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1. Name of the School with address: BOSCO PUBLIC SCHOOL
(Strictly as per Affiliation sanction) SUNDER VIHAR, PASCHIM VIHAR
Letter or as permitted by the
Board) with pin code no.
(i) E-mail [email protected]
(ii) Ph. No. 011-25266395,011-25284343
(iii) Fax No. ______
2. Year of establishment of school 1985
3. Whether NOC from State/UT
Or recommendation of Embassy ______
of India obtained?
(i) NOC No. DE/Z-27/WEST/84-RC/PLG/258
(ii) NOC issuing date 17/01/1989
4. Is the school is recognized, if yes
by which Authority Govt. of NCT Delhi
5. Status of affiliation:
Permanent/Regular/Provisional Provisional
(i)Affiliation No. 2730174 (ii)Affiliation with the Board since 06/02/1991
(iii)Extension of affiliation upto March 2018
Registered under Section 25 of
The Company Act, 1956.
Period upto which Registration of
Trust/Society is valid
7. List of Members of school Managing Committee Name of Members 1 Sh. N.K. Duggal 2 Sh. Raju Duggal 3 Sh. S.N.Goel 4 Dr. Neelu Goswami 5 Sh. S.K. Sood 6 Mrs. Geeta Kohli 7 Mr. N.K.Sehgal 8 Mr. Y.P.Purang 9 Dr. Sunil Chaddha 10 Mrs. Ashu Suri 11 Dr. C.D. Vasistha 12 Mrs. Taruna Sanjeev 13 Dr. Gurpreet Singh 14 Principal(GGSSS, Ambika Vihar, Paschim Vihar) 15 Principal(SKV-Amalvas, Jawalapuri) 16 Vice Principal(G.S(Co-Ed) Vidhyalaya,Peera Garhi) 17 Vice Principal(GBSSS-Amalvas Jawalapuri) 8. Name and official address of the Manager/President/Chairman/Correspondent Mr. N.k Duggal Manager, Bosco Public School Sunder Vihar, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110087
9. Area of school campus
(i) In Acres 1.80 acre
(ii) In Sq. mtrs. 7295 (sq.mtrs)
(iii) Built up area (sq. mtrs) 1298 (iv) Area of playground in sq. mtrs 5986
(v) Other facilities
(i) Swimming Pool √
(ii) Indoor games √
(iii) Dance Rooms √
(iv) Gymnasium X
(v) Music Rooms √
(vi) Hostels X
(vii) Health and Medical √
Check up
10. Details of fee structure
I. Pre-School RS. 3660P.M
II. Pre- Primary RS. 3660 P.M
III. I RS. 3440 P.M
IV. II to V RS. 2640 P.M
V. IX & X RS. 4080 P.M
VI. XI & XII (Commerce with Maths) RS. 4080 P.M
VII. XI & XII (Science, Commerce with I.P) RS. 4300 P.M
11. Transport facility
(i) Own buses 12
(ii) Buses hired on contract basis 2
(iii) Details of transport charges 1500 12. Mode of payment of salary (i) Name of the Bank through which salary is drawing AXIS BANK (ii) Through single cheque transfer advice Single cheque (iii) Individual cheque ______(iv) Cash ______13. Library facilities
(i) Size of the Library in sq. feet 872(Sq.Ft) (ii) No. of Periodicals Mentor,Span,Cenbose,Dream2047 (iii) No. of Dailies Times of India, The Hindustan Times (iv) No. of Reference books class-wise 1251 (v) No. of Magazine India Today, Outlook, Children’s Wand, Reader Digest, Competition Sucess (vi) Others 3998
14. Name of the Grievance/Redressal Officer Mr. Raju Duggal with E-mail, [email protected] Ph. No. 011-25266395 Fax No.
15. Members of Sexual Harassment Committee Mrs. Jyotsana Gaur, Mrs. Seema Doval Mrs. Meenakshi Prabhakar, Mrs. Taruna Sanjeev
16. Section wise enrolment of school for the Class Section Enrolment current session CLASS WISE /SECTION WISE ENROLLMENT OF STUDENTS
CLASS SECTION A B C D NURSERY 32 30 30 - KG 36 36 35 35 I 38 38 38 37 II 37 37 41 36 III 38 38 37 - IV 40 41 40 - V 42 43 44 - VI 45 37 40 - VII 45 47 - - VIII 38 39 38 - IX 43 32 29 - X 42 43 - - XI 35 55 22 - XII 51 37 - -
17. Academic session period from April to March
18. Vacation period from 10/05/2014 to 30/06/2014 01/01/2015 14/01/2015
19. Admission period from 1st January to 31st August