Looking Back-Moving Forward

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Looking Back-Moving Forward

70th International Convention “Looking Back-Moving Forward” Union Station Hotel Opening Ceremonies and First General Assembly Thursday, July 20, 2017

The First General Assembly of the 70th International Convention of Epsilon Sigma Alpha International was called to order at 8:00 AM on Thursday, July 20, 2017 by Second Vice President Kim Kummer. 2009-2010Past International Council President, Jamie Atchison, conducted the opening ceremonies.

President Sherry Day declared the First General Assembly of the 70th Annual Convention of Epsilon Sigma Alpha International in session. Sherry thanked Jamie Atchison for the beautiful flag ceremony.

The opening ritual was recited by all present.

Chaplain Rhonda Coy gave the opening thought.

President Sherry introduced Kim Kummer, Second Vice President/General Convention Chair. Kim welcomed everyone to St. Louis and introduced the 2016-2017 MARC President, Angie Butenschoen, who also welcomed everyone to the convention. Kim also recognized the local Convention Chair, Rosalee Echele and Co-Chair Sandy Hosack who each presented their welcome.

Sherry introduced Rose Pasillas, 2011-2012 IC President, who recognized the Past International Council Presidents in attendance.

Sherry recognized the 2016-2017 State Presidents, Sherry’s Sparkles and Sherry Suggs, State Presidents’ Chair. President Sherry also recognized the 2017-2018 State Presidents, Sandy’s Emerald Inspirations and Kaycee Headley, State Presidents’ Chair.

President Sherry introduced other special guests who included Kristin Hall, Tracy Swanson and BJ Clark from ESA Headquarters.

Sherry asked that all the first time Convention attendees stand and come forward and be recognized. The AA’s had a remembrance for each of them. Introduction of Head Table-President Sherry Day To her right were: Vickie Farris Sr. Past President Charlotte Carloni Executive Director Rickie Brown Jr. Past President Carolyn Vasko Corresponding Secretary Maria Bingheim Parliamentarian

To her left were: Mary Humphrey 2017-2018 Corresponding Secretary LeAnn Wray Workshop Coordinator Terri Olson Treasurer Robin Bussey Recording Secretary Sandy Alexander First Vice President/President Elect Kim Kummer Second Vice President

Roll Call Report Recording Secretary Robin Bussey reported that the roll call information was submitted by the State Presidents and verified by the Credentials Chair during Credentials on Wednesday morning.

Total Members Present 373 Number of States Represented 35 Number of Regional Councils Represented 4

The results will be posted on the Roll Call Summary Sheet and a copy will be placed in the front of the “Registration by State” notebooks at the Registration Desk. The summary sheet will be updated before each General Assembly as needed. A roll call summary sheet can be found on page 24 of the convention program and will be posted on the IC website after convention. Instructions were given to the State Presidents regarding any changes in their roll call information.

Credentials Report Credentials Chair Jan Billias gave the following Credentials Report:

Votes by Delegates 317 Votes by PICP Delegates 20 Total Votes by Delegates 337

Votes by Proxy 595 Total Votes by Proxy 608

Total Votes by State Presidents 36

Total Votes 968 Jan Billias moved to accept the Credentials Report as presented. Coming from a committee, no seconded was required. Motion carried.

Jan Billias introduced the Credentials Committee. Cleoria Glenn, Idaho Laura Gnewuch, North Carolina Bonnie Templeton, Kansas Deana Walters, Arizona

Rules of Convention Parliamentarian Maria Bingheim moved, by the direction of the Bylaws Committee, to dispense with the reading of the 2017 Rules of Convention as printed on page 37of the convention program. Coming from a committee, no second is required. Motion carried.

Maria introduced the Bylaw Committee. Lois Byrd, Michigan Tina McKamie, Oklahoma Beth Bailey, California

Adoption of Convention Program/Agenda Second Vice President/ General Convention Chair Kim Kummer moved to accept the 70thAnnual IC Convention Agenda as printed in the program book. Coming from a committee, no second was required. Motion carried.

Minutes of the 2016 International Convention President Sherry dispensed with the reading of the minutes of the 2016 International Convention since they have been approved and distributed by Article VIII-Duties of the Elected Officers, Section 1, of the International Council Bylaws.

Correspondence There was no correspondence per Corresponding Secretary Carolyn Vasko.

