Eastleigh Borough Council s1

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Eastleigh Borough Council s1

Eastleigh Borough Council Government policy requires Strategic local authorities Land to Availability produce a Strategic Assessment Land Availability Study for their Local Authority area. This builds on previous studies and is designed to provide a more realistic and justifiable indication of capacity. It will ensure that the new planning policies within the Local DevelopmentGuidance Framework notes (LDF) for are completing based on reliable the evidence Sites and Submission are therefore deliverable. Pro-forma This study addresses the Inspectors findings in respect of the Revised pre-submission of February 2014, and extends the proposed Plan to the year 2036.

A key element of the new Local Plan is the identification of land which is required to be developed or redeveloped to meet the needs of the Borough, up to 2036.

In order to identify suitable sites and broad locations that may be available to deliver the future development strategy, the Council would like to hear from landowners, developers, public authorities, or individuals from within the wider community, if they know of any parcels of land (even those with an existing building on it) which could be better used for an alternative activity.

The Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA) forms a key component of the evidence base to underpin policies in development plans for housing and economic development, including supporting the delivery of land to meet identified need for these uses. It will consider land for housing, gypsy, travellers and travelling show people’s accommodation, employment, retail, tourism, leisure, waste, or a mix of these uses. The assessment will identify potential sites and broad locations, the sites’ unconstrained potential and any constraints that may exist. It will also make realistic assessments of brownfield land available and identify the actions that may be needed to be taken to make sites available, suitable and viable for development.

If the SLAA identifies land as having potential, it will not imply that the land will be allocated for development. All sites/broad locations will be tested and assessed against the spatial strategy and other key sustainability matters. We will be assessing the constraints and deciding whether sites should be developed as part of work on the new Local Plan.

Please use the attached pro-forma to suggest sites that you think Eastleigh Borough Council should consider for development through to the year 2036. In completing your form, please:  Use a separate form for each site (additional forms may be downloaded from www.eastleigh.gov.uk/localplan). Only information supplied on a form can be considered.  Attach an OS-based scaled map outlining the precise boundaries of the whole site and the part which may be suitable for development (if this is less than the whole). Without this mapped information we are unable to register the site.  Do not submit sites that: - already have planning permission for development, unless materially different proposals are identified; - are outside of Eastleigh Borough Council’s boundary;

All sites submitted will be assessed but it must be noted that considering options put forward at this first stage does not imply that the land will be allocated for development.

If you need this information in a different language or format, or if you need assistance in completing the pro-forma, please contact the Planning Policy & Implementation Team on: Tel: 023 8068 8168 Email: [email protected]

Data Protection Act 1998 and Freedom of Information Act 2000: Please note that the information submitted using this pro-forma will be made public as it will form part of the evidence base to the Local Plan. Your contact details will be retained separately and will not be publicly available. Site visits : Each site will need to be visited to enable a full assessment of the site. By completing and returning this pro-forma you consent to officers from the Council visiting the site in order to make an assessment against the Site Suitability Appraisal methodology. Site visits will be conducted unaccompanied wherever possible. Where there are reasons that an unaccompanied site visit may not be practicable, for example where the site is secured and not visible from a public highway, please indicate clearly on the pro-forma, so that alternative arrangements for a site visit can be made as appropriate.

Thank you for completing this form.

Please return this form electronically, together with an OS based scaled map that clearly identifies the boundaries of the site, to:

Email: [email protected]

Or via postal services / by hand to:

Planning Policy & Implementation, Eastleigh Borough Council, Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO50 9YN to be received by 6 th July 2015 .

Please note you will not receive acknowledgement of your submission. For official use only:

Reference ______

Received ______

Acknowledged ______

Number of sheets, ____:_____ including maps

Eastleigh Borough Council Strategic Land Availability Assessment Sites Submission Pro-forma

 Please complete the form clearly and in black ink.  You must give your name and address for your comments to be considered.  You must attach a map showing the precise boundaries of the site


The information collected in this response form will be used by the Council to update its Strategic Land Availability Assessment, and subsequent preparation of the Local Plan (2011-2036). By responding you are accepting that your response, and the information within it, will be made available to the public. Your contact details will not be published.

Your details


Company /agent


Contact address

Contact telephone number


1 For official use only: Ref: ______Side :

Site details

Site address

Site postcode Site previously submitted (yes/no)

OS grid reference – centre of site Yes Are you the landowner? No. Who then owns the land?

Please attach an OS-based scaled map outlining the precise boundaries of the whole site and the part which may be suitable for development (if this is less than the whole). Without this mapped information we are unable to register the site.


What is the current use of the site?

Is there an existing or previous planning permission on the site? Yes (please give planning permission number)


What is the estimated area of the site (hectares)? Area of whole site

Area suitable for development

If the site is vacant, has it been previously developed for uses other than agriculture? Yes of No (If yes - area of whole site?)

2 For official use only: Ref: ______Side :

What uses is the site suitable for? e.g. employment, retail, housing, open space, travelling communities, marine etc.

If the site is only identified as being suitable for housing, please justify

If the site were to be identified for housing, please identify suggested tenure groups with reasons. e.g. self-build, older persons accommodation, affordable, market, etc.


To the best of your knowledge, are there any constraints that may affect development on the site? Please provide brief details with indication on your submitted map : Access


Tree cover/ Tree preservation orders (TPOs)/ ancient woodland Topography

Hazard (please identify) Important open space

Parkland/Landscape character Residential amenity (please identify) Listed building(s)/ ancient monument/historic park/garden Archaeological sites

Local character/conservation area Ground contamination / pollution Air pollution

Noise pollution

3 To the best of your knowledge, are there any constraints that may affect developmentFor official on usethe only: site? Please provide brief details with indication on your submitted map : Ref: ______Environmental Side : designation/ nature conservation designation (Biodiversity/ecology) Protected species

Flood risk

Water Supply

Drainage / sewerage system Electricity / gas (power source) availability Cables, pylons, electricity lines, oil pipelines

Telephone / broadband

Legal considerations

Ownership issues

Market viability

Other considerations

Do you believe the constraints on the site can be overcome? If so, please explain why and how.

Have you consulted with any utilities providers to the site, if so please provide details.

4 For official use only: Ref: ______Side :


Broadly what timeframe would you anticipate the site could first become available for development: First 5 years to 31st March 2021

5-10 years 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2026

10-15 years 1st April 2026 to 31st March 2031

15-17 years 1st April 2031 to 31st March 2036

After 31st March 2036

If you anticipate the site could become available for housing development within the next five years, how many dwellings do you estimate will be completed in each year? Up to 31st March 2016

1st April 2016 - 31st March 2017

1st April 2017 - 31st March 2018

1st April 2018 - 31st March 2019

1st April 2019 - 31st March 2020

Once commenced, how many years do you think it would take to develop the site? Number of years


In identifying such a site you are giving permission for an officer of the Council to access the site in order to ascertain site suitability. In this context would there be any access issues to the site?

If yes, please provide contact details of the person who should be contacted to arrange a site visit.

Do you know of any other issues relating to this site that we should be aware of?

5 For official use only: Ref: ______Side :


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