Management Policy Manual

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Management Policy Manual


Approved _August 8, 2013_ TABLE OF CONTENTS


Purpose 1 Our History 1 Employee Relations Philosophy 2


Equal Employment Opportunity 3 Employment Eligibility 3 Definitions of Employment Status 3 Harassment Prevention Policy 4 Sexual Harassment 5 Employment Termination 5 Introductory Period 6 Job Descriptions 7 Open Door Policy 7 Employment Records 8 Conflict of Interest 8 Attendance and Punctuality 9 Inclement Weather 9 Whistleblower Policy 9


Standards of Conduct 11 Corrective Action 12 Tobacco Use 13 Firearms and Other Weapons 13 Appearance and Personal Hygiene 13 Solicitation and Distribution 14 Foundation Property 14 Internet Use 15 Social Networking 16


Work Schedule 18 Timekeeping 18 Payroll Distribution 18 Job Performance and Salary Adjustments 18 Payroll Deductions 19 Use of Personal Vehicles for CFHC Business 19 Business Expenses & Reimbursement 19 Insurance 20 Flexible Benefit Plan 20 Holidays 20 Vacation 21 Sick Pay 22 Bereavement Leave 23 Military Leave 23 Medical / Maternity Leave 24 Personal Leave 24 Jury Duty 25 Retirement Benefits 25


Safety Policy 26 Housekeeping 26 General Safety Rules 26 Workplace Injuries 27 Fire and Emergencies 27 Confidentiality 27 Identity Theft Protection 28 Media Relations & External Communications 28 Searches 28 INTRODUCTION



We have prepared The Greater PineBelt Community Foundation, hereafter referred to as GPCF or Foundation, Employee Handbook to acquaint employees with our Foundation and its employment guidelines. This handbook highlights our policies in the following areas:

· Employment Policies · Employee Conduct · Compensation, Benefit & Leave Policies · Safety and Security

This handbook is not intended to address every subject. If you have questions about any Foundation policies, we encourage you to discuss them with your supervisor, or in the case of the Executive Director, with the Executive Committee.

In order to retain necessary flexibility in the administration of policies and procedures, GPCF reserves the right to change, revise, or eliminate any of the policies and/or benefits described in this handbook. The only recognized deviations from the stated policies are those authorized and signed by the Executive Director or President of the Board of Directors.

The Executive Director has responsibility for administering written personnel policies and procedures that have been approved by the Board of Directors. Changes or amendments to personnel policies may be recommended for Board approval at any time. The Executive Committee will conduct a complete review of personnel policies and practices as required by changes in state and federal laws, and at a minimum of once every two years.

We believe in open, direct communications, which, in turn, creates a climate of mutual trust and understanding. This handbook represents one of the many forms of communication resources available to you as an employee. With your assistance and input, GPCF will thrive and continue to improve these resources.

Again, we welcome you to our team. We look forward to your contributions and will work to the best of our ability to provide you with a satisfying and meaningful employment relationship.

Our History

The Greater PineBelt Community Foundation is a philanthropic Foundation offering donor services, endowment building opportunities and philanthropic advocacy. Through the power of permanently endowed and other charitable funds, the Foundation helps donors achieve their charitable goals and enables nonprofits to establish stable income sources. Our Mission is to build better communities through philanthropy.


Employee Relations Philosophy

At GPCF employees are the most vital of the Foundation’s resources. GPCF strives to provide a supportive, stimulating work environment with opportunities for growth and development. To attain these goals, it is our objective: · To attract professional, qualified men and women of the highest caliber to be a part of our team and to provide development opportunities to enable them to qualify for positions of greater responsibility. · To be fair and open in all dealings with employees and to encourage employees to share their suggestions and questions. · To provide competitive wages and benefits and to reward all employees in accordance with their contributions to achieving our goals. · To be fair and consistent, concerned at all times with the well-being and personal achievement of all employees.

Every member of the GPCF team should determine how to make a maximum contribution to the accomplishment of these goals. We endeavor to maintain a strong, ethical position and to exceed the needs and expectations of our clients.


Equal Employment Opportunity

It is the policy of GPCF that all employment and management decisions are made based on merit, qualifications, and abilities. The Foundation is committed to compliance with federal and state laws that prohibit discrimination based on age, color, disability, national origin, race, religion, gender, veteran’s status, marital status and sexual orientation.

The GPCF will make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with known disabilities, unless doing so would result in an undue hardship.

This policy of non-discrimination extends to all personnel practices, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, job assignment, transfer, promotion, training, layoff and recall, separation and salary administration.

Any employee with questions or concerns about any type of discrimination in the workplace is encouraged to bring these issues to the attention of the Executive Director and/or the Board President. Employees can raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal. Anyone found to be engaging in any type of unlawful discrimination will be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination of employment.

Employment Eligibility

It is the policy of GPCF to employ only those individuals legally authorized to work in the United States. In compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, it is against Foundation policy to discriminate based on an individual’s national origin, citizenship or intent to become a U.S. citizen.

All offers of employment will be conditioned on proof of work eligibility and identification as required by law.

Definitions of Employment Status

GPCF has established definitions of employment status in order to standardize terminology and to provide common understanding in references to employees.

The Executive Director, working with the Executive Committee is responsible for hiring applicants for staff positions and notifying the Board of Directors of selection.

Employee: A person who receives wages or salaries from the Foundation.

