Fernando Rojas
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Fernando Rojas
Born in Cali, Colombia, 04. 21. 48 Colombia citizen Married, four children. Languages: Spanish, English, French.
Master Public Administration (M.P.A.), Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, 6. 1973 LL.M. , Harvard Law School, Cambridge, 6. 1972 International Tax Program Certificate, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, 6. 1972 Law School, Rosario University, Bogota. Completed law studies 11. 1970 High School, Colegio Berchmans, Cali, Colombia, 7.1965.
*Visiting Fellow, ‘State Reform’ and ‘Urban Development’ Harvard University, 1996-1998 *Visiting professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto, Canada, Spring Term, 1990 *Visiting Fellow, ‘State Decentralization and Inter- Governmental Fiscal Transfers in Latin America’, CEDLA, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Fall Semester, 1989. *Visiting Fellow, ‘Citizens’ Participation at the Local Level’ Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto, Canada, August –October, 1989. *Lecturer, ‘Colombian Fiscal Policy’ School of Economics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 1. 1987-12. 1987 *Tinker Professor of Law, ‘Law and Social Change’ and ‘State Modernization in Latin America’ ‘Law and Social Change’ and ‘State Modernization in Latin America’ Law School, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1985-86 *Lecturer, ‘State Transformation in Latin America’ Graduate Studies CIDER, University of Los Angeles, Bogota, 1982-85, 1987. 1 *Lecturer, Law School, University of Los Angeles, ‘Colombian Income Tax’, ‘Legal Sociology’, 1982-83. *Director, Postgraduate on Fiscal Policy in Colombia, Escuela Superior de Administracion Publica, Bogota, 1982-1983. *Visiting Professor, ‘Public Administration Reform in Colombia’ Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, 1980-81 *Visiting Professor, ‘Integrated Rural Development Programs in Latin America’ Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Fall Semester, 1978. *Lecturer, ‘Public Policy’ ,Universidad Externado de Colombia, Spring Semester .1978. *Research Fellow, ‘Law and Social Change in Colombia’, Stanford Law School, Stanford CA, 1975-76 *Professor, ‘Agrarian Reform’ and ‘Tax Policy’, Law School and School of Business Administration, University of Los Andes, Bogota, 1973-75.
-The World Bank, LCSPS. August 1998 – present. Currently Lead Public Sector Management Specialist. In this capacity, Fernando Rojas has led several World Bank’s Policy, Analytical, Technical Assistance or Fee-based projects on State Reform, Fiscal Policies, Public Management and Institutional Development, both at national and subnational levels in countries like Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay and Peru. These projects aimed at the transformation of public/private roles with emphasis on community participation and local development; strategies for state decentralization and private sector participation; institutional development including integrated financial management and performance-based budgeting, and fiscal Decentralization in Latin America. He has also led the Bank’s dialogue on public sector reform and has been responsible for coordinating strategies and actions with other multilateral or bilateral donors in countries like Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Paraguay and Uruguay.
-International Consultant on State Reform, Fiscal Policies and Institutional Development at the Subnational Level for Latin American countries, including Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and Nicaragua: 1976 – 1996. Bilateral and Multilateral donors including The World Bank, IDB, GTZ, Dutch Technical Cooperation, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, USAID, ECLAC, CLAD.
-International Consultant on Public-Private partnership at the local level, including: *A Comparative Analysis of Programs for Land Regularization, Association and Access to Capital Markets in Latin America. The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, January 1997-1998 *Maintaining Social Infrastructure through Matching Grants as Incentives for Participatory Planning and Public –Private Alliances FISE-IDB, Nicaragua, November 1996-1998 *Keynote Speech and Moderator, EDI (World Bank Group)-ICNL electronic conference on ‘Law Reform for the Formation of Public Private Alliances in Latin America’ ,July –October, 1997
2 *Consultant PAISA, JOVEN, a public-private program for production and employment in Medellin, Colombia. GTZ, September, 1997. *Strengthening Local Governments for Participatory Democracy in Haiti. ARD-USAID (team member together with James Thompson, ARD, Senator Aquilino Pimentel, The Philippines), April-May, 1997. *Legal obstacles to the formation of partnerships at the municipal level in Latin America. A policy oriented paper for EDI, The World Bank, Washington, December, 1996. *Public-Private Alliances for Poverty Alleviation Programs. Final report of a Seminar jointly organized by IAF, EDI, The Vesper Society and the MacArthur Foundation, Washington, October, 1996. *Papers for the World Bank and the IDB conferences on state and private sector reform in Latin America. Jakarta, May, 1996, Madrid October,1996; Washington; Barcelona , March, 1997. *A research study of ‘best practices’ towards competitiveness in Colombia. Andean Finance Corporation and the Presidency of Colombia, 11. 1995-07, 1996. *Developing public private interaction as a means to support public policies towards the children in several Latin America cities ,UNICEF, 09. 1994-02- 1996.
