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Washington Township Public Schools Office of Curriculum & Instruction Curriculum Guide Checklist
Course Title: Elementary General Music Grades 4 & 5 Paula DiGianivittorio and Submitted By: Candy Maxwell Date: 5/24/2018 (Elementary Director or /MS/HS Dept Supervisor please check) Acceptable N N/A Comments o X I. Cover Page (Course Description) N/A II. Demonstrable Proficiencies (MS & HS only) N/A III. Scope & Sequence (Elementary only) X IV. List of Major Units of Study V. (For each unit of study include the following A-E) X A. Unit Overview N/A B. Unit Graphic Organizer (Web) C. Unit Plan X 1. Topics/Concepts X 2. Critical Content X 3. Skill Objectives X 4. Learning Activities 5. Instructional Resources with Title and X Page Number X 6. Evaluation/Assessment 7. Core Curriculum Standards/Cumulative X Progress Indicator References N/A D. Lesson Plan Detail (Elementary Only) X E. Cross-Content Standards Analysis X D. Curriculum Modification Page Insert Approval: Principal: Curriculum Director: Asst. Superintendent: Department Supervisor: Board of Education: PLEASE NOTE: A completed and signed checklist MUST accompany any course of study that is submitted for approval. Washington Township Public Schools Office of Curriculum & Instruction
Course: Elementary General Music Grades 4 & 5
Written By: Paula DiGianivittorio and Candy Maxwell
Under the Direction of: Robert Frampton
Description: Elementary general music is offered to give all students the opportunity for personal, musical, intellectual, creative, physical and cultural growth through the study of music. Students will have the opportunity to learn about basic elements of music including rhythm, melody, harmony, tone color, form and expressive qualities. Active participation will be encouraged in a wide variety of learning experiences including singing, playing, moving, creating, reading and listening. Students will be introduced to a wide variety of musical styles of music representing various time periods and cultures. Students will be encouraged to think critically about music and articulate their thoughts and impressions. Instruction in music will include activities and experiences designed to assist students in meeting the Core Curriculum Content Standards established by the New Jersey Department of Education. Materials for the course will include a wide variety of music, songs, dances, games, and a variety of classroom instruments.
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Joseph A. Vandenberg: Instruction Barbara E. Marciano: Director of Elementary Education Jack McGee: Director of Secondary Education 2 Written: Summer 2007 8/2012 ALIGNED WITH Revised: CCSS BOE Approval:
3 Revised: 8/2012 MAJOR UNITS OF STUDY
Course Title: Elementary General Music
I. Grade 4
II. Grade 5
4 Revised: 8/2012 Unit Overview
Course Title: Grade 4 General Music
Unit #: Grade 4 Unit Title: Grade 4
Unit Description: Grade Four students will be provided with the opportunities to synthesize and build on their knowledge of Music in the areas of Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, Form, Tone Color and Expression. Students will be encouraged to participate actively in music through singing and kinesthetic movement. Listening skills will be encouraged as they are introduced to various music ensembles and musical selections. Sight Reading will be encouraged through weekly music classes. Students will be encouraged to think critically about music and articulate their thoughts and impressions.
5 Revised: 8/2012 CURRICULUM – Unit Plan-Grade 4 General Music
6 Revised: 8/2012 Course Title: Gr Core Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators: ad e 4 G en er al M us ic Unit Title: Gr ad e 4 - R hy 1.4. th 5.B. m 1.1.5.B.1-2 1.3.5.B.1 1-5 Time Allocation: Sc ho ol Y ea r 1.2.5.A1 1.3.5.B.4 1.2.5.A.3 1.4.5.A.1-2 Objectives: Students will be able to maintain, experience, and demonstrate all music objectives applied to the Grade 4 Curriculum.
