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The Healing Codes Thursday Night Q&A 1/11/07 Tom Costello
My name is Tom Costello. On behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC and The Healing Codes family I have the pleasure of welcoming you to this call. Tonight in the United States it is January 11, 2007. Everything on this call is being recorded. The recording is available as a free download (in a couple of days, that is) from our website:
This Q&A call has several purposes and it is one of several ways we support our clients in your use of The Healing Codes so that you get the results you wanted when you bought The Healing Codes package. Another form of support is the recording of these calls. It is a handy thing for somebody whose time schedule or time zone doesn’t permit listening in real time, you can download them at your computer and listen to them at will.
Another form of support is the Clients Only area on the website. You can ask questions, post things, have your questions answered and read other people’s comments. We have a moderator who monitors that support area. There is a user name and password. I’ll just mention that very quickly. User name (one word, all lower case): healingcodes The password is all lower case, one word: 12days That will get you started in the Clients Only area. If you are not a client, I’d appreciate it if you would not deal with that area.
Tonight we’d like to ask those of you who are uncertain about any part of The Healing Codes process to ask questions. We recognize as human beings if we are uncertain about how to do things, we tend not to. This call is designed to eliminate that uncertainty. I would like to encourage you, if you are uncertain about asking a question, that your questions serve not only you but other people on this call as well as other people who will listen to a recording of this call at a later date. You serve more than just one person.
We also like to hear about and validate other people’s success using The Healing Codes. That is an important aspect of it. To hear those is very encouraging for a lot of people. It’s pretty easy to feel isolated even though there are over 6 billion people on the planet. To hear somebody else’s challenges, struggles and progress is an encouraging thing. That can help a person form a vision of what they are trying to accomplish. We talk oftentimes in terms of pictures; visual images or the way we store information as human beings. To be able to form a picture of your ultimate success makes it a lot easier to achieve.
Our standard disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deals with issues of the heart. It is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. We look to go right to the root of things rather than deal on the surface. We think that makes the most sense.
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 1 Thursday Night Q&A I would also like to put in another disclaimer. A lot of the opinions you are going to hear tonight are opinions. They are mine. If they serve you I’m glad. If they don’t just let them go flying by.
Before I ask Jodi to tell you how to get into the queue or to get out of the queue so you can tell us your success story, ask questions, make a comment or whatever it is you would like to do relative to that, I’d just like to touch upon very quickly tonight (maybe every time we do these calls I’ll go into it in a little more depth) for newer people several pieces of information.
If you are new to this don’t try so hard to do the Codes perfectly. Relaxation is the key. It is the opposite of stress. That’s what we are looking for. Do The Healing Codes in the physically most comfortable position that you can do it so that you are not using muscle strain, exhaustion or discomfort.
I recommend that we think of stress as internal dirt. The Healing Codes is the next level of personal hygiene. Consider that longevity in the western world has improved over the last few decades. A lot of that is due to hygiene; washing the hands, washing the body, washing the food, cooking food, refrigeration, and a better quality drinking water. The Healing Codes in my opinion is the next level.
The Healing Codes help declare peace in the body so that resources in the body are devoted to construction, reconstruction, healing, making a strong healthy structure of cells, tissues and so on.
Finally, there are some key elements to health. They are really straight forward. Drink plenty of good, clean water. Breathe deeply. Eat nutritious food. Get plenty of rest. Those are easy to say, but not necessarily easy to schedule into our lives. Those are four of the five key things you can do for your health. The fifth one is to deal with that stress which is at the root of most all illness according to key researchers like Dr. Bruce Lipton. Even governmental organizations like the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta recognize stress as the culprit.
The Healing Codes is that fifth step. If you use it you are in a real good position to be able to attract or create what you want in your life.
Jodi, will you explain how to get into the queue?
Tom Costello: I love being on these calls and I hope the same is true for you.
Participant: (Margie) I’m very new to The Healing Codes. I borrowed a set from a friend who had been using them for three or four days. I just received mine in the mail today. One of my biggest questions is: I do lots of other energy and sound healing. Can I combine this together or should I do it separately.
Tom Costello: It depends on what the other thing is.
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 2 Thursday Night Q&A Participant: I’ve got a CD that has relaxing or chakra-balancing tones on it. Should I play that as I’m doing this?
Tom Costello: I think there is no harm in doing both of them at the same time. I would be more inclined as a user to see if I can notice anything as I do The Healing Codes. Especially if I’m a new person. This is true for me and not necessarily true for you. I want proof that something is working. My mother used to call me “doubting Thomas” and I haven’t improved very much over all these years. I like to see proof. If you co- mingle too many things then it will be difficult for you to identify where they came from.
Having said that, if where they came from is not important to you, just the result is important to you, you can certainly mingle them. Anything that contributes to your relaxation is going to be contributory to you achieving your goals.
One of the other thoughts about having music or so on going on is: if that takes your attention away so you are thinking of the music, you may want to consider the idea that if you can get into a quiet relaxed space as you do The Healing Codes, say the prayer/request, have created a truth focus statement that really resonates for you personally, and you can get into this place where you can put your attention in a relaxed fashion not forcing it or working. Put your attention on the ideal condition that you want to become equal to. There are lots of ways to describe this. That equality could be called vibrational alignment. You could call it becoming one with, connecting to, however you want to think of that.
It’s clean in a case where there is nothing else going on in your environment. That’s not always true for people who are doing this in their cubicle at the office. That would be a good time for ear plugs as you do it.
If you want to do it with the music in the background, I see no problem with that.
Participant: This is usually just tones. No words. It’s vibrations that have different frequencies connected with feeding the chakras or calming or relieving fear or something like that.
Tom Costello: To be clear. The Healing Codes and healing centers are not related to meridians or chakras. However, people who know (chakras have been around for several thousand years) realize if there is a condition one is experiencing in one’s life that according to literature is related to one chakra or another and you are doing a Healing Code that is related to that emotion, emotional state, or category (love, peace, joy, etc.), that could be very interesting. Approaching it from multiple angles.
Participant: It does make sense though, as a social scientist, I would like to get a clearer idea of what is the Healing Codes’ effect. There is a part of me that says, “I just want to get well.” I might try it two different ways.
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 3 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello: Let me hitchhike on that. I think you bring up an excellent point. Let’s assume somebody on this call has a very serious illness and is going through all kinds of struggles. This is my opinion.
If we are going to go through that kind of struggle, to me that’s like a curriculum in which we are earning our PhD. When you get your PhD, that is you go through you experience and are on the other end. You are healthy. You’ve learned a lot about yourself and the whole process of tuning in to healing. What are you going to do with that PhD?