Regular Full Time Employee: Employees who work a regular schedule of a minimum of thirty hours per week and who maintains continuous, regular employment status. Normally, regular


Full time employees are eligible for all Foundation benefits after defined qualifying requirements have been met.

Part Time Employee: Employees who work a regular schedule less than thirty hours per week and who maintain continuous, regular employment ordinarily are not eligible for all Foundation benefits.

Introductory Employee: During the first six months (180 days) of employment (Introductory Period) you will be considered an Introductory Employee. Introductory Employees are not eligible for benefits.

Temporary Worker: Those workers whose services are intended to be of limited duration (i.e., filling in for illness, vacations, summer months or on a seasonal basis, etc.). Temporary workers are not “regular” employees of the Foundation and are not eligible for Foundation benefits.

Nonexempt Employees: Employees who are not exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (Wage-Hour Act).

Exempt Employees: Management, administrative, and professional employees who do not receive overtime payment, provided they meet the Fair Labor Standards Act’s guidelines.

Harassment Prevention Policy

It is this Foundation’s policy that all employees have a right to work in an environment free of discrimination, which includes freedom from harassment — whether that harassment is based on sex, age, race, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, or membership in other protected groups. The Foundation prohibits harassment of its employees in any form — by supervisors, co-workers, volunteers, consultants, customers, or suppliers.

Such conduct may result in corrective action up to and including dismissal of the employee who harasses others.

Any harassing conduct in the workplace, whether physical or verbal, committed by supervisors or others is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to: slurs, jokes or degrading comments concerning sex, age, race, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, or membership in other protected groups; repeated offensive sexual flirtation, advances, or propositions; continual or repeated abuse of a sexual nature.

An employee should promptly report the harassment to the Executive Director or any member of the Executive Committee. If the Executive Director is unavailable or the employee believes it would be inappropriate to contact that person, the employee should immediately contact any member of the Executive Committee. Employees can raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal.


The GPCF will investigate the allegation. If the investigation confirms the allegations, appropriate corrective action will be taken. All employees are expected to cooperate with the investigation. Failure to do so may lead to discipline, including dismissal. Information provided by individual employees in the course of an investigation will be treated as confidential and only be provided to those who have a need for the information or when it is required in the course of investigating the complaint. Providing false information in the course of an investigation is grounds for discipline, including dismissal.

Sexual Harassment

While all forms of harassment are prohibited, it is the policy of GPCF to emphasize that sexual harassment is specifically prohibited. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: 1) submission is made a term or condition of employment, either explicitly or implicitly; 2) submission to or rejection of a sexual invitation is used as a basis for an employment decision; or 3) the sexual advance or request for sexual favors has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s work performance or creates an “intimidating, hostile or offensive” working environment. Incidents of sexual harassment should be promptly reported to the matter to the Executive Director or any member of the Executive Committee. If the Executive Director is unavailable or the employee believes it would be inappropriate to contact that person, the employee should immediately contact any member of the Executive Committee. Employees can raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal.

Any person who becomes aware of or witnesses sexual or other unlawful harassment should promptly advise the Executive Director or any member of the Executive Committee who will handle the matter in a timely and confidential manner.

The employee will be protected from retaliation related to the claim and appropriate and confidential action will be taken to investigate and prevent confirmed sexual harassment.

Employment Termination

Termination of employment is an inevitable part of personnel activity within any Foundation, and many of the reasons for termination are routine. As a matter of courtesy, employees who desire to leave GPCF are expected to give and work at least 28 calendar days’ notice. All notices are to be in writing. The Executive Director and / or President of the Board can waive the

5 EMPLOYMENT POLICIES notice period and terminate the employee’s employment immediately, if it is in the best interest of the Foundation.

Below are examples of some of the most common circumstances under which employment is terminated: Resignation - voluntary employment termination initiated by an employee. Discharge - involuntary employment termination initiated by the Foundation with or without notice and with or without cause. Layoff - involuntary employment termination initiated by the Foundation for non-disciplinary reasons. Retirement - voluntary employment termination initiated by the employee.

Ordinarily, the GPCF will conduct exit interviews at the time of employment termination. The exit interview will afford an opportunity to discuss such issues as employee benefits, conversion privileges, repayment of outstanding debts to GPCF, or return of property owned by GPCF. Suggestions, concerns, and questions can also be voiced.

Introductory Period

The first 180 days of employment or re-employment with GPCF will be considered an “Introductory Period.” The Introductory Period is time to determine if you and this job are a good fit. During this period you will participate in orientation and training for your job duties. This will enable you to function with competence, self-assurance and integrity as an employee of the Foundation.

· The Introductory Period is the first 180 days following the date of hire or rehire. This does not include time as a temporary worker. · Leaves of absence are not granted during the Introductory Period. · Any absence of one week or more will automatically extend an Introductory Period by the length of the absence. · During the Introductory Period employees will receive periodic written reviews by the Executive Director to discuss any concerns the employee may have and to address any performance issues. The Executive Director will be reviewed by the Executive Committee. · The Introductory Period may be extended at the discretion of GPCF.

Upon satisfactory completion of the Introductory Period, employees enter the "regular" employment classification. Employees should read the information for each specific benefits program for the details on eligibility requirements.

Either the employee or GPCF may end the employment relationship at-will at any time during or after the Introductory Period, with or without cause or advance notice.



