BADEA S Board of Directors Holds

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BADEA S Board of Directors Holds





The Board of Directors of the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA), in its session held during the period 3-5 June, 2015 has approved loans and grants for some African countries.

The total amount of the approved financing is US$ 135.135 million, of which US $ 66.00 million are earmarked as loans, for participation in financing of six development projects and US$ 4.135 million are allocated for financing thirteen technical assistance operations, US$ 25.00 million are allocated for financing two private sector operations , and US$ 40.00 million are allocated for financing a project within Badea’s Programme for Financing Trade.

The following are the approved operations:

The Projects:-

Beneficiary Loan Amount Project Name Country (Million of US$) Burkina Faso 9.00 Construction and Equipping of the Technical Science Unit and Hostel in “Ouaga II” University Gambia 10.00 Construction of Laminkoto- Basimasse Road Cote d Ivoire 12.00 Water Supply for Abengourou City and Surrounding Villages Kenya 10.00 Cancer Treatment Center in "kissii" Hospital Togo 9.00 Rural Development In Outi Basin Seychelles 11.00 Improvement of Electricity Network in South “Mahe” Benin 5.00 Second Line of Credit to National Fund for Micro Credit

Technical Assistance Operations:-

1 Beneficiary Grant Amount The Technical Assistance Country (US$)

1- Mozambique 480,000 Preparation of techno-economic feasibility study for Water Supply in “Inahmbane” Province. 1 Sao Tome and 460,000 Preparation of techno-economic feasibility - Principe study for Water Supply in the Town of Sao Tome and its suburbs 2- Senegal 480,000 Preparation of techno-economic feasibility study for Sewerage in towns of Thiès" Kaffrine and" Sédhiou". 2- Uganda 200,000 Support the Rural Electrification Agency 3- Malawi 350,000 Support to the Northern Board Water 4- Swaziland 160,000 Training Program for Cadres in the King’s Office 5- Regional 320,000 Provision of Arab Expert to Support the Arab African Joint Plan for Agriculture Development and Food Security 6- Regional 200,000 Participation in Program for fighting blindness (5th Participation) 7- Regional 175,000 Support to Women Activates in Tailoring 8- Regional 300,000 Participation in African Program for fighting blindness (3rd Participation) 9- Regional 400,000 Support to Leather Manufacturing Incubators 10- Regional 250,000 Participation in the Arab Ethiopian Conference for improving industrial Export and Investment 11- Regional 360,000 Training Program in the Field of Combating Land Degradation and Soil Management in Salt affected Areas in Africa


Beneficiary Country Burkina Faso Project’s Name Construction and Equipping of the Technical Science Unit and Hostel in “Ouaga II” University Estimated Project Cost US$ 25.50 million BADEA’s Financing US$ 9.00 million Other Sources of OFID – US$ 14.00 million, The Government - US$ 2.50 Financing million.  Project The project includes civil works and ancillaries to Description and construct the technical sciences in the fields of civil Components engineering, geology, and mining that can accommodate about 1800 students and the establishment of a university residence. The project includes the following components:

• Civil engineering works and Ancillaries: - Construct two-storey building which includes a 4 lecture halls with a capacity of 200 seats each, and 10 laboratories with a capacity of 25 seats each and 8 halls, each of which can accommodate up to 50 seats and 31 offices for professors,

- Construction of three buildings for the accommodation of students with facilities with a capacity of 250 beds each,

- Construction of administration building,

- External works include sanitation and water supply systems, electricity, communications, internal roads, sidewalks and walkways, plazas and parking of motorcycles, automobiles, lighting, sports stadiums.

