Psychological Disorders and Treatment Application Practice

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Psychological Disorders and Treatment Application Practice

Psychological Disorders and Treatment Application Practice

1) Alexis is socially withdrawn and has few close friends. This behavior is most likely to be diagnosed as a symptom of a psychological disorder if it is what?

2) Dr. McIntosh emphasizes that depression often involves the interactive influences of self-focused rumination, rejection from others, and low serotonin levels. Dr. McIntosh emphasis best illustrates what approach to explaining psychological disorders?

3) The DSM-IV-TR does NOT a) Include a classification of personality disorders. b) Explain the causes of various psychological disorders. c) Include a very broad range of psychological disorders. d) Provide reliable guidelines for diagnosing psychological disorders. e) List symptoms within descriptions of each disorder.

4) After George learned that Mrs. Min suffered from schizophrenia, he mistakenly concluded that her tendencies to laugh easily and smile frequently were symptoms of her disorder. What concept does this best illustrate?

5) Rishi, a college student, complains that he feels apprehensive and fearful most of the time but doesn’t know why. Without warning, his heart begins to pound, his hands get icy, and he breaks out in a cold sweat. Rishi most likely suffers from what?

6) After Charles Darwin began suffering from panic disorder, he lived in relative seclusion and traveled only in his wife’s company. His panic disorder was apparently accompanied by what?

7) Repeatedly thinking about your own death is to ______as repeatedly flipping light switches on and off is to ______. a) Schizophrenia; dissociation b) Depression; mania c) Delusion; phobia d) Obsession; compulsion e) Anxiety; panic attack

8) Some people are more vulnerable to PTSD because they have a sensitive ______, which floods the body with stress hormones. a) Motor cortex b) Cerebellum c) Limbic system d) Frontal lobe e) Medulla

9) Melissa is fearful of men and refuses to go out on dates. Her therapist suggests that she is fearful because she was sexually abused by her father when she was young. The therapist’s suggestion most clearly reflects a ______perspective.