Each position has a written job description that is reviewed annually during the performance review process to make certain it reflects current responsibilities and the needs of the Foundation. Employees are given their job description to review and acknowledge when hired. An up-to-date copy of the job description will be kept in the employee’s personnel file.

Open Door Policy

The GPCF regards employees as our most vital resource. Meeting the Foundation goals requires a harmonious work environment that not only allows, but encourages open communications. Employees should always feel free to discuss any concerns or questions relating to work, conditions of employment or other related matters.

At the GPCF we firmly believe that effective communications must be a two-way street. Therefore, employees are encouraged to share ideas, suggestions and comments concerning their job and activities at GPCF.

We at the GPCF believe an Open Door Policy is the most effective means of communication. If there is a situation to discuss, or a suggestion to make, employees are encouraged to begin with their supervisor, unless doing so would be inappropriate given the situation.

In the case of an issue that needs to be addressed, the following steps will be followed for successful resolution:

1. The employee may submit the matter in writing to the Executive Director. The Executive Director shall attempt to reach resolution of the matter within fourteen (14) working days of submission. If no resolution is reached with the Executive Director, the employee may bring the matter to the attention of the President of the Board of Directors or any member of the Executive Committee by submitting it in writing for review. The President of the Board of Directors or member of the Executive Committee shall provide his/her decision and/or recommendations regarding the matter to the employee in writing within 14 working days (up to 28 working days from first report). 2. The employee may submit the matter in writing to the President of the Board of Directors if the grievance is against the Executive Director. The President of the Board of Directors shall have fourteen (14) working days to review the matter. During that time the President of the Board of Directors will discuss the grievance with the Executive Director to receive their input. After talking to the Executive Director, the Board of Directors President may advise the Executive Committee of the complaint and its status and seek their input and comments. The President of the Board shall provide

7 their decision and/or recommendations regarding the matter to the Executive Director in writing within 14 working days. The decision of the Board President is final.

Employment Records

The employee personnel file is a record of facts concerning employment with GPCF. It is vital that this record be preserved in a confidential manner and be updated as needed. Employees may review their personnel file by scheduling an appointment with their supervisor.

It is the employee’s responsibility to notify their supervisor of any changes in the following:

· Name · Address · Telephone Number · Emergency Contacts · Number of Dependents · Beneficiary · Marital Status

Personnel records are for internal Foundation use only and will be handled with confidentiality. Release of any information contained in an employee’s file to a third party will be strictly limited unless an employee provides explicit written authorization or unless required to release information to comply with a legal requirement. Normally, the Foundation will only provide the following information to third parties:

· Verification of current or previous employment · Verification of current wage rate · Dates of employment · Title or position

Conflict of Interest Employees are not permitted to engage in any other employment if such employment affects the satisfactory performance of their primary accountability to the Foundation. If outside employment interferes with job performance at GPCF, the employee will be asked to choose between the other employer or continued employment at GPCF. Service on other Organizations Boards or Committees requires Foundation approval. It is expected that employees will use sound judgment at all times in avoiding actions or commitments that might create conflicts of interest, or that might do harm to the Foundation's business position. In particular, corporate funds, materials, supplies, proprietary or inside information, or other resources shall not be used in any way to advance an employee's personal business, financial, or other interests.

8 Each employee will annually complete a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement and a Statement of Affirmation. Employees can report to the Board President or Executive Director any incident which may be unethical or in conflict of interest.


Attendance and Punctuality You are expected to be on the job on time for each scheduled work day. Repeated absences or tardiness may result in corrective action up to and including termination of employment.

It is understood that emergencies and illnesses occasionally occur and make it impossible to report to work. In this instance, you should personally contact your supervisor as far in advance as possible to allow for reassignment of work.

Ordinarily, an absence of three business days without notifying the Executive Director will be considered a voluntary termination.

Inclement Weather It is the policy of the GPCF that in the event that there is inclement weather the Foundation’s office will run on the same schedule as the Forrest County government offices or the Hattiesburg Public School District. The Executive Director has additional discretion to close the GPCF office. If the government offices are closed, then the GPCF office will be closed and employees will be paid.

Whistleblower Policy This whistleblower policy sets out the rules and procedure with respect to the reporting by employees of a breach of federal law or Foundation policies.

The GPCF seeks to encourage employees to report fraudulent dishonest or unauthorized action that affects the integrity of the GPCF. Employees are encouraged to report a breach to their direct supervisor. If no appropriate action (or if the employee has reasons not to report to them), the employee should report the breach to any member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. If the matter concerns a member of the Executive Board, a report can be made to the Board President. Employees who (intend to) report a breach shall avoid any publicity.

All reports of a breach will be dealt with in a confidential manner. Confidentiality will be maintained to the fullest extent possible. You will not be discharged, demoted, or penalized for reporting a breach of federal or state law or of the GPCF polices; provided you are in good faith

9 and have good reason to believe your allegations are true. Making false reports, however, will have consequences for the employee and, in addition, the employee may be liable for damages

All matters concerning any breach will be handled seriously, confidentially and promptly.

A full copy of the “Whistleblower Policy” is available upon request.


Standards of Conduct

All Foundation employees are expected to accept certain responsibilities, adhere to acceptable business practices, and to exhibit a high degree of personal integrity at all times. This not only involves respect for the rights and feelings of others, but also demands that you refrain from any behavior that might be harmful to you, your co-workers, and/or the Foundation. Staff members will also be expected to perform their work for Foundation donors, grantees and volunteers in a manner that reflects the charitable mission of the Foundation as a whole.

