Environmental Commission s1
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MAY 8, 2013
The meeting of the Environmental Commission was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Richard Wolf, Chairman. The Opening Statement was made. Roll call was taken.
Present: George Esty Carol Phiefer Gregg Sgambati Richard Seibert Daniel Weixeldorfer Richard Wolf Jane DeWan (secretary)
Barbara Shanley, Chair of Historic Preservation Commission
Absent: Chris Kiene
MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting held on April 24, 2013 were approved as submitted following a motion by R. Wolf; seconded by Carol Phiefer. All were in favor.
Rich Wolf offered congratulations to Gregg Sgambati on obtaining the ANJEC grant. This will be discussed later in the meeting.
OLD BUSINESS Shade Tree Issues George Esty presented a revised list of suggested replacement trees which are all approved by Shade Tree Federation. Rich Wolf felt the list was too long. George explained it listed all the varieties of a certain tree. Rich asked him to condense the list some. George will do it.
Barbara Shanley thanked the Commission for input and assistance in selecting a tree variety for the “Joyce Kilmer tree” which has been planted at Winter’s Pond. Historic Preservation Commission plans some other events for 2013 to commemorate 100 years since the poem “Trees” was written.
Already had a poetry contest for middle and high school students. 2
Looking for contest ideas for K-5 ages. Some possibilities: ask children to measure the biggest tree they know, what is their favorite tree in Mahwah, and why?
Gregg asked about a park history for our use. Barbara said she will discuss with Carol Greene (town historian)
Environmental Commission will be invited to dedication ceremony for the Joyce Kilmer tree
SUSTAINABLE JERSEY Gregg Sgambati explained a “Green Business Recognition Program” used in Haddonfield, NJ. It is a certification program which recognizes voluntary efforts of a business to be “green”
Criteria would have to be developed to list items which would enable a business to be certified.
Providing these audits would promote awareness and also help obtaining some Sustainable Jersey points. Data collected could be used to complete a Township carbon footprint. Can also be tied into awareness of the town’s Master Plan.
A green audit could provide cost saving recommendations to businesses.
Use of a third party verification of the green criteria could be used.
To move forward on this we should: develop a survey and decide how to distribute it. Look for a business directory or list from Chamber of Commerce. Rich Wolf expressed interest in moving forward in developing a plan.
SOIL MOVEMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS The following soil movement permit applications were reviewed and comments made to Administrative Officer are as follows: Michael Lieberman, 32 Bayberry Drive. Bl. 124, Lot 26 E-BD-216-2589, dated 4/25/2013 “ This application is approved. The tree preservation form states no trees will be removed. cc: M. Kelly, Township Engineer”
Patrick Foreit, 3 Bartholf Lane, Block 152, Lot 79 E-BD-216-2590, dated 4/24/13 “ This application is approved. The tree preservation form states no trees will be removed. 3 cc: M. Kelly, Township Engineer”
Var Dean LLC, 38 Meadow Avenue, Bl. 36, Lot 13 E-BD-216-2591, dated 4/24/13 “This application is approved. Although the tree preservation form states no trees will be removed, the site plan shows one tree will be removed. No replacement trees are required. cc: Mike Kelly, Township Engineer”
Also reviewed correspondence and amended soil application for William Smith, 7 West Road. No further comments.
Question on Impervious Coverage. What percentage of impervious coverage does the township ordinance allow? Jane will try to get information.
TENANT APPLICATION ARB Risk Management LLC, 1 Lethbridge Plaza, Suite 10 – loan office. Approved.
CORRESPONDENCE Green Vendor’s Trade Show will be held at Van Saun Park in Paramus on May 9, 9:30 – 1:30.
Reviewed letter to Bergen County and DPW about work on bridge near Darlington School House.
ANJEC GRANT Gregg Sgambati explained the ANJEC Grant for a Mahwah Parks Day. Grant can be used to promote an event called Mahwah Parks Day. Possibly can be used for advertising, maps or events at a park. First we need to select a date. Commission members decided the first choice date is Saturday, October 12. Advise Mayor, Recreation Director and Bergen County Parks to see if there are any conflicts on the date. Jane DeWan will inquire about how the finances will be handled. Gregg said the first payment of the grant will be coming soon. Dan Weixeldorfer suggested having local businesses sponsor events at different parks.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 22, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. at the Municipal Building, 475 Corporate Drive, Mahwah, N.J. Dan Weixeldorfer said he will be absent from the next meeting.
J. DeWan, Secretary