Kairos Two Day Retreat

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Kairos Two Day Retreat

KAIROS TWO DAY RETREAT Jesus' " I AM" Sayings in John's Gospel

OVERALL SCHEDULE SATURDAY Welcome by the Retreat Leader Talk One: Introduction to Jesus in John's Gospel Talk Two: Jesus as the Bread of Life Talk Three: Jesus as the Light of the World Talk Four: Jesus existing before Abraham Talk Five: Jesus as the Door Sharing of posters by table groups. Talk Six: Jesus as the Good Shepherd Talk Seven Jesus as the Resurrection and the Life Talk Eight: Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life Talk Nine: Jesus as the Vine Talk Ten: Jesus as the Great I AM Each talk will open with a specific Scripture read by an inside Kairos brother and the Kairos community prayer, and be followed by a closing prayer, silent meditation, discussion questions and a creative activity. SATURDAY Talk One: Introduction to Jesus in John's Gospel (Read John 1: 1-18) Intro: Speaker introduces self and gives Kairos community prayer Subject of retreat: some portraits of the Greatest Person in history, our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is so glorious that no one portrait of Him can do Him justice I Covenant Names of God  In the Hebrew Bible the Lord God goes by many names, the greatest one revealed to Moses as " I AM THAT I AM" or known in short form as I AM. It is the holiest name of God of all. It is not even written in full in the original Hebrew text, but written in four letters JHVH. It is translated as "LORD" in English versions of the Bible and read in the Hebrew text as " Adonai"  In the Hebrew Bible this name is associated with a number of descriptions of God, in who He is and what He does, becoming a hyphenated name, such as  Jehovah Jireh- the LORD our provider, Jehovah Shalom- the LORD our peace, Jehovah M'Kaddesh- the LORD our sanctifier, Jehovah Raptha- the LORD our healer, Jehovah Nissi- the LORD our banner, Jehovah Sabaoth- the LORD of hosts, and Jehovah Rohi- the Lord our shepherd.  These names refer to the faithfulness of God in keeping His covenant promises II JESUS IN THE GOSPEL OF JOHN  Gospel is more than a biography, it is a message of Good News. The Gospel writers take sayings and accounts of the acts of Jesus to share a message of Jesus as the Savior and Lord.  John is called the Book of Signs, in which teachings of Jesus are arranged around various signs that He did, such as healing the man born blind, feeding the five thousand, and raising Lazarus from death.  The purpose of the Gospel is to help readers believe in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, and have eternal life in His Name. III PERSONAL WITNESS  Share how your faith was strengthened by relying on a covenant name of God in the Hebrew Bible CLOSING PRAYER: Lord God Almighty, the Great I AM, the author and finisher of our faith: We acknowledge that Your greatness is beyond our understanding. As we begin this retreat, help us to get to know You through Your Son whom we will seek today. Come and meet us in this retreat. We pray through His Name. Amen.

DISCUSSION: Is there an Old Testament covenant name of God that means a lot for you?