7 Revised: 8/2012 A. CONTENT/SKILLS B. LEARNING ACTIVITIES C. SUGGESTED MATERIALS D. STUDENT EVALUATION Rhythm Playing Resources Students in Grade 4 will *Performing rhythm activities be evaluated using the Students will be able to identify such as but not limited to: *Silver Burdett “Making Music” following evaluation clapping, playing, moving, and dotted rhythms, describe and Teacher manual, student tools: perform singing using songs and textbooks, supplemental instrumental accompaniments materials, listening maps and *Teacher observation Students will be able to perform Moving recordings *Conduct meter in two and *Classroom rhythm instruments combinations of sixteenth *Class Discussion notes and eighth notes in three *Orff instruments *Move kinesthetically to show *Supplemental materials written notation *Written and Verbal Response shifts from duple to triple meter including songs, games and *Use appropriate body activities from songbooks and *Participation Students will be able to identify percussion movements to help workshops and perform triplets in written students understand the *Music K-8 Magazine songs notation differences between rhythms and materials *Apply rhythms to different *Mark Hayes reproducible musical tempos and applying music workbooks for theory and Students will be able to identify those rhythms to patterned musicianship and perform half rests and kinesthetic movement www.markhayes.com whole rests in written notation Creating *Teacher created activities *Create chants, percussion including worksheets and arrangements and assessment tools accompaniments to show and demonstrate rhythmic relationships
8 Revised: 8/2012 CURRICULUM – Unit Plan-Grade 4 General Music (Continued)
9 Revised: 8/2012 Course Title: Grade 4 General Music Core Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators: Unit Title: Grade 4 - Melody 1.1.5.B.1-2 Time Allocation: School Year 1.2.5.A1 1.2.5.A.3 A. B. C. D. STUDENT EVALUATION CONTENT/ LEARNIN SUGGEST SKILLS G ED ACTIVITIE MATERIAL S S Melody Singing Resourc Students in Grade 4 will be evaluated using the following evaluation tools: *Sing es Students demonstrat *Teacher observation will ing *Silver continue to awareness Burdett *Class Discussion read in of phrases “Making treble clef. in music Music” *Written and Verbal Response *Sing in Teacher Students unison manual, *Participation will develop expanding student knowledge range of textbooks, of musical notes supplement phrases in *Continue al songs and to build materials, instrument confidence listening al music. in solo maps and singing recordings Students *Sing *Classroom will partner rhythm continue to songs, instruments apply canons *Orff known Playing instruments scales, *Play *Suppleme such as but simple ntal not limited melodies materials to, using including known 10 Revised: 8/2012 Course Title: Grade 4 General Music Core Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators: pentatonic melodic songs, and elements games and diatonic Moving activities and be *Move to from introduced melodic songbooks to scales contour and not yet and workshops learned melodic *Music K-8 such as the rhythm Magazine differences *Create songs and between dance/mov materials major and ement to *Mark minor. known Hayes melodies reproducibl Creating e music *Create workbooks original for theory melodies and using musiciansh known ip melodic www.mark elements hayes.com *Write *Teacher original created melodic activities phrases in including staff worksheets notation and Reading assessmen *Read t tools simple melodies using known melodic
11 Revised: 8/2012 Course Title: Grade 4 General Music Core Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators: elements in staff notation
CURRICULUM – Unit Plan-Grade 4 General Music (Continued)
