Summer Brook Acres

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Summer Brook Acres


Guarantee Summer Brook Acres (“Summer Brook” and “Seller”) guarantees the following puppy (also referred to as “dog” herein) to be purebred and of documented heredity from AKC registered parents. The purchaser(s) of this dog (“Buyers/Owners”) are identified below and this contract is only valid as long as the dog is owned by the original owner named in this agreement.

Registered Name: Summer Brook ______

Call Name: ______

Sire: All Need in Famous Family Dam: Cherry from Babelsbergi

Sex: Date of Birth: 7/23/17

The following are the PRINTED names and addresses, as well as the authorized signatures, of the undersigned Seller and Buyers/Owner(s) concerning the above dog: (If there are two Buyers/Owners, please be sure both names are PRINTED and signed.)


Printed Name: ______Signature: ______Buyer/Owner Printed Name: ______Signature: ______Buyer/Owner Full Address: ______


Phone number:______

Email address:______

Printed Name: Summer Brook Acres LLC Seller/Summer Brook Acres (Karen Summers)

Signature: ______BREEDER GUARANTEES: 1. This puppy will have been wormed at least three times, had a first vaccine (unless buyer prefers to wait on vaccine), and been checked by a licensed veterinarian before leaving breeder’s home. 2. Great care has been taken to breed dogs with pedigrees that indicate good genetic background but if there is a problem, we offer a 1-year warranty for all buyers and an extended 4-year warranty for buyers that follow our “Extended Warranty Requirements”. Both warranties cover hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, heart, eyes, and congenital defects causing death or euthanasia. In the event of a confirmed genetic defect as listed below, the buyer can return the dog to the breeder at the buyer’s expense for a refund of ______(full sales price of the dog not including transportation costs or charges for extra time and training at my home) or keep the dog and receive a $______refund (75% of sales price). We also reserve the right to acquire DNA to determine that the dog or puppy is one of our lineages. Also, if there is a congenital defect causing death or euthanasia, we will give a full refund of ______. 3. The sire and dam of this puppy have been examined and cleared for hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia. We also guarantee the puppy against having clinical signs of hip or elbow dysplasia. Summer Brook Acres must receive an OFA report confirming either moderate or severe hip dysplasia or moderate or severe elbow dysplasia. A copy of the x-ray must also be furnished to Summer Brook Acres and if we determine that the dog was poorly positioned, we reserve the right to require the dog to be re-x-rayed by a vet of our choice. 4. This puppy is also warrantied for genetic defects of the heart. If there is a severe heart murmur (grade 5/6 or 6/6) that will affect the quality of life of this dog, the diagnosis must be confirmed by a letter to breeder from a reputable licensed veterinary cardiologist. 5. This puppy is warrantied for genetic defects of the eyes. If there is a genetic eye defect that affects this puppy’s quality of life, the diagnosis must be confirmed by a letter to breeder from a reputable licensed veterinarian ophthalmologist. 6. This puppy is guaranteed to be free of untreatable health conditions for 5 days after leaving breeders home. In order for this guarantee to be valid, the buyer must take their puppy to a licensed veterinarian of their choice for the puppy’s check-up within 5 days of purchase. If puppy is found to have a disease that is untreatable or found to have a hereditary disease, then a letter from the licensed veterinarian stating so must be presented to the seller within 10 days of delivery. In this case, the puppy will be returned to the seller within the same 10 days and a refund of $______(full purchase price not including transportation or additional fees for extra time and training at my home) will be given to the buyer at that time, thus ending this contract entirely. Relocation, travel, and separation from their littermates can stress a puppy causing the puppy to not eat properly for a few days and stress can bring out certain treatable conditions that would not be included as a reason for a puppy’s return to the breeder. Breeder is not responsible if puppy contracts a communicable disease after leaving our property. 7. Due to environmental and training issues out of our control, once the puppy leaves our home, breeder cannot warranty the temperament of the puppy. 8. Breeder does not guarantee color, size, or look of any puppy. 9. Under no circumstances will breeder be held liable for any expenses incurred by buyer, including but not limited to veterinarian bills and transportation costs.

