Place This Syllabus at the Front of Your Binder

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Place This Syllabus at the Front of Your Binder

Jacksonville High School

Marketing (MM51) Syllabus Place this syllabus at the front of your binder.

Instructor Ms. Nancy Draime E-mail [email protected] Planning 3rd Period Phone 910-989-2048 Website

Course Description: In this course, students develop an understanding of the processes involved from the creation to the consumption of products/services. Students develop an understanding and skills in the areas of distribution, marketing-information management, market planning, pricing, product/service management, promotion, and selling. Students develop an understanding of marketing functions applications and impact on business operations. Mathematics and social studies are reinforced. Work-based learning strategies appropriate include cooperative education, entrepreneurship, internship, mentorship, school-based enterprise, service learning, and job shadowing. Apprenticeship is not available for this course. DECA (an association for Marketing Education students) competitive events, community service, and leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills through authentic experiences will be offered at JHS in the future. If you are interested in joining DECA please see Ms. Draime.

Pre-requisites: None

Grading: Follows the policy of the Onslow County School District A = 90% - 100% B = 80% - 89% C = 70% - 79% D = 60% - 69% F = Below 59% Course weights are as follows: Classwork (25%) – Successful completion of in-class activities, warm-ups/journals and homework. Class Participation (25%) – Follow all rules and procedures, keep an organized notebook/binder, submit timely work and participate in all team and individual activities. Lab Work (25%) – Various projects and activities to test understanding; most to be completed during class time. Quizzes and Tests (25%) – Assessments to test concept understanding.

NOTE: The state mandated FINAL EXAM will count as 25% of the course grade. Jacksonville High School

Topics Covered: Unit 1 = Marketing Foundation & Planning Unit 2 = Customer Relations & Selling Unit 3 = Product/Service Management & Pricing Unit 4 = Promotion & Info Management

Text(s)/Readings: Marketing Essentials, Glencoe/McGraw Hill, 2006/4th edition; Leadership, Attitude, Performance (LAPs) will be part of this course; Supplementary readings will be also part of the curriculum.

Late Work (includes make-up work): Most of your work is completed in class and therefore, ample time is arranged to finish assignments. Late work will be accepted no more than 5 days after it is due. Unit 1

Class Supply Requirements: Label tabs as shown. Unit 2  1 ½-2” three-ring binder MISC can be  At least 5 notebook dividers/tabs a 5th tab.  Pencils or pens Unit 3  Loose Leaf Notebook Paper  Colored Pencils or Markers and Glue Stick/Scissors (optional) Unit 4

Computer Fee: There is a $15 fee for this course. Please pay this as soon as possible.

Behavioral Expectations/Classroom Rules: 1. Prompt, Prepared, Polite, Participate and Responsibility = Keys to Success! 2. All the Levels of Discipline in the JHS Student Handbook will be followed. 3. Electronic devices (i.e. phones, music etc.) are for INSTRUCTIONAL USE ONLY!! 4. Sleeping and heads down on desks is not acceptable behavior. 5. Follow the teacher’s directions immediately. 6. Come to class on time. 7. Bring required materials to class every day unless you are otherwise directed. 8. Do not cheat. 9. NO FOOD OR DRINK IS ALLOWED IN CLASS – this is a computer lab. 10. Remain in your assigned seat unless you have permission to get up. 11. Use polite speech and body language. 12. Attend to personal needs BEFORE coming to class. Jacksonville High School

Consequences of Misbehavior: 1. Verbal Warning. 2. Reflection Desk. 3. Teacher directed detention or student conference. 4. Call home. 5. Referral to office. (NOTE: Depending on frequency and/or severity of issue, these may not be in sequential order.)

Bathroom Policy: Students should use the restroom and get water before class begins. I allow 3 bathroom passes per six weeks. After you have used your passes up, please do not ask me to use the restroom unless it is an absolute emergency. If I notice that you are abusing this privilege, I will then phone your parents/guardians to notify them of the situation. Be sure to take the bathroom pass with you when you leave the room and ALWAYS follow the sign out procedures.

Absentee Policy: ATTENDANCE IN GRADES 9-12: The Onslow County Student Attendance Policy 4400 will be followed. Parents will be notified after the third, sixth and tenth absence. Students who miss more than 10 days in a semester, shall NOT be awarded course credit except by determination of the principal/designee upon careful review of the student’s records.

It is your responsibility to check for the work that you missed in the “Missed Work” area of the classroom. Students are responsible for all work missed and the work must be turned in within FIVE days of returning to class. Parents may request that assignments be sent home if the student will be absent for an extended period of time.

Helpful Hints:  Use the restroom and get water before you come to class. Remember you only get three bathroom passes per six weeks.  Come prepared for class. This is a Marketing course that requires that we cover a lot of terminology. Expect to take notes on a regular basis!  Always raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged before speaking.  Know the quiet signal!  Never throw handouts, notes, and returned work away! I conduct periodic notebook/binder checks throughout the semester. This should be an easy 100 if you keep up with all your class materials.  Promptly enter my room, get your notebook/binder and have a seat. Class begins when the tardy bell rings.  Label all assignments with the proper header which includes name, date, class and period.  Computer use in this course is necessary. No outside storage devices may be brought into the classroom – this is for virus prevention. You are encouraged to SAVE all your work in your Office 365 account. You can also use your Edmodo backpack as well. Jacksonville High School

 Internet use is for assignments only. Any violations may result in detention or revocation of computer use privileges.  Configurations on the computers are not to be changed. This includes screen savers, settings, background, appearance or any changes to the desktop.  All students will remain in seats when the bell rings until dismissed by the teacher.  Students cannot be exempt from the final exam. State policies indicate that all students taking a CTE course must participate in the final exam at semester end.

The Bottom Line: I am here to teach and you are here to learn. This can be a successful semester if we ALL work together to follow the rules and policies set forth.

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