• Provision of furniture and equipment: This includes the supply of furniture and equipment needed for classes, labs, halls, offices, housing and university facilities. • Consultancy services includes preparation of detailed engineering designs and tender documents, and assist the implementing agency on tendering and offers analysis and supervision of the implementation. • support the project implementation unit. • Auditing of account

3 Project objectives The objective of the project is to contribute to the completion of the University "Ouaga 2" construction of facilities and processing unit for Science and technical construction and equipping of university housing for students and female students to ease the burden of the daily movement. The project also aims to contribute to the bridging of the specialized needs of the country in the technical areas of scientific personnel and the development of human capacity to contribute to the achievement of sustainable economic development and poverty alleviation Procurement of Goods - Civil works and ancillaries: through international and Services competitive bidding - Consultancy services: on the basis of a short list of Arab, African or Arab/African firms and OFID member countries. - Provision of Transport means and office equipment to support PIU: through local agents

Project’s The physical implementation of the project is expected to Implementation start in the last quarter of 2016 and finish in the last quarter of 2018 Executing Agency Unité d’exécution des projets des cite universitaires Ministère des l’ enseignement Secondaire et Supérieur [email protected] Tel : +22670200375 Ouagadougou- Burkina Faso

4 Beneficiary Country The Gambia Project’s Name Construction of Laminkoto- Basimasse Road Estimated Project Cost US$86.60 million BADEA’s Financing US$ 10.00 million

Other Sources of Kuwait Fund(US$ 20.40 million), Saudi Fund(US$ 20.00 Financing million), OFID(US$ 15.00 million), Abu Dhabi Fund(US$ 10.00 million), and Government(US$ 11.20 million) Project Description and The project lies in the north eastern part of the Components countries and is considered to be one of the northern corridors in the country starting from Banjul. BADEA participated in 1989 to construct as gravel road. The project includes the following;  Civil Works and Ancillaries: Upgrading of the road to a full pavement of a length of about 122 kms, 7 meters width of carriageway (with addition bus stops inside the towns) and 1.5 meters shoulder from both sides,  Consultancy Services: for the review of the final design and tender documents, as well as the supervision of execution of the civil works.  PIU Support  Financial Audit  Land Acquisition Project objectives The objective of the project falls within the framework of the government's program for the development of the road transport sector in the country and aims to develop and expand the road network and the integration and reduce transport cost and facilitate the transport of agricultural products in the project area to other regions in the country and to achieve security and safety on the road. The project also aims to contribute to the economic and social development in the Gambia due to its location and its extension. Procurement of Goods - Civil works and ancillaries Through competitive bidding and Services limited to Arab, African and OFID member countries. - Provision of Transport means and office equipment to support PIU: through local agents - Auditing: Through local offices. Project’s The physical implementation of the project is expected to Implementation start in July 2016 and be completed in July 2019. Executing Agency National Road Authority Tel : +2204376224 Fax : +2204376338 Banjul- the Gambia

5 Beneficiary Country Cote D’Ivoire Project’s Name Water Supply for “Abengourou” City and Surrounding Villages Estimated Project Cost US$31.482 million BADEA’s Financing US$ 12.00 million

Other Sources of Saudi Fund(US$14.60 million), and Government(US$4.882 Financing million) Project Description and The project lies in the city of “Abengourou”, 210 km to the Components east of the Capital Abidjan. The project includes also , Akouakro , Kouamé Bouakroو villages; Aniassué Touzoukro, N’Grakone , Dalo, Kabrankro , Assakro , Anekouadiokro Population is estimated at153 thousands and expected to reach 260 thousands in 2035. The project includes the following components: . Civil works and Ancillaries for water works: construction of water intake on comoe river, construction and equipping of water treatment plant with capacity of 18,000 cubic meters per day, construction of reservoirs with capacity of 5000 m3, construction and equipping of pumping station, supply and installation of 43 km of pipes and rehabilitation and expansion of the reticulation system in Abengourou for a length of 72 km. . Consultancy Service for supervision of the project implementation. . Support to the project implementation Unit . Project administration services Project objectives The Project aims at securing water demand for inhabitants of “Abengourou” and surrounding villages till 2035. Improve water supply services and help in reducing water Bourne related diseases. Which will help in improving sanitation levels and encourage economic activities related to availability of water and improve living conditions.. Procurement of Goods - Civil works and Ancillaries: competitive bidding limited to and Services Arab and African and Arab/African firms - Consultancy services: on the basis of a short list of Arab, African or Arab/African firms. Provision of transport means, computers and accessories and photocopier to PIU: through local agents.