12 Revised: 8/2012 Course Title: Grade 4 General Music Core Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators: Unit Title: Grade 4 - Harmony 1.1.5.B.1-2 Time Allocation: School Year 1.2.5.A.3 1.3.5.B.2-4 A. B. C. D. STUDENT EVALUATION CONTENT/ LEARNIN SUGGEST SKILLS G ED ACTIVITIE MATERIAL S S Harmony Singing Resourc Students in Grade 4 will be evaluated using the following evaluation tools: *Sing es Students countermel *Teacher observation will odies, *Silver recognize ostinatos, Burdett *Class Discussion chordal partner “Making harmony in songs, Music” *Written and Verbal Response written rounds, Teacher music and descants manual, *Participation also in student listening Playing textbooks, selections *Play supplement chordal al Students accompani materials, will use ments on listening melodic melodic maps and instruments instruments recordings to create (bells, *Classroom chordal xylophones rhythm accompani , instruments ments to metallapho *Orff familiar nes, song instruments melodies flutes) *Suppleme and identify ntal when Creating materials chords *Create including
13 Revised: 8/2012 Course Title: Grade 4 General Music Core Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators: need to be accompani songs, changed in ments, games and accompani ostinatos activities ment from Listening songbooks Students *Note the and will identify, effect of workshops hear, and ostinatos *Music K-8 perform and Magazine partner countermel songs and songs as a odies in materials way of instrument *Mark creating al Hayes harmony selections reproducibl e music Students workbooks will identify, for theory hear, and and perform musiciansh descants in ip songs as a www.mark way of hayes.com creating *Teacher harmony created activities including worksheets and assessmen t tools
CURRICULUM – Unit Plan-Grade 4 General Music (Continued)
14 Revised: 8/2012 Course Title: Grade 4 General Music Core Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators: Unit Title: Grade 4 – Tone Color 1.1.5.B.1-2 Time Allocation: School Year 1.2.5.A.3 1.3.5.B.4 A. B. C. D. STUDENT EVALUATION CONTENT/ LEARNIN SUGGEST SKILLS G ED ACTIVITIE MATERIAL S S Tone Singing Resourc Students in Grade 4 will be evaluated using the following evaluation tools: Color *Continue es to explore *Teacher observation Students various *Silver will be able tone colors Burdett *Class Discussion to identify produced “Making Soprano, through Music” *Written and Verbal Response Alto, Tenor singing Teacher and Bass manual, *Participation by Playing student definition *Play textbooks, instruments supplement Students from al will be able various materials, to identify families listening groupings maps and of Creating recordings instruments *Make *Classroom and identify reasoned rhythm by sight tone color instruments and sound choices in *Orff creating instruments Students musical *Suppleme will be able settings, ntal to identify a accompani materials variety of ments and including
15 Revised: 8/2012 Course Title: Grade 4 General Music Core Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators: instruments other songs, in each pieces games and instrument activities al family by Listening from sight and *Identify songbooks sound families of and instruments workshops Students used in *Music K-8 will be able listening Magazine to identify selections songs and musical *Distinguis materials groups of h *Mark instruments differences Hayes such as in sound reproducibl orchestra, between e music band, various workbooks singing families of for theory ensembles, instruments and etc. *Identify musiciansh vocal tone ip colors www.mark heard in hayes.com recorded *Teacher selections created activities including worksheets and assessmen t tools
16 Revised: 8/2012 CURRICULUM – Unit Plan-Grade 4 General Music (Continued)
17 Revised: 8/2012 Course Title: Grade 4 General Music Core Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators: Unit Title: Grade 4 – Form 1.1.5.B.1 Time Allocation: School Year 1.2.5.A.2-3 1.3.5.B.3-4 A. B. C. D. STUDENT EVALUATION CONTENT/ LEARNIN SUGGEST SKILLS G ED ACTIVITIE MATERIAL S S Form Singing Resourc Students in Grade 4 will be evaluated using the following evaluation tools: *Identify es Students form of *Teacher observation will be able vocal *Silver to identify selections Burdett *Class Discussion various “Making song forms Moving Music” *Written and Verbal Response by listening *Use Teacher to music creative manual, *Participation and by movement student reading and dance textbooks, written to supplement music. experience al various materials, Students forms listening will be able maps and to identify Creating recordings the *Create *Classroom difference original rhythm between lyrics to instruments AB and demonstrat *Orff ABA forms. e instruments understand *Suppleme ing of form ntal *Create materials call/respon including