Types of behavior and conduct that the Foundation considers inappropriate include, but are not limited to, the following:

· Violations of any Foundation policy, rule or procedure. · Engaging in any unlawful behavior during work time, while engaged in Foundation business or on Foundation property, or violation of any Foundation policy, rule or procedure concerning unlawful behavior. · Unauthorized or inappropriate use of telephones, software, mail systems, e-mail, computers, facilities, property or other Foundation-owned equipment. · Harassing of fellow employees, Foundation donors, grantees or volunteers. · Threatening, intimidating, provoking a fight, striking or in any way fighting with a fellow employee or a Foundation donor, grantee or volunteer. · Behaving indecently or engaging in immoral or abusive conduct during work time, while engaged in Foundation business or on Foundation property. · Any United States federal or state court felony conviction, guilty plea or plea of no contest or the equivalent of such convictions or pleas under the laws of any country. A conviction includes any finding of guilt and/or any imposition of a fine, jail sentence, probation or other penalty. · Making false representations to the Foundation or your supervisors regarding information used or contained in any employment records, donor files, financial documents or other Foundation records, including but not limited to applications for employment, time sheets, leave forms, expense records, asset listings, ledgers, purchase orders, financial statements, deposit and withdrawal slips, and any other like documents. · Insubordination, including but not limited to, intentional refusal to cooperate in any investigation authorized by the Foundation or to follow and/or carry out work related instructions of a supervisor or any other employee with administrative authority. · Interfering with another employee’s or volunteer’s job performance. · Theft, embezzlement or misuse of Foundation, fellow employee, donor, grantee or volunteer funds or property or removal of such funds or property without authorization.


· Deliberate destruction or damage of Foundation, fellow employee, donor, grantee or volunteer property or equipment, or the commission of acts intended to cause destruction or damage to such property. · Submitting fraudulent requests or claims to the Foundation, including, but not limited to, claims or requests relating to jury duty, leave, medical claims and expense reimbursements. · Unauthorized disclosure of confidential Foundation information or records, including but not limited to personnel and donor data. · Any form of unwelcome or inappropriate physical contact with a fellow employee, donor, grantee or volunteer, except for purposes of self-defense. The above descriptions of prohibited conduct are not meant to be all-inclusive. Rather, these descriptions should serve as examples of the types of offenses that will result in corrective action, up to and including termination, if, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, such action is warranted. The Foundation reserves the right to terminate any employee at any time, for any reason, at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee, including, but not limited to, the violation of any rule or policy of the Foundation.

Corrective Action The GPCF has established procedures to assist in correcting and preventing unacceptable behavior or unsatisfactory work performance. The GPCF emphasizes a proactive approach to performance or behavior by providing employees with appropriate assistance enabling them to perform their jobs satisfactorily. When procedures are not followed, a counseling approach may be implemented to foster an employee’s understanding of the Foundation’s expectations.

The following corrective action steps have been established to resolve serious or recurring problems. These steps are progressive and are intended to allow for correction of unsatisfactory performance or behavior. However, depending on the seriousness of the situation, an individual may be subject to any step of the corrective action process, including immediate termination of employment.

This process, depending on the circumstances, may be accelerated at the discretion of the President/Executive Director.

1. Verbal Warning – The supervisor counsels the employee following a minor performance or behavior problem. Specific actions for improvement and expectations will be discussed. Documentation about the discussion will be placed in the employee’s personnel file.


2. Written Warning – The supervisor provides the employee with written notice documenting the situation. A copy is also placed in the employee’s personnel file. Written warnings remain active for 12 months. Documentation of all discussions will be placed in the employee’s file as well. 3. Final Written Warning – The supervisor provides the employee with written notice following serious misconduct or further repeated minor offenses; improvement of conduct to a satisfactory level is necessary for continued employment with the Foundation. Documentation of all discussions will also be placed in the employee’s file. 4. Suspension of Subject With or Without Pay – Failure to respond to corrective action procedures or involvement in a serious offense will result in suspension subject to termination. 5. Termination of Employment

These procedures do not and shall not guarantee retention and do not in any way form or constitute an express or implied employment contract of any kind. All employees of the Foundation are terminable at will, and the Foundation retains the right to immediately terminate any employee at any time, for any reason, at the discretion of management, including but not limited to, the violation of Foundation policies and procedures.

Tobacco Use

The Foundation is a tobacco free work area. In order to provide a safe and comfortable work environment, tobacco use is prohibited for all employees and visitors in all Foundation offices.

Employees who choose to smoke outside the building may not do so near the entrance to the building as this may be offensive to visitors.

Firearms and Other Weapons

The Foundation strictly prohibits possession of weapons of any type by employees during work hours, while on Foundation business or at any Foundation sponsored event, and by any employees and visitors in the Foundation offices. This includes both visible and concealed weapons and those for which the owner has obtained the necessary concealed handgun or other permits.

Appearance and Personal Hygiene

Employees are expected at all times to present a professional, businesslike image to serve our constituents and the general public. Acceptable personal appearance as well as proper maintenance of work areas is an ongoing requirement of employment with the GPCF.