-International Consultant on State Decentralization and Public Service Delivery in Latin America, including: *Quality Control Person, Two Workshops, Sub-sovereign Capital Markets Program, The World Bank, 1998 *The agenda of State Decentralization in Lain America Keynote Speech, XI Latin America Conference on Development Administration, Madrid, October 1998. *Restructuring the Social Investment Fund (FHIS) in Honduras, The World Bank, October, 1997 *Service Delivery at the Local Level in Paraguay, Expenditure and Responsibilities of Sub-National Governments for the Improvement of Public Services in Paraguay. The World Bank, Comision de Decentralizacion del Ministerio de Hacienda , July, 1997 *Strengthening Local Governments in Guatemala, ARD, May, 1997 *Sustainable Cities, paper for the Inter-Agency Task Force, Summit Meeting of the Americas ,Santiago, 1998. The World Bank, OAS, Oct. 97-Feb. 98 *Fiscal Decentralization for Improving Service Delivery in the MERCOSUR countries (plus Bolivia and Chile). Consejo Latinoamericano de Administracion, CLAD-Government of The Netherlands, June-November, 1997 *Restructuring the FIS in EL Salvador, The World Bank, September December, 1996. *New sources of benefit taxation for increasing local revenues in Latin America, ECLAC-GTZ. August-October, 1996 *Best practice cases of local management in Colombia and Bolivia, The World Bank, 1996-97 *Proposal for the Consolidation of State Decentralization in Colombia and Venezuela, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, 1995-1996.
*Concept Paper for a Program on Land Regularization in Colombia, IDB 06-08. 1996 *Rapporteur and Editor, International Seminar on Regional Negotiations for Peace in Latin America, The Woodrow Wilson Center, FESCOL, CEI Andes University, Bogota, Colombia,06.96 *International Decentralization and Public-private Interaction in the City of Cali, Consultant for the Municipality of Cali, 03-08.96 *Design of a European Union –supported Program on Local Financing and Strengthening Local Governments, Government of Colombia 04-08.96 *Coordinator of the program of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation of Colombia for Strengthening Local Capacity in the City of Fusagasuga and Small Towns along the Pacific Coast, 01-07.96 *Professionalization and mobilization of private resources in the City of Cali and the Department of Valle, Colombia. *Consultant, The World Bank Program on Best Practices in Local Management, 1996 *Stakeholder analysis of social, political and economic actors involved in decentralization processes . Consultant, IDB-Presidency of Colombia 01-05-96 *Adviser to the Mayor of Bogota for Tax Reform and Betterment Levies, 09-10.95 *Adviser for Deconcentration and Decentralization of the City of Cali, 06-12.95 *Member of the Committee of Experts for the Efficiency of the Public Sector, U.N. General Secretary, New York, Stockholm,07,10,1995 *Fiscal, Decentralization and Inter-Governmental Transfers in Guatemala Consultant the World Bank, 07.95 *Evaluation of Social Investment Funds in Bolivia, Colombia, Guatemala and Venezuela. Consultant, ECLAC-GTZ, 1995 *Consultant, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung-Government of Venezuela for incorporating the Social Investment Fund (FONVIS) into the Process of Decentralization, 05-07.1995 *Consultant UNDP-Ministry of Economic Development of Colombia for Land Taxes and Urban Policy Reform, 01-09.1995 *Consultant GTZ for the reorientation of the GTZ program for the support Decentralization in Bolivia, GTZ, 03 1995 *Coordinator of Mayors for Children in Latin America, a UNICEF program for Latin America 01-09 1995 *Concept paper on the Potential of Municipal Associations in Latin America, The World Bank, 10-11.1994 *Evaluation of the Bolivian Policies on Participation and Decentralization GTZ, 09-12.1994 *Keynote speech at the Latin America Seminar on Decentralization and Participatory Social Policies, GTZ, Bogota, o6-08.1994 *Consultant, the UN (New York) for the production of a Comparative