10)After watching her sister’s fearful response to sight of a spider, Kerri became intensely fearful of spiders. This best illustrates that a specific phobia can be learned through a) stimulus generalization b) observational learning c) linkage analysis d) reinforcement e) classical conditioning 11)Fear learning experiences can traumatize the brain into creating fear circuits within the a. amygdala b. thalamus c. hypothalamus d. anterior cingulate cortex e. brainstem 12)During a heated argument with his dad, Mike was suddenly unable to move his right arm. Medical examinations are unable to detect a physiological basis for the paralysis. It is likely that Mike suffers from ______. 13)William, an airplane pilot, is unable to remember anything of a bombing raid in which his plane was severely damaged and two crew members were killed. Because he himself suffered no physical injuries, psychologists suspect that William probably suffers from a a. panic disorder b. dissociative disorder c. phobia d. generalized anxiety disorder e. bipolar disorder 14)Connie exhibits multiple personalities. Evidence that information learned by her secondary personality influences the moods and behaviors of her primary personality would most clearly rule out the contribution of ______to her symptoms. a. role playing b. sexual trauma c. dissociation d. motivational conflict e. childhood abuse 15)Midori’s therapist suggests that she developed a dissociative identity disorder as a way of protecting herself from an awareness of her own hatred for her abusive mother. The therapist’s suggestion most directly reflects a ______perspective. 16)Elmer, the owner of an auto service station, suddenly began smashing the front fenders and hoods of two customers’ cars. When asked why, he excitedly explained that he was transforming the cars into “real racing machines.” When an employee tried to restrain him, he shouted that everyone was fired and quickly began breaking car windows. Elmer is exhibiting symptoms of a. somatoform disorder b. catatonia c. a panic attack d. a phobia e. mania associated with bipolar disorder 17)Psychologists who believe that major depressive disorder is due to a lack of the neurotransmitter ______are looking at the disorder through the lens of the ______perspective. 18)A therapist suggests that Margaret is depressed because she attributes her failures to her own incompetence instead of blaming her parents and teachers for the unreasonable demands they place on her. The therapist’s interpretation most clearly reflects of ______perspective. 19)To break the vicious cycle of depression, the social-cognitive perspective suggests that people should be encouraged to explain their failures in terms that are both a. internal and stable b. external and global c. internal and global d. external and temporary e. external and stable 20)Hearing voices telling you to commit suicide would be a(n) ______. Believing that you are Prime Minister of Great Britain would be a(n) ______. Both of these are symptoms of ______. 21)Although Mrs. Petrides usually sits passively in a motionless stupor, she sometimes repetitiously shakes her head or waves her arms. She most likely suffers from a. catatonia b. bipolar disorder c. major depressive disorder d. obsessive-compulsive disorder e. paranoia 22)Positive symptoms of schizophrenia are the ______of inappropriate behaviors, and negative symptoms are the ______of appropriate behaviors. 23)Schizophrenia is associated with an excess of receptors for ______. 24)Of all the twins who share identical genes with a schizophrenia victim, about ______do not themselves develop schizophrenia. a. one-fifth b. one-fourth c. one-half d. two-thirds e. three-quarters 25)Within the last year, Mr. Shangkun has been fired by three different employers because they each discovered that he was stealing money or materials from their companies. Although he feels no remorse for his misdeeds, his outward signs of repentance have dissuaded his former employers from taking him to court. Mr. Shangkun’s behavior is most indicative of ______personality disorder. 26)The symptoms of ______are likely to appear at an earlier age than the symptoms of ______. a. major depression; bipolar disorder b. antisocial personality disorder; schizophrenia c. obsessive-compulsive disorder; phobias d. schizophrenia; obsessive-compulsive disorder e. major depression; alcohol abuse 27)Dr. Byrne is a clinical psychologist who often uses operant conditioning techniques to treat her clients. She also encourages them to modify their thought patterns, and on occasion she interprets their transference behaviors. Dr. Byrne’s therapeutic approach would best be described as a. client-centered b. meta-analytic c. psychoanalytic d. behavioral e. eclectic 28)As a psychotherapist, Dr. Buist does not analyze people’s motives or diagnose the nature of their difficulties because he believes that they are in the best position to diagnose and solve their own problems. Dr. Buist’s position is most characteristic of ______therapy. a. cognitive b. psychoanalytic c. operant conditioning d. client-centered e. biomedical 29)Sheena’s therapist tells her to relax, close her eyes, and state aloud whatever comes to mind no matter how trivial or absurd. The therapist is using a technique that is central to ______. 30)Mr. Phillips has recently begun to express feelings of hostility and resentment toward his therapist, who is consistently friendly, caring, and helpful. A psychoanalyst would most likely consider Mr. Phillip’s hostility to be an example of ______. 