Employees are expected to dress in a manner that is normally acceptable in professional settings. Employees should not wear suggestive attire, athletic clothing/shoes, shorts, shower shoes, novelty buttons, clothes exposing midriff, and similar items of casual attire that do not present a businesslike professional appearance at any time.

At its discretion the Foundation may allow employees to dress in a more casual fashion. On these occasions, employees are still expected to present a neat appearance and are not permitted poorly maintained or disheveled clothing, midriff baring or similarly inappropriate clothing.

Any employee who does not meet the standards of this policy will be required to take corrective action, which may include leaving the premises. Employees will not be compensated for any work time missed because of failure to comply with this policy. Violations of this policy may also result in corrective action.

Solicitation and Distribution

The Foundation strives to establish a work environment that is productive and without undue disruptions to the workday. Therefore, soliciting by one employee of another, or collecting from one employee by another is prohibited while either employee is on work time. Distributing literature during work time or in work areas at any time is also prohibited. Soliciting or distributing literature on Foundation premises by anyone outside the Foundation is prohibited.

Foundation Property

The equipment and facilities of the Foundation are for business use only. Personal use of Foundation equipment or property is not allowed without express permission from the Executive Director.

Employees are responsible for all Foundation owned property, materials, or written information issued to them or in their possession. Employees, on or before their last day of employment, must return all such property. Where permitted by applicable laws, the Foundation will withhold from the employee’s check or final paycheck the cost of any items that are not returned when required. The Foundation may also take all action deemed appropriate to recover or protect its property.


Internet Use

As a condition of providing Internet access to its employees, the GPCF places certain restrictions on workplace use of the Internet. GPCF encourages employee use of the Internet as follows: · To communicate with fellow employees and clients regarding matters within an employee's assigned duties · To acquire information related to or designed to facilitate the performance of regular assigned duties · To facilitate performance of any task or project in a manner approved by an employee's supervisor

Prohibited Use Employee use of the Internet access provided by GPCF expressly prohibits the following: · Disseminating or printing copyrighted materials (including articles and software) in violation of copyright laws. Marketing materials may be copied with permission of the original editor. · Sending, receiving, printing, or otherwise disseminating proprietary data, trade secrets, or other confidential information of GPCF in violation of Foundation policy or proprietary agreements · Accessing, sending, or receiving offensive or harassing statements or language including disparagement of others based on their race, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, religious or political beliefs, or other protected characteristics · Sending or soliciting sexually oriented messages or images · Operating a business, usurping business opportunities, soliciting money for personal gain, or searching for jobs outside GPCF · Sending chain letters, gambling, or engaging in any other activity in violation of local, state, or federal law

Use E-mail Wisely

Use e-mail to get important information to colleagues, provide project updates and status reports, share meeting times and scheduling information, provide reports and information that have been requested by the other party, and let management know of important changes and

15 developments. Never use e-mail to send messages that can be construed as frivolous, hateful, profane, or harassing. Also, e-mail seldom is an effective way to resolve misunderstandings or differences of opinion. Usually, employees should resolve differences by discussing them with the other individual face-to-face or bringing the problem to a supervisor.

Personal Use

Internet services are provided by GPCF for employees' business use. Very limited or incidental use of Internet services for personal, non-business purposes is acceptable. However, personal use must be infrequent and must not: • involve any prohibited activity; • interfere with the productivity of the employee or his or her co-workers; • consume system resources or storage capacity on an ongoing basis; or • involve large file transfers or otherwise deplete system resources available for business purposes.

Employer Monitoring Rights

Employees should not expect privacy with respect to any of their activities using GPCF-provided Internet access or services. The GPCF reserves the right to review any files, messages, or communications sent, received, or stored on GPCF's computer systems.

Social Networking

GPCF views social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. as significant new forms of public communication. We hold all of our employees who engage in social networking to the same standards we hold for any public communications such as: comments to a TV, radio or news reporter. Therefore, all employees have an obligation to the Foundation to ensure that any public communication they make, including social networking communications must not negatively impact the reputation of the Foundation or bring disrepute in any way to the Foundation or any of the Foundations or individuals associated with the Foundation. Only authorized individuals may make entries on the Foundation social network sites. Therefore, employees must have prior authorization to be a Foundation spokesperson to the extent their social networking communications represent, or appear to represent the official Foundation view or perspective on any particular topic. Violations of this policy will result in discipline which may include termination, depending on the severity of the situation and its impact on the Foundation. Identified below are general guidelines and examples of prohibited communications. Please note that this list shows examples only and is not intended to be, nor is it, an exhaustive list of

16 EMPLOYEE CONDUCT prohibited communications. Instead, we have included this list to provide guidance with respect to individual social networking and other public communications. General guidelines and examples of prohibited communications · Employees should assume at all times they are representing GPCF when engaging in any form of social networking. · If employees wouldn’t say it on the air or have a reporter write it in a column, don’t tweet it, post it on Facebook or post it on any public web page. · Exercise discretion, thoughtfulness and respect. · Do not discuss internal policies or operations issues in any manner that could reflect poorly on the Foundation. · Do not engage in public criticism or disparagement of GPCF personnel. · Confidential or proprietary Foundation information or similar information of third parties who have shared such information with the Foundation should not be shared on any social networking site. · Be mindful that all public communications that reference GPCF, including social networking communications, are subject to review by management, and may lead to discipline to the extent the public communication harms the Foundation.