You are going to want to teach. You will want to share it with other people. To have a stew of processes to say, “I want to tell you about this fabulous…. Actually it was a stew.” I think from that standpoint it would more empowering for us as individuals to say: I’ve used lots of stuff, but I’ll tell you what knocked my socks off. The following: ….
That will feel good to share with people as compared to not being sure of what happened, “But here I am happy and healthy!” That’s plenty good.
Participant: Since I am in the healing profession, I want to be able to say, “I used these two things together and I got great results.” Or, “I used this thing by itself and I did beautifully.”
Tom Costello: Yep.
Participant: Thank you. I didn’t hear your name. I came on late.
Tom Costello: Tom Costello Thank you.
Participant: (John) What is the best Healing Code for sinus infection?
Tom Costello: It sounds like you might be experiencing one of those.
Participant: Right now.
Tom Costello: If you turn to the back of the manual to the Problem Reference Chart and look up Respiratory, that would be a meaningful place to start. However, I recommend to people as well to look at negative emotions: what does this say about me? Unhealthy beliefs: what does this say about me when I have this experience? Compare the categories that are indicated in each of those three steps. Whichever one as you read them cause you to think: “This is talking to me.” That’s the one to zero in on.
Obviously a sinus infection is a physical thing. That is not what we target. We target the underlying spiritual issues, issues of the heart, that energetic, that belief, that interpretation that has in some way impacted our body’s ability to take care of itself. That is, the immune system. We’re looking to be able to pull away, heal, shift our point
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 4 Thursday Night Q&A of view about a threat. Then instead of the body being under stress expressing the syndrome called fight-or-flight, it comes out of that, recognizes peace has been declared and gets back to doing what it can do. It can heal. It can heal sinus infections. The body can heal pretty much anything out there. It is an unbelievably miraculous creation.
I would do that: look at the respiratory. Look at the negative emotions. Look at unhealthy beliefs. Choose the ones that resonate and read what they say. Find the one that really rings your bell.
Participant: (Deeann) I want to share my excitement. I’ve been sick for 26 years. The Healing Codes came to me, of course, not by coincidence. I’m only on Day 8 of the 12- day quickie. I haven’t felt anything really different, but I know it’s going to work. With all yours and Alex’s and Ben’s guarantee that it is going to work, I really believe it is.
I’m one of the ones that is totally willing to hang in there. I feel it is right in my heart. I thank everyone who is involved with this and is getting it out to the world. As Alex and Ben said, we are going to change the world one person at a time. I’m hanging in there.
Tom Costello: I would say with that “I’m going to do this.” Period. End of story. That’s an absolute guarantee of success. I think you will mobilize forces in your body by that decision. It is so powerful that nothing can withstand it. Not that anything is trying to do that other than inertia, habit, what’s already in place. The power of that decision is like a command. If you or anybody else has seen “The Secret” in which they show the genie comes up and says, “your wish is my command.” The genie is hearing your command which takes it to another level. It is there.
The few fundamentals I went through about rest, food, water and breathing are key. As minor as it sounds, dehydration and lack of oxygen are the two major forms of stress. If you are handling that and the other two things and dealing with stress you are there.
Participant: I do about 3 sessions a day for a total of at least an hour a day each session. I expect miracles or I’m open to miracles. I’m okay for a long run, too. It’s been a long time coming.
Tom Costello: I think expecting miracles is a good place to be. Be willing to receive them when they show up at your front door. Okay I’ll open the door for this. Gratitude that goes along with that is very, very attractive in this whole process.
You’ve already declared to your cells the way it is going to be. Good for you.
Participant: Thank you. I will fill you in as I go along, maybe a few weeks down the road.
Tom Costello: It’s these journeys…. You say you’ve been sick for 26 years. Let me think, should this be over in 26 minutes? The fact of the matter is, it takes as long as it takes. We are going to continue until… we are just going to continue.
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 5 Thursday Night Q&A Participant: Until it is ended. Thank you.
Participant: (Mary) I confess that I don’t have the little book in front of me. I haven’t started using The Healing Codes yet for a number of reasons. I’ve just had the book a couple of days. There was one hand position that I noticed that I couldn’t understand how to use. I think it’s the one where you had your hands on your cheeks but your hands were supposed to be like little flashlights coming out of my finger, those weren’t going to go into my cheeks. Could you review that hand position for me?
I’m hard of hearing and I’ve been able to understand most everything you have said. If you’d bear that in mind it would help.
Tom Costello: Okay. I’ll crank it up a couple of notches. How’s that?
Participant: Just slowly and clearly and don’t laugh at the punch lines so I miss it.
Tom Costello: There are four healing centers. There are two ways to point your fingers at them. The regular way, which we recommend, is where the fingers are not touching the body. The resting positions are designed for people who arm or shoulder difficulty, are very ill, or are confined to a bed. Those we call the resting positions. You could see that those resting positions you could probably do for a very long time without getting tired. That’s what they are designed for, somebody who is going to do them for a very long time and has any one of those other physical compromises that I just mentioned.
Participant: I do have a shoulder thing going on and I have chronic fatigue, so I guess I’m two of the three.
Tom Costello: Okay. Then I would use the resting positions. It is pointing up. Even though your fingers are pressed against your face pointing up to the temple, you know you are aiming at the temple. Just like everything in life on this planet, intention is very powerful. Literally we have had people who have been missing an arm in which case a person would just think of pointing at that healing center with the hand of that arm if they had that arm. We have people who do The Healing Codes in situations where it is not convenient, as in a public place, to point their fingers at the healing centers for fear of looking a little weird. So they just imagine that they are pointing at those healing centers and moving from position to position to position and are amazed that they feel results.
Intention is a big player. Attention and intention, very, very creative, powerful forces. Did that explain it adequately, Mary?
Participant: I think so, yes. Thank you.
Participant: (John) What would you recommend for Lymes disease?
Tom Costello: The autoimmune system.
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 6 Thursday Night Q&A Participant: We have a friend who is really struggling with Lyne’s disease for the last couple of months already.
Tom Costello: I’ve known people, not The Healing Codes clients, but I know people who’ve struggled for years with Lymes disease. Do you use the computer, John?
Participant: No.
Tom Costello: There are lots of nutritional support things going on for Lyme’s disease. I don’t happen to know what they are. I know they exist. I’d suggest something like that. That’s a serious issue.
Participant: What’s happening? It seems a lot of people are getting Lymes disease, but you never heard of it before.
Tom Costello: Lymes disease is 10 or 12 years old as a concept. Maybe a little older than that. It’s transmitted by ticks as it came to be known in Lyme, Connecticut. It’s a nasty critter. A lot of rest, water and so on and I would be working on the immune system.