31)Nate’s past relationships with his mother, his former wife, and his previous employer have been characterized by common patterns of resentment and emotional detachment. Helping Nate gain insight into these recurring relationship patterns would be of greatest concern to a a. behavior therapist b. biomedical therapist c. psychodynamic therapist d. humanistic therapist e. psychopharmacologist 32)Freud is to ______as Rogers is to ______. a. psychoanalysis; counterconditioning b. free association; active listening c. dream analysis; systematic desensitization d. active listening; empathy e. unconditional positive regard; transference 33)Of the following individuals, who is most likely to benefit from therapeutic drugs that block receptor sites for dopamine? a. Amir, who complains about feeling tense and fearful most of the time but doesn’t know why b. Matthew, who feels hopeless and lethargic after losing his job c. Marcella, who is so obsessed with fear of a heart attack that she frequently counts her heartbeats aloud d. Betsy, who hears imaginary voices telling her that she will soon be killed e. John Carl, who feels he has to wash his hands three times every hour 34)Charlie suggested that compulsively pulling out his hair may be a symptom of unconscious resentment towards his cooler older brother. His therapist chuckled and said, “No, Charlie, your problem isn’t unconscious hostility; your problem is pulling out your hair.” Charlie’s therapist sounds like a ______therapist. a. behavior b. humanistic c. cognitive d. psychoanalytic e. insight 35)Benny’s mom tries to reduce his fear of sailing by giving the 3-year-old his favorite candy as soon as they board the boat. The mother’s strategy best illustrates a. the placebo effect b. aversive conditioning c. transference d. counterconditioning e. cognitive therapy 36)Gina is so fearful of taking tests in her AP courses that she experiences mild anxiety when registering for an AP course, intense anxiety when studying for a test, and extreme anxiety when answering actual test questions. Her greatest fear, however, is experienced while waiting for a teacher to hand out tests. During the process of systematically desensitizing her test anxiety, the therapist is likely to ask Gina first to imagine a. answering questions on a test b. waiting for a teacher to hand out tests c. studying for a test d. registering for an AP course e. receiving an A on a test 37)Mrs. Laiti is a compulsive gambler. To reduce her attraction to this self-defeating activity, a behavior therapist would most likely use ______. 38)To encourage Mrs. Coleman, a withdrawn schizophrenia patient, to be more socially active, institutional staff members give her small plastic cards whenever she talks to someone. She is allowed to exchange these cards for candy and cigarettes. Staff members are making use of ______. 39)Several years after his wife’s death, Mr. Statler remains incapacitated by feelings of guilt and sadness. To reduce Mr. Statler’s depression, a therapist is actively encouraging him to stop blaming himself for not being able to prevent his wife’s death. The therapist’s approach is most representative of ______. 40)Dr. Jackson reinforces depressed patients for their participation in pleasant activities and trains them to take increasingly more credit for the rewards they gain from engaging in those activities. Dr. Jackson’s treatment approach best illustrates a. exposure therapy b. client-centered therapy c. psychodynamic therapy d. cognitive-behavioral therapy e. free association 41)Although Shawn felt terribly depressed when he began psychotherapy, he was much happier by the time he had completed therapy. It would be reasonable to attribute some of his improvement to a. systematic desensitization b. therapeutic touch c. the double-blind procedure d. transference e. regression towards the mean 42)Dr. Volz is a researcher who wants to distinguish between the direct effects of a new antianxiety medication and effects arising from expectations of the drug’s effectiveness. Dr. Volz is most likely to use a. the double-blind procedure b. meta-analysis c. EMDR d. virtual reality exposure therapy e. systematic desensitization 43)Which antipsychotic drug has provided the most help to schizophrenia patients experiencing auditory hallucinations and paranoia? a. lithium b. Xanax c. Thorazine d. Prozac e. Ativan 44)Xanax would most likely be prescribed in order to help a. Cynthia give up her irrational belief that her husband is a foreign government spy b. Cassius get rid of his suicidal thoughts and feelings of apathy and hopelessness c. Bradan discontinue his habit of smoking more than 3 packs of cigarettes a day d. Martha channel her fearlessness in more productive directions e. Jerome overcome feelings of nervous apprehension and an inability to relax 45)Which of the following individuals is most likely to benefit from Prozac? a. Jack, who has lost his sense of identity and wandered from his home to a distant city b. Andrea, who hears imaginary voices telling her that she will suffer a fatal accident c. Tami, who is so addicted to cigarettes that she doesn’t want to quit smoking d. Shannon, who feels helpless and apathetic and thinks her life is meaningless and worthless e. Marco, who experiences periods of mania and hallucinations 46)Mr. McCardle’s excessive feelings of helplessness and despondency are periodically interrupted by episodes in which he experiences extreme feelings of personal power and grandiose optimism about his future. Mr. McCardle most likely suffers from ______; a psychiatrist would most likely prescribe ______to help stabilize his mood.

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