Work Schedule

The normal work schedule for all employees is 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (with one hour for lunch) for 37.5 hours per week, Monday through Friday. However, employees may be required as necessary to work hours outside of this schedule.

Lunch periods should be planned as close to the noon hour as possible and every effort should be made to assure coverage of the phones at all times.

Individuals may alter this schedule by prior agreement with the Executive Director so long as 37.5 hours are worked each week.


Employees are responsible for insuring that their time records accurately reflect actual time worked on a weekly basis.

Payroll Distribution

The Foundation makes every effort to adhere to the following guidelines in regard to the distribution of payroll.

· Paychecks will be distributed every two weeks.

· If an employee has an emergency or planned absence on payday, other arrangements may be made with the Supervisor to allow the employee to obtain their paycheck. (Written authorization must be provided.)

· All paychecks represent the gross earnings for that particular pay period, minus the tax deductions required by law, or other deductions authorized by the employee.

Job Performance and Salary Adjustments

The Executive Director is responsible for the appraisal of the staff and for the administration of staff salaries within the budget approved by the Board of Directors.

Salary adjustments are not guaranteed, but are dependent on the financial capacity of the Foundation.

The Executive Committee will conduct the performance review and determine the salary adjustment of the Executive Director subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.


Performance appraisals based on current job descriptions and applicable procedure manuals are conducted annually and are used in determining salary adjustments and to support recommendations for promotions. The employee’s supervisor will review his/her performance and discuss the results with the employee. The review is used primarily to let the employee know how he/she is performing and how they can improve their performance.

Quality and quantity of performance, ability to get along with co-workers and volunteers, attendance and punctuality are among the factors considered in granting increases.

Salary increases are based on merit and are approved by the Executive Committee. All job performance and salary reviews will be documented and filed in the employee’s personnel file.

Payroll Deductions

Deductions from an employee’s wages will be made in accordance with applicable law and, when required, with the consent of the employee.

Payroll and Charitable deductions will be made if they meet the following criteria: · Required by law (e.g. Social Security, income taxes) · Is a deduction for a fringe benefit (e.g. health insurance, 403(b), or other) · Is a repayment of an amount owed to the GPCF.

Use of Personal Vehicles for GPCF Business

With review, whenever an employee uses his/her personal automobile on authorized GPCF business, reimbursement, at a rate currently allowed by the IRS, will be made. A Mileage Reimbursement Form, which includes the reason, purpose and location, must be completed and submitted to the Foundation within 90 days of the travel.

Business Expenses & Reimbursement

The Executive Director will review the expense reports for all staff members. The Board President and/or Treasurer will review the expense reports for the Executive Director. Any expenses charged to the GPCF, which are not approved, must be paid back to the GPCF by the employee within 90 days of expense.

Expenses must be itemized and receipts attached. The legitimate business purpose of the expense must be clearly marked on the receipts as needed for audit purposes.


The GPCF maintains a system of expense reimbursement for authorized business expenses incurred by employees. Employees who are authorized to incur necessary business expenses must promptly submit an expense report and receipts for reimbursement to GPCF.

In addition, authorized employees may receive expense advancements. If advances are received, employees must file expense reports to account for such advances within 10 business days upon returning to work after traveling. Insurance

At this time insurance is provided at $500 a month for the Executive Director only. This is provided with pre-tax dollar via a flexible spending account.

Flexible Benefit Plan

Employees will be eligible to participate in the flexible benefit plan after completion of the 90 day introductory period. Employees are able to set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for out-of- pocket non-reimbursable medical/dental expenses and childcare expenses. Medical insurance premiums may also be paid pre-tax by the employee on the GPCF policy. A detailed plan description is available upon request.

Holidays The GPCF provides the following paid holidays to eligible employees each year:

New Year’s Day Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday President’s Day Good Friday Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Christmas (2 days)

The Executive Director will publish the dates for Holidays at the beginning of each year.

If a holiday occurs during an employee's vacation period, the holiday is not considered a vacation day.



The GPCF recognizes the positive rewards associated with spending leisure time away from work. Therefore, the following vacation policy has been established.

Regular full-time employees are eligible for the following vacation time and personal days each year:

Completed Years of Service Vacation Time Personal Days Less Than 6 months 0 days 0 (Introductory Period) 6 Months- 12 Months One Week 2 days/year One Year – Four Years Two Weeks 4 days/year Five Years and thereafter Three Weeks 5 days/year Eleven – Plus Years Add 1 day for each year after 10 days/year 10

All vacation must be used in the year earned. Carryover of a maximum of five (5) days may be approved by the Executive Committee.

Vacation Scheduling All employees will submit a “Request for Time Off Form” for approval by their immediate supervisor. Once approved the employee should notify the entire staff. The original will be kept by the Foundation to update the employee’s time off record and to be placed in their payroll file. Requested vacation dates will be granted whenever possible at the time most desired by the employee. Planning and scheduling vacations is the responsibility of the immediate supervisor, taking into consideration the operating requirements of the Foundation. In the event of a conflict for vacation between two or more employees, consideration will ordinarily be given to the employee with longer service to the Foundation.

When on vacation, the employee needs to add the “out of office message” on emails. Instructions: 1) create template “out of office” email. 2) go to rules, advanced rules – check box that says “where my name is”

Deferred/Forfeited Vacation Vacation days earned must be taken in the fiscal year. Days not taken are forfeited unless prior approval is given by the Executive Director. Vacation time may not be deferred for more than sixty (60) days. Payment in lieu of time off is not permitted.

