Spinal Cord Injury in Florida: a Needs and Resources Assessment

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Spinal Cord Injury in Florida: a Needs and Resources Assessment

1 Disability and Health: Strategic Plan 2013

1Strategic Issue 1: Enhance Program Infrastructure and Capacity.

Strategy Action Steps/Activities Responsible Parties Resources Needed Time Horizon

1. Florida Clearinghouse 1. DCPG group members 1. Information about 1. Short 1.1 State endorsed three-year Disability particular resources strategic plan for health Website currently available related to disability initiatives within the state 2. Task Force Developed for 2. Susan Redmon, Thom 2. FDOA for recreation Clearinghouse DeLilla, Shelley Greif, UF, and Leisure Jean Sherman, Liz Perkins, Carmen Dupoint

1. Executive Summary of Susan Redmon, Claudia Tamayo Information, progress reports, 1. Immediate 1.2 Completed sustainability sustainability plan and summaries 2. Immediate: March 5, plan for health-related 2. Progress Report- Mid Year 2013 disability initiatives 3. Progress Report- End Year 3. Short: September 30, 2013

1. List of existing standing 1. DCPG Members 1. Gather list of 1. Immediate- 3 months 1.3 People with disabilities are committees. committees 2. Long: ongoing represented on standing 2. Identify if representation 2. Survey of committees committees that can support from PWD is needed. to identify PWD and advance stated program 3. Encouraging PWD to participation. goals and objectives participate in committees

2 S t r a t e g y a n d A c t i o n P l a n W o r k s h o p S u m m a r y 3 Disability and Health: Strategic Plan 2013

Strategy Action Steps/Activities Responsible Parties Resources Needed Time Horizon

Strategy: The overarching method/ approach that will address the priority issue. There will be one strategy for each priority issue. Action Step/ Activity: The critical steps or activities needed to achieve the identified strategy. Resources Needed: Financial, organizational, individual, etc that will be needed to complete the desired strategy. Responsible Parties: Agencies, organizations, individuals, etc that will be responsible for or participate as a key contributor to the completion the desired strategy. Time Horizon: Immediate (0-6 Months); Short Term (6 Months – 1 Year); Medium Term (1-2 Years); Long Term (>2 Years)


4 S t r a t e g y a n d A c t i o n P l a n W o r k s h o p S u m m a r y Disability and Health: Strategic Plan 5 2012

3Strategic Issue 2: Improve State Level Surveillance and Monitoring Activities

Strategy Action Steps/Activities Responsible Parties Resources Needed Time Horizon

1. Quantifying steps 1. Mary Barnes, Carmen 1. Items used by 1. Immediate 60 Days 2.1 Develop a process for identified Dupoint, APD agencies and developing standards for organizations to quantifying specific quantify specific conditions among people conditions with with disabilities at the state PWD. level

Strategy: Action Step/ Activity: Resources Needed: Responsible Parties: Time Horizon:


6 S t r a t e g y a n d A c t i o n P l a n W o r k s h o p S u m m a r y 7 Disability and Health: Strategic Plan

5Strategic Issue 3: Increase Awareness of Health-Related Disability Policy Initiatives.

Strategy Action Steps/Activities Responsible Parties Resources Needed Time Horizon

1. Clearinghouse/Website 1.Agency for PWD; Elder 1. Utilize the 1. Immediate 3.1 Create initiatives that 2. Provider awareness Affairs; DOH Disability and resources on 2. Short have the potential to campaign for accessible Health; Susan Redmon various 3. Immediate have a population equipment and services. 2. Susan Redmon(accessible organizations 4. Identification: Short; impact on the health 3. School aged resource list weight-scale); Claudia websites for Development/Sustainab of people with for children with Tamayo(UF); CIL. specific disabilities. ility: Long. disabilities within the state disabilities. 3. Susan Redmon (follow-up 2. Benefits for 5. Long 4. Assistive technology to with David Jones or Laurie providers to add locate/track clients at risk LoRe-Gussak (@ FDOA), 211 accessible of flight or injury. providers, Voc Rehab equipment (Tax 5. Rural Area or Isolated (Carmen Dupoint) break, marketing). individuals needing 4. Dept of Elder Affairs, CEU for providers in assistance for PWD (tele- Susan Redmon, Claudia sensitivity training. medicine, etc) Tamayo, FAAST, Valerie 3. Resources for Stafford-Mallis accessible P.E. 5. FAAST classes. Family Network for Disability 4. Technology, Silver Alert Coordination, Medic Alert/Emergency Alert Response, Apps for Emergency 5. Univ. of Miami, Rural Health Partnerships, VA, UF, USF Strategy: Action Step/ Activity: Resources Needed:

8 S t r a t e g y a n d A c t i o n P l a n W o r k s h o p S u m m a r y 9 Disability and Health: Strategic Plan

Strategy Action Steps/Activities Responsible Parties Resources Needed Time Horizon

Responsible Parties: Time Horizon: Immediate (0-6 Months); Short Term (6 Months – 1 Year); Medium Term (1-2 Years); Long Term (>2 Years)

10 S t r a t e g y a n d A c t i o n P l a n W o r k s h o p S u m m a r y Disability and Health: Strategic Plan 11

6Strategic Issue 4: Increase Health Promotion Opportunities for People with Disabilities to Maximize Health.

Strategy Action Steps/Activities Responsible Parties Resources Needed Time Horizon

1. Develop disability 1. Susan Redmon, FDOH 1. Looking for 1. INT 4.1 Increase by 5% the number training for: 2. Division of Blind resources for 2. INT of state-based train the  Radiology/Mammography Services: FL Dept of training, fact-finding. 3. Short-term trainer sessions and training Techs Education Volunteers. offered during the project  Community Health Carmen Dupoint, Steve Mammography DVD, period that aims to Howells, VA Services CEs, Tai Chi train- maximize the health of Workers (CHWs) people with disabilities. Rural Health Training (?) the-trainer Center of North Florida 3. Program managers for 2. Fact- finding phase 2. Training to tai chi program – 3. Laurie Koburger to ophthalmologists – FL Laurie Koburger provide information Medical Assoc. about the tai chi Give info about disability program from the beginning, Training to physicians who come across individuals 3. Tai Chi Train-the-trainer program 1. Collaborate with the: 1. UF-AHEC 1. Materials for hearing 1. LT 4.2 Increase by 2% the number  Centers for Independent FSU – AHEC impaired/visually 2. LT of people with disabilities Living (CILs) – smoking Cancer Collaboratives impaired (ASL that participate in cessation 2. Kim Gokhale (?) interpreter, mainstream public health  Health and facilities captions) programs during the project The 6 Cancer Regional period. Collaboratives – cancer staff making 2. Information about screening accommodations access to 2. Getting involved in Support groups for classes/classes exercise classes for persons with available in certain persons with disabilities disabilities areas. Find ways to Health care settings increase motivation Strategy: Action Step/ Activity:

12 S t r a t e g y a n d A c t i o n P l a n W o r k s h o p S u m m a r y 13 Disability and Health: Strategic Plan 13

Strategy Action Steps/Activities Responsible Parties Resources Needed Time Horizon

Resources Needed: Responsible Parties: Time Horizon:


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9Strategic Issue 5: Improve Access to Health Care for People with Disabilities

Strategy Action Steps/Activities Responsible Parties Resources Needed Time Horizon

1. Increase the number of 1.DHP, UF, FDOH 2. Online training/video by 2. LT 5.1 Increase by 5% the number persons with disabilities 2. Steve Howells certified people of people with disabilities receiving: 3. Susan Redmon/DHP receiving preventive health  Mammography 4. Steve Howells care screening during the  Other cancer project period screening  Smoking cessation 2. Training hospital personnel to transfer 3. Collaborating with rehab facilities to open up facilities for screening, etc 4. Survey for physicians to determine accessibility

5.2 Increase by 2% the number 1. Our “One at a Time” 1. Group members talk to their 2. Fact-sheets; UF conducting 1. long term of facilities providing campaign to encourage personal physician, ask surveys, that include 2. Next few months preventive health care facilities to purchase 2. FQHCs, UF--Chronic Disease questions on accessibility, screening to people with accessible weight scales and Self Management with chronic disease self- disabilities during the project tables. Program/DOH management programs period. 2. Work with FQHC’s to help them identify barriers to serving patients with disabilities, barriers patients face and systems barriers. Strategy: Action Step/ Activity: Resources Needed: Responsible Parties: Time Horizon:

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12Strategic Issue 6: Improve Emergency Preparedness among People with Disabilities

Strategy Action Steps/Activities Responsible Parties Resources Needed Time Horizon

1. Work with Interagency 1. DOH Preparedness and 1. Best Practices for 6.1 State Emergency Level of Care Response, Interagency sheltering persons Management Agencies Workgroup to identify Level of Care with severe (EMA) have a plan that will shelter options for Workgroup, Susan disabilities (PWSD) & adequately address the Persons with Severe Redmon and UF Reimbursement needs of people with Disabilities (PWSD). 2. Susan Redmon, options for facilities disabilities in emergencies in accordance with ADA. Interagency Level of able and willing to 2. Comprehensive registry Care Workgroup, UF. shelter PWSD. state-wide (using 2. Marketing campaign county level to obtain registered information) participants.

6.2 Promote state participation 1. Work with CIL’s that 1. DOH Preparedness and 1. Identify CILs that are of people with disabilities in partner with local Response (Valerie currently engaging in emergency planning exercise emergency Beynon), CIL’s, Susan this type of work & planning. management to provide Redmon and UF List of individuals workshops and training 2. Mary Barnes, Jean and organizations for PWD in emergency Sherman (IDD), DOH who currently planning Preparedness and conduct training for Response (Valerie PWD 2. Recommendation to Beynon), CIL’s, Susan 2. Funding Purple Ribbon Task Redmon and UF opportunities Force for State Plan for addressing Alzheimer’s/ dementia and other disabilities. Research funding opportunities to implement. Input for surveys

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Strategy Action Steps/Activities Responsible Parties Resources Needed Time Horizon

6.3 Increase the number of 1. Bureau of Preparedness 1. Bureau of 1. Baseline data on how people with disabilities who and Response Preparedness and many PWD currently have an emergency plan partnering with CIL’s, Response (Valerie have emergency and/or kit Lighthouse for the Beynon), Susan plans or kits ( UF Blind, Deaf and Hard of Redmon, UF, Bryan PWD survey) Hearing organizations Vaughan, Community to promote partners/providers preparedness among PWD, (The Preparedness Project)

2. Global plan for assisting PWD to create personal plans for variety of disasters.

6.4 Increase the number of care 1. Bureau of Preparedness 1. Bureau of 1. Baseline data on how providers of people with and Response Preparedness and many care providers disabilities who have tools to partnering with CIL’s, Response (Valerie of PWD currently create an emergency Lighthouse for the Beynon), Susan have emergency preparedness plan. Blind, Deaf and Hard of Redmon, UF plans or kits ( UF Hearing organizations PWD survey) to promote preparedness among

22 S t r a t e g y a n d A c t i o n P l a n W o r k s h o p S u m m a r y 13 Disability and Health: Strategic Plan 23

Strategy Action Steps/Activities Responsible Parties Resources Needed Time Horizon

PWD, (The Preparedness Project)

2. ??

6.5 Access and/or provide 1. Research the Best 1. Susan Redmon 1. Find out what technical assistance in the Practice Tool Kit for happened to the assessment of public Accessibility for the existing kits from emergency shelters to assure Red Cross Spring/Summer 2012 people with disabilities have regionally. physical access to and within the facility and shelters have plans for continuity of care 2. ?? for people with disabilities in accordance with the ADA Best Practices Tool Kit for State and Local Governments

Strategy: Action Step/ Activity: Resources Needed: Responsible Parties: Time Horizon: 13

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14Strategic Issue 7: Effectively Monitor and Evaluate Program Activities

Strategy Action Steps/Activities Responsible Parties Resources Needed Time Horizon

1. Work Plan for Years 1 & 1. Susan Redmon/DHP 1. Workplan, Interim 1. Long term 7.1 Complete a program 2 is foundation for and UF partners Progress Report, monitoring and evaluation monitoring and budget for Year 2 of plan within 90 days of award evaluation grant (2013-14) 2. Create a sustainability plan for initiatives stated above.

Strategy: Action Step/ Activity: Resources Needed: Responsible Parties: Time Horizon: 15

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