Math Super Hero-Super Villain Vocabulary

You have been hired by Math Megaminds, a comic book publisher, to create a new superhero/villain whose appearance, characteristics, and powers are based on a list of mathematical vocabulary words. Your supervisor wants to present your new superhero/villain promotional poster with biography.  Your promotional poster needs to be on an 8 ½ x 11 sheet of unlined paper. It will include an illustration of your hero/villain and your hero/villain’s name.  Your super hero/villain’s name must start with the same initials as your name. The super hero/villain name must be a mathematical term from this list 1. You can use any additional words such as: Doctor, Evil, Super, Captain, etc…  Your biography must include hero/villain where they are from, their parents, alias, 3 special powers, 3 weaknesses, hobbies and/or job, friends and/or enemies and favorite things. Your biography must be a minimum of 1 page and a maximum of 3 pages. (Normal hand writing please)  Your biography must include the 25 of the 30 mathematical vocabulary words. You do not have to use them in any particular order. You will need to highlight the words in your biography when you turn it in. You must use 15 of the 25 vocabulary terms correctly. The others can be nonsense. Example: Superman is from the planet Coefficient. One of his super powers is he is able to measure the degree of any angle with a protractor. Coefficient is used as nonsense & protractor is used correctly.  Due date is Nov. 7th Illustration 1. You may create your own superhero/villain from your imagination, copy it from a comic book, draw and color him/her on a sheet of paper or computer generate one. (boys must make a male hero or villain and girls must make a female heroine or villain) 2. *If you choose to computer generate your hero/villain you may use one of these websites: (You will have to remove the name from the character or trace that character and color) - -

Vocabulary Words Absolute Value Axis (pl. Axes) Base Binomial or Calculator Monomial Coefficient Compass Composite number Coordinates Degrees or Prime number

Denominator or Evaluate Exponents Expression or Factor numerator Equation

Greatest Common Mean, Median Metric or standard Metric or standard Metric or standard Factor OR Least or Mode Term for capacity Term for length Term for mass Common Multiple (See Ch. 1:5 or 3:6) (See Ch. 1:5 or 3:6) (See Ch. 1:5 or 3:6) Polynomial or Product or Protractor Range or Outlier Rational or Trinomial Quotient irrational numbers

Square, Triangle, Quadrants Sum or Difference Variable Whole numbers or Rectangle or Circle Integers