4 Analysis of Fiscal Decentralization in Latin America, 03-09.1994 *Consultant on Decentralization and Consensus Building at the local level UNICEF, 05.1994 *Consultant ILDIS-GTZ for the Design and Implementation of the Decentralization Fund (FIDES) in Venezuela, 06-07.1994 *Consultant, UNDP-Ministry of Economic Development, for the Study of Local Competitive Advantage in Colombia Cites 04-12.1994 *Design and implementation of impact and performances indicates for the Colombian and Venezulean Country –Offices. Consultant UNICEF ,12.93-12.94 *Proposal of an Agenda for State Decentralization in Colombia for 1994-1998. Consultant, Presidency of Colombia, Bogota, 04-06-1994. *Design of a study on local management capacity in Colombia. Cconsultant, the World Bank 04-05.1994 *Central Policy Paper and Summary of Recommendations, UNDP-CLAD jointly organized Seminar on Financing Decentralization in Latin America, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, 11.1993 *Consultant, UNDP, for the reform of the Ministry of Economic Development of Colombia with a view to supporting local public utilities and financing state decentralization , 08-12.1993 *Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia for negotiations on economic integration, 10 1992-07.1994 *Adviser, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, for State Decentralization in Latin America, 1992-1995 *The Colombian experience with Municipal Bonds. Consultant, Research Triangle Institute –USAID Indonesia Ministry of Finance, 07-1993. *Institutional development of the intermediate level of government for the support of poverty alleviation programs in Colombia. Consultant, The World Bank, 06-07.1993 *Municipal Financing , Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations and Institutional Development. Consultant, The World Bank , Belize, 05-07.1993 *Proposal for law reform to increase citizens’ participation in local services consultant, Ministry of the Interior of Colombia, 02-04, 1993. *Adviser , Colombian Congress, on proposals for law reform on fiscal decentralization , 02.1993-02.1994. *Consultant Development Associates –USAID on the program for justice administration reform in Latin America, 02. 1993. *Fiscal Decentralization in Peru. Consultant, the World Bank, 11. 1992-03 1993. Strategies for financing decentralization of education in Colombia. *Consultant, The World Bank and the Colombian Ministry of Education. 06.1992-01.1993. *Consultant Congress of Colombia , for the preparation of a bill on local Public utilities, 10 1992-04. 1993 *Consultant The World Bank, on Intergovernmental Transfers and Municipal Financing in Peru,11.1992-02 .1993. *Consultant, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Government of Venezuela on Financing Decentralization and Organizational Reform in Venezuela, 01-12 1992. *Human Rights and reform of the administration of justice in Honduras,
5 Consultant, DANCHURCHAID, 08.1992 *Tax Reform and Fiscal Decentralization in Argentina. Consultant the World Bank, 05-06, 1962. *Consultant. Regional Cooperation and Economic Integration between Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela. Adviser to the Mexican Presidency, 1991-1994. *Consultant, Ministry of Economic Development of Colombia, for Institutional development and organizational design in the areas of Water, Sanitation, Low Income Housing and Urban Development, 11. 1992-06. 1993. *Consultant, Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Government of Venezuela on Financing Decentralization and Organizational Reform in Venezuela 01-12 .1992. *Consultant, GTZ, on fiscal decentralization and citizens’ participation in El Salvador, 06-07. 1992. *Consultant, UNDP-Presidency of Colombia, on State Modernization through client participation in the Management of Public Utilities, 01-04. 1992. *Consultant on local participation, revenue sharing and functional Specialization among states, municipalities and the Ministry for the Family , Venezuela, 02-05 . 1991. *Adviser, Colombian Presidential Commission on Fiscal Decentralization 10.1990-6. 1991. *Adviser to the Federation Colombiana de Municipios, 1990-91. *Consultant revenue sharing and VAT administration , Ministry of Finance , Venezuela, 08-10. 1990. *Consultant , General Strategy for Decentralization, Venezuelan Presidential Commission for State Reform (COPRE) , first semester 1990. *Consultant , The World Bank, on Intergovernmental Transfer and Public Finances in Mexico, 1989. *Director, Support Program for Decentralization and Coordination of Public Investment in Colombia, UNDP, Bogota, 1988-1990. *Alternatives to the Payroll Tax for Financing Occupational Training Institutions in Latin America . Consultant ,CINTERFOR *International Labor Office, Montevideo, 08. 