18 Revised: 8/2012 Course Title: Grade 4 General Music Core Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators: se songs, selection games and activities Listening from *Identify songbooks the form and used in workshops instrument *Music K-8 al Magazine selections songs and materials *Mark Hayes reproducibl e music workbooks for theory and musiciansh ip www.mark hayes.com *Teacher created activities including worksheets and assessmen t tools
19 Revised: 8/2012 CURRICULUM – Unit Plan-Grade 4 General Music (Continued)
20 Revised: 8/2012 Course Title: Grade 4 General Music Core Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators: Unit Title: Grade 4 - Expressive Qualities 1.1.5.B.1 Time Allocation: School Year 1.2.5.A.1 1.2.5.A.3 A. B. C. D. STUDENT EVALUATION CONTENT/ LEARNIN SUGGEST SKILLS G ED ACTIVITIE MATERIAL S S Expressi Singing Resourc Students in Grade 4 will be evaluated using the following evaluation tools: ve *Continue es Qualities to develop *Teacher observation techniques *Silver of choral *Class Discussion Students Burdett singing will be able “Making considering *Written and Verbal Response to Music” posture, determine Teacher diction, *Participation and manual, blend, describe student ensemble, stylistic textbooks, expressive differences supplement ness created by al changes in materials, melody, Playing listening rhythm, *Perform maps and melody and expressivel recordings tone color y on a *Classroom variety of rhythm Students pitched and instruments will be able non- *Orff to make pitched instruments appropriate instruments *Suppleme dynamic ntal and tempo Moving materials choices to and including 21 Revised: 8/2012 Course Title: Grade 4 General Music Core Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators: create Creating songs, expressive *Use music games and ness in creatively activities music to reflect from expressive songbooks qualities and workshops Listening *Music K-8 *Determine Magazine how tempo songs and and materials dynamics *Mark effect the Hayes general reproducibl mood of e music music workbooks *Compare for theory the stylistic and qualities in musiciansh two ip instrument www.mark al pieces hayes.com *Teacher created activities including worksheets and assessmen t tools
Unit Overview
22 Revised: 8/2012 Course Title: Grade 5 General Music
Unit #: Grade 5 Unit Title: Grade 5
Unit Description: Grade Five students will be provided with the opportunities to synthesize and build on their knowledge of Music in the areas of Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, Form, Tone Color and Expression. Students will be encouraged to participate actively in music through singing and kinesthetic movement. Listening skills will be encouraged as they are introduced to various music ensembles and musical selections. Sight Reading will be encouraged through weekly music classes. Students will be encouraged to think critically about music and articulate their thoughts and impressions.
23 Revised: 8/2012 CURRICULUM – Unit Plan-Grade 5 General Music
24 Revised: 8/2012 Course Title: Grade 5 General Music Core Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators: Unit Title: 1.4. 5.B. Grade 5 - Rhythm 1.1.5.B.1-2 1-5 Time Allocation: School Year 1.2.5.A1 1.2.5.A.3
