Following Jesus Demands Loyalty in the Face of Risk

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Following Jesus Demands Loyalty in the Face of Risk

Session 11 LOYAL?

Following Jesus demands loyalty in the face of risk.

MATTHEW 26:63-75


READ Matthew 26:47–27:32, First Thoughts, and Understand the Context. Keep in mind the time line of these events. See PACK ITEM 8 (Poster: Time Line of Jesus’ Last Week).

STUDY Matthew 26:63-75, using Explore the Text. Also read and study these related passages: Leviticus 24:10- 23; Psalm 110:1-4; and Daniel 7:13.

PLAN the group time using the ideas under Lead Group Bible Study and More Ideas. Refer to the resources at for more ideas. Consider using the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary to enhance your understanding of the words and setting in Matthew 26.

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GATHER the following items: Personal Study Guides; A whiteboard or large sheet of paper and a marker; and Pens. Prepare to display: PACK ITEM 1 (Map: New Testament Jerusalem); PACK ITEM 3 (Poster: Spring 2017); PACK ITEM 6 (Poster: Titles of Jesus in Matthew); PACK ITEM 7 (Chart: The Opponents of Jesus); and PACK ITEM 8 (Poster: Time Line of Jesus’ Last Week).


FOCUS ATTENTION (FIRST THOUGHTS) INTRODUCE: As the group arrives, direct them to tell about a business or product brand that they once used but no longer use because of some experience that left them with a negative perception. After most have arrived, point out that it is easy to be loyal when everything is going well, but when circumstances change, so can our loyalties. The change of heart concerning a product or business may well be merited, because businesses are certainly not perfect, and we as consumers may sometimes realize our loyalties have been misplaced. But loyalty to our Father is never misplaced, nor is loyalty to His Son, Jesus Christ! GUIDE: Today we will learn of unwavering loyalty as we observe Jesus’ loyalty to our Father’s plan of salvation. Following Him is easy at times, but under some circumstances it is much more difficult. In today’s Scripture passage, Peter is given the opportunity to exercise loyalty under difficult circumstances, but he fails the test.

© 2016 LifeWay. Reproduction or redistribution is prohibited without the express written consent of LifeWay Christian Resources, One LifeWay Plaza, Nashville, TN 37234. TRANSITION: Display Pack Item 1 (Map: New Testament Jerusalem), Pack Item 3 (Poster: Spring 2017), and Pack Item 8 (Poster: Time Line of Jesus’ Last Week). Use them to explain the context of today’s Scripture.

EXPLORE THE TEXT EXPLAIN: Jesus was being questioned by Caiaphas, the high priest who ruled the Sanhedrin, the council that reigned over Jewish people. Display Pack Item 7 (Chart: The Opponents of Jesus) and point out that Caiaphas was a Sadducee. (Review more information about Caiaphas on p. 114 of the PSG.) READ: Display Pack Item 6 (Poster: Titles of Jesus in Matthew). Invite the group to locate and underline the titles of Jesus as a volunteer reads aloud Matthew 26:63-64. ASK: What are the meanings of the two titles Caiaphas used: “Christ” and “Son of God”? From the PSG (p. 115): What was the significance of Jesus’ pointing to Scripture in response to questions addressed to Him? How does Scripture continue to serve as the authority on Jesus’ identity? READ: Read aloud Daniel 7:13. Point out that “Son of Man” came from this passage, depicting a ruler who would come from heaven and rule over an eternal kingdom as opposed to an earthly kingdom, as many had expected. READ: Invite the group to listen for the response of the Jewish leaders to Jesus’ revelation that He was indeed the Messiah. Read Matthew 26:65-68. ASK: What did the tearing of one’s robe signify? Why did the high priest claim blasphemy? Direct the group to the information under Verse 65 and Verse 66 in the PSG (p. 116) for further clarification. EXPLAIN: These brutal men were religious leaders who believed in God. They should have worshiped and submitted to Jesus; instead they insulted and brutally assaulted Him. DISCUSS: What kinds of misconceptions do people today have about Christ? How do those misconceptions compare to the misconceptions Jesus faced during His trial? (PSG, p. 117) READ: Call for a volunteer to read Matthew 26:69-75 as the group again finds and underlines the titles of Jesus. EMPHASIZE: The scene shifted to Peter, who was given the opportunity to follow Jesus’ example of ultimate loyalty by demonstrating loyalty to Jesus. EXPLAIN: Highlight the titles used by the first two women. Point out that the titles were basically the same, because Nazareth was located in the Galilean region, which was miles from Jerusalem. ASK: What evidence did the people nearby give for identifying Peter as a disciple of Jesus? Note that, as is the case today, people from different regions had different accents. GUIDE: In large letters on the board, write the words “loyalty” and “denial.” Say: Peter chose to deny Christ. Circle the word “denial,” and mark a line through the word “loyalty.” Ask: What pressures could cause a person to hide his or her Christian beliefs? How are those pressures seen in Peter’s circumstances in this passage? (PSG, p. 119) CONCLUDE: Imagine the grief Peter must have felt when he realized the tragedy of his poor choice! Yet this was not the end of Peter’s story. Jesus didn’t turn His back on Peter or give up on him. Instead, He restored Peter. Summarize John 21:15-19. As a result, Peter devoted the rest of his life to Christ.