1988-01. 1989. *Financing Public Interest NGOs and NGOs institutional development. *Consultant, CORFAS – Ford Foundation, Bogota, 03.1988-11. 1988. *Consultant, National Department of Planning (Bogota, Colombia) for drafting a new comprehensive law for planning, budgeting, and control under decentralization. Bogota, 08. 1988-09. 1988. *Evaluation of Peasant Movements and Agrarian Reform Policies in Ecuador. Consultant, NOVIB (Dutch Development Agency), 09-10, 1987. *Senior Researcher, Instituto de Estudios Colombianos, IEC, Bogota, 01.1987- 06.1990 (Government Consultancy in the areas of Fiscal Policy, Mining Policy, Electricity and Gas, Industrial Development and Export Promotion, Institutional Development within the Public Sector). *President, Inter American Legal Services Association, ILSA, 1985- 1995. Monitoring and Evaluation of Human Rights as well as legal, electoral and constitutional reforms for democratic development in Latin America. *Consultant, Ministry of Economic Development, for drafting a new Law on Free Trade Zones. Bogota, 04.1987-06.1987. *Chairperson, Government appointed commission to prepare an Indicative Plan for
6 the introduction of high technologies in Colombia. Ministry of Economic Development, Bogota, 11. 1986-03. 1987. *Director of Research , Center for Research and Popular Education , CINEP, Bogota, 1976-80, 1981-85, 1986-88 (on leave 1980-81 and 1985-86). *Member of the Government appointed Commission for recommending Policies to foster Software Industry in Colombia, 1984-85. *Member of the Research team on taxation and foreign exchange policies for the development of the Colombian Mining Sector, 1983-85. Responsible for the sections on taxation & royalties, public spending, foreign exchange and foreign investment policies. *Consultant for NOVIB (Dutch development agency) for evaluation of a National confederation of labor (Colombia) and a national peasant Association (Ecuador), 1983, 1984. *Tax Reform in Colombia. Consultant for the National Association of Financial Institutions, ANIF, Bogota, 1983-84. *Adviser to the Executive Vice President for International Relations, Banco de la Republica (Colombian Central Bank), 1979-80. *Consultant UNESCO, Central American Social Development Plans. Guatemala, 07-08. 1978.
*Evaluación del Programa de Evaluación del Gasto Público de Chile (F. Rojas et. al, World Bank, 2006), among others. *Estructura, Funcionamiento y Politicas de los Fondos de Cofinanciacion en Paises Seleccionados: Practica y Principales desafios, ECLAC, Series Politica Fiscal, Proyecto CEPAL/ GTZ, No. 85, 1996 (LC/L. 968). *Colombia en la Presidencia de los No Alineados, FESCOL-Bogota, 1995. (Editor) *Economia Publica Contemporanea : Restructuracion Gradual e Imperceptible de una Disciplina, ESAP, Bogota, 1996. *Change-oriented legal services in Latin America. A comparison with North America and Europe, Institute for Legal Studies, Law School, University of Wisconsin- Madison, August 1986, # 1-10. (Also published in a special issue of The International Journal of Law and Sociology, London , August , 1988, and Droit et Societe, Paris, 1993). *Information Technology and Organizational Design, Institute for Legal Studies, Law School, University of Wisconsin - Madison, March 1986, # 1-6, 87 pages. (Also published in Revista de Economia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, 1989 *Elementos de Finanzas Publicas en Colombia, Bogota : Editorial Temis, 1985 (with O. Alviar). *La Reforma Tributaria 1982-1983, Bogota, ANIF, 1983 *El Estado Colombiano en los Ochenta, Bogota: CINEP, 1980. Estado y Economia. *La Crisis Permanente del Estado, Caracas: Ediciones Internacionales, 1980 (co- editor). *Produccion Campesina y Capitalismo, Bogota : CINEP, 1979 (with V.M. Moncayo) *La Teoria de la Transicion, Bogota: CINEP, 1978.
7 *Movimiento Obrero y Politica Laboral en Colombia, Bogota: La Carreta, 1978 (with V.M. Moncayo). *La Hegemonia de los Monopolios, Bogota : CINEP, 1978 *La Crisis del Regimen, Bogota : CINEP, 1977. *La Politica Laboral de Lopez, Bogota : CINEP, 1977 (with P.N.Ortiz and M. Uribe).