Objectives: Students will be able to maintain, experience, and demonstrate all music objectives applied to the Grade 5 Curriculum. A. CONTENT/SKILLS B. LEARNING ACTIVITIES C. SUGGESTED MATERIALS D. STUDENT EVALUATION Rhythm Singing Resources Students in Grade 5 will *Students sing songs that use be evaluated using the known rhythm elements *Silver Burdett “Making Music” Students synthesize and apply Playing following evaluation Teacher manual, student knowledge of rhythm elements *Students play familiar and tools: in more advanced instrumental unfamiliar rhythm patterns of textbooks, supplemental materials, listening maps and and vocal music. known rhythm elements *Teacher observation Moving recordings *Classroom rhythm instruments Students will be able to apply *Conduct meter in 2, 3, and 4 *Class Discussion their knowledge of rhythm *Feel syncopation/no syncopation *Orff instruments Creating *Supplemental materials elements by reading unfamiliar *Written and Verbal Response music selections. *Improvise rhythm including songs, games and accompaniments activities from songbooks and *Create rhythm patterns using *Participation Students will be able to apply workshops known rhythmic elements *Music K-8 Magazine songs their knowledge of various time Reading and materials signatures of duple and triple *Read in 6/8 meter meter and use this information *Read dotted eighth and sixteenth *Mark Hayes reproducible in reading familiar and notes music workbooks for theory and unfamiliar music. *Read familiar and unfamiliar musicianship patterns that use known rhythmic www.markhayes.com Students will be able to identify elements *Teacher created activities and work with syncopated and Listening including worksheets and dotted rhythm patterns, in *Analyze and compare rhythmic assessment tools addition, be able to apply them elements in terms of steady beat, meter, rhythm patterns and relative to familiar songs and kinesthetic duration exercises. *Compare/Contrast selections to 25 Revised: 8/2012 A. CONTENT/SKILLS B. LEARNING ACTIVITIES C. SUGGESTED MATERIALS D. STUDENT EVALUATION determine if they are in duple or triple meter CURRICULUM – Unit Plan-Grade 5 General Music (Continued)
26 Revised: 8/2012 Course Title: Grade 5 General Music Core Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators: Unit Title: Grade 5 - Melody 1.1.5.B.1-2 Time Allocation: School Year 1.2.5.A1 1.2.5.A.3
A. CONTENT/SKILLS B. LEARNING ACTIVITIES C. SUGGESTED MATERIALS D. STUDENT EVALUATION Melody Singing Resources Students in Grade 5 will *Vocalize in different areas of the be evaluated using the voice pertaining to their age level. *Silver Burdett “Making Music” Students will be able to identify *Apply proper diaphragmatic following evaluation Teacher manual, student and perform music in a variety breathing skills in order for the tools: of tonalities. voice to maintain a consistent textbooks, supplemental materials, listening maps and airflow. *Teacher observation Students will continue to read *Sing ostinatos, partner songs, recordings *Classroom rhythm instruments notes in treble clef and identify rounds, counter melodies, part *Class Discussion those notes through reading songs *Orff instruments Playing *Supplemental materials and playing. *Written and Verbal Response *Play familiar and unfamiliar including songs, games and Students will be able to melodies using known melodic activities from songbooks and elements *Participation articulate differences between workshops *Read familiar and unfamiliar *Music K-8 Magazine songs treble clef and bass clef. melodies from staff notation and materials Moving *Use movement to accompany *Mark Hayes reproducible songs music workbooks for theory and Creating musicianship *Create melodic ostinatos to www.markhayes.com accompany songs *Teacher created activities *Create original melodies including worksheets and Listening assessment tools *Analyze and compare melodic structure in listening selections considering contour, sequence, phrase and mode
27 Revised: 8/2012 CURRICULUM – Unit Plan-Grade 5 General Music (Continued)
28 Revised: 8/2012 Course Title: Grade 5 General Music Core Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators: Unit Title: Grade 5 – Harmony 1.1.5.B.1-2 Time Allocation: School Year 1.2.5.A.3 1.3.5.B.2-4
