List of Leading / Supporting Countries

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List of Leading / Supporting Countries

List of Leading / Supporting Countries for ACPs at WTSA-16 (as of 31 October 2016)

ACP Alloc. Leading Country Supporting Doc. No. / Status Title Countries 1 WG3A Proposal to NOT CHANGE Ms .Minah LEE Ms. Fang LI [ 21-GEN ] Recommendation ITU-T A.1 - Work (TTA, Rep. of Korea) (CAICT, China Proposal NOC Accepted Methods for study groups of the ITU ([email protected]) (P.R.)) This issue will be discussed Telecommunication Standardization Sector ([email protected]) at TSAG in the next period. Ms. Nguyen Thi Only TSAG’s proposal Khanh Thuann agreed in June 2106 will be (MIC, Viet Nam) reflected to revise A.1 at ([email protected]. WTSA-16 vn) Nepal, Philippine, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Myanmar 2 WG3A Proposed modification of WTSA-12 Ms. Fang LI (CAICT, China (P.R.)) Cambodia Presented at WG3A Resolution 1 – Rules of procedure of the ITU ([email protected]) COM3A reviewed section 1 Telecommunication Standardization Sector to 3. Most proposed text from APT was accepted, some editorial need to exchange view with US delegates. Ad hoc on new section 2 addressed most concerns. Monday COM3A will reviewed the rest part. 3 Com3 Proposed modification of WTSA-12 Ms. Fukahori (NICT, Japan) Dr. Ahmad Helmi Two ad-hoc group meetings Resolution 22 – Authorization for [email protected] Azhar were held (Thursday and Telecommunication Standardization Advisory [email protected] Saturday) and finished the Group to act between world y drafting work. APT telecommunication standardization assemblies (Malaysia) proposal was well reflected. Presented at COM3 APT proposal was well accepted [ 65-GEN ] Arab proposal required further ACP Alloc. Leading Country Supporting Doc. No. / Status Title Countries off-line consultation. 4 Com3 Proposed modification of WTSA-12 Ms. Fang LI (CAICT, China (P.R.)) Ms. Nguyen Thi 49-GEN Resolution 35 – Appointment and maximum ([email protected]) Khanh Thuann All proposed text were term of office for chairmen and vice-chairmen ([email protected]. accepted of study groups of the Telecommunication vn) Standardization Sector and of Mr. Nguyen Van Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Khoa Group ([email protected] ) (MIC, Viet Nam)

5 WG3B Proposed modification of WTSA-12 Dr. Ahmad Helmi Azhar Mr. Xiping Huang To be discuss at Com3B on Resolution 45 – Effective coordination of [email protected] (China Telecom, 31 Oct Monday afternoon standardization work across study groups in the (Malaysia) China (P.R.)) ITU Telecommunication Standardization (huangxp@chinatele Sector and the role of Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group Nepal 6 Com3 Proposed modification of WTSA-12 Ms. Caroline Greeway Prof. Shinwon Updated Resolution on Resolution 55 – Mainstreaming a gender (DOCA, Australia) KANG Gender will be sent to perspective in ITU Telecommunication Caroline.greeway@communications. (Rep. of Korea) Committee 2 (CITEL Standardization Sector activities ([email protected] proposal included an activity they advised can be Philippines, carried out using existing resources and information which will not have significant budgetary implications. To follow process the Chair will submit this proposal to Com 2 for due consideration) then Editorial Committee before submitting to Plenary.

2 ACP Alloc. Leading Country Supporting Doc. No. / Status Title Countries APT’s proposal was to amend and update Res. 55. There was a proposal from CITEL to suppress this resolution, and introduce a new gender resolution. A compromise was agreed to keep the original resolution, and incorporate APT updated text and CITEL new text. The text has been agreed between the members of the drafting committee, and reflects most of the APT proposal. Updates include: - update to title to reflect more current language “Promoting gender equality in ITU Telecommunications Standardization Sector Activities” - there were differing views from member states regarding the term “qualified” women, and women “experts”, therefore the compromise was to remove the terms qualified and experts and simply refer to promoting participation of women as well as men in ITU-T

Page 3 of 10 ACP Alloc. Leading Country Supporting Doc. No. / Status Title Countries activities. - in the spirit of compromise, “aware” text from the ACP proposal was removed in order to streamline the document, and elements of it were incorporated elsewhere in the text. 2) issues unsolved yet, if any – no unsolved issues 3) possible course of discussion – no further discussion planned 4) proposal for consolidated actions as APT at COM level and Plenary level, if necessary - agreed text will be presented to Com 3 at 11am – we do not anticipate any objections or issues. 7 Com3 Proposed modification of WTSA-12 Ms. Joy Duncan Prof. Seongho ACP 7 (Res. 70 on Resolution 70 – (DOCA, Australia) JEONG Accessibility) was just Telecommunication/information and [email protected] (Rep. of Korea) discussed in Com 3 communication technology accessibility for u ([email protected] (afternoon 31 Oct. 2016) persons with disabilities ) with no opposition. It will Philippines now be progressed to the Editorial Committee and then Plenary.