Treasurer’s Report Treasurer Terri Olson stated that if there are any questions concerning the Treasurer’s report, she would be available after the General Assembly. A copy will be placed in the front of each of the “Registration by State” notebooks at the Registration Desk. The Summary Sheet will be updated before each General Assembly as needed and the final report will be posted on the IC Website.

Beginning Balance from 2015-2016 $54,126.46 Receipts $62,787.03 Disbursements $50,785.61 Balance as of July 16, 2017 $66,127.88

President Sherry stated that the Treasurer’s Report will be filed for audit. Nominating Committee Report First Vice President/Nominating Chair, Sandy Alexander, introduced the nominating committee. Vickie Farris, Idaho Jeri Longacre, Washington Billye Peterson, Oklahoma Linda Schmidt, Kansas

Sandy reported that the following slate of officers was printed in the Spring Jonquil as well as distributed to the State Presidents as required by the By-Laws. Campaign rules may be found on page 39 of the convention program. The slate of officers is as follows:

First Vice President/President Elect Kim Kummer, Kansas

Second Vice President Maria Bingheim, Illinois Terri Olson, Minnesota

Recording Secretary Lynda Edwards, Alabama Jaycee Peak, Indiana

Corresponding Secretary Mary Humphrey, Colorado

Treasurer LeAnn Wray, Michigan

Parliamentarian Gail Marchant, Georgia

Workshop Coordinator Robin Bussey, South Carolina Deana Walters, Arizona

President Sherry called for nominations from the floor for each office, according to the Bylaws Article 6-Elections, Section 2. Hearing none, the chair declared the nominations for the 2017- 2018 elected offices of Epsilon Sigma Alpha closed.

2020 IC Convention Bid Second Vice President Kim Kummer stated that one bid for the 2020 IC International Convention has been received from the State of Texas

Article X-Convention, Section 3 states the site of the IC Convention shall be determined by a ballot vote of the membership at a convention three years hence from bid submitted.

Section 4 reads the Second Vice President shall provide the site ballots, if needed, for distribution by the Credentials Committee. Selection shall be determined by a plurality vote cast by delegates and proxy. In the event only one bid is received, voting shall be by General Consent.

Hearing no objection, the bid for the 2020 IC Convention was accepted. Kim Kummer introduced the Hotel Contracts Committee. They are as follows: Jean Johnson, Chairman, Georgia Jamie Atchison, Illinois Pat Josey, Kansas

Balloting Procedure President Sherry stated that the ballot box for the election of IC Officers will be open from 5:15- 5:45 PM in the Convention Registration Area. The ballot box will close promptly at 5:45 PM. IC Corresponding Secretary, Carolyn Vasko, will escort IC Election Head Teller, Marie LaDuke and the tellers with the ballot box to the Wabash Board Room, and at that time the doors to the Board Room will be closed and the tellers will begin their counting. The Head Teller was instructed to report the results in writing to the President immediately following the final count. The tellers are:

Marie LaDuke, Head Teller, Virginia Sandy Diess, Oregon Dorothy Hendricks, California Roxie Lenox, Wyoming Mary Smith, North Carolina Deb Vercellano, Nebraska Dawn Middleton, Mississippi

Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business to come before this council

Proposed By-Law Changes President Sherry stated the according to Article XVIII-Amendment-These by-laws may be amended in odd-numbered years at the annual meeting of the organization by a two-thirds vote of voting delegates present and voting. Proposed amendments must be submitted to the IC Parliamentarian by January 1 for approval by the IC Executive Board. Notice of proposed amendments shall be distributed via State Presidents and the website no later than April 1 prior to the convention. These by-laws may be amended in even-numbered years when deemed necessary by the Executive Board with all the same rules and voting requirements as above.

Parliamentarian Maria Bingheim stated that the proposed By-Law changes can be found on page 25 of the convention booklet.

Maria moved to change Article XII-The Executive Board Section 1 to read: “The elected officers, the incoming Corresponding Secretary, the Corresponding Secretary, the Junior Past President, and one representative of the ESA Headquarters Staff shall constitute the IC Executive Board.

Coming from a committee no second is required. Motion Carried.

President Sherry stated that with the passage of this by-law, there are a number of housekeeping changes that need to be made. The remainder of the By-law changes are simply to address those changes. There was no objection to those changes, thus those changes will be amended automatically and the remainder of the by-law changes will be accepted.