A. CONTENT/SKILLS B. LEARNING ACTIVITIES C. SUGGESTED MATERIALS D. STUDENT EVALUATION Harmony Singing Resources Students in Grade 5 will *Sing in harmony using broken be evaluated using the Students will be able to create and solid chord structures to *Silver Burdett “Making Music” following evaluation harmony with familiar melodies help formulate harmonic Teacher manual, student tools: by adding vocal and techniques textbooks, supplemental materials, listening maps and instrumental counter melodies *Teacher observation and descants Playing recordings *Classroom rhythm instruments *Play a variety of instruments to *Class Discussion Students will be able to use create harmony *Orff instruments *Supplemental materials knowledge of harmony to listen *Written and Verbal Response to and describe a variety of Creating including songs, games and activities from songbooks and harmonies in music *Create various textures in *Participation accompaniment patterns workshops *Music K-8 Magazine songs Listening and materials *Mark Hayes reproducible *Analyze and compare pieces in music workbooks for theory and terms of texture, chordal and musicianship linear harmony www.markhayes.com *Teacher created activities including worksheets and assessment tools
29 Revised: 8/2012 CURRICULUM – Unit Plan-Grade 5 General Music (Continued)
30 Revised: 8/2012 Course Title: Grade 5 General Music Core Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators: Unit Title: Grade 5 – Tone Color 1.1.5.B.1-2 Time Allocation: School Year 1.2.5.A.3 1.3.5.B.4
A. CONTENT/SKILLS B. LEARNING ACTIVITIES C. SUGGESTED MATERIALS D. STUDENT EVALUATION Tone Color Singing Resources Students in Grade 5 will *Sing in solo, duet, trio and be evaluated using the Students will be able to chorus *Silver Burdett “Making Music” following evaluation describe vocal ensembles Teacher manual, student tools: including duets, trio, quartet and Playing textbooks, supplemental materials, listening maps and chorus *Play instruments in variety of *Teacher observation ensemble combinations recordings *Classroom rhythm instruments Students will be able to *Class Discussion describe instrumental Creating *Orff instruments *Supplemental materials ensembles including symphony, *Create sound pieces *Written and Verbal Response chamber groups, band, duet, including songs, games and activities from songbooks and trio, quartet Listening *Participation workshops *Identify individual singing *Music K-8 Magazine songs voices and vocal ensembles and materials *Identify instrumental *Mark Hayes reproducible ensembles music workbooks for theory and musicianship www.markhayes.com *Teacher created activities including worksheets and assessment tools
CURRICULUM – Unit Plan-Grade 5 General Music (Continued) 31 Revised: 8/2012 Course Title: Grade 5 General Music Core Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators: Unit Title: Grade 5 - Form 1.1.5.B.1 Time Allocation: School Year 1.2.5.A.2-3 1.3.5.B.3-4
A. CONTENT/SKILLS B. LEARNING ACTIVITIES C. SUGGESTED MATERIALS D. STUDENT EVALUATION Form Singing Resources Students in Grade 5 will *Experience performance of be evaluated using the Students will continue to identify various forms *Silver Burdett “Making Music” following evaluation and create music in AB and Teacher manual, student tools: ABA forms. Creating textbooks, supplemental materials, listening maps and *Create a rondo using three *Teacher observation Students will be able to identify short melodies recordings *Classroom rhythm instruments Rondo form (ABACA) in a *Create theme and variations *Class Discussion selection of music. *Orff instruments *Supplemental materials Moving *Written and Verbal Response Students will be able to listen to *Students will be able to show including songs, games and activities from songbooks and a selection of music and identify differences in sections of songs *Participation the form as Theme and and music through movement workshops Variations. and dance *Music K-8 Magazine songs and materials Listening *Mark Hayes reproducible music workbooks for theory and Students will be able to *Identify and analyze selections musicianship describe “opera” and be familiar including theme and variations, www.markhayes.com with selections of operatic rondo and opera music *Teacher created activities including worksheets and assessment tools