Participant: Thank you.
**Participant: (Marion) I wanted to speak to what the lady who was talking who has been sick for 26 years. I want to give her a vote of confidence. I have that same story plus years. I’ve been doing the Codes since March. She is absolutely right-on for my experience. When I heard about the Codes and started doing them, I felt exactly the same way. I knew deep down that this was the answer, the right way to go. I never wavered. I knew it wasn’t going to be an overnight thing. I wasn’t going to be surprised if it wouldn’t be. It wasn’t.
I want to report that it’s been since March and I have numerous things that have gone away. I still have some to go. I am so much better. I could write more than one book on the things I have tried and the money I have spent. She is absolutely right on, just keep doing the Codes and she will get better.
I’m at a point now. I was thinking the other day… I use magnets a lot for pain and such. It didn’t occur to me that I didn’t put any on my low back now for maybe even a month. I didn’t even notice that I wasn’t putting them there and I didn’t need it. I can’t even remember when I didn’t have low back pain. I don’t even mind low back pain because my magnets work for it. It just seems to be gone. I think it’s the overall deep healing at the root, cellular memories, etc.
I did want to put in a plug. I hope it is okay, Tom. Those of us who have e-mail have been getting e-mails about Heart Transformation Weekend. I went to the first one in Nashville. I also have to sing the praises of that weekend for learning The Q-Codes. I
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 7 Thursday Night Q&A think especially when (I’ll speak from my experience) you’ve been struggling for so many years with ill health. Trying this and trying that and hanging in there. To learn this system of the Codes that is faster, it’s more powerful The Q-Codes, then of course everything that happens on the weekend that is transformative, I just can’s say enough for it. It’s not cheap. I went quite out on a limb to do it myself. I am so grateful. I don’t have to spend a lot of time on the Codes. I definitely see a faster progress in using The Q-Codes.
The last thing is I’m impressed that the woman is able to do an hour a day. For me, I tried that and I did start having some pretty difficult healing responses. It sounds like she is pretty new. If that happens to her, I just kind of backed off and didn’t do them as much. This was earlier on. Then I leveled out and started to make slow progress without having a lot of negative experiences. By the time I went on The Q-Codes weekend I was sort of over all that anyway.
I do know there is one coming up at the beginning of February in Florida and I just had to put in a word.
That’s all, Tom. Thank you.
Tom Costello: Thank you, Marion. I can recall, Marion,
Participant: I was a wreck. Oh my god, when I think of this.
Tom Costello: I do a lot of work on the telephone. You can appreciate the timbre, the resonance and the power and clarity in a person’s voice. I recall one the early Q&A’s when you would come on and over time I could literally hear the increase in power and resonance and the presence. Again, tonight if you were standing on a stage you would fill that stage with your energy pattern. I think that is fabulous. I think if you heard that progress, you would go, “WOW! You know what, this is pretty impressive.” That’s cool.
Participant: Thank you, Tom. I’m a musician. One of my dreams is doing lots of stuff on the stage. That was great that you said that. I do need the good health to do it. You know what, I’m getting there. I’m telling you, it’s marvelous.
Tom Costello: Thanks Marion. Thanks for the plug for Heart Transformation Weekend. That weekend is a Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Orlando, Florida at the Airport Marriott in Orlando February 2, 3 and 4. It is $3500. It is transformative.
It is beyond just learning The Q-Codes, which are fantastic in and of themselves. In my language I say we are looking to break the barrier that exists between our heads and our hearts and to allow for rebuilding, redoing, rearrangement, reinterpretation of the rules that we have absorbed or created regarding the way we should be living our lives. We
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 8 Thursday Night Q&A want to make those rules enable us to be our greatest selves. So, the idea that you could be up on a stage doesn’t surprise me in the least.
Participant: (with laughter) Thanks, Tom.
Tom Costello: Thank you, Marion.
Participant: (Margie) I’ve got another question based on the question from the woman who was using the Codes a lot. How do we decide how long to use the Codes each day? Is it just how much time we have available, the severity of symptoms, the length of time we’ve had them, our response to the process so far, which of those things? Or, do all of them have something to do with how long we do the Codes?
Tom Costello: Yes. You will want to factor all of those in. Let’s start from the get-go. For a very new person who just received the package or is about to: Do the 12 Days. On day number one do Unforgiveness.
For me personally, when I started on Unforgiveness, I thought, I don’t even scratch the surface of the surface in one day dealing with unforgiveness. I like to exaggerate it like this: If my issues related to unforgiveness and forgiveness were an iceberg, I have moved in one day, one snow flake off the tip of my iceberg. I stayed there for a few days. You can make that individual decision.
All things being equal, if you would do Unforgiveness one day, Harmful Actions the second day, Unhealthy Belief the third day, Love the fourth day, Joy the fifth day, that would be great. You would seek to do them the first time without a lot of introspection. You are just trying to habituate the idea that you are going to be pointing the fingertips at the healing centers in a certain sequence for a certain period of time. Those recommended times, by category, are in the manual. You can do them 1-2 times, 1-3 times, whatever.
I personally have found it more convenient to do it first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Then I don’t have to worry about my schedule in the daytime. Worst case, two times a day. Best case, in the middle of the after noon at that 3:00 “Where’s the snickers?” I need something to pep me up. I have a glass of water and do a Healing Code. That represents three.
Every time one does The Healing Codes… Of course in order to do any activity like this you need to see a reward. It’s easier to see a reward … {interruption in recording}
You are literally getting smarter. Your recall, your memory is improving. Every cell in your body, as your stress is reduced, is becoming healthier and more powerful. Your ability to perceive information improves. Your ability to process information is improved, not only in terms of the quantity, but to be able to make the connections and see the patterns. You literally are operating at a higher level. By tuning in vibrationally,
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 9 Thursday Night Q&A you can sense things better than a person who is operating just on sheer brute force to make it through the day.
Let me hitchhike on what was described earlier – doing an hour or more. We call that the intensive way of doing it. Somebody who has a serious illness and really wants to allow their body to clean out a lot of things… When I say clean out, let me say that under stress, imagine a cell in your body all 50 to 100 trillion of them, under stress are like a medieval castle waiting for attack. The draw bridge is up. No food can get in. No waste products can get out. If that only happens for a short period of time, no problems. But, when that stress continues day after day after day, weeks and months, then that waste product that should have been excreted from cells due to cell metabolism need to be washed out of the body, hence drinking a lot of water. It’s going to cause the cell to become sick just like the residents of a castle with the drawbridge up have gone through all the food, there is nothing left. There is no more water. Now waste products are all over the place. Then people start to get sick. It is not a good thing in the medieval castle. It is not a good thing with cells in the body.
