Current Event Guidelines
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Advances in science and technology are occurring at a pace that is almost too fast to imagine. These advances are helping us live longer, healthier lives and are giving us opportunities that were not available twenty, even ten years ago. As a science student it is important for you to stay current regarding advances in this field. To do so, you will be reporting on quarterly current events. These will be due on the follow dates: Oct. 31, Jan. 16, March 27, June 5 . You may bring in a rough copy earlier if you would like it proofread.
Choosing an article: Be sure the article is current. Within the past 6 months. It must be directly related to science. Make sure your source is credible (from a recognizable news source). DO NOT just type “science news” into Google and just print the first page that comes up. The source must be a print source (including printed web pages). The article should be age appropriate. Choose something that challenges you, but that you can also understand. The article should be an appropriate length. 500 words or more, not a small blurb in the paper. Your article should be significantly longer than your summary! If you have a question about an article, see Mrs. Skinner BEFORE the current event is due. If you find an article in a source that you cannot cut out (i.e. library paper, magazine), make a photocopy or scan & print Attach the original article or a photocopy/print out of the article. If you have printer issues, deal with those ahead of time and use the resources at school. Helpful Website Sources (story tab, not video) (scroll to science and technology) (left side of the page) Report Format: One FULL page (No more than 1.5 pages) typed double-spaced summary & opinion/insights. Use 12 point font and 1” margins, no larger!! Check your page set-up! Use correct grammar and spelling. Use spell/grammar check, but also proofread for errors this doesn’t catch!!
Summarize: 1-2 paragraph(s) (paragraphs are at least 5 sentences in length) summary of the article. Tell me what the article was about in YOUR OWN WORDS. Pick out the major point of the article (avoid too many mundane details). My advice is to read the article once, then read again with a highlighter. Put the article aside to write the summary WITHOUT looking at the article. Summary should explain to anyone what the article was about. No PLAGARISM or “over-paraphrasing” (which includes just changing a few words in a particular sentence) See “tips for summarizing” for help. NO QUOTES in a summary! Opinion/Reaction/Insights : 1 paragraph (paragraphs are at least 5 sentences in length) on your opinion of the article. This may include, but not limited to: why you chose this article, did you agree or disagree with the content, what did you think the implications would be, what you learned, etc. Sentences should NOT include: “This article was cool.” or "I didn't like it or learn anything" "I didn't understand it." These would not count towards your 5 sentences and give no substance to your paragraph. If you don't like or understand the article-- choose a different article! New Vocabulary Word(s): Choose 1 or 2 words from the article that is new to you. Highlight in the article itself. (If there are none, this article may not be challenging enough.) Write the word, part of speech, and the definition of the word as it is used in the article. No PROPER NOUNS (names of people, places, things)! For example: Ex. newspaper- (noun) - A publication usually issued daily or weekly containing current news, editorials, feature articles, and usually advertising. Beginning Developing Proficient Format -Problem with two or more of the following: Less -May have a problem with one of the following: -1 page total including: summary, opinion & vocab, than 1 page total, over spacing from top, not Less than 1 page total, over spacing from top, -No excessive spacing from top, typed in 12 point typed, double spaced, margins > 1” not typed, double spaced, or margins > 1” font, double spaced, margins 1”
1 2 3
Spelling, -Article was not spell checked and/or proofread -Article may have been spell checked but was -Article was spell checked and well proof-read Grammar not well proofread prior to submission -Multiple errors -Some errors -Few to no errors
1-2 3-4 5 Summary -Summary misses key points and/or includes -Summary shows understanding of most key -Summary shows understanding of all key points, nonessentials (mundane details). points; still has some mundane details avoiding mundane details & does not include any of your own opinions -May lack sentence minimum (5+) -May or may not lack sentence min. (5+) -Sentence minimum (5+) or more -Includes “quotes” or too much like original -Mostly in own words, with only a few parts rather than all in own words (paraphrased instead “paraphrased” -Completely in own words with no indication of of summarized) plagiarism or “overly paraphrased”; No quotes
1-2 3-5 6-7 Opinion -Responses show limited understanding of the -Responses show partial understanding of the -Responses show evidence of complete article. article understanding of the article
-May lack sentence minimum (5+) -May or may not lack sentence min. (5+) -Sentence minimum (5+) or more
-Insights are vague and not related to content of -Insights are somewhat related to the content -Insights are directly related to the content of the article of the article the article
-Generic phrases and/or repetition of summary -Too many generic phrases like “This article -New ideas, q’s, thoughts, not just a repeat of the was interesting” or repetition of summary summary or generic phrases like “I learned a lot”.
1-2 3-5 6-7 Vocab No vocabulary term highlighted in article or Vocabulary not highlighted in article and/or not New vocabulary term highlighted within the defined with part of speech defined OR part of speech missing original article, defined, and part of speech given
0 1-2 3
Total: ______/25 □Article Preapproval Signature: ______Article Title: ______*5 pts off every day late: This must be ready to turn in at the start of class- OR Deal with printer issues PRIOR to due date □Article is 1 of the 3 preapproved articles Name of Article: ______Comments: *Still must attach to article (if missing 1 point off) **If article is not a preapproved this will not be graded