© 2016 LifeWay. Reproduction or redistribution is prohibited without the express written consent of LifeWay Christian Resources, One LifeWay Plaza, Nashville, TN 37234. SUMMARIZE AND CHALLENGE (IN MY CONTEXT) DIRECT: Invite the group to locate In My Context in the PSG (p. 120). Ask them to reflect on the meaning of each of the summary statements as you read them aloud. DISCUSS: Which of these means the most to you in light of today’s study? What other principles would you add to the list? DIRECT: Guide the group to consider their responses to the third question set under In My Context (PSG, p. 120): Discuss with your Bible study group how to encourage each other as you face risks while being loyal to Christ. Identify specific ways to remain faithful to Him no matter what. Encourage the group to share their responses. PRAY: Close in prayer, asking God to strengthen everyone present to remain loyal to Him, no matter what circumstances arise.

PRACTICE  Prayerfully reflect on the questions listed under In My Context in the PSG (p. 120). Allow them to strengthen your walk with Christ and your loyalty to Him.  By visiting or through a phone call, contact a group member who is struggling with a lack of faithfulness. Listen to this person, encouraging and praying for him or her.


FOCUS ATTENTION (FIRST THOUGHTS) Invite the group to brainstorm definitions and/or synonyms of the word “loyal.” Write responses on a whiteboard. Point out that the word is the title of today’s study and that all the definitions spell out how we should respond to Jesus, our Savior.

EXPLORE THE TEXT  To enhance understanding of Matthew 26:63-64, use the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary to research and share the significance of an oath in the context of the Bible. Emphasize the necessity of complete and unwavering truth as one’s words are witnessed by the ultimate witness, God.  To further the study of Matthew 26:64, read and discuss Psalm 110:1-4. Explain: These verses make clear that Jesus’ kingdom is a heavenly one, not an earthly one as many Jews expected.  Research and discuss the connotation of “blasphemy,” of which Jesus was accused in Matthew 26:65. Point to Leviticus 24:10-23, which reveals that the penalty for blasphemy was death.

SUMMARIZE AND CHALLENGE (IN MY CONTEXT) Point to the session statement on page 111 of the PSG (Following Jesus demands loyalty in the face of risk). Lead the group to discuss how they see the truth of this statement in today’s passage from Matthew. Lead them to consider how the truth of this statement is seen in today’s world. Challenge them to ask God for the courage to be loyal to Jesus.

© 2016 LifeWay. Reproduction or redistribution is prohibited without the express written consent of LifeWay Christian Resources, One LifeWay Plaza, Nashville, TN 37234. SUGGESTED MUSIC IDEA Read the lyrics or the lead the group in singing “Great Is Thy Faithfulness,” by Thomas O. Chisholm. Point out God’s faithfulness to us and our need to be faithful to Him as well.

© 2016 LifeWay. Reproduction or redistribution is prohibited without the express written consent of LifeWay Christian Resources, One LifeWay Plaza, Nashville, TN 37234.

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