If that happens, you want to be making sure that the water, oxygenation (deep breathing) are washing these things out. If you can add movement to your lifestyle it helps the lymphatic system, just like breathing does, which helps remove the wastes from the body. If you feel flu-like, headachy, stuff like that, then you might want to cut back a bit on the length of time you are doing The Healing Codes, or the frequency that you are doing The Healing Codes. Then you can adjust until it is comfortable for you.
Participant: I have an open weekend coming up. I was thinking I would do several more times. I’ve been just doing once a day. One of the Codes said two times. I think the third of the days said to do the second one at least twice. I did both of them twice, morning and night. Other than that I’ve only done it once a day. I’m thinking I’ll probably get faster progress if I’m doing it more. I am familiar with what a healing crisis or healing response looks like. I know how to calibrate that.
Tom Costello: Beautiful. Let me just deal with the first point I made about how to do this. Don’t try so hard to do the Codes perfectly. Let’s say you want results. You are not going to cause results. You are going to allow results. The body is going to produce results or the body is not going to produce results. What you are looking to do is allow the body to do what it can do which is produce results. I believe we are very creative and are co-creators, I want to encourage you to think you are more of an allow-er. The body is the one that knows what needs to be done. You’re support staff. “I’m going to make everything nice and relaxed. Body, go do your thing.” Instead of “I’m going to push and push and push.” That sounds like stress for me.
Participant: Okay. That works for me. I’ve also learned that same lesson from Abraham/Hicks. About allowing results.
Tom Costello: I’m a fan of Abraham as well.
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 10 Thursday Night Q&A Participant: This fits beautifully with Abraham and the energy healing work I’ve been doing for 20 years. That leads me to a question about practitioners.
I have the intention become a practitioner and a coach, certified. It is a matter of when I’m able to manifest the money by using The Healing Codes and clearing out the barriers I have to having as much money as I want to do that training. Can you tell me a little bit more about that process or where I could find out more about what the training is like?
Tom Costello: Anybody interested in the practitioners training, I encourage you to go to: On the left hand side is a link called “Practitioner’s training” If you click on that it will take you to a page that has considerable information. More importantly there are two downloadable pdf files from that page that give the path to certification, what a practitioner can and can’t do. It fills in all the blanks. It’s more information than you’ll want. It’s conveniently laid out there.
Participant: Thank you. I’ll check it out there.
**Participant: (Aubrey) I finished my initial 12 Days. I have gotten my custom Code from a coach. I started using that healing Code and it sure did work good. I came up with a healing response, a good one. I called her to verify that. She told me to go ahead and continue the Codes but focus on the healing response. I did that. It took a day and a half or two days and it was gone. Today I started back on the healing Code for healing. I had another flare up. I’m almost sure she told me I could use those Codes and hammer than thing as long as I wanted to until it went away.
Tom Costello: You got a custom Code. You would work on the issue, when the healing response comes up, you would put your attention on the healing response, what it feels like, what it says about you and so on and so forth. When it decreases, you shift your focus back to what you were working on in the first place. If the healing response recurs, you put your focus on the healing response, what it feels like, what it says about you, what you can and can’t do and so on until that disappears, and then you go back again.
Participant: This thing opened a lot of pain, too.
Tom Costello: This is a good point, too. To be a little bit crude this makes me want to talk about when somebody is about to throw up. The common expression is, “I’m about to get sick.” That’s not accurate. When you’re about to throw up, you’re about to get well. Your body is saying, “We’ve got something here. I cannot deal with it. We’ve got to move it out. This is the first step of us healing. Get ready.” You say, “Wow, I do feel better right after that.”
The same occurs with diarrhea. You’re not getting sick. You’re getting better. In both of those cases you are going to want to make sure you are hydrated, of course. There is a loss of fluid. The fact is those things are steps in the direction of healing versus steps in the direction of getting sick.
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 11 Thursday Night Q&A Participant: (Deeann) A little response to Marion who called. I am doing it an hour, three times a day; an hour in the morning, an hour at noon and an hour in the evening. I’m quite surprised that I haven’t had a healing response as she warned and as you mentioned. I think, even though I’m sick, I’ve done a lot over the years. I think I’m quite well even though I have dis-ease in my body. I live a fairly stress-free life. I am getting my exercise. I have an incredibly clean diet. I don’t think there is a lot of garbage there and toxins, even though I have dis-ease. I feel, I explain it, I don’t have garbage, I have dis-ease. A lot of healing responses are people who have stress or are in the city and breathing a lot of smog, or eat poor food. The Healing Codes allow the body to unload that stuff first off. That’s your healing response.
I don’t feel I have a lot of garbage.
Tom Costello: That would be a huge difference.
Participant: I feel like I’m cutting to the chase and getting right at it. I’m not emptying the little garbage cans around, I’m emptying the dumpster of disease.
Tom Costello: You are able in those hours to be able to put your attention as in the truth focus statement on the ideal condition? You can feel. You can see. You can smell. You can taste this healthy condition.
Participant: I am just on Day 8 of the Quick Start, but I’ve done a lot of healing and that kind of stuff. I’m actually adding things. I haven’t done the picture finder. I know that will come. I’m adding the truth focus statement and other stuff.
I so know that I’m going to be healed that I can see that picture of me in perfect health quite easily for all those hours. I have little tricks that help me come back to it if I start to wander.
Tom Costello: You come back lovingly, right?
Participant: Funny you say that. I start to see hearts floating around like stars or bouncing like the screen saver on your computer when things bounce all around. I see hearts coming back. I start smiling because I’ve wandered off. I lovingly come back to these hearts.
Tom Costello: That’s a nice way to bring yourself back.
Participant: It puts a smile on my face and gets me in the right mode. Luckily I am able to spend that time, only because I’m not well enough to work. There is a pay off. I’m hanging in there. I’ll keep in touch and let you know.
Tom Costello: Thank you.
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 12 Thursday Night Q&A I’m going to do what I call priming the pump. It will perhaps inspire someone to jump into the queue, either because of something I said, or because I’m jibber-jabbering too much and you want relief. Either one of those are legitimate reasons for jumping into the queue.
Shifting our relationships with people and rules and the way we live our lives: I want to take this moment to talk about one of the key ingredients in communication. Certainly for many of us on this call and many of the clients who buy The Healing Codes, we are specifically focused on healing. That takes me to the relationship between us and the medical establishment.
