Life at Cellular Level Chapter 7 Exam

1. A student wrote this description of a cell after looking at it under a microscope. Which type of cell was the student most likely describing? A Animal cell B Fungus cell C Bacterium cell D Plant cell _

2. In the human body, the circulatory system transports and delivers substances. Within the cell, which organelle performs a similar function? A Nucleus B Golgi apparatus C Mitochondrion D Endoplasmic reticulum


Which of these statements is supported by the data shown in the table? A Most kingdoms are made up of prokaryotic cells. B All cells have nuclei for control of cell functions. C The cells of the different Kingdoms vary in covering and in food production. _ D Each of the kingdoms has different organelles for metabolism. The picture shows a coverslip correctly 4. being lowered onto a slide. This method is used because it — A reduces the possibility of air bubbles on the slide _ B prevents the escape of microorganisms found in the water C allows microorganisms to move freely in the water D prevents the coverslip from moving

5. The above diagram shows the process of osmosis. Only the water molecules could enter the cell because water molecules — A have more energy than the protein molecules B are smaller than the protein molecules _ C are more numerous than the protein molecules D contain more hydrogen atoms than the protein molecules

6. Which of the following organisms is Prokaryotic? A B

C D 7. Which of these functions most like the “brain” of a cell? A The nucleus B The Golgi apparatus C The mitochondrion D The smooth endoplasmic reticulum

8. Which of these statements best summarizes the cell theory? A Cells contain a nucleus and other parts. B Cells come in different shapes and sizes. C Cells can be seen through a microscope. D Cells are the building blocks of living things. _

9. “I took a good clear piece of Cork This passage was taken from which of and with a Pen-Knife sharpen’d as the following scientists notebook? keen as a razor cut off an A Rudolf Vichow exceeding thin piece of it. For B Robert Hooke upon examination with my C Mathias Schleiden Microscope, I could exceedingly D Anton Von Leuwenhoek plainly perceive it to be all perforated and porous . These pores, or cells, were not very deep, but consisted of a great many little Boxes.”


A student was studying the responses of cells to solutions of varying salt concentrations. Which solution below would cause no change in cell size?

A B C D 11. How is the prokaryotic bacterium in the diagram different from a eukaryotic cell?

A It has ribosomes to make proteins. B It stores its genetic information in DNA. C It has no membrane-bound nucleus. _ D It has a cell membrane.

12. Cells are the functional units that make up tissues. Tissues then become the functional units that make up — A enzymes B organs _ C other cells D DNA

13. What is the purpose of the flagellum?

A Circulation B Catching prey C Movement _ D attachment

14. A student wants to view cells under the compound microscope at a total magnification of 400X. If the eyepiece is 10X, which of the following objective lenses should be used? A 4X B 10X C 40X _ D 100X

15. What structure is common to all six kingdoms of living organisms? A DNA _ B Nucleus C Cell wall D Mitochondria 16. Compared to a skin cell, a muscle cell is likely to have more — A Golgi bodies B mitochondria _ C cell membranes D chloroplasts

17. A cell with numerous ribosomes is probably specialized for — A enzyme storage B energy production C cell division D protein synthesis

18. Which of the following organelles is present in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes? A Nucleus B Ribosome C Golgi body D Endoplasmic reticulum

19. In the cell membrane model shown left, the molecules which move large molecules into and out of the cell are known as —

A cholesterol B proteins _ C phospholipids D carbohydrates

20. Blood is considered a tissue because blood — A flows inside arteries and veins B is necessary to carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells C is pumped from the heart and is carried to the cells through arteries D is composed of red and white blood cells working together and having specific functions 21. The eukaryotic organism described above should be classified as —

A an animal B a bacterium C a fungus D a plant

22. A bacterium will construct different proteins to metabolize the sugars lactose or glucose, depending on which one it detects in the outside environment. What part of the bacterium allows it to recognize different substances in the outside environment? A Endoplasmic reticulum B Cell membrane _ C Nucleus D Lysosomes

23. Which characteristic of prokaryotic organisms makes them different from eukaryotes? A Prokaryotic cells do not have membrane-bound organelles. _ B Prokaryotes do not have chromosomes. C Prokaryotes are made of cells. D Prokaryotes have DNA.

24. Which of the following came first in the scientific study of cells? A Light microscope _ B Cell theory C Electron microscope D Model of DNA

25. An organism that causes infections in plants and animals, but cannot be seen with a light microscope similar to that used in a high school biology course, is most likely a — A virus _ B bacterium C fungus D protozoan 26.