*Towards Institutionalization of M&E Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean (with E. May et. al, World Bank-IADB, 2006) *“Mexico’s Decentralization at a Crossroads” (with Alberto Diaz-Cayeros and Jose Antonio Gonzalez) a Chapter in Federalism and Economic Reform (J. S. Wallak and T.N. Srinvassan, ed), Cambridge University Press, 2006 *“The Demand for Governance and Quality of Government”, “At the Crossroads of Decentralization: Recentralization, Federalization”, “Reform of Public Administration and of the State in Colombia”, which are Chapters in the World Bank publication Colombia: The Economic Foundation of Peace, The World Bank, 2002 ; *‘Achievements and Challenges of Fiscal Decentralization – Lessons from México’ co-author of ‘Perspectiva General’. The World Bank - Publication, May 2000 *“The Political Context of Decentralization in Latin America”, chapter of the Proceedings of the 1999 Annual World Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean on Decentralization and Accountability of the Public Sector. The World Bank 2000 *“Partnering for Services in Santa Cruz, Bolivia” and “Partnering for Services for Planning and Management in Cali, Colombia”, in Leadership and Innovation in Subnational Government, Case Studies from Latin America (WBI Development Studies, The World Bank) 1999 *‘Beyond the Center – Decentralizing the State’ World Bank Latin American and Caribbean Studies – Viewpoints, July 1999. *‘Sustainable Cities. An Agenda for Latin America’, The World Bank (working paper), 1998. *Descentralizacion Fiscal en los Paises del Mercosur, CLAD-DSE, Caracas, 1998. (Editor) *‘Financiamiento Municipal’, in La Ciudad en el Siglo XXI. Simposio de Buenas Practicas en Gestion Urbana en America Latina y El Caribe. BID-SDS, Washington, 1998. *‘Nuevas Fuentes de Ingresos Municipales basados en el Principio del Beneficio. Experiencias Latinoamericanas’.ECLAC, Santiago, 1997. *‘Las particularidades del proceso boliviano’, in SNPP, Ministerio de Desarrollo Humano, Republica de Bolivia, El Pulso de la democracia. Participacion ciudadana y Descentralizacion en Bolivia. Nueva Sociedad, Caracas, 1997. *‘Desarrollo Institucional para la Transformacion de los Fondos de Inversion Social en America Latina’ , in G, Aghon (Ed.) La Descentralizacion Fiscal en America Latina. ECLAC, Santiago, 1977. *‘La Lucha contra la Corrupcion en el Estado Descentralizado’in FESCOL- Fundacion Milenio, Bogota, 1996. *‘Control Ciudadano y Control Comunitario de Gestion y de Resultados’, ECLAC-
8 ILPES, Santiago de Chile, Documento LC/IP/L. 119, October 1995. *‘Politica Social y Descentralizacion. Estrategias para la Institucionalizacion de la Participacion en lo Social, lo Economico y lo Cultural’, in Los Derechos Sociales, Economicos y Culturales en Colombia. Balance y Perspectivas. PNUD-Consejeria Presidencial para la Politica Social, Bogota, 1995, pg. 270- 289. *‘Retos de Desarrollo Institucional para el Control Ciudadano y el Control Comunitario de Gestion y de Resultados’, in Diez Años de la Descentralizacion . Resultados y Perspectivas. FISCOL, Bogota, 1995, pags. 324-380. *‘La Descentralizacion Fiscal en America Latina’ in Reforma y Democracia, Revista del CLAD, No. 3, Caracas, January 1995,pp 7-46. *‘Strengthening Local Management Capacity through Municipal Associations’, A paper commissioned by and submitted to Ariel Fiszbein and Tim Campbell, The World Bank, Washington, December 1994 (edited and revised by Travis Katz and Tim Campbell for Dissemination Note). *‘Actores Publicos y Privados en el Desarrollo Urbano’, in Desarrollo Urbano Futuro, Ministerio de Desarrollo Economico-Departamento Nacional de Planeacion, Bogota, 1994, pp 95-124 *‘La descentralizacion fiscal en America Latina. Analisis Comparado’ en R. de La Cruz and A. Barrios (Coordinators), El Costo de la Descentralizacion en Venezuela, COPRE-PNUD, Editorial, Nueva Sociedad, Caracas, 1994, pags. 13-39. *‘Desarrollo Institucional de los Departamentos para los Programas de Alivio de la Pobreza’, in J. M. Cardenas y W. Zambrano (Comp.)Gerencia Publica en Colombia, Consejeria Presidencial para la Modernizacion del