Grant S Lick Elementary SBDM Minutes
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Grant’s Lick Elementary SBDM Minutes December 6, 2011
Interim Principal Amity Kukla called the meeting to order at 6:05pm. Council members in attendance were: Tracy Smith, Sarah Pershing, Candice Kelsch, Dee Daugherty, & Kristina Sheehy.
Agenda Approval: A motion was made to approve the agenda by Dee Daugherty. Tracy Smith seconded the motion, and the motion was approved by consensus.
November Minutes: Candice Kelsch made the motion to approve the November minutes with a second by Sarah Pershing. The council reached a consensus to approve the minutes of the November regular council meeting as written.
Good News: Learning Walks at GLE were positive and impressive. (Summary was shared.) GLE was chosen as one of four schools to participate in a two-year pilot program for the Northern Kentucky Health Department. We will receive $6000 throughout the program. 2nd and 3rd graders started MAP testing this week and are making great gains in reading. (Math starts tomorrow.) Mrs. Kelsch and Mrs. Schaefer attended a writing training and are going to share information they have learned with the staff in January. Linda Cross got a $1,000 grant from Wal-Mart to help with the backpack meals. The GLE Robotics team is going to state!
Review: The council reviewed the monthly FRC board report. The Watch DOGS program training will take place on January 10th. Golden Tickets were given to certain students to purchase a “free” book at the Book Fair. Cops and Kids will take place this December, and the students have been notified if they are participating.
Student Achievement: The district learning walks were very positive. GLE has many celebrations! K-PREP testing times and number of items in each content area was also shared.
The council discussed the budget in reference to school year expenditures July 1 – Dec. 2. The budget is in good standing with 46% of the total budget spent.
Review and Approve: Due to the Watch DOGS training being held on January 10th at 6:30pm, Mrs. Kukla recommended that the January SBDM Council meeting be held at 5:30pm instead of 6:00pm. Sarah Pershing motioned to approve that the January meeting be held at 5:30 p.m. Kristina Sheehy seconded the motion, and the motion was approved by consensus. Mrs. Kukla recommended that committees be formed for each of the program reviews (PLCS, Arts & Humanities, and Writing). Tracy Smith motioned to form committees for each of the program reviews at the January staff meeting. Dee Daugherty seconded the motion, and the motion was approved by consensus. The committees will be charged to look over the draft program reviews from the end of last year and make additions and revisions.
Old Business: The school improvement plan is posted on the website and the final reading and approval will be at next month’s meeting.
Adjourn: A motion to adjourn was made by Dee Daugherty and seconded by Candice Kelsch. The council reached consensus for adjournment at 6:55 PM.