Initials of Breeder______Initials of Buyer(s)/Owner(s)______BUYER AGREES TO THE FOLLOWING: 1. The puppy is not being purchased for resale. If the buyer determines that he/she can no longer care for the puppy/dog or keep the dog for any reason, he/she will return at owner’s expense the puppy/dog to Summer Brook Acres for them to either keep or find another home for at their discretion. 2. Buyer will provide adequate housing for their dog away from the elements and will provide adequate exercise, training, and attention. Golden Retrievers thrive on companionship and need a good bit of exercise and mental stimulation. This dog will not be left primarily alone. 3. Buyer will never leave the dog tied. 4. Buyer will use the prefix Summer Brook at the beginning of the dog’s official name. Your puppy’s call name can be whatever you like. 5. Buyer will have female spayed before she is 20 months of age or male neutered before he is 30 months of age. Buyer will not have dog spayed or neutered before 6 months. 6. Buyer either owns his/her own home or has received permission from his/her landlord to own a dog.

Initials of Breeder/Seller______Initials of Buyer(s)/Owner(s)______

EXTENDED WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS 1. This puppy must not be over-vaccinated according to our guidelines on or according to Dr. Jean Dodds’ vaccination protocol or Dr. Ronald Schultz’s protocol. Dr. Dodds and Dr. Schultz are well-known and well-respected veterinarians in the field of immunology. Many veterinarians are still advocating yearly vaccines while most, if not all, schools of veterinary medicine are now advocating fewer vaccines. Over-vaccination will include having puppy vaccines closer together than 3 weeks, having a rabies vaccine earlier than is necessary to comply with state laws, giving a Leptospirosis vaccine before puppy is 12 weeks of age, or giving a rabies vaccine on the same day as other vaccines. 2. This puppy must not be over-exercised prior to reaching 1½ years of age. Over-exercise would include being forced to go faster on a leash than a trot, being put on a tread-mill, rough play with older dogs or children, standing on back legs for extended periods of time; wild tennis ball games with chasing and retrieving (especially on slippery floors or wet grass and with balls thrown further than 15-20 feet), and chasing Frisbees. This puppy will also be kept from going up and down full flights of stairs (over 7 steps) prior to 16 weeks of age. 3. Boy dogs cannot be neutered before a year of age. Girls must be kept un-spayed until after their first heat cycle AND after they are a year of age. A study done by UC Davis has shown that dogs spayed or neutered before a year have a considerably higher risk of certain cancers as well as hip and elbow dysplasia. 4. Buyer has exclusively fed a food rated as 4 or 4 1/2 or 5 stars on or a balanced home cooked or raw diet.

Initials of Seller______Initials of Buyer(s), Owner(s)______THIS CONTRACT WILL BE VOID UNDER ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Buyer has permitted the dog to be overfed at any time. A dog is overfed if you cannot easily feel his/her ribs when lightly touched. Golden retriever puppies between 10 weeks and 8 months should look thin. They should not look filled out like an adult until close to a year of age. 2. There is evidence of neglect or abuse. 3. Injuries have occurred while under the care of the buyer, such as a broken bone, trauma, etc. 4. Dog has been bred. 5. Dog has not been on heartworm preventive medicine every 45 days during the warmer months of the year or been tested for heartworms every 6 months.

It is further agreed by and between the undersigned Seller and Buyers/Owners that: (a) the undersigned Buyers/Owners have read, understood and agreed to all parts and provisions of this agreement and intend to fulfill all of the above requirements and recommendations; (b) all parts and provisions of this contract constitute a valid and binding agreement between Seller and Buyers/Owners; (c) if any provision of this agreement is declared by a court to be invalid, all other provisions of this contract not so declared will be valid and binding; (d) this written contract constitutes the sole agreement between the parties; (e) both Seller and Buyers/Owners will retain an original dated and signed copy of this Puppy Sales Guarantee And Contract; (f) Seller and Buyers/Owners have initialed each of the pages of this agreement and have placed their authorized signatures below; (g) this Puppy Sales Guarantee And Contract is based on mutual promises and other valuable consideration which the parties have received and deemed to be adequate; (h) a completed, dated and signed facsimile copy of the original of this contract is valid and binding for all purposes. This contractual agreement is made, executed, and will remain in the jurisdiction of the state of Alabama. If for any reason, litigation should occur, the venue shall lie in Shelby County, Alabama.

Signature of Breeder______

Signature of Buyer/Owner______

Signature of 2nd Buyer/Owner if applicable______

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