Estado, Bogota, 1994, pp 546-573. *’Retos para lograr un Estado Descentralizacion y Efficiente’, in Ideas para la agenda de gobierno, PUND-Ministerio de Gobierno, Consejeria para la Modernizacion del Estado , Bogota, 1994, pp 73-74. *‘La Reforma de los tributos departamentales y municipales. Cómo institucionalizar la cogestion de los ingresos públicos dentro de un marco de descentralizacion’, in Las nuevas Politicas territoriales, FCM-FESCOL- FAUS, Bogota, 1993, pags. 237-281 (with E. Gonzalez). *‘Balance Preliminar de la Descentralizacion del Estado y las Finanzas Municipales en Colombia’, 1976-1992, in Revista Economia Colombia, February , 1993. *‘Political Transition in Latin America : The Unchallenged Imposition of Representative Democracy’, in The Crisis of Development in Latin America, CEDLA, Holanda, 1992, pp 110-118. *‘Evaluacion del Modelo del Gobierno Nacional para la Descentralizacion y Propuesta Organica para el Desarrollo de la Autonomia Local’, in Estado y Nuevo Regimen Territorial, FESCOL, Federacion Colombiana de Municipios, Bogota, 1992, P 13-38 (with E. Gonzalez). *‘Tres Preguntas a los Autores de la Reforma Tributaria de 1992’, in Revista Economia Colombiana, May,1992, pp 23-30. *‘Propuestas de Reforma a la FINDETER y a sus Politicas’ in Estado y Nuevo
9 Régimen Territorial, FESCOL-Federacion Colomiana de Municipios,Bogota, 1992, pp 209-219. *‘El Neoliberalismo’, in Solidaridad, Bogota, July, 1991. *‘Providing Legal Services to Indigenous Communities: A Case study of the Coyaima Clinic in Colombia’, in Beyond Law, No. 3, Nov. 1991, pp 11-34. *‘Derechos Socioeconomicos y Finanzas Publicas en la Constitucion’, in Revista Economia Colombiana , Bogota, December 1991, pp 63-68. *‘State Reform and Democracy in Latin America’, in A. Toruuaine et al. The State in Latin America, CEDLA, Amsterdam, 1991 *‘La participacion comunitaria en la descentralizacion’, in Decentralizacion y Desarrollo Regional y Urbano, Unversidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin, 1991. *‘Las reformas de la Administracion Publica colombiana 1980-1990’, in ` P.Gonzalez C. (Ed.) La Reforma del Estado en America Latina, Siglo XXI, Mexico, 1991 (with Victor M. Moncayo). *‘El Estado Colombiano : desde la dictadura de Rojas Pinilla hasta el Gobierno de Betancur (1984-1983)’, in P. Gonzalez Casanova (Ed.) El Estado en America Latina. Teoria y Practica., Siglo XXI- Universidad de las Naciones Unidas, Mexico, 1990, pp 442-481. *‘Las politicas de descentralizacion politico-administrativa en Colombia entre la modernizacion del Estado y la legitamacion del regimen’, inCLACSO, Centralizacion / Descentralizacion del Estado Actores Territotiales, Buenos Aires, 1989 (with V.M. Moncayo y D. Restrepo).
*Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, 1996-1998 *Member of the Advisory Board of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, FESCOL-Colombia, 1995 *Member of the Latin America Committee, Social Science Research Council New York, 1992-1996 *President Inter American Legal Services Association, ILSA, 1985-95 *Honorary Member of PARCOMUN, Bogota, Colombia, 1991. *Member, Editorial Board, Law and Social Change, London, 1991. *Visiting professor, CEDLA, Amsterdam, 1989. *Member, Editorial Board, Beyond Law. Stories of Law and Social Change, Bogota, 1990 *Visiting professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, 1989-1990. *Tinker Visiting Professor, Law School, University of Wisconsin, Madison 1985-86. *Member, Advisory Board, Social Policy, London. *Member, Editorial Board, Latin American Studies, Amsterdam *Visiting Fellow, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague. *Fulbright Visiting Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 1978. *Ford Foundation Scholarship, 1072-73. *Fulbright Scholarship, 1971-72.
*Public-Private Partnerships, with emphasis on Client-Centered Services and local development *Strategies for State Decentralization and Private sector Participation *Institutional developments for transparency and enhanced effectiveness of public policies: performance management and integrated financial management. *Fiscal Decentralization