APPLICATION: Start working on a poster illustrating the covenant names of God from the Old Testament and from John. Talk Two: Jesus as the Bread of Life (Read John 6:35, 31,47-51, 53-58) INTRO: Speaker introduces self and leads Kairos community prayer  Bread as the staff of life, varieties of breads in the world. I MANNA  Share Exodus story of Manna; name means " What is it?" provided by God in the desert journey; gathered every morning except for the Sabbath.  Illustration of God providing for the people. Basically a physical provision II SETTING  Feeding of 5.000; recorded in all the Gospels; Jesus walking on the water; people going to the other side of the Sea of Galilee to meet Him;  They questioned, "What must we do to do the works of God?", and Jesus replied, "Believe in the One God sent." The people referred to the giving of Manna as a sign from God. Jesus referred to a True Bread from Heaven. The people then asked Jesus to give them this Bread,  Then Jesus said I AM the Bread of Life. III THE BREAD OF LIFE  Jesus is the True Bread from Heaven.  Those who come to Him will not hunger, those who believe in Him will not thirst  No one can come to Jesus except the Father draws them.  Jesus will raise up those who believe in Him at the Last Day.  Jesus shared about giving His flesh to us to eat and His blood to drink, referring to Holy Communion, which is called a means of grace, a way of bringing the refreshment of God to us  This teaching offended most of the crowd who went away. Jesus wondered if even His disciples would go. Peter replied, " Where can we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Messiah, the Son of God?" IV PERSONAL WITNESS: How have you personally been nourished by Jesus? CLOSING PRAYER: Come to us, Jesus, and, as You did with the two disciples at Emmaus, meet us in the breaking of the Bread of Life. DISCUSSION QUESTION: How have you personally been nourished by Jesus? APPLICATION ACTIVITY: Continue to work on poster of the covenant names of the Father God and Jesus. Talk Three: Jesus as the Light of the World ( Read John 8:5, 9: 4-5) INTRO: Speaker introduces self and leads Kairos community prayer  Light was the first creation of God. God dwells in the midst of brilliant light.  Light is a form of energy. Darkness is merely the absence of light.  Setting of the feast of Lights, Chanukah, and the healing of the man born blind. I JESUS IS THE LIGHT  Light is a symbol for Truth, for guidance.  There is Truth today, absolute Truth to guide us and keep us out of destruction.  Jesus is revealed in His Word, which is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.  Light shows the way; light exposes what is hidden in darkness.  The Light of Jesus reflects off our lives just as the moon reflects the light of the sun. II RESPONDING TO THE LIGHT  The light shines in the darkness and is available to all  The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light  People can choose to come to the Light and be saved  People can choose to walk and live in the Light  It is a choice to reject the darkness and to come to and live in the light of the Lord. III PERSONAL WITNESS: Tell of a time when you chose to come into the light of Christ and live in that light. CLOSING PRAYER: Light of the world, You stepped down into darkness, opened our eyes so we could see Beauty that made our hearts adore You. O for a life spent with You. Here we are to worship, Here we are to bow down, Here we are to say You are our God. You are all together lovely, all together worthy, all together wonderful for me. I praise Your Name. Amen. DISCUSSION QUESTION: How has Jesus been a light to your life? APPLICATION ACTIVITY: Continue to work on your I AM poster. Talk Four: Jesus existing before Abraham ( Read John 9: 56-58) INTRO: Speaker introduces self and leads Kairos community prayer  Doctrine of the preexistent Christ in the first chapter of John.  Some scholars said Jesus appeared as the Second Person of the Trinity prior to His incarnation in the manifestations of the Angel of the Lord.  Jesus was the Word, the agent of creation. God spoke the Word and Jesus made it be through the Spirit of God. I THE SHOCKING IDEA THAT JESUS IS THE GREAT I AM  Trinity: One God expressed in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  The Son of God is the second person of the Trinity, begotten, of one substance with the Father, not made.  When you see Jesus you see the Father  Jesus and the Father are One.  The man Jesus is the Second Person of the Trinity, God with us, Emmanuel, God come in the flesh. II ABRAHAM'S CHILDREN?  The big argument with the Jewish religious leaders was over Jesus' identity  Being a descendent of Abraham was a source of pride to the leaders  Jesus said that Abraham rejoiced to see Jesus' time coming, that if the Jewish leaders were true children of Abraham they would do what Abraham did and be men of faith and obedience.  The religious problem: being so in bondage to human religious systems that we are not able to receive the Truth of Jesus. Example of systems: denominationalism, doctrinal rigidity, looking to men rather than the Scriptures for revelation of Truth, etc.  Jesus is greater than our puny ideas about Him. We have the danger of wanting make Jesus over in our own image, such as superstar, radical, head of the church, miracle worker, teacher, prophet, sacrifice, when He is much more than the sum of our ideas about Him.  Simply put, Jesus is God Almighty! III PERSONAL WITNESS: Explain how you understand that Jesus is God. CLOSING PRAYER: Jesus, we worship and adore You as our Savior, our Lord, our Master, our Friend, our Brother. You are indeed more than the sum of our ideas about You. You are our All in All. Amen. DISCUSSION QUESTION: Who do you say that Jesus is? APPLICATION ACTIVITY: Write a poem or a song about the greatness of Jesus.

