) Erin Lovin (4.6 years) Amanda Werth (.2 years) 2 people became Senior Animal Care (Heather Edwards, Jamie Mullens) 4 people became Assistant Trainers (Carrie Michaelis, Gina Paolini, Heather Edwards, Jamie Mullens) 3 people became Trainers (Allison Reesh, Heather Yeager, Shannon Weinstein) 3 people became Senior Trainers (Sarah Radloff, Amber Stephens)

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