Which of the above organisms has a structure known as a Flagellum? A Paramecium B Amoeba C Euglena D none of these


What is the total magnification used to view these onion cells through this microscope setup? A 10_ B 40_ C 50_ D 400_

28. Which of these is responsible for the “rough” appearance of endoplasmic reticulum? A DNA B Enzymes C Lysosomes D Ribosomes

29. The energy in the food produced by autotrophs or taken into the bodies of heterotrophs must be changed into a form that cells can use. The energy-transferring molecule used by cells is — A DNA B RNA C ATP _ D CO2

30. Tissue samples taken from the heart and stomach of a grasshopper would be expected to have the same — A cell shape B cell size C metabolic rates D DNA

31. Some unicellular organisms are motile (have the ability to move) and some are nonmotile. Which cellular structures are associated with movement? A Ribosomes B Flagella C Chloroplasts D Vacuoles

32. Both lipids and carbohydrates are important in animal cells because both — A store energy B are organic molecules C form the mosaic of cell membranes D all of these 33. What repackages proteins into forms the cell can use, expel, or keep stored? A Lysosomes B Mitochondria C Golgi bodies D Centrioles

34. Which of these is the best model of a prokaryotic cell? A B C D

35. Bone cells because of their function in supporting organisms would have plasma membranes with... A saturated fats B unsaturated fats C cholesterols D Both B & C

36. When there is a lower concentration of water outside of a plant cell rather than inside a plant cell, the plant will tend to — A grow toward the sun B lose water and wilt _ C gain water and become rigid D increase its rate of photosynthesis

37. Most cellular activities are processes are focused on the production of — A carbohydrates B proteins C lipids D polysaccharides

38. Which pair of structures best shows that plant cells have functions different from animal cells? A Cytoplasm and mitochondria B Chloroplasts and cell walls C Nuclei and centrioles D Ribosomes and cell membranes

39. When an animal eats, food stays in the stomach for a period of time. When a unicellular organism, such as Paramecium, takes in food, the food is contained in which organelle? A Chloroplast B Mitochondrion C Nucleus D Vacuole

40. Cells from which of the following organisms would be expected to contain cell walls? A Sponge B Cricket C Water lily D Paramecium

41. The main difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is that — A prokaryotic cells are always much larger B prokaryotic cells do not have a plasma membrane C eukaryotic cells have a smaller cell nucleus D eukaryotic cells have a more advanced cellular organization 42. In the human body, muscle cells have an increased need for energy during exercise. To help supply this energy, muscle cells will have high amounts of which of the following organelles? A mitochondria B lysosomes C endoplasmic reticulum D golgi bodies

43. Which discovery was essential to the concept that all life forms have cells as basic units? A Water is the chemical solvent involved in many cell processes. B New cells are produced from the division of existing cells. C Some substances in organisms exist outside of cells. D Cells are dependent on energy and nutrients from external sources

44. Some fish travel from saltwater to freshwater or from freshwater to saltwater but still maintain the concentration of salt in their cells. This is an example of — A mutation B positive feedback C homeostasis D cellular injury


Which is an important function of the cell structure in this model?

A Controlling passage of materials B Packaging cell products for export C Transferring hereditary material to offspring D Preventing a cell from bursting due to osmosis


Which is the name of structure 4?

A Nucleus B Ribosome C Vacuole D Cell wall 47.

The nerve cell shown has branches known as psuedopodia that develop during cell specialization of the plasma membrane. Which of these functions does a nerve cell’s branches help the cell perform?

A Communicating with other cells B Moving from location to location C Storing extra DNA D Exerting force on non-nervous tissue

48. Many marine invertebrates have body cells that are permeable to water but not to salt. Osmosis can change the pressure of their body fluids. Fortunately, the ocean is very stable in its salt content. What would happen if a jellyfish were placed in a very low-salt environment such as an estuary or fresh water? A It would gain water from the environment. B It would gain nutrients from the water in the environment. C It would lose proteins into the water. D It would lose salt into the water.

49. The main reason that eating salty foods makes a person thirsty is that additional fluid is needed to — A increase the salinity of the blood B dissolve salt crystals in the stomach C maintain the fluid balance in the cells D prevent damage to the lining of the throat

50. Using this tool, Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first scientist to —

A use a telescope B see microscopic organisms C magnify plants D observe light waves 51. The diagram shows a section of a cell membrane that includes a channel protein. The function of this protein is to —

A strengthen the outer boundary of the cell B connect reproductive cells during fertilization C allow certain substances to enter or leave the cell D exchange organelles or chromosomes between specialized cells

52. Which set of materials would be best to use to prepare a wet mount slide of onion skin cells?



53. Under a microscope, a series of cells are observed that lack membrane-bound internal organelles. Which of these is the most likely cell type? A Plant cell B Animal cell C Eukaryotic cell D Prokaryotic cell

54. Which of these supports the cell theory as it is stated today? A New cells are produced by division of existing cells. B All organisms are composed of more than one cell. C Cells must contain a nucleus. D Not all cells are alive. 55. A student observes that a type of eubacteria contains chlorophyll. Which of these does this type of bacteria have in common with plants? A It is photosynthetic. B It contains vascular tissues. C It contains mitochondria. D It is heterotrophic.

56. Which organelle is structure 5 in the diagram above? A golgi body B mitochondria C endoplasmic reticulum D nucleus

57. Which organelle is structure 2 in the diagram above? A golgi body B mitochondria C endoplasmic reticulum D nucleus

58. Which organelle is structure 3 in the diagram above? A golgi body B mitochondria C endoplasmic reticulum D nucleus

59. Which number in the above diagram is pointing to a ribosome? A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4

60. Which number in the above diagram is pointing to the plasma membrane? A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4