Parliamentarian Maria stated the Proposed Standing Rule changes can be found on page 27 of the Convention booklet.

Maria moved to change Standing Rule 10 to read: The IC Treasurer shall be responsible for a line item financial report to be posted in the “Registration by State” books at the registration area at IC Convention. A final copy of the line item financial report shall be e-mailed to the state presidents and posted on the ESA Website.

Coming from a committee, no second is required. Motion carried.

Maria moved to change Standing Rule 20 to read: Expenses for the Invitational Event held during convention shall be a budgeted item of the International Convention. Invited guests shall include all members of the General Board and special guests of the President.

Coming from a committee, no second is required. Motion carried.

Maria moved to change Standing Rule 29 to read: ESA Special Observances shall be: A) May 1 may be recognized as Founders’ Day B) May 1-7 may be recognized as ESA Week C) The members of ESA International may observe an ESA day on the date of their choice.

Coming from a committee, no second is required. Motion carried.

Workshop Coordinator LeAnn Wray introduced our Key Note Speaker Tom Krause who delivered his address of “Touching Hearts-Touching Greatness”

Convention Appointments President Sherry stated that the convention appointments are listed in the Convention Program booklet. Sherry introduced the Convention Time Keeper Maureen Wells, Kansas.

Announcements Following the announcements, there being no further business, the meeting was recessed at 10:56 AM. Second General Assembly Friday July 21, 2017

Second Vice President Kim Kummer called the Second General Assembly to order at 10:00 AM on Friday July 21, 2017 and presented the 2016-2017 International Council President, Sherry Day. Sherry declared the Second General Assembly in session.

President Sherry Day conducted a pledge ceremony for pledges Melissa Diddle, KS and Haleigh Ronspies, MO.

Roll Call Update Recording Secretary Robin Bussey reported: Total Members Present 381 Number of States Represented 35

Robin stated that the updated roll call information has been place in the front of the “Registration by State” notebooks in the Registration Office and the Roll Call Summary sheet can be found on page 24 of the program books.

Credentials Update

Credentials Chair, Jan Billias, gave an updated credentials report.

Votes by Delegates 317 Votes by PICP Delegates 20 Total Votes by Delegates 337

Votes by Proxy 595 Votes by PICPA Proxy 13 Total Votes by Proxy 608

Total Votes by State Presidents 36

Total Votes 981

Jan Billias moved to accept the Credentials Report as presented. Coming from a committee, no seconded was required. Motion carried. Disaster Fund Report Jr. Past President Rickie Brown gave the following report on the Disaster Fund:

Beginning Balance $33,018.21 Donations Received $51,089.37 Transferred from Portfolio $ -0- Interest Income $ -0- 8 Claims Paid $34,880.80 Expenses $21,608.46

Balance in Checking Account as of July 18, 2017 $27,618.32 Balance in Investment Portfolio, 1st National Bank $551,861.53 Balance in Investment Portfolio, Morgan Stanley $2,378,872.08

The Disaster Fund report will be filed for audit.

New Business There was no new business to come before the assembly.

Service Pin Ceremony Rosalie Griffith, 2003-2004 IC President conducted the service pin ceremony for members with 25-40 years of service.

President Sherry thanked the tellers for their hard work and announced the 2017-2018 International Council Executive Board. They are as follows:

President Sandy Alexander, Colorado First Vice President/President Elect Kim Kummer, Kansas Second Vice President Terri Olson, Minnesota Recording Secretary Jaycee Peak, Indiana Corresponding Secretary Mary Humphrey, Colorado Treasurer LeAnn Wray, Michigan Parliamentarian Gail Marchant, Georgia Workshop Coordinator Robin Bussey, South Carolina Jr. Past President Sherry Day, Arizona 2018-2019 Corresponding Secretary Maureen Wells, Kansas

ESA Foundation ESA Foundation Chair, Kim Mandrell announced the election results and the 2017-2018 ESA Foundation Officers. The 2 new directors are SuMcDonell and Beth Sherron.

New Officers: Chairman Ann Southall Vice Chairman Kim Mandrell Secretary SuMcDonell Treasurer Tammy Akins

Past International Council Presidents’ Report Rose Pasillas, PICPA Chair and 2011-2012 IC President announced the 2017-2018 PICPA Officers.