Project’s The physical implementation of the project is expected to Implementation start January 2016 and be completed by June 2017. Executing Agency ONEP Tel: +22522524716 Fax: +22522524870 [email protected] Abidjan – Cote d’Ivoire 6 7 Beneficiary Country Republic of Kenya Project’s Name Cancer Treatment Center in "kissii" Hospital Estimated Project Cost US$22.80 million BADEA’s Financing US$ 10.00 million

Other Sources of Financing Saudi Fund (US$ 10.00 million), and Gov (US $ 2.80 million)

Project Description and The project is located in in the south western region of the Components country, in Kisii City the capital of Kisii County, Kisii is about 360 Km to the south west of Nairobi city, The Project is composed of the following components:  Civil Works and Ancillaries: For the construction of multi story building with an area of 5000 square meters which will include all sections in addition to 12 bed ICU and patients wards for 40 patients, and providing water, sewage, electricity and networking services.  Provision of medical equipment and medical and non medical furniture  Electrical works: Supply and installation of transformer(11/0.42 KV) and generator (600KVA) with batteries to secure the supply for the main equipment and computers in the case of power cuts.  Support to the project implementation unit  Consultancy services for the preparation of detailed design and tender documents and supervision of construction including. Project objectives The Project in specific aims at providing the services of Cancer Detecting and Treatment, minimize the death rate cause by cancer, and to reduce the cost of treatment and travelling to the treatment centres in Nairobi and outside the country, for the people of Kisii County, and for the people of the border areas in Tanzania and Uganda. Procurement of Goods and - Civil works and Ancillaries: on the basis of international Services competitive bidding - Provision of medical equipment and medical furniture: on the basis of international competitive bidding - Procurement of Vehicles, computers and accessories for the PIU: through local agents. - Consultancy services: on the basis of a short list of Arab, African or Arab/African firms Project’s Implementation The physical implementation of the project is expected to start by January 2017 and be completed in December 2018. Executing Agency Lillian Kocholla Oncology Department Ministry of Health

8 [email protected] Nairobi- Kenya

9 Beneficiary Country Togo Project’s Name Rural Development In “Outi” Basin Estimated Project Cost US$ 21.50 million BADEA’s Financing US$ 9.00 million

Other Sources of OFID (US$ 10.00 million), and Government(US$ 2.50 Financing million) Project Description and The project lies of both banks of “Outi” River in the northern Components part of the country, 550 km to the north of the capital “Lome”. The project covers the villages “Fare” and “Sadori”. The population is estimated at 9600 and they depend on agriculture as main activity. The project includes the reclamation of 775 Ha of the irrigated land for rice production as main crop in addition to other crops and 1000 ha of non irrigated land depending on rainfall for production of rice. The project includes the following:  Civil works for the reclamation of land: which includes the preparation of 775 Ha, construction of 2 pumping stations and 2 irrigation and drainage networks, construction of feeder roads, and earth dikes for flood protection.  Support Agriculture Production: which includes the construction of 11 rice storage areas, 11 drying sites, provision of agriculture equipment and credits for farmers, and construction and equipping of fish farm. .  Supporting Services: which includes construction of gravel feeder roads, drilling and equipping of boreholes for potable water supply, construction of 2 primary schools and 2 classes for fighting illiteracy, rehabilitation and equipping of 2 health centers and construction of 2 markets for marketing the agriculture products.  Awareness and training  Consultancy services for the preparation of designs and tender documents and the supervision of the execution of the works.  Auditing of project accounts.  Support to the project implementation unit. Project objectives The project aims to participate in rural development in “Outi”

10 river basin through the reclamation of land for rice production and avail job opportunities and income increase, develop infrastructure through construction of rural roads and water supply facilities and availing education and health facilities which helps in raising standard of living and eradicate poverty. Procurement of Goods  Civil Works and Ancillaries: Through Arab or African and Services or Arab/ African joint venture and OFID member countries firms.  Construction of Fish Farm unit and Rural Roads: Through local tenders  Awareness and Training: through local institutes and cooperatives. Training will be through Arab of African training centres.  Provision of Office Furniture and Office equipment and Transport means: Through local suppliers  Consultancy services: on the basis of a short list of Arab, African or Arab/African firms  Auditing of Accounts: Through local Audit offices. Project’s The physical implementation of the project is expected to Implementation start January 2017 and be completed in December 2018. Executing Agency Ministère de l’Equipement Rural Tel : +228 22218792 Fax : +22822218792 E-mail : [email protected], [email protected] Lomé- Togo