I personally have a long background. I worked in a pharmacy, went to pharmacy school, my mother was an RN. I have a bunch of brothers and sisters so a lot of people spent a lot of time with boo-boos or worse. It is that relationship (my godfather was an MD), that relationship with the medical establishment is a key component. We need to be equal to being responsible for it. We need to be equal to the professionals we go to for help. They are helping us. They are not responsible, they are helping us.
Today, a Healing Codes client who has recently written a book, she is an MD and she may be on this call, sent it to me. I think it does an unbelievably important service. It is geared to the education of the medical establishment on the one hand, that is doctors, on how to communicate with their patients. Also, on the flip side, it is to teach, guide or coach patients on how best to communicate with doctors. Depending on the ages, some of us have been trained to put doctors on a pedestal. We can’t ask them any questions. We can’t challenge them. We can’t …. Instead its’ “Doctor knows best.” “Whatever you say, I’ll do.” Whether they have any information or not. Some of us, through experience have decided we just cannot blindly turn over responsibility for this. This book, “Your Doctor Said What?!” It is exposing the communication gap. It is written by Dr. Terrie Wurzbacher. Terrie, are you on the line?
I can thank you for this book. When we become responsible for our own health, when we become senior partners, if you will, in our health, we will use tools like The Healing Codes, rest, nutrition, supplementation and chiropractic and traditional medicine. All of these place and modalities have a role. It doesn’t serve us to throw “the baby out with the bath water.” It is up to us to, like a smorgasbord, walk in and see lots of different things being presented, then choose what seems right based upon our own level of awareness and what we are trying to achieve. We choose bits and pieces of this and that and the other thing.
You already know by looking at TV ads. I was watching something on the History Channel. The number of prescription drug adds, WHEW! There are only two countries on the planet that allow that. It’s illegal in every country except two. Actually I think the other country recently decided it should be illegal. That leaves one country on the planet selling drugs like jelly beans to their citizens.
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 13 Thursday Night Q&A Participant: (Terrie) Thank your for that plug. I appreciate it. I want to say that I wrote this primarily for patients, hoping they would be able to get their doctors to listen to them. I know that I’m going to irritate most of my colleagues, but that’s too bad.
Tom Costello: Are you on a cell phone, Terrie? There is a lot of static.
You say you wrote this for patients, rather than doctors. Do you think that’s for patients are more apt to read this sort of information than, perhaps a doctor?
Participant: Yes. I think most doctors right now are kind of set in their ways. Until the patients get educated enough to talk with them the way they need to and not be intimidated or also not be threatening, I think we will not make any changes. I’m hoping this will help the patients, at least, make changes with their own personal doctors.
Tom Costello: I think this has a lot of value from the standpoint that if we walk into the doctor’s office knowing that if we give good, clear, specific information, combined with the years of training and experience that our physician has, the ultimate result is apt to be much better. Rather than you walk in, don’t say a word, whatever prescription pad is there gets used and you walk out. The education that is going to occur is going to come from the patients. That’s where the information is, right?
Participant: Exactly. A lot of the “fault” is the doctor’s, but the patient has to take responsibility. They need the knowledge. I’m hoping to explain the system and that will give them more knowledge. It’s like if I take my car in and it’s got a noise, the mechanic can’t figure it out, necessarily just from that. I’m hoping this will help patients understand and give them some tools to battle the system with.
Tom Costello: I had never, and I’ve been around things medical for a long time, I never really saw the expressions “medical speak”, “insurance speak”, and “patient speak” as the three languages that your doctor is speaking. It absolutely makes sense. I like that already.
Participant: I appreciate that. Unfortunately, the “patient speak” is the one they learn last. If they learn “insurance speak” last, the patient would not be happy with that either. It’s not easy on either side.
Tom Costello: Congratulations on your book, “Your Doctor Said What?”, by Terrie Wurzbacher. Thank you very much, Terrie.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Participant: Nothing other than I think you’re great. I can’t wait to go to Heart Transformation Weekend in Seattle.
Tom Costello: I look forward to meeting you there, Terrie. Thanks.
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 14 Thursday Night Q&A Participant: (Shancee) Can you use this with guided imagery?
Tom Costello: I don’t know specifically what you mean by guided imagery. The Truth Focus Statement is really, instead of just a set of words, a sentence or two on a piece of paper, really is, the imagery behind it. “I am safe. I am love.” The way we capture and store information is in an image. If I say, “dog” to you, an image of a dog somewhere in your experience, Lassie, Rin-Tin-Tin, or your own dog will come into mind. You would have accessed that visual image, that energy pattern. If you are looking to accomplish something, to be able to get into the scene with sound effects, the sound track, beautiful music, the feeling of a wonderful breeze blowing on your face and all the sensory input that goes with that is much more powerful.
Participant: I’m pretty good with the senses.
Tom Costello: Your ability to create, manifest or attract is going to be cranked up. That is a wonderful skill.
Participant: That’s what I meant by guided imagery.
Tom Costello: For some of us it takes practice in order to be able to do that. If I say “dog” and everybody is looking for an image of the dog, that is essentially a mental thing. Now if I said, “I’m about to say dog. See if you can recall touching it, feeling it, smelling it, hearing it, or how you felt to see your dog running to you.” Now that “dog” there is tremendous data associated with that one single word, that one little sound versus a narrow picture or word on a page.
I have a 10 pound toy poodle. I love to touch her hair. Toy Poodles and a couple other dogs have hair. All other dogs have fur. Her hair is great. She’ll look you in the eye. I have this whole image about her. I love that little thing. “Dog” to me is a huge word. You betcha. It feels good to tune into that energy pattern.
Participant: I do that 30 minutes a day. That’s about as much as I can give it.
Tom Costello: That’s fabulous. If you’re clear about what you are creating.
Participant: I’m extremely clear.
Tom Costello: On some of these calls I make reference to what I call the emotional states. This is a variation of Sedona Method. Scientology has the tone scale. Power vs. Force, Dr. David Hawkins, uses map of consciousness. It’s really just a scale. We measure in inches or we measure in meters or centimeters. The scale starts at the lowest vibrations: Shame, Apathy, Grief, Fear, Lust, Anger, Pride, Courageousness, Acceptance, Peace. That’s very easy to use. There are only 10 of them. They are like steps on a ladder.
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 15 Thursday Night Q&A Depending on which rung you are standing on, life appears different. Somebody in anger sees the world, life and themselves and others in a certain way. If they would jump up two more levels to Courageousness, which I think of as kind of an excited girl/boy “I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen next. This is fun. I’m looking to discover this. This is going to be so interesting. Put me in, coach.” That level of enthusiasm is so attractive and so powerful. It is so good for the cells of the body.
If you can know that you are at Courageousness, Acceptance, Peace, Joy, Gratitude, Compassion, Love, Enthusiasm, that’s way powerful.
