The Oregon Asset Building Corps
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2013-2014 MISSION The Oregon Asset building Corps is a project of Mercy Corps Northwest and AmeriCorps VISTA. We work to create sustainable change among low-income communities through financial education, asset development, microenterprise, and food security programs. Our guiding purpose runs parallel to the international work of our parent organization, Mercy Corps: to alleviate suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people build secure, productive and just communities. THE OREGON ASSET BUILDING CORPS THE OREGON ASSET BUILDING CORPS
The Oregon Asset Building Corps (OABC) is funded through AmeriCorps VISTA, a national service program administered through the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). The OABC is hosted by Mercy Corps Northwest (MCNW), a registered nonprofit organization in Portland that works to alleviate poverty through microfinance and education. In consultation with CNCS and MCNW, the OABC works with nonprofits and local governments to select and place VISTA members throughout Oregon. The OABC VISTA program is managed by Anita Yap, VISTA Supervisor, and Jimmy O’Brien, VISTA Leader.
Anita Yap Jimmy O’Brien
[email protected] [email protected]
503-896-5074 503-896-5080
From city governments to charities, OABC VISTA members serve at a diverse group of nonprofits. VISTAs oversee projects that build the long-term capacity of their communities through financial education, housing equity, and asset development. Several initiatives touch on healthy futures outcomes by increasing food security and education. Though programs target historically underrepresented groups such as refugees, and persons of color, OABC initiatives serve all Oregonians by creating a dynamic and inclusive marketplace and communities that are integrated, educated, and empowered. AMERICORPS VISTA
According to the Corporation for National and Community Service, “AmeriCorps VISTA is the national service program designed specifically to fight poverty. Authorized in 1964 and founded as Volunteers in Service to America in 1965, VISTA was incorporated into the AmeriCorps network of programs in 1993. VISTA has been on the front lines in the fight against poverty in America for more than 45 years.”
“VISTA members commit to serve full-time for a year at a nonprofit organization or local government agency, working to fight illiteracy, improve health services, create businesses, strengthen community
Page 2 THE OREGON ASSET BUILDING CORPS groups, and much more. With passion, commitment, and hard work, you’ll create or expand programs designed to bring individuals and communities out of poverty.” WHAT WE DO
Contingent on congressional funding, 13-18 AmeriCorps VISTA members will be placed throughout Oregon in the coming year. VISTA members serve to develop the capacity of the organization at which they are placed. 2013 will mark the 9th year of the OABC.
Placement sites are eligible to have a VISTA member serve with their organization for up to three years, but must reapply for the VISTA annually. The service of these members around Oregon has helped many organizations establish new programs and take existing programs to the next level in their anti-poverty and community development work.
Many host organizations work specifically with low-income populations in both rural and urban economically distressed areas. VISTA members serve full-time for a year as part of a statewide team coordinated by a VISTA Supervisor and VISTA Leader who serve at MCNW.
The Leader and Supervisor provide support for sites and VISTA members by helping recruit VISTA members, coordinating training programs for members and supervisors, monitoring outcomes and quality of work, liaising between the sites and CNCS, promoting the OABC and member sites, and acting as a resource for supervisors and members.
Specifically, MCNW-based VISTA project staff provides support in these ways:
Assists sites with required paperwork related to the VISTA project, including site applications
Provides a half-day site supervisor training
Provides a three-day in-service-training for VISTA members
Aggregates OABC data and reports to CNCS on behalf of sites
Conducts one in-person site visit during the first six months of the VISTA term
Provides technical assistance, training, resources and support to site supervisors and VISTA members
Covers travel costs for VISTAs to attend In Service Training and other events required by MCNW
Provides member with $100 matched outside training funds for additional training during term
Provides invoices for sites for payment of quarterly cost share billing
Maintains program records as required by CNCS
Page 3 THE OREGON ASSET BUILDING CORPS Advises sites of changes to CNCS policies and procedures to ensure site compliance WHAT VISTAS DO
VISTAs perform indirect capacity building activities that focus on creating sustainable projects. VISTA members do not conduct direct service.