Talk Five: Jesus as the Door (Read John 10: 7-10) INTRO: Speaker introduces self and leads Kairos community prayer  Gates are very important to cities, countries, families, and individuals.  Importance to guard what goes into the mind and heart by the eye gate, ear gate, and heart.  Context of this saying was the sheep pen with one gate. The shepherd slept across the gate to keep the sheep inside and predators out. I JESUS IS OUR PROTECTOR  We overcome the Enemy through the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of our Testimony, and our giving ourselves fully to the Lord.  As in the Passover story, when we claim the covering of the Blood of Jesus over ourselves and our loved ones by faith, the Enemy is kept away.  Psalm 91 is a teaching and affirmation of the protection of the Lord for those who trust in His care.  The Lord is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in time of need. Underneath us are His everlasting arms. II JESUS OPENS THE DOOR TO OUR WALK WITH GOD.  Jesus is the entry point into a close relationship with God.  Jesus opens the door to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  Jesus wants us to abide in Him and to let Him abide in us.  Opening the door of our lives to Jesus starts a wonderful journey with HIm. III PERSONAL WITNESS: How did you open the door of your life to Jesus and start and adventure with Him? CLOSING PRAYER: In the Name of Jesus Christ I ask for the protection afforded through the shedding of Jesus Blood over my life and the lives of my loved ones. I open the door of my life to You Jesus. Please come and dwell in me, and let me dwell in You. Amen. DISCUSSION QUESTION: How did you open the door of your life to Jesus and start and adventure with Him? APPLICATION ACTIVITY: Continue to work on your poem or song.


SUNDAY Talk Six: Jesus as the Good Shepherd (Read John 10: 11-18) INTRO: Speaker introduces self and leads Kairos community prayer  Psalm 23 about Jehovah Rohi, the LORD our shepherd  Ezekiel 34 has a revelation of God as the true and faithful shepherd of Israel  Jesus reveals Himself in John 10 as the Good Shepherd I WE ARE LIKE SHEPHERDS  Basically defenseless against evil  Easily led astray  Often stubborn and willful  Needing guidance, restoration, and rest II THE GOOD SHEPHERD  Committed to the welfare of the sheep  The sheep know His voice  Comes to give abundant life  Knows each sheep intimately  Lays down His life for the sheep  Gathers all sheep into His one flock III PERSONAL WITNESS: How have you experienced Jesus as your Good Shepherd? CLOSING PRAYER: Recite the twenty third Psalm DISCUSSION QUESTION: How have you experienced Jesus as your Good Shepherd? APPLICATION ACTIVITY: Work on a skit, radio commercial, or slogan about one of the ways Jesus says I AM? Talk Seven Jesus as the Resurrection and the Life (Read John 11: 17-27) INTRO: Speaker introduces self and leads Kairos community prayer  Jesus raised a number of people from the dead, restored their lives. Jesus' disciples then and now are doing the same all over the world.  John chapter 11 is the detailed story of the last major sign Jesus did before His Passion- the raising of Lazarus.  Technically, all of these were resuscitations- life restored as before in a body still subject to death. Jesus is the only One resurrected, to a body which is immortal. I RESURRECTION  Raised out of death to a new existence, where there is no more death  The body is no longer subject to space and time limitations, can pass through doors and objects, can be seen and felt, can travel long distances instantly.  All will be resurrected, the difference is where people spend eternity. There is a resurrection to destruction and a resurrection to Life.  All who have trusted Jesus for their salvation have their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Is your name in the Book?  Those who are not in the Book face the Great White Throne Judgment and being sent out of the presence of God into eternal destruction. II LIFE  Two words for Life: Bios which means physical life, and Zoe which means spiritual life.  To be born again is to be born into Zoe, the eternal life Jesus came to give us.  Zoe comes from the work of the Holy Spirit by the grace of God, justifying grace that declares us not guilty of sin and makes us alive in Christ.  Zoe makes our spirit come alive. We are a spirit, we live in a body, and we have a soul.  For the Christian, zoe never ends, the body may die but the spirit lives with Christ forever. Hence, Jesus says, he who believes in Me shall never die.  Jesus promises to raise up all who believe in Him on the Last Day. III PERSONAL WITNESS: How have you experienced he eternal life of Jesus? CLOSING PRAYER: Thank you, Jesus, for giving me Your Life. Live Your life in me always. I love You. Amen. DISCUSSION QUESTION: How have you experienced he eternal life of Jesus? APPLICATION ACTIVITY: Keep working on your skit, radio commercial, or slogan. Talk Eight: Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life (Read John 14:1-7) INTRO: Speaker introduces self and leads Kairos community prayer  The earliest name of the Christians were People of the Way. The Christian life is a journey, a way of life, lived in relationship with Jesus Christ. It is not a religion or a set of duties, it is a path through the wilderness of this life leading All the Way Home.  The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Truth who testifies about Jesus Christ.  Jesus came to give eternal, abundant life. I THE SUPREMACY AND UNIQUENESS OF JESUS  The letter to the Hebrews expounds the superiority of Jesus, superiority to Moses, superiority to the Aaronic priesthood, superiority to angels.  Jesus was given the Name above all names, that at His Name every knee bow and every tongue confess that He is LORD.  All the other great religious leaders are in tombs- Moses, Confucius, Mohammad, Buddha. The tomb of Jesus is empty because He is Risen! The only One ever resurrected into an eternal body is Jesus.  Jesus is God come in the flesh. God became a human being, God-with us, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. II OUR RESPONSE  Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith  We are called to open our lives to Jesus' love, to turn away from our sinful existence and choose to follow Jesus.  We are to follow so closely to Jesus that we are covered with the dust of this great Teacher as we follow His way.  We are to let Jesus disciple us, to teach us the New Way of Living in His Kingdom, to let Him renew our minds and warm our hearts. III PERSONAL WITNESS: How is Jesus the Way, the Truth, and the Life to you? CLOSING PRAYER: We bow our lives before You, Lord Jesus, and confess You as our Lord. Teach us Your Way and give us grace to walk in it. Amen. DISCUSSION QUESTION: How is Jesus the Way, the Truth, and the Life to you? APPLICATION ACTIVITY: Keep working on the skit, radio commercial, etc.

