Intercollegiate Athletics Board
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Intercollegiate Athletics Board SUNY Stony Brook Bylaws December 1998 Updated December 2001 Updated December, 2005
Intent. The Bylaws are intended to define and facilitate the operations of the Board and do not in any way imply transcendence over the May 1988 Guidelines for the Establishment and Conduct of the Campus Intercollegiate Athletics Board at State-operated Campuses of the State University of New York.
Charge to the Committee: The Intercollegiate Athletics Board shall oversee the intercollegiate athletics program, report to the president, and communicate with the university community, with respect to those activities defined in these Bylaws. The IAB will act in both oversight and advisory capacities to the Dean of Athletics on the operations of the Department of Athletics, and will ultimately be responsible to the president of the university. The membership structure of the IAB shall provide for regular, direct communications between the IAB and the University Senate, the Undergraduate Council, and the Student Athlete Association for purposes of provision of information and solicitation of input from the university’s faculty, administration, and student athlete body. The IAB and/or subsets of its members may also be called upon to act in the performance of compliance oversight functions, with an emphasis on those related to academic issues; to serve as representatives on committees and major searches relevant to the mission of the Athletic Department; to formulate appeals or investigative boards as required by the President of the University to research and /or resolve areas of conflict or question that arise in relation to the operations of the Department of Athletics.
MEMBERSHIP. The membership roster of the IAB shall be available to the public by way of posting on the website.
Chair. Upon recommendation of the IAB, the President will appoint a Chair before the first scheduled meeting of an academic year. The Chair will convene the first meeting of the academic year no later than the fourth week of the semester, and will be responsible for obtaining the names of the new appointments beginning that academic year from the President prior to this meeting. The Chair is appointed to a three year term. Voting members. The membership of the IAB will consist of fourteen voting members: five (5) faculty members, one of whom is the Faculty Athletics Representative and one of whom is appointed from and a member of the University Senate; three (3) student members, one of whom is a member of the Student Athlete’s Association, and one a non-athlete; four (4) administration members, one of whom is appointed by and a member of the Undergraduate Council; one (1) alumni member. one (1) head coach, who is selected by a his or her peers.
All appointments to the IAB are recommended and/or approved by the campus President to three-year terms. Membership cycles are normally staggered to allow that only some members are replaced on an annual basis.
Non-voting members. Additional non-voting members may be appointed to the IAB, including but not limited to the Dean of the Division of Physical Education and Athletics, and the Athletic Director.
Consultants. Consultants from the Department of Athletics or other campus organization may also attend IAB meetings as non-voting participants. Consultants are usually those individuals who positions within the Department of Athletics, Office of Admissions, Office of Financial Aid and/or other relevant campus offices directly impact issues of interest to the Board. These include but are not limited to Associate Dean of Compliance, Academic Advisors, Life Skills Coordinator, Associate Dean for Budget and Finance, Manager of Operations and Facilities, and
MEETINGS: The Board will meet a minimum of three times each semester with additional meetings scheduled by the Chair as required to complete the Board’s business in a timely fashion. In general, meetings of the IAB are held on a monthly basis during the academic term. The calendar of these meetings will be set at the beginning of the year and made public on the web site.
Agenda: The agenda includes review and approval of minutes from the previous meeting. Approved minutes will be made public on the web site. Each meeting also consists of the following regular reports: from the Dean of Athletics; from the Faculty Athletics Representative; from a representative of the University’s Compliance Committee. The Associate Dean for Compliance will review NCAA legislative updates as necessary. Each meeting also includes a subcommittee report that can be either an informational presentation during of a follow-up session to address previous questions raised by the Board.
Subcommittee Structure. All voting members of the IAB will serve on at least one of its major subcommittees. Subcommittees will be chaired by voting members of the IAB; it is the responsibility of the Subcommittee Chair to prepare and present reports to the IAB one to two times per academic year. Appropriate members of the Department of Athletics and other campus communities may serve as liaisons or consultant to these subcommittees as needed. Written reports are submitted by each subcommittee chair before the conclusion of the Spring term.
Governance and Commitment to Rules Compliance: Compliance with America East and NCAA rules Review of rules infractions and consequences Review of new legislation
Commitment to Equity and Gender Equity: Assess rates of participation for male and female athletes Allocation of resources for men’s and women’s sports Advertisement and promotion of men’s and women’s sports Job opportunities and compensation for male and female employees (coaches, etc.)
Budget, Finance and Fiscal Integrity Review of Department of Athletics annual budget Assessment of fund raising Assessment of marketing and promotional efforts
Academic Issues and Integrity Resources for students Tutors Graduation rates GPA, academic standing
Student Welfare Academic Social Psychological
Requests for additional items to be included on the agenda may be made to the Chair of the IAB prior to the meeting date in question.
Quorum. A quorum will consist of seven voting members, including at least one faculty member, one administration member, and one student member. A simple majority vote will be required to pass a motion. If voting members are unable to be present, they may give their written proxy to another voting member and copy the IAB chair, or submit their vote to the Chair via email.
A. Budget. The Board will formulate and recommend to the President an annual budget. It will carry out this duty in direct consultation with the Dean of Physical Education and Athletics, and Associate dean for Budget and Finance.
B. The IAB will formulate and recommend to the President policy regarding standards, both academic and non-academic, for all students participating in intercollegiate athletics, for matters relating to conference affiliation, participation in post-season play, and all other related matters deemed necessary.
C. The IAB will participate in the review of the intercollegiate athletics program to insure that it maintains standards consistent with all SBU, SUNY, America East, and any other relevant intercollegiate athletic association bodies.
D. The IAB will make available members to participate on appropriate committees and major searches, university appeals and investigative boards, and will recommend individuals to serve as the institution’s Faculty Athletics Representative and voting representatives to the annual NCAA Convention.
E. Annual Report. The IAB will submit an annual report to the president prior to the conclusion of the spring semester. The annual report will include pieces from the Subcommittee reports submitted tot he IAB that year.
AMMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS. A vote of two-thirds of the voting IAB members is required to revise these Bylaws. No amendments or revisions shall be voted on at the meeting at which they are introduced.