Participant: That’s what I’m using in my guided imagery. I have candida. That’s an immune problem with that. I wanted to know if I was doing something wrong.
Tom Costello: Not at all. Good for you, Shantae.
I occasionally move my arms, flail, and knock the phone off the counter. Sorry about that.
I’m going to jibber-jabber for a moment or two and see if somebody else comes in.
I was thinking about rules. We create rules to live by. Rules are really designed to make life more orderly, safer, easier, more effective, more efficient. In the United States, the rule is you drive on the right-hand side of the road. You stop at “Stop” signs. You stop at the red light. You look both ways before turning and that sort of thing. When I was a kid we lived not far from railroad tracks on Long Island in New York. “Stop, Look and Listen” was on TV all the time. That was a key rule that children were taught apparently because some people didn’t know that and railroad tracks were much more exposed. “Don’t play in traffic” is another rule. A lot of rules are important to a safe and effective society. {Interference in recording}
Those are the rules that are created by people for a specific time and place. They specifically apply to that time and place, but then people apply them over and over and over again days, weeks, months, years later, totally out of context. They don’t serve us. Sometimes these rules are created for a specific situation and then generalized. Those we find in terms of prejudices and bigotry and stereo-types. Everybody has rules about that or at least has heard rules about that.
Those rules that separate us from other people ultimately dis-empower us. If you think of us as the cells in our body and we are cells in the body of this entity called Mother Earth and we refuse to talk to other cells because of the way they practice dinner, the color of their skin, their religious beliefs, the way they dress. Now we have interfered with energy flows. That doesn’t really serve us long-term. The interconnectedness of us all is really important.
When I say rules, people say, “I know what rules are. There have to be rules, “Slow Traffic Move Right” (that’s a big one for me). But, these rules, when violated by other
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 16 Thursday Night Q&A people who don’t necessarily have them, sometimes trigger stress in us. We see it as a threat. “That guy, left lane, is not driving the speed limit. He’s not going fast enough. That’s not the way it is supposed to be.” Then “fight”, as in fight-or-flight, gets triggered. In The Healing Codes, as we are doing them it gives us an opportunity (when not doing the Codes this is a good thing to note so when you do the Code you can look at it) we are looking to take a rule that, when violated, makes you crazy. It makes you run away (flight) or makes you want to criticize, be angry, attack, complain (fight). You want to look at that. Say, “Every time that rule is broken, it puts me in a tail spin. It knocks me out of balance. It makes me upset. It ruins my day.” I’m giving my ability to be happy over to somebody whom I’ve never met. That’s not how I want to do it.
We are able, as we do The Healing Codes to shift these and get another point of view. Other than fight, other than flight, there is a third, more evolved choice, which I describe as “embrace”. I don’t mean “I love the fact that this person is annoying me.” I’m not saying that. I’m saying it is what it is. If the guy in the left lane is going slow, the guy in the left lane is going slow. I used to think, “That guy doesn’t recognize he’s in my left lane. He should be driving the way I want him to drive.” Even though he’s never seen me before and will never see me again and doesn’t know me and has his own issues and his goal is to be happy and has nothing at all to do with me, I’ve made it about me. That’s not really effective. It is not making me happy nor is it making that guy do things differently. I don’t know why I’m expecting that.
What I want to do is de-stress myself. I want to remove this threat that I’ve just created out of a stranger I’ve never seen before or will never see again. I’ve created him into a saber toothed tiger threatening my happiness by using my highway. Whoa, I’ve got to get a new rule. I’ve got to get new beliefs. The Healing Codes facilitate that transformation, that shifting. Boom, “I never thought about it like that before. I never thought that maybe he has something on his mind.”
If you take a look over the next 2 to 3 days, just make a note when something annoys you. “So and so did or didn’t do, looked or didn’t look like”, you will start to notice the saber toothed tigers that you have accumulated. We have created and attached “threats” to these little variations on the rules that we have believed. “They shouldn’t do that. They should be doing…..” Should they?
Somebody said, “I really want to hang around with people like me.” I said, “You do, huh?” So say something. “I think it’s a beautiful day today.” Okay. “I do too, I think it’s a beautiful day today.” “I love Indian food.” “Me too, I love Indian food. That’s one of my favorite foods, Indian food.”
After about two minutes this guy goes, “I hate people just like me. If everybody is just like me, there are two ignorant people.” I want somebody with different ideas and different experiences and different energy patterns that I can learn from. I want to bounce ideas off of them. I want to grow from that experience. If everybody is just exactly like me it’s going to be a mighty boring world.
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 17 Thursday Night Q&A If you can keep track of these little triggers, one by one, these little splinters or saber toothed tigers that we’ve accumulated over the course of our lives, as each one of those gets dissolved or tigers gets turned into a tabby cat, then we’ll notice we are starting to feel better, stand up straighter and smile more with a shine in our eyes. People will notice and respond to us differently.
This is a good thing. Check out your rules. Check out your beliefs.
Participant: (Marion) Could you just share a few of your wise words again on using the Codes and thinking process with success and financial issues? I am using The Success Codes also. I do see a lot of progress inside myself. There is nothing on the outer. I’m determined to stay with this way of thinking and the Law of Attraction and all those things. It is getting a little hairy and I could use the wise words you could send.
Tom Costello: I saw a quote the other day that falls within my belief systems. I’m not suggesting this is true for you, but maybe it will benefit others. “The urge to quit occurs just before success is assured.” That urge is highest then. That’s great to hear.
One of the classics that got me started about a hundred years ago on this course beyond Dale Carnegie, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” which actually was the first was “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. I love the part in there where Napoleon Hill says there is so much evidence that says when you want something and you put your attention on it and you go through these principles and it starts to flow, it doesn’t trickle. It will gush. You will be surprised that you got more than you every asked for. It is that astonishment he has seen over and over again. I love that idea.
Participant: I love hearing it. Thank you.
Tom Costello: I want a glass of water. All of a sudden there is a fire hydrant. “Wow, I didn’t know that was available and near.” That’s coming.
Somebody mentioned Abraham/Hicks earlier. Abraham has said multiple times that “That which you want will be 99% completed before you see any physical evidence of it.” That being true, there is no problem.
Years ago I got out of the service after being stationed in Panama. I love that part of the world. I thought I needed to know something about agriculture. Even though I grew up in a farming village and a fishing village on the end of Long Island, my family didn’t know anything about that. I wanted to know something. I had an uncle-in-law teach me something about farming and pruning trees and so on.