Talk Nine: Jesus as the Vine ( Read John 15:1-17) INTRO: Speaker introduces self and leads Kairos community prayer  The growing of grapes involve the developing of a main vine and growth of branches which bear the grapes.  Jesus uses this natural illustration to explain His work of spiritual formation in the life of the disciple. Jesus nourishes, prunes, and supports us in our process of bearing fruit for Him. I WHAT IS FRUIT?  Fruit is spiritual results coming out of our lives.  One way is the development of personal character, the growth of our ability to love God and neighbor. We call these character qualities the fruit of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.  Another way is the influence we make in the lives of others: our witness to them that helps them come to Christ, our example that inspires their spiritual walk, our helping them to grow into the character and anointing of Christ.  We are called to bear much fruit that God be glorified. II PREPARATION TO BEAR FRUIT  Nourishment: spiritual feeding through the Word, the comfort of the Holy Spirit, the encouragement of the community of faith.  Support, the Lord promises never to leave or forsake us, His comfort, His strength, His protection.  Pruning- the Lord deals with us to get rid of sinful attitudes, behavior not pleasing to the Lord, being stuck in a rut. Unproductive areas of our lives are cut back so productive ones can be strengthened. III PERSONAL WITNESS: How has the Lord worked in your life to help you bear more fruit? CLOSING PRAYER: Lord, please keep working in my life so I can bear more fruit for You and please You. Amen. DISCUSSION QUESTION: How has the Lord worked in your life to help you bear more fruit? APPLICATION ACTIVITY: Keep working on the skit, radio commercial, etc.

Talk Ten: Jesus as the Great I AM (Read John 18: 1-8) INTRO: Speaker introduces self and leads Kairos community prayer  An often overlooked incident during the arrest of Jesus. Judas Iscariot leads a detachment of soldiers to the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus asked them who they were looking for. They replied "Jesus of Nazareth." Jesus declared I AM HE! Then all the soldiers stepped back and fell to the ground.  Remember how Jesus said that no one had the power to take His life from Him, that He had the power to lay down His life and take it up again.  Jesus was not trapped by Judas and the soldiers. He went willingly to the cross, He lay down His life. He chose the nails. His final word was one of triumph, It is finished! or Paid in Full! I JESUS IS THE GREAT I AM, THE GOD OF ALL HOPELESS SITUATIONS  Jesus is the fulfillment of all the covenant names of God in the Old Testament: our righteousness, our sanctification, our healer, our deliverer, our provider, our shepherd, our banner of victory and so many others.  Jesus is the Bread of Life that nourishes us, the Light of the Word that shows us the Way Home, the Door to eternal life, the Good Shepherd who cares for us, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the Resurrection and the Life, the One who was before all time, the Word of God who dwells among us, the Vine, and the Great I AM, the Holy One of God. II OUR RESPONSE TO JESUS, THE GREAT I AM  WORSHIP  THANKSGIVING  SURRENDER, BOWING OUR LIVES BEFORE HIM  LIVING OUR LIVES FOR HIM. III PERSONAL WITNESS: Share how Jesus transformed your life. IV INVITATION TO BECOME A DISCIPLE OF JESUS CLOSING PRAYER: All hail the power of Jesus' Name, let angels prostrate fall. Bring forth the royal diadem and crown Him Lord of all. I bow to You, Lord Jesus and worship You. Amen.

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