21 Effect of Leave of Absence on Vacation Benefits An employee does not accrue vacation benefits while on long-term leave of absence (greater than 30 consecutive calendar days) due to illness, injury, occupational injury, or personal leave.


The amount of vacation due is reduced by 1/2 for each 30 consecutive calendar days of the employee's leave period, rounded to the nearest day.

Vacation Pay in Termination Situations The employee will be paid for vacation days earned in the case of: · voluntary resignation by an employee with proper notice (minimum of four weeks) or · discharge of an employee for reasons other than cause,

The employee will not be paid for vacation day(s) not taken in the case of: · voluntary resignation by an employee without proper notice (as defined above), or · discharge of an employee for cause

Re-employment In the case of an employee who is terminated from the Foundation and is later rehired, the vacation eligibility date becomes the employee's most recent date of hire.

Sick Pay

Recognizing that employees who are sick need time to rest and recover, the Foundation offers sick pay to regular full-time employees.

Eligible employees are granted six (6) sick leave days per fiscal year. Leave not taken may be carried over and accrued up to 30 days.

An employee who is not able to report to work because of a medical condition shall notify their immediate supervisor by 8:30 a.m. of the first day of absence. In case of continued illness, the employee shall keep their immediate supervisor advised of his or her condition and probable date of return to work. The immediate supervisor may request a statement from the employee's physician or a physician of the Foundation’s choice on an anticipated date of return to work, and verification of a medical condition.

After an employee returns to work, a “Request for Time Off” form must submitted to the GPCF to update the employee’s time off record and place in their payroll file.

22 Supervisors may ask for a physician’s report to substantiate illness. Any unused sick pay will not be paid when employment with GPCF is terminated.


Bereavement Leave

The Foundation recognizes that a time of bereavement is very difficult for an employee. Every reasonable effort will be made to ensure that the employee is able to attend to family matters.

Reasonable time required, up to a maximum of five full days, will be granted to the affected employee for the purpose of attending a funeral when death occurs in the immediate family. “Immediate” family is defined as the following: Spouse Parent Sibling Child Others as approved by the Executive Director

Additional bereavement time may be given upon approval of the Executive Director in concurrence with the Executive Committee.

Pay for time excused under this policy will be at the employee’s normal, straight time rate. Such pay will be made only for time excused from the employee’s regular assigned work schedule.

Time to attend the funeral of non-immediate family members may be granted and employees may choose to use any paid leave available for the absence.

Military Leave

It is the policy of the Foundation to grant leave for military service in accordance with applicable federal and state law, specifically the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA).

· An employee who needs time off for military service is to notify their supervisor immediately. · The Executive Director will provide details to the employee regarding the leave. · Verification of the military duty may be required.


Medical / Maternity Leave

Maternity Leave The GPCF will grant up to two weeks (10 days) with pay of child care leave for regular full-time employees who have been employed more than 12 months during the first year after the birth of a child or during the first six months an adopted child lives with a full-time employee. A request for this additional leave must be in writing and approved by the Executive Director.

The GPCF will grant up to ten more weeks (50 days) of unpaid child care leave for full-time employees who have been employed more than 12 months during the first year after the birth of a child or during the first six months an adopted child lives with a full-time employee. A request for this additional leave must be in writing and approved by the Executive Director.

Medical Leave Additional unpaid sick leave, up to a maximum of 30 days, for medical purposes will be considered on an individual basis with a written request being made by the employee with a letter from the physician stating the need. The Executive Director and the Executive Committee will make a determination on approval or denial, which will be based upon business needs at the time of absence. When medical leave ends, every reasonable effort will be made to return the employee to the same position, if it is available, or to a similar position for which the employee is qualified. Reinstatement cannot, however, be guaranteed. Personal Days/Leave

The GPCF offers a personal leave of absence to eligible employees who wish to take time off from work to fulfill personal obligations. Eligible employees are those full-time employees who have satisfactorily completed their Introductory Period. The employee’s supervisor must approve personal leave.

All full time employees are granted two (2) personal days each year of service. See the chart for further details. Personal days may not be banked or carried forward.

Requests for personal leave will be evaluated based on a number of factors, including anticipated workload requirements and staffing considerations during the proposed period of absence.

If approved, personal leave applies for a period of thirty (30) calendar days. If this initial period is insufficient, consideration will be given for a single extension of no more than thirty (30) calendar days. Employees must take any paid time off as part of the approved leave time.

24 When personal leave ends, every reasonable effort will be made to return the employee to the same position, if it is available, or to a similar position for which the employee is qualified. Reinstatement cannot, however, be guaranteed.

Jury Duty

The GPCF recognizes the civic obligation of our employees when called to jury duty and has established the following provisions:

· The Foundation supports meeting this obligation by paying employees for time spent serving on jury duty during their normal work schedule. · Employees are expected to report for work during any regular hours that they are not required in court. · The immediate supervisor should be notified as soon as possible when an employee receives notice of jury duty so that appropriate arrangements can be made to cover the work responsibilities. · Employees are required to give the notice for jury duty form to their supervisor.

Retirement Benefits

The GPCF encourages its full time employees to establish a simple IRA. On October 23, 2013 the Executive Committee approved a 2% increase to the employee’s salary to be directed to the individual employee’s simple IRA. The board approved this on November 7, 2013.