VISTAs perform indirect service, which means they help build the capacity of organizations to deliver valuable direct services to people living in poverty. VISTAs typically create new programs, coordinate and expand existing programs, write grants, develop funding and outreach plans, and recruit volunteers. For example, a VISTA could establish a tutoring program, recruit and train volunteers, and raise money for the program—but would not tutor the children.
Examples of recent projects include:
Streamlining organizational policies and procedures and producing procedural manuals to increase organizational effectiveness Obtaining funding, creating donor databases, and developing a directory of template language for grant writing to ensure organizational and programmatic sustainability Increasing an organization’s capacity to track fiduciary organizational performance in its Individual Development Account (IDA) program Building partnerships with local businesses, nonprofit organizations, schools, and stakeholders Implementing volunteer programs, which increase organizational capacity and effectiveness Researching and developing a curriculum for a financial literacy course, and securing and training volunteers to teach the course
Direct service activities generally refer to activities that provide a direct, measurable benefit to an individual, a group, or a community. An alternate national service program administered by CNCS, AmeriCorps National focuses on direct service. Examples of the types of direct service activities AmeriCorps National members may perform include, but are not limited to, the following: tutoring children in reading, helping to run an after-school program, engaging in community clean-up projects, teaching a financial literacy course. VISTAs, including OABC members , do not conduct direct service. If you are interested in hosting an AmeriCorps National volunteer who can conduct direct service activities at your organization, please visit the Corporation for National and Community Service’s website ( to learn more
Page 4 THE OREGON ASSET BUILDING CORPS about direct service programs or contact Oregon Volunteers at to learn more about AmeriCorps programming in Oregon. BENEFITS
Part of the commitment for AmeriCorps VISTA Members is gain experience in what it is like to live in poverty. Therefore, they are not paid a salary. Instead, they receive a taxable living allowance of $11,136 (outside of Multnomah/Washington Counties) or $11,352 (within Multnomah/Washington Counties) per year.
In addition they receive basic health coverage, loan forbearance on eligible student loans and childcare (if eligible).
AmeriCorps VISTA Members have the option to receive the Segal Education Award of $5,550 (taxable) or a $1,500 cash stipend (taxable) upon successful completion of their year of service. The education award can be used to cover the costs of future education or to repay qualified student loans. Some universities provide matching scholarships for former VISTAs.
Beyond these benefits, AmeriCorps VISTA Members have the opportunity to gain skills, take on leadership roles, work with many partnering agencies, build networks, and know the satisfaction of "Getting Things Done."
Because AmeriCorps VISTA is intended to be an immersive experience there are certain restrictions placed on activities that VISTAs cannot undertake. Violation of these restrictions is cause for termination.
Prior to the VISTA member’s start, VISTA members are required to sign a Memorandum of Understanding that outlines restrictions of the VISTA position including nondiscrimination and sexual harassment provisions.
The following are some of the major federal restrictions on the use of AmeriCorps VISTA positions:
VISTAs are not permitted to engage in any political or lobbying activities, including voter registration drives and pro- or anti- labor organizing.
VISTAs are not permitted to hold another job or receive additional compensation for work performed. VISTAs are not permitted to proselytize or engage in related activities while on duty. VISTAs may not supplant, replace, or eliminate staff positions. They are not to be used as an administrative stopgap. VISTAs are not to be used in roles that are centered on direct service.
OABC VISTA sites must fall under one of the following categories:
Nonprofit organizations
Government agencies (city, county, regional, state, tribal or federal)
OABC VISTA projects must fit under the CNCS Strategic Plan focus area of Economic Opportunity Asset Development. They may not involve direct service. Your project must fall under one of the following approaches to community-based poverty alleviation:
Economic Opportunity: including projects focused on microenterprise development and/or entrepreneurship development, financial literacy, financial asset building (such as improving financial knowledge), credit counseling, IDA enterprise counseling, lending, and small business education. Housing: including projects focused on home foreclosure education and prevention, homeless receiving housing services, placement in housing or housing unit repair, and employment training skills development/job placement. Food Security/Healthy Futures: including projects focused on increasing food security and health for individuals or communities. Including, nutrition education, referrals or programs that support families to increase food security, health care services, rural health care services, health education, or language access to health care. If you are unsure if your project fits in one of these categories, please contact MCNW to discuss your proposal prior to submitting it.
