(rev. S’13)

Tooth and Nail – final writing assignment The directions for this story are the same except for the word list. In lieu of a final exam, you need to write a creative short story using at least 100 of the vocabulary words from Tooth and Nail we have covered since the last writing assignment. I will be looking for indications that you understand and can use the words. This means that I want to see sentences with enough context to show the meaning of each word. I will look for understanding of connotation as well as denotation. For the purposes of grading the words, each vocabulary word to be graded needs to be in bold. I also want you to footnote the words and use the official master list (unaltered) to indicate what page in the story they are on. Putting them in bold will help me find them in the story. The footnote will help both you and me keep count of the number of words you’ve used. The master list will help both of us make sure you did not duplicate any words. I will not grade the work if you have not done all three indicators. As for the story itself, I will expect it to be a well developed story. This means it needs to have a conflict that is eventually resolved. The protagonist should be developed and change as well. You will be graded on creativity and originality for this portion. However, the story should be no longer than fifteen pages. I would like the story to be around eight to ten pages. If you are doing a continuation of the first story, you need to put a brief recap at the beginning of the new story. This portion is worth 30 points. The story will also be graded for conventions. I will be looking for punctuation, formatting, and grammar other than the words for this portion. This will be worth 20 points.

Check list: - includes at least 100 of the words from the TN list used correctly with context - words are in bold and have footnotes that indicate the chapter number from the master list - the official, unaltered master list indicates the page number on which the word is located in your story - story is typed and double-spaced with page numbers - story contains a conflict that is resolved - protagonist is developed - story is interesting and original - grammar and conventions are correct (including any dialogue) - story is fewer than 15 pages

Due Date ______