He said I could have a plot of land to plant vegetables. I planted stuff like jalapeno peppers on Long Island, soy beans and peanuts. Those were non- Long Island things. He said, “Start with a radish.” I watered it. About four days I’m on my hands and knees watching this thing burst through the soil. I said, “This is a miracle. This is a miracle. I
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 18 Thursday Night Q&A put a little teeny thing in the soil and four or five days later it’s bursting through.” He said, “Yes it is.” Growing things is a miracle just like manifesting money is a miracle, just like digesting a sandwich is a miracle. He said, “You know why I gave you a radish?” I said, “No, why?” He said, “Because anybody can grow a radish.” Whether you have something other than a green thumb, a radish is going to grow. It’s just miraculous.
I didn’t have to dig up that radish seed after day one, “Where are you? Where are you?” Day two, “Where are you?” Nope. It’s going to happen. You relax. I can stop being anxious about it and say, “I am so grateful. Bring it on. I’m ready for this.”
Participant: I love that story. I have this plant by my bed that grows really fast. There is always a new leaf that is starting to develop. By the end of a week it is all there in its fullness. I do think of that. Talk about rules. I was trained that you have to put 150% into things to make them work. Everything was a strain and just nasty. To go this route of just watching this plant each day; I’m like a plant. Life is just like this. There does not have to be that strain. Things can flow. I am completely willing. Just lay it on me, the guidance and suggestion. I will act. I’m not getting anything specifically yet, so I just do the next step.
I will report to you later when it happens about this overflowing water fall that appears. I thank you.
Tom Costello: Let me just add this then, Marion. I saw this in a quote and I love it. “It will be easier for you to maintain a high vibration if you focus on what you want and why you want it rather than on what you want and how you are going to get it.”
I don’t know how that radish was going to grow and if I could understand all those processes, my head would explode. I know what I wanted and I know why I wanted it. In between, the growing of it, is beyond me. That makes real sense. You tune into that vibration of what. You tune into that vibration of why and it keeps you inspired, enthusiastic, accepting, in peace, grateful. What you want is there. It has to be.
It’s like holding your arm out with a ball in it and releasing it. That ball is going to fall to the ground because of gravity. What I just described to you is going to come to you because of the Law of Attraction.
Participant: That’s just what I need to hear. Thank you so much.
Participant: (Jesus) Interesting. I, too want to chime in on those subjects. That subject Marion was discussing is near to my heart. In order for the Law of Attraction to work, it’s not easy to allow success to come in. To remove the doubt is often what my problem is. How do I relax and remove the doubts that my health is going to be healed, my success financially and otherwise is going to come and all of that.
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 19 Thursday Night Q&A I’m not asking you to address that. I think you already did address it. If you want to make a quick comment on that, it’s okay.
Tom Costello: The doubt is a lie. The doubt is a corner of darkness in the room. What you bring to it is light. What you bring to it is the truth. The truth is we are connected to the source of all creation. There are lots of different names for God and you can choose any or every one that you want. As an expression of that power, why can’t I have health? Why can’t I have money? No good reason except when we get tricked into believing “I don’t’ deserve it. Or I have to work so hard, 150%, that I don’t have time to go to the front door and let my prosperity in. I’m so busy working I can’t notice any opportunity because I’ve got such a burden on my shoulders.” Whoa! You determine what it is you want. You put your focus on that and then you open up.
From the Law of Attraction, I’ll divide my body into two major sections. I’ve got one hand on my chin and the other on the top of my head. That’s one section. Lots of people think “If I work with this section, my head, I’ll invoke the Law of Attraction. So, my lips are going ‘I want to be rich’.”
Now I move my hands to cover the area near my heart. That’s where the attraction is coming from. If I have my lips saying one thing and I have a belief in my heart that I don’t deserve it, my heart is going to win. If I have a doubt in my head, but a belief in my heart that I do deserve it, my heart is going to win. That center is the key to the attraction, not the lips flapping or thinking, thinking, thinking. It’s the feeling that makes the connection.
Participant: Okay. Run that by me again. How do you get to believe that you deserve it?
Tom Costello: Sometimes it’s like walking up to that buffet table. There are a whole bunch of things there. Let me taste this – ugh! I don’t care for that. Now you know what you don’t like. That helps you form a vision of the contrast. Say you taste something else – No that’s not what I had in mind. I wanted something with a different texture, with a different flavor, with a different level of sweetness or sourness or tartness. You reach for something else. What you don’t have you use as a foundation to guide you to what you do want. Abraham/Hicks would refer to that as contrast.
Here’s what happens to a lot of us. We have an experience and say, “I don’t want that. That’s not what I had in mind.” Do we stop there? “That is really what I did not want. I did not want that. I didn’t want that. Nope. No.” We spend the next minute, hour, week, year, lifetime saying what we didn’t want. Time out.
That “didn’t taste good” is designed to guide you back to what you wanted. If you are having a thought, you’re having a doubt, “I don’t deserve this.” Stop and say, “That’s a lie.” Now you can go and heal that lie because it is not true. You know why you deserve it? Because you want it. If you want it, you’re qualified, you deserve it. “Don’t I have
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 20 Thursday Night Q&A to be good? Don’t I have to be holy? Don’t I have to suffer? Don’t I have to work 150%? Don’t I have to do it the old fashioned way?” No. You want it, you deserve it.
Now you have to open the door. “I positively expect it. And, I’ll be grateful right from this moment on until it arrives and then I’m going to continue to be grateful and will focus on the next thing I want.” That’s how it is ever-expanding. That’s exciting.
When that doubt….. this is driving along the highway, those little dividers that separate the lane. I guess they are designed so that if we are driving a long time and start to doze off and drift from lane to lane, the thumping noise will alert us. We pull back into our lane.” When you have a doubt, it’s telling you, “Pull back into your lane. Align to what you want.” It’s like a guide or a guard rail. A doubt, a fear is saying “I’m out of my lane. Let me just adjust a little bit.” You can be grateful that you are aware of that now as compared to “What’s wrong with me. I’m out of my lane. Anybody got a whip?” You don’t need to go there. That’s cool, I just adjust. It’s all about adjusting.
The most successful people are not the people who made the least mistakes. In fact, they are the people who made the most mistakes AND, more importantly, they adjusted very quickly. If you were an airline pilot flying from Newark to LAX, if you were off track and you had to quit, you could never fly. Those guys are always making adjustment for being too much to the left, too much to the right, too high, too low. They are constantly adjusting. If you had a piece of paper and a pencil that showed all their zig-zagging all the way across the United States, you’d go, “That guy was almost never on course.” Exactly.
But he knew where he was going and he only needed to be on course to land. What he did just like every successful person, you and me and everybody else, is he adjusted. Adjusted, adjusted, adjusted. He didn’t say, “I flew 5 miles and I’m already a degree off course. What’s wrong with me? I can’t do this. I’m got to turn around and go back.” Obviously they don’t do that.