The host site must have the capacity to support a VISTA member with time and resources. VISTA supervisors must be willing and able to devote energy towards supporting, managing, and guiding the VISTA member, amounting to a commitment of about five hours per week. This is critical for a successful experience for both the VISTA member and the host site.
MCNW requires that your organization provide the materials necessary for the AmeriCorps VISTA member to accomplish his or her work. These materials include a desk, computer with access to the internet,
Page 6 THE OREGON ASSET BUILDING CORPS telephone, fax machine, and any other necessary equipment or software. If travel is required for service, your site is expected to cover the cost of that mileage or provide transportation. Additionally, the VISTA member must be located at the same physical location as his/her supervisor to help ensure regular supervision occurs.
MCNW requires affiliate organizations to share the cost of an AmeriCorps VISTA. Each host site shall pay $11,000 per VISTA placement, based on the host site location and number of years the organization has hosted a VISTA. This amount is billed in 2 half yearly installments. These funds are used to support the VISTA members through training and support during the VISTA year of service and to provide nearly full time supervision for the project, which includes all federal reporting, recruitment and placement with CNCS and liability for members and programming. Although each site pays only $11,000 for their VISTA member, a recent estimate by CNCS demonstrates that the actual value of the hours donated by each VISTA member to the host site is over $45,000 .
In addition to the cost share, host sites are required to provide the following:
Host site supervisor’s transportation costs associated with MCNW OABC Site Supervisor Training
Any project-specific training for the VISTA member, as determined by host sites
All related travel expenses for the VISTA associated with carrying out the VISTA project (with exception of VISTA required trainings hosted by CNCS and MCNW)
Purchase of supplies and materials necessary to develop the project (including office supplies and equipment)
$100.00 set aside for member professional development, as needed (MCNW will provide 1:1 match to be used for non-MCNW, non-CNCS training opportunities during year of service)
Though not required, we ask that sites help with and support VISTA members in navigating the spectrum of resources available to low-income persons, including: affordable housing, connections to low-cost food support, utility assistance, and medical care not covered by VISTA health benefits.
If a VISTA member leaves service prior to fulfilling their full year commitment a partial refund may be applied. If the departing VISTA member has served more than 50% of the term (six months) no refund will be provided. Other requests for refund will be prorated based on when the VISTA leaves service.
MCNW’s OABC program requires that supervisors make a time commitment of four to five hours per week to supervise and support the VISTA member’s activities. This includes direct meetings with the member to determine progress towards goals, answering questions, providing resources for the member in their work, and introducing the VISTA member to community partners, etc. Or, this can include activities such as joint visits to board meetings, working together on a project, and similar activities. Sites must allow their organization’s VISTA member to attend trainings held by MCNW and/or CNCS. Site supervisors are responsible for semi-annual and quarterly reporting to MCNW. Site supervisors and members must also be available to MCNW staff for conducting an annual site visit as well as occasional phone check-ins to monitor project progress and supervisor-VISTA member relationships.
Supervisors are required to attend one half-day training and orientation prior to the VISTAs’ start date. The purpose of this training is to orient supervisors to the guidelines of the AmeriCorps VISTA program, recruiting, network with other supervisors, discuss outcome measurement for the project year, on-site orientation ideas and other topics that will help your organization have a successful partnership with the OABC VISTA program.
CNCS requires that host sites provide AmeriCorps VISTA members with an On-Site Orientation and Training (OSOT) during their first several weeks of service. The specific parameters of the OSOT will be determined by the needs of the individual sites but should include:
An introduction to and explanation of the roles of all site staff and board members Introduction to community partners and/or collaborators Information regarding general office procedures Project-specific information and resources If the member is new to the community, general tips on getting to know it
Applications must be typed using the application form provided. Program narratives must not exceed 7 pages, excluding appendices. Applicants must include the following in addition to the narrative:
VISTA Assignment Description (VAD)—please [email protected] for template.
VISTA Position Description—please email Jimmy O’Brien at [email protected] for template.
Signed Acknowledgement of Prohibited AmeriCorps VISTA Activities—please email [email protected] for template.
Narrative section responding to questions (below)
The resume of whichever staff member will act as supervisor for the VISTA.
A letter from your organization’s board that supports the application for a VISTA and the related expenditures.
