Devicenet Conformance Test Software Subscription Order Form

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Devicenet Conformance Test Software Subscription Order Form

Conformance Test Software Order Form Open Vendor Association, Inc.

DeviceNet Conformance Test Software– Subscription Order Form Price: ODVA Members $500.00 net; Postage (UPS Ground/Int’l) plus Handling ($3.25) extra Non-Members $750.00 net; Postage (UPS Ground/Int’l) plus Handling ($3.25) extra Note: The software runs on IBM compatible PCs and requires a CAN interface card for communicating over DeviceNet from the PC. The DeviceNet software is compatible with Huron Net Works’ DeviceNet PC-1, Softing’s AC2, and S-S Technologies’ interface cards. Additional requirements: Windows™ version of CAN interface software, Microsoft® Windows, Version 3.1/later or Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11/later; MS-DOS™, Version 6.1/Later; Microsoft Excel, Version 5.0/later, to view the DeviceNet Statement of Conformance. This is a subscription service which entitles the Buyer to all updates to the DeviceNet Conformance Test Software for a period of one year. The right to use the Conformance Test Software is subject to the terms and conditions of ODVA’s Terms of Usage for the DeviceNet Specification, a copy of which must be signed and returned prior to shipment. Registration Information (Required): Buyer Name: ______Number of Copies: ______Buyer Phone Number: ______Buyer Fax Number: ______Company Name: ______Company Address: ______City State Postal Code Country Payable upon receipt by check in U.S. dollars to Open DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc. (ODVA), 8222 Wiles Rd - Suite 287, Coral Springs, FL 33067, USA, or Send or fax this form along with your purchase order to: ODVA, 8222 Wiles Rd - Suite 287 • Coral Springs, FL 33067 • Fax: (1) 954 340-5413 or (1) 561 477-6621. Be sure to include complete Sold To, Ship To, and Invoice To addresses (if different) along with Subscription Order Form and Purchase Order. Payable upon receipt, or Payable via VISA, MASTERCARD, or AMERICAN EXPRESS. Complete the following for credit card purchases.

 MASTERCARD Card Number: Name as it appears on the card: 8222 Wiles Road • Suite 287 • Coral Springs, FL 33067 • Phone: (1) 954 340-5412 • Fax: (1) 954 340-5413 Conformance Test Software Order Form Open Vendor Association, Inc.

 VISA Expiration Date: Signature:  AMERICAN EXPRESS

The DeviceNet Conformance Test Software is intended for use by companies/developers interested in self- testing their product prior to having the test performed by ODVA’s Independent Test Labs. The Software is intended for use as a complement to the buyer’s own testing. It does not guarantee product conformance to the DeviceNet Specification.

8222 Wiles Road • Suite 287 • Coral Springs, FL 33067 • Phone: (1) 954 340-5412 • Fax: (1) 954 340-5413 Conformance Test Software Order Form Open Vendor Association, Inc.

Frequently Asked Questions About Conformance Software About the Test Software How should products be labeled after passing The same software used in ODVA’s Independent the test? Test Labs is offered as a subscription service Product markings indicating which entitles the Buyer to all updates to the Conformance with ODVA testing are DeviceNet Conformance Test Software for a period of one year. expressly prohibited. After the product passes conformance testing, ODVA recommends Why lower prices for Members versus Non- that manufacturers use the following text in Members? manufacturer’s product literature: Members help pay for the administration and start-up expense of the test center(s) and the “This product has been [self-tested by the development of the test software. To reward manufacturer] or [ODVA’s authorized ODVA Member companies for their support Independent Test Lab] and found to comply through membership dues and volunteer with ODVA Conformance Test Software technical contribution on SIGs, ODVA offers its Version ______” products and services to Members at prices more favorable than Non-Members. If I make enhancements to my product after it has passed the Conformance Test, do I need to Test Software will be enhanced continuously retest my product? The plan for evolving the Conformance Test No. All product testing is optional. You may Software is just like the DeviceNet Specification want to retest your product (either self-test or at — the Test Software will be continuously ODVA’s Independent Laboratory) to assure that enhanced by the volunteer technical effort of the products pass the test. ODVA Member companies. The focal point of this effort is the Conformance SIG. I have a family of products that all use the same software or slight modifications of the same Do I need to have ODVA test my product? software. Do I need to test each product? No, you do not need to have ODVA test your You should use the Conformance Test Software product. Testing is voluntary. You may also self- to self-test each product. You only need to test test your product and claim compliance to the one product at the Independent Laboratory, DeviceNet Specification. providing you furnish the Lab and ODVA information about the different products in the Is there a benefit to having ODVA test my product family, how they are similar, and what the product? variations among the products are. Consult Yes. By having your product tested at ODVA’s ODVA for information on the Conformance Test Independent Test Lab, you are testing your Policy. product with the most thorough test tool available. The test tools are continually What version of the DeviceNet Specification enhanced by ODVA Member companies that should I test my product? participate on the Conformance SIG. You can self-test to any version of the DeviceNet Specification. It is recommended that you always update your products to the latest release of the Specification so that end users may benefit from enhancements in the latest release. ODVA’s policy is to maintain only the most current version(s) of the Conformance Test to encourage companies to develop products to the most recent version of the Specifications.

8222 Wiles Road • Suite 287 • Coral Springs, FL 33067 • Phone: (1) 954 340-5412 • Fax: (1) 954 340-5413

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