The Executive Committee may from time to time wish to apply some or all of these polices and benefits to part-time employees on a case by case basis


Safety Policy

It is the policy of the GPCF to comply with the spirit and letter of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) to ensure safe and healthful working conditions. Each employee will be responsible for strict adherence to all safety and health rules and regulations designed to carry out the purpose of the statute.

The Foundation has gone to great effort to make the facility a safe place in which to work and is continually on the alert to prevent accident hazards.

Most importantly, however, the employee is the one who is most familiar with work areas and their potential hazards. Employees are encouraged to report hazardous conditions to their Supervisor for correction.

Our goal is to promote an accident-free work environment by implementation of appropriate safety measures and prompt accident investigation.


Our housekeeping and general level of order and cleanliness has an important impact on the perception of visitors to our facility. It also contributes to the safety of our working environment.

GPCF employees are expected to take pride in a clean, organized and professional work environment. We ask that ALL employees assist in preserving our standard of housekeeping by maintaining all work areas in a manner consistent with this policy.

General Safety Rules

Safety is recognized as one of the core values of the GPCF. It must be a shared responsibility of ALL employees.

Safety rules must be obeyed throughout the facility. Some critical facility-wide safety rules include, but are not limited to, the following:

· Ask for assistance if objects are too heavy to lift. Always utilize proper lifting techniques. · Horseplay of any type has no place on the job or on Foundation premises. · Employees should report any suspected hazardous conditions to their Supervisor immediately. · Emergency exits or aisle ways are NEVER to be blocked.

26 Any employee who is in violation of safety rules or instructions will be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination of employment, depending on the seriousness of the incident, as determined by the President / Executive Director. SAFETY AND SECURITY

Workplace Injuries

Employees depend on one another to utilize safe practices and sound judgment in every phase of work. Employees are required to report any perceived hazardous conditions to their supervisor. Supervisors will, in turn, inform employees about specific safety rules for their work areas.

Every injury, no matter how slight, must be reported immediately to the supervisor. Failure to report any such injuries may jeopardize workers’ compensation benefits.

Employees normally will be required to submit to a drug and alcohol test if injured on the job. Medical approval may also be required prior to the employee’s return to work.

Fire and Emergencies

Fire or emergencies are always a possibility, despite the most stringent of safety programs.

· Employees should make every effort to guard against fire hazards.

· Employees should familiarize themselves with the locations of fire extinguishers.

· If employees are notified to evacuate the office, employees and visitors should leave via the nearest exit, and assemble at the designated area so that all employees and visitors can be accounted for as quickly as possible.


The protection of confidential business information is vital to the success of THE GPCF. Employees have a responsibility to the donors of THE GPCF to maintain confidentiality.

Confidential information is any and all business related information known by an employee as a consequence of employment with GPCF. It is vital that each employee respects the need to protect this information.

Therefore, as a condition of employment, each employee will adhere to the Confidentiality Policy of the GPCF and will sign a “Confidentiality Agreement.”

Identity Theft Protection

27 This Foundation is dedicated to maintaining the privacy and protection of its employee’s personal information as well as foundation donors and constituents. All records, hardcopy and SAFETY AND SECURITY electronic, including but not limited to medical, social security numbers, addresses and phone numbers will be maintained and protected. Only individuals with an authorized need to know will have access. Any unauthorized access will be considered a breach in security and will be immediately reported to the impacted employee by the Foundation Executive Director.

When no longer needed, all personal information and files will be disposed of in compliance with appropriate state and federal laws.

Media Relations & External Communications

The manner in which the GPCF is perceived by its business associates, clients and the general public is a function of the external communications activities carried out by our management and employee team.

These communications have a vital impact on our current and future operations.

For the best image of the Foundation to be portrayed, it is critical that the messages communicated be consistent with Foundation philosophy, policies and procedures.

Therefore, it is the policy of GPCF that the Executive Director serves as an “information channel” for all news media and for all external communications representing the Foundation. The Executive Director is responsible for approval of all press releases, responses to media inquiries, use of cameras inside all facilities, and for coordination of media interviews.


The Foundation may conduct investigations and searches that are necessary to maintain a safe, healthy and secure workplace. It is our goal to protect the Foundation and employees from conduct that interferes with or adversely affects our business.

Therefore, the Foundation reserves the right and obligation to conduct searches as necessary. Such searches may involve but not be limited to:

· Electronic mail and voicemails stored on Foundation equipment · Files, both electronic and hardcopy · Briefcases and handbags · Desk drawers, file cabinets and other storage areas · Coats and pockets

28 It is anticipated that the need for the exercise of this policy will be limited; however, the full cooperation of all employees is expected if a search becomes necessary.


The Foundation has prepared this handbook as a guide that contains policies, benefits and general information to assist you during your employment. However, these guidelines should not be construed as your contract; employment is “at will” for an indefinite period unless terminated at any time by you or the Foundation. The Foundation reserves the right to make changes in content or application as it deems appropriate, and these changes may be implemented even if they have not been communicated, represented or substituted in this handbook.

The provisions in this handbook are effective as of August 8, 2013 and supersede any previous edition.

I acknowledge receipt of the Employee Handbook and I agree to read, become familiar with, and be responsible for its contents.

Employee Signature

Employee Name Printed


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