It’s all about adjustment and giving yourself a break. “I just felt myself drifting out of the emotional state that best serves me. Let me get back in.” You can do that with a chant. Infinite Love and Gratitude is a book I’m reading. Another one is happiness. Think of Emoto and labeling water and the difference those things made in the ice crystals. You saw this in “What the Bleep” and you see it on line if you look at Emoto. If you do a Google on him you can see pictures of this when they used the word, “hate” for a drop of water, and they froze it and showed a picture of it under a microscope and contrasted that with one labeled “love”. It’s unbelievable.
Well, guess who’s made of 80 or more percent water. You and me are basically bags of water. I want to be saying love and happiness and joy and gratitude. It is just practice. You’ll be off course, then you get on course. It’s no big deal, just get back on course.
Participant: That’s awesome, what you said. “If you want it, you deserve it.” Doubt usually comes in when you are not seeing the results you expect. You begin to doubt.
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 21 Thursday Night Q&A Programming normally would say, “Maybe it isn’t meant to be.” That’s a paradox with the other advice you give which is “Believe and the creator will make it happen.” If you want it, you deserve it. There, I guess is where my work is needed which is “If you want it and you want it for the right reasons, then you deserve it.” Forget thinking about maybe it is not meant to be.
Tom Costello: I’m not a fan of “it’s not meant to be.” Here I’m standing. I say, “Maybe it’s not meant to be.” I take all my power and put it in a little bundle and set it down like it doesn’t belong to me. I’m not a fan of that. If I want it, it’s meant to be. However, I am willing to accept that or better because I don’t always know.
Here’s a real personal thing. I used to live in Manhattan. I lived on the West Side. I thought, I’d love to have a dog. I’d love to live on a golf course. I’d love to train that dog to run out into the fairway, take my ball and put it in the middle of the fairway. That would be so funny and so fun. I’d really like to live near a golf course. I had my sights on North Carolina. Well, fast forward. I improved my life dramatically. I met my childhood sweetheart. We reconnected. I married her. We’ve been happy over 8 years now every single day, every single night. We moved to Florida about 5 years ago onto a golf course. I got a toy poodle. I thought I was going to end up with a Golden Retriever. She doesn’t run out into the fairways and help me at all, but she’s so loving.
I thought, I remember creating this when I lived in Manhattan. This is better. Better wife. More happiness. This is a fantastic dog that is just amazing to me, better than the golden retriever. Florida! I love North Carolina, but I’m mighty happy in Florida. It’s like I got the “better”. This is cool.
Participant: Excellent. Thank you very much.
**Participant: (Paula) Right now I’m beside my dad’s hospital bed. I might have to stop the call if somebody comes in. I love these calls every Thursday night. They are my life-line. I wanted to say to that lady who is 26 years sick, I don’t know how many years I’ve been sick, I guess. I don’t know if I’ve ever been well. What I found with The Healing Codes with me is that I don’t have that bounding health that I want and I’m expecting yet, but I’ve found The Healing Codes has helped me with all kinds of things I wasn’t expecting. I seem to have a lot more calm in the storm. I have a lot more insight. When other people are frantic and hectic and crazy I have a lot more stability. I have a lot more where-with-all in a crisis. These are unexpected blessings that I can only attribute to The Healing Codes.
This I’d like to add to everybody. The one Healing Code for the nervous system, it’s the easiest one to remember and the easiest one to do. What I do sometimes while I’m in the hospital here, I get a cot and lie down. I put my right hand to my bridge and my left to my Adam’s apple. I lay on my side. I can do that for 10 minutes or until I go to sleep. I’ve found I get a power nap from it. I wake up refreshed. I’m exhausted. I’ve been here for hours and days, actually over a month, but when I do that, if I get waked by the nurses
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 22 Thursday Night Q&A or something is going on, I’m sharp and ready to go. Otherwise, before I started doing this power nap, I would be groggy and not with it.
I find I can go another two or three hours, maybe the middle of the morning, then I lay on the other side and do this easy Code the other way. I have been doing this every night before I go to sleep and when I wake up in the morning. What I find it does, it’s the nervous system, there’s a lot of tension, stress, fight-or-flight, the autonomic nervous system is stimulated so the sympathetic and para-sympathetic are settled down when you do that Code for the nervous system. There is anxiety, nervousness, sadness, depression and all that stuff. A lot of those things are right in the brain. Trouble sleeping and this healing Code is an all-purpose shot in the arm for everybody every day. That’s my opinion. It’s easy to remember. Any time you lie down before you go to sleep you can do this and it seems like it prepares your body for sleep. It helps settle down the nervous system so that you can sleep and just get a lot of the stuff out of your system that has been going on all day.
Just expect some delightful unexpected things from The Healing Codes. It’s kind of fun. You’ll say, “How did that happen? Where did that come from?” The only think I can attribute it to is The Healing Codes.
I have things I used to be more critical of or up tight about and I notice I’m a lot more relaxed and not so regimented into rules and conformity. That is relaxed. I can only think The Healing Codes was part of it.
When you guys are talking about the Law of Attraction and how are you going to get yourself to where you can feel worthy of some of these things, actually I see The Healing Codes and the Law of Attraction working hand-in-hand. When you get these things resolved it will make the energetic frequency more pure and attract from this new energetic level.
Tom Costello: Thank you very much, Paula. For everybody’s information, I’m in the midst of creating a tele-seminar, a tele-class, The Healing Codes and The Law of Attraction. How they mutually fit together hand in glove.
Participant: Do you have an idea what the date will be around that?
Tom Costello: Nope. I’ll let you know.
It’s 12 minutes after the hour. I’m grateful that you folks are on the call. I’m grateful that we have these calls. I find them energizing and very valuable personally. I hope that is true for you all. I’m guessing it is from the comments and other feedback that I get.
We stand in a fabulous position to be able to create what we want for our lives. Those obstacles which are there are there because of what we’ve concluded or decided or accepted in the form of beliefs or rules from other people. If they don’t serve us, if they keep us from our full expression of what I call our goodness and our Godness, then they
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 23 Thursday Night Q&A need to be looked at, healed and shifted. We, those of us on this call and doing this work with The Healing Codes, and other modalities in the same field of energy are making not only our own lives better and those of our families, our communities and states and stuff, but improving the energy of this whole body that we call Mother Earth.
Folks, thank you very much for being on the call tonight. I look forward to our next one. Jodi, thank you for your help tonight.
Call ends.
The Healing Codes 1/11/07 24 Thursday Night Q&A