Chairman Susan Winters Vice Chairman Vicky Jones Secretary Rickie Brown Treasurer Vickie Farris

Future Convention Sites Second Vice President, Kim Kummer, announced the future Convention sites.

2018 IC Convention Sherry Day, Chair and Rickie Brown, Co-Chair Hosted by the states of Arizona and California July 18-22, 2018 Sheraton Grand Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona Theme: “Sunshine and Celebrations” Registration: $250.00

Video was shown on the Sheraton Grand Hotel.

2019 IC Convention Charlotte Garrett, Chair and Ann Southall, Co-Chair Hosted by Arkansas July 17-21, 2019 Sheraton Hotel, Memphis, Tennessee Theme: “Merriment and Memories Memphis Style” Registration: $250.00 Room Rates: $151.00

Information was presented on the Convention Site.

President Sherry introduced Kristin Hall, Headquarter Philanthropic/Communications Coordinator and Ashley Ramsdell from ALSAC. They introduced St. Jude patient Robbie Dutton and his mother Tammy Dutton.

After the announcements, President Sherry Day closed the Second General Assembly of the 70th International Convention of Epsilon Sigma Alpha at 11:33 AM Third General Assembly Saturday July 22, 2017

Second Vice President Kim Kummer called the Third General Assembly to order at 9:00 AM on Saturday July 22, 2017 and presented the 2016-2017 International Council President, Sherry Day. Sherry declared the Third General Assembly in session.

Easterseals Presentation Easterseals Chair Susanne Dullack introduced Julie Schenberg,Easterseals Representative and our guest speaker, Jennifer Haughey.

Convention Registration Report Brenda Meyers, Convention Registration Chair gave the report as follows:

MARC Members 225 Headquarters Staff ESA Members 3 Other ESA Members 181 Guests 20 MARC Non-Members 20 Other Non-Members 12 DESA/Elan Members 1 Other Youth 1 Total Attendance 463

ESA Membership Corporation Report Charlotte Carloni, Executive Director and Susan Winters, Chairman of the ESA Membership Corporation gave the Headquarters’ Report. A copy of the ESAMC Annual Report was distributed.

Special Recognitions President Sherry Day recognized new pledges, Collegiate Members, DESA’s, Elan Members, members that sponsored a new chapter, members that pledged a new member, first time convention attendees, volunteers and attendees for the ESA Foundation Fest, and attendees for the St. Jude “Be a Superhero” event. Sherry then had the countdown of Pallas Athene achievements and years of IC Convention attendance.

Recognition of the 2017 Convention Committee Second Vice President Kim Kummer recognized all members of MARC and the 2017 Convention Committee for an outstanding convention in St. Louis. Recognition of the of the Administrative AssistantsPresident Sherry recognized and thanked her four Administrative Assistants for all of the preparation and work they have done during the year.

Closing Remarks President Sherry showed a video commemorating her year and then gave her closing remarks.

Lowering/Raising of Gavels Corresponding Secretary Carolyn Vasko lowered Sherry’s gavel and 2002-2003 IC President Pat Griffin raised Sandy’s gavel.

Induction of the 2016-2017 IC President into the PICPA Rose Pasillas, 2011-2012 IC President and PICPA Chair along with the PICPA inducted Sherry into the Past International Council Auxiliary.

Presentation of the Gavel Sherry passed the gavel to Sandy Alexander and announced Sandy as the 2017-2018 IC Council President.

Presentation of the 2017-2018 Officers, Chairs and Committees 2017-2018 IC President Sandy Alexander introduced the 2017-2018 Executive Board and Appointed Board by a power point presentation.

Closing Thoughts Chaplain Rhonda Coy gave the closing thought.

Retiring of the Flags 2009-2010 IC President Jamie Atchison retired the flags.

Adjournment President Sherry Day adjourned the 70th International Convention of Epsilon Sigma Alpha International at 12:08 PM. The closing ritual was recited by all present.

2017 IC Convention Minutes Approval

Robin Bussey August 15, 2017 2016-2017 IC Recording Secretary Date

Sherry Day August 16, 2017 2016-2017 IC President Date

Sandy Alexander August 16, 2017 2016-2017 1st Vice President Date

Kim Kummer August 17, 2017_ 2016-2017 2nd Vice President Date

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