CURRICULUM – Unit Plan-Grade 5 General Music (Continued) 32 Revised: 8/2012 Course Title: Grade 5 General Music Core Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators: Unit Title: Grade 5 – Expressive Qualities 1.1.5.B.1 Time Allocation: School Year 1.2.5.A.1 1.2.5.A.3
A. CONTENT/SKILLS B. LEARNING ACTIVITIES C. SUGGESTED MATERIALS D. STUDENT EVALUATION Expressive Qualities Singing Resources Students in Grade 5 will *Sing expressively following be evaluated using the Students will be able to dynamic and tempo indicators *Silver Burdett “Making Music” following evaluation recognize, identify and respond in music Teacher manual, student tools: to various dynamic indications textbooks, supplemental materials, listening maps and in written music and identify Playing *Teacher observation their meaning. *Perform expressively on a recordings *Classroom rhythm instruments variety of pitched and unpitched *Class Discussion Students will be able to instruments *Orff instruments *Supplemental materials recognize, identify and respond *Written and Verbal Response to various tempo indications in Moving and Creating including songs, games and activities from songbooks and written music. *Use movement creatively to *Participation reflect expressive qualities of workshops selections of music *Music K-8 Magazine songs *Create original compositions and materials including considerations for *Mark Hayes reproducible dynamic and tempo music workbooks for theory and musicianship Listening www.markhayes.com *Teacher created activities *Analyze and compare stylistic including worksheets and elements of several pieces assessment tools *Analyze themes of various selections of music
Cross-Content Standards Analysis General Music K-5
33 Revised: 8/2012 Course Title: Elementary General Music Grade: 4-5
Career Visual and Comp. Health Education/ Language Mathema World Unit Title: Performing & Physical Science Social Studies Tech Literacy Consumer, Arts Literacy tics Languages Arts Ed. Family, & Life Skills 1.1.5.B.1-2 3.1.Gr4D.1 6.2Gr4.E.8 9.2Gr4.A.2 Grade 4 1.2.5.A.1-3 3.3.Gr4B.1, 9.2.Gr4.B.1-3 1.3.5.B.1-4 6 9.2.Gr4.C.1,2 1.4.5.A.1-3 3,3,Gr4C.3 ,5 1.4.5.B.1-5
1.1.5.B.1-2 3.1.Gr5D.3 6.2Gr4.E.8 9.2Gr4.A.2 Grade 5 1.2.5.A.1-3 3.3.Gr5A.5 9.2.Gr4.B.1-3 1.3.5.B.1-4 3.3.Gr5B.3, 9.2.Gr4.C.1,2 1.4.5.A.1-3 4 ,5 1.4.5.B.1-5 3.3.Gr5C.2
*All core content areas may not be applicable in a particular course.
Course Title: Music Grades 4-5 Grade: 4 - 5
Visual and 21st-Century Comp. Health Language Arts World Unit Title: Performing Mathematics Science Social Studies Tech. Literacy Life and Career & Physical Ed. Literacy Languages Arts Skills Grade 4 1.1.5.B.1-2 2.5.4.A.1-4 RI.4.1,4,7,10 6.1.4.D.19-20 7.1.NM.A.2 9.1.4.A.5 1.2.5.A.1-3 RF.4.4 9.1.4.E.3 1.3.5.B.1-4 W.4.10 9.1.4.F.3 1.4.5.A.1-3 1.4.5.B.1-5 SL.4.1a-d,5 L.4.6 Grade 5 1.1.5.B.1-2 RI.5.1,4,7,10 6.1.4.D.19-20 7.1.NM.A.2 9.1.4.A.5 1.2.5.A.1-3 RF.5.4 9.1.4.E.3 1.3.5.B.1-4 W.5.10 9.1.4.F.3 1.4.5.A.1-3 1.4.5.B.1-5 SL.5.1a-d,5 L.5.6 *All core content areas may not be applicable in a particular course.
35 Revised: 8/2012 Washington Township Public Schools Department of Student Personnel Services
The regular curriculum is modified for Special Education students enrolled in both self-contained and resource center classes.
Modifications address individual learning rates, styles, needs and the varying abilities of all special populations served in the programs available in the district.
The intent is three-fold:
To provide alternative materials, techniques and evaluation criteria to address the range of students' needs;
To parallel the regular curriculum in skill, content sequence and coverage to prepare students for mainstreaming;
To maximize students' potential for movement to less restrictive environments.
In the event there is a conflict between the prescribed curriculum and the IEP for an individual student, the IEP will take precedence and will constitute the individually prescribed proficiencies for the student.
36 Revised: 8/2012