Additionally, current VISTA sites are required to have their current VISTA complete a Site Reference Form. OABC VISTA Leader, Jimmy O'Brien, will contact the current VISTA upon receiving the Current VISTA host site’s application to coordinate the completion of this form.
Applications must be received via email by 5:00 PM on March 11th, 2013.
Applications should be emailed to Anita Yap at [email protected]. Notification of application status will be made by April 8th, 2013 via email.
The award of all VISTA resources as well as the approval of all VISTA sites and final project application is subject to the availability of funding from the Corporation for National and Community Service and approval of Fiscal Year 2013 Federal Appropriations.
Ja nu ary 27 , 2 0 1 3 RFP Released March 11th, 2 0 13 Host S i te P r o p os a l d ue t o MCNW March 11th-April 6, 2013 Negotiation & Clarification with Proposers A p ril 8, 2 0 1 3 N o t i f i c a t i o n of Ac c e pt a nc e A p ril 8- J u n e 1 2 , 2 0 13 Re c r u i t m e n t P e r iod A p ril 19, 2 0 1 3 ( h a l f - d ay) S up ervis o r Ori e nt a t ion & Trai n i n g ( P o r t l a nd ) J un e 1 2 , 2 0 13 D e adl i n e f or Re c r u i t ment A u g u st 2, 2 0 1 3 ( h a l f - d ay) S up ervis o r Ori e nt a t ion & Trai n i n g A u g u st 28-30, 2 0 13 P re- S e rvi c e Orie n t a t ion for members September 1, 2 0 13 First D ay o f Servi c e Se pt e m b er 2 0 13 I n- Servi c e Trai n i n g f or VISTA me m b ers
All OABC Host Site Applications should use the application format below to submit their project proposal. Proposals will be ranked and selected based on the sum of points (out of 100) given each section of the application. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Point Values are listed below:
Project Objective and Results: 20 points
Management Expectations: 15 points
Recruitment, VISTA Member Development, Organization: 20 points
Capacity and Sustainability: 15 points
VISTA Assignment Description (VAD): 20 points
VISTA Position Description: 10 Points
The primary purpose of the VISTA program is to ensure the greatest possible return on our investment in carrying out the mission of bringing individuals and communities out of poverty, and creating positive economic and social impacts in local communities. Applicants must demonstrate that the project they are proposing meets each of the following requirements:
. Helps people get out of poverty . Brings both empowerment to community members . Creates sustainable change . Includes outcome-based reporting that measures the actual impact of the project on those being served.
All applications must demonstrate that their project helps people get out of poverty, brings empowerment to community members. Projects must include outcome-based reporting that measures the actual impact of the project on those being served. Communities served must be explicitly low-income in character.
MCNW seeks proposals that can offer measurable outcomes and will address one or more of the following goals [please indicate in your application which goal(s) your project will address]:
Economic Opportunity: including projects focused on microenterprise development and/or entrepreneurship development, financial literacy, financial asset building (such as improving financial knowledge), credit counseling, IDA enterprise counseling, lending, and small business education.
Housing: including projects focused on home foreclosure education and prevention, homeless receiving housing services, placement in housing or housing unit repair, and employment training skills development/job placement.
Food Security/Healthy Futures: including projects focused on increasing food security and health for individuals or communities. Including, nutrition education, referrals or programs that support families to increase food security, health care services, rural health care services, health education, or language access to health care
The following must be completed and submitted with your application:
VISTA Assignment Description (VAD) The Narrative (Below) VISTA Position Description Signed Acknowledgement of Prohibited VISTA Activities The resume of whichever staff member will act as supervisor for the VISTA. A letter from your organization’s board that supports the application for a VISTA and the related expenditures.
This section serves as the guide for the VISTA member. Complete this section using the VISTA Assignment Description (VAD) template (see attached). Changes may be conditionally negotiated as needed with MCNW throughout the program year. The site supervisor will be responsible for reporting to the MCNW Program Supervisor any changes to the VAD throughout the year. If you have hosted a VISTA in the past and are applying as a renewal site, demonstrate how a renewal of your VISTA site will improve upon the work completed in the upcoming year. The VAD should include: goals, objectives, progress indicators, measurable expected outcomes and a timeline with dates by which goals will be accomplished. The completed VAD will provide a clear road map for the VISTA member and host organization in implementing the VISTA project. Attention should be given to project sustainability beyond the VISTA year. Please write to the VISTA leader for a sample VAD.