11 Beneficiary Country Seychelles Project’s Name Improvement of Electricity Network in South “Mahe”

Estimated Project Cost US$ 36.00 million BADEA’s Financing US$11.00 million Other Sources of Financing Saudi Fund (US$ 20.00 million) and Gov (US $ 5.00 million)

Project Description and The project, which is located in South Mahe, the main Island in Components Seychelles, will benefit around 9,600 customers in different sectors (residential, commercial and public sectors) which currently are suffering from frequent power interruptions. The project will also benefit about 13 four and five stars hotels and a number of commercial and tourist centers which are awaiting connection to the grid after completion of this project. The project includes the following: - Civil and Electrical Works for the supply and installation of overhead and underground 33 kV cables for the length of 39 and 21 km to transfer power from the 10 33/11 kV substations. Lines will include fiber optic cables for control and monitoring. - Civil and Electrical Works for construction of ten 33/11 kV substations and control units in 9 locations. - Consultancy Services: It consists of preparation of detailed design and tender documents and supervision of project construction - PIU support. This component will include salary payment for the project manager and the accountant - Environmental Impact Mitigation: This component includes acquisition of land, compensation to project affected people and protection of the environment. Project objectives The Project aims at improving the efficiency of the network in south of “Mahe” Island and support the production to meet the increasing demand for the residential and touristic activities as well as trade and service center in the project area which will help in developing tourism which the country depending on and improve medical and educational care through providing stable power to hospitals and schools. Procurement of Goods and -Civil and Ancillaries : Through International Competitive Services Bidding - Consultancy Services: on the basis of a short list of Arab, African or Arab/African firms Support to the PIU: (providing a project coordinator & Accountant) through short list of candidates. Project’s Implementation The physical implementation of the project is expected to start in November 2016 and to be completed in November, 2018. Executing Agency Mr. Ravin Sunassee Fax 248 4610739 Tel 248 4678000 Mob 2482713083 Email [email protected] Mahe- Seychelles 12 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (TA) OPERATIONS:

Beneficiary Country Republic of Mozambique Nature of the TA Preparation of techno-economic feasibility study for the Water Supply in “Inhambane” Province Grant Amount US$ 480 000 General Information The technical assistance aims at developing projects for the rehabilitation and development of water supply systems in 6 towns and avail water requirement till 2035 which will help in reducing diseases and water related diseases, enhance level of sanitation awareness and reduce burden on women and children for fetching for water.

Selection of Through a short list of Arab, African or Arab/African Consulting Firm consulting firms.

Executing Agency Mr. Helio Banze National Deputy Director, National Directorate of Water Ministry of Public Works and Housing Fax No.: (258-21) 302130/314 555 Country : Maputo – Mozambique [email protected] [email protected]

Beneficiary Country Sao Tome and Principe Nature of the TA Preparation of techno-economic feasibility study for the Water Supply in the Town of Sao Tome and its suburbs Grant Amount US$ 460, 000 General Information The technical assistance aims at availing water supply for the inhabitants till 2040 and raise the efficiency of the existing system by interconnecting and expand the reticulation to the suburb of town.

Selection of Through short list of Arab, African or mix of Arab/African Consulting Firm consulting firms.

Executing Agency

Empresa de Agua Electricidate Tel:+2392244711 [email protected] .br [email protected]

13 Beneficiary Country Republic of Senegal Nature of the TA Preparation of techno-economic feasibility study for Sewerage in towns of Thiès" Kaffrine and" Sédhiou". Grant Amount US$ 480, 000 General Information The technical assistance aims at improving living conditions and raises the standard of living and reduce poverty burden.

Selection of Through short list of Arab, African or mix of Arab/African Consulting Firm consulting firms.

Executing Agency

ONAS Fax:+221338323531 E-mail : [email protected] Dakar-Senegal


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