Goal – A goal is a statement of the general purpose of the project. It is the ultimate end result. All efforts of the project should be focused on accomplishing the goal(s) outlined in the VAD.
Objectives – Objectives are what your program wants to accomplish or achieve with the VISTA resource over the life of the project. Each objective should contribute to the overall goal(s) of the program. Objectives should be Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound.
Progress Indicators – Progress Indicators are markers along the way towards accomplishing the overall goal. They may include steps such as researching financial literacy courses, evaluating a volunteer management system or conducting a community needs assessment.
Measurable Outcomes – Measurable Outcomes are the results that occur because of the work completed by the VISTA member. Outcomes address changes in systems, knowledge, attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. They answer the question, “What difference did our service make in our organization, the community or the lives of the individual?”
Page 13 THE OREGON ASSET BUILDING CORPS Provide a clear and concise position description by completing the attached Position Description form (attached). Host site applicants should include a summary of the position; a list of major responsibilities/activities associated with the position and preferred qualifications. This will be used to describe your project during the recruitment process. Position descriptions should be ready for publication and include the name of your organization, the supervisor’s name and title, a summary of the position, the major responsibilities/activities and the required skills and abilities necessary to accomplish the goals of the position.
1) Provide an Executive Summary of your project (not to exceed 3 sentences).
2) State in measurable and quantifiable terms the specific poverty-related need(s) the VISTA project will address, including the number of low-income people directly affected by the problem(s). Use current and local statistical data, citing the source wherever possible, to substantiate the problem.
3) How have you identified the specific need in the community for this VISTA member project? How has the community participated in assessing the need for the project?
4) Explain which of the outcomes you plan to achieve. Name at least three specific, measurable results of your project and explain how they lead to the achievement of the overarching goal of poverty alleviation.
5) Provide a succinct timeline/overview, with dates by which you will achieve your project goals. Specify in which quarter the goals will be met. (The project VISTA Assignment Description you submit will consist of a more detailed timeline.)
6) Who will be the VISTA member member’s daily supervisor? If applicable, are there other staff who will work closely with the VISTA on a regular basis? Briefly describe the supervisor’s managerial experience and roles of other staff in supporting the VISTA.
7) Describe how the daily supervisor will devote at least five hours per week to supporting the VISTA member in his/her efforts.
8) It is the daily supervisor’s duty to report semi-annually on the VISTA member’s accomplishments. Describe how you will prepare and discuss the progress report accomplishments with your VISTA member and send it to the MCNW office in a timely fashion.
9) Describe how your organization plans to budget for the cost of the VISTA member.
10) Describe, with specific strategies, how you will recruit a qualified VISTA member to serve on this project. What challenges do you anticipate in recruiting qualified members? (Placement sites will receive some assistance from MCNW, but will be ultimately responsible for recruiting a member to serve at their organization).
11) Describe the member’s work site. What are your plans for providing the VISTA member with a work space and equipment? (e.g. computer, telephone, fax, copier, etc.)
12) What is your transportation reimbursement plan for service-related activities? Is your organization prepared to compensate the VISTA member for travel incurred due to service-related activities in the form of a bus pass or reimbursement for mileage incurred on personal vehicles, access to company vehicles, etc.?
13) a. Describe current activities that your organization, other organizations in your field, and other organizations with which you partner, are undertaking to address the problem(s) identified in your need statement. b. Describe how the proposed project will complement this work.
14) Briefly describe plans for orienting the member to your organization and the community. Describe any training opportunities and technical assistance that will be available to the member throughout the service year.
15) How will you ensure the sustainability of the work accomplished by the VISTA member once the VISTA member’s term of service is completed? (This should be reflected also in the VAD, i.e., VISTA will create policies and procedures manual for future staff to use.)
16) If your site is an existing VISTA site seeking renewal, how will this project build on the previous year’s VISTA project? How will the project be sustainable beyond the VISTA year? If you are a site in the 3rd year of renewal, what specific goals are you implementing for project sustainability?
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