Text has been agreed between the members of the drafting committee. The consolidated text reflects 4 ACP Alloc. Leading Country Supporting Doc. No. / Status Title Countries the APT proposal, and also elements of CITEL and LAS text. Updates include: - updated title to bring in line with PP Res 175 “Telecommunication/infor mation and communication technology accessibility for persons with disabilities and persons with specific needs” - updated references to study group allocation of questions and work (human factors moved from SG2 to SG16) – no unsolved issues – no further discussion Chair of Com 3 just advised Res 70 may not be discussed until 1 Nov. due to updated document not yet being available. We still do not foresee any issues. 8 Plenar Proposed suppression of WTSA-12 Ms. Fukahori (NICT, Japan) Dr. Ahmad Helmi Plenary Approved y Resolution 82 – Strategic and structural review [email protected] Azhar of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization [email protected] Sector y (Malaysia) Cambodia, Malaysia 9 Com4 ITU-T Study Group Structure and Mr. Araki (NTT, Japan) Mr. Heyuan XU [ 45-GEN ] : SG9 Proposed modification of WTSA-12 ([email protected]) (CAICT, China [ 58-GEN ] : SG3 Resolution 2 – ITU Telecommunication (P.R.)) Regarding ACP on SG Standardization Sector study group Ms. Yanchuan Wang restructuring and

Page 5 of 10 ACP Alloc. Leading Country Supporting Doc. No. / Status Title Countries responsibility and mandates Resolution 2, we had AHGs (China Telecom, on issues on SG9, QI/11 China (P.R.)) and Res.2. (wangch@chinatelec Although the meeting is not Dr. Hyungsoo KIM yet finished, but I would (KT Corp., Rep. of share current status with Korea) you. ([email protected]) Almost of the ACP on SG restructuring have been accepted. - keeping current 11 SG structure - tanferring Q4/2 to SG16 as a separate Question - WP2/2 is retained in SG2 - revised Question text of QI/11 was agreed at COM4 in this morning. No unsolved issues yet. (related to ACP) The report of AHG on Res.2 is being discussed at COM4 now. 10 WG4A Proposed new Resolution [APT-1] - Mr. Yachen WANG Mr. Goto (NTT, Ad hoc meeting on IMT- Enhancing the Standardization Activities of (China Mobile, China (P.R.)) Japan) 2020 was discussed at IMT-2020 (goto.yoshinori@lab Saturday afternoon. Updated version with Dr. Hyungsoo KIM modifications was all (KT Corp., Rep. of accepted. Korea) It will Report to COM4 in 6 ACP Alloc. Leading Country Supporting Doc. No. / Status Title Countries ([email protected]) Monday morning. Korea (Rep. of)

11 WG3B Proposed suppression of WTSA-12 Dr. Hyungsoo KIM Mr. Yachen WANG WG3B AGREED Resolution 38 – Coordination among the three (KT Corp., Rep. of Korea) (China Mobile, ITU Sectors for activities relating to ([email protected]) China (P.R.)) International Mobile Telecommunications Mr. Goto (NTT, Japan) (goto.yoshinori@lab

12 Com4 Proposed new Resolution [APT-2] – Dr. Hyoung-jun KIM Dr. Noah LUO DT /56 Enhancing the Standardization of IoT and (ETRI, Rep. of Korea) (Huawei, China Have reached consensus Smart City & Communities ([email protected]) (P.R.)) among participating ([email protected] regional groups and no m) unsolved issue. Dr. Ahmad Helmi Consolidated draft will be Azhar presented to COM4 [email protected] CEPT expressed today y morning to add ‘gap (Malaysia) analysis’ to the draft. I believe that APT has to object to CEPT proposal. 13 WG4A Proposed modification of WTSA-12 Prof. Heungyoul YOUM Dr. Zhaoji LIN Most proposals in ACP Resolution 50 – Cybersecurity ([email protected]) (ZTE, China (P.R.)) were reflected with some ([email protected]. modifications. cn) Issues unsolved: DOA and Mr. Do Xuan Binh X.1275 relevant issues (MIC, Viet Nam) introduced by both ARB ([email protected] and AFT n) Draft text will be reported (Mr. Thaib to COM4 on October 31 Mustapha 2016. Unresolved parts in (Malaysia) [ ] which will be discussed

Page 7 of 10 ACP Alloc. Leading Country Supporting Doc. No. / Status Title Countries at COM4 meeting 14 WG4A Proposed modification of WTSA-12 Dr. Zhaoji LIN (ZTE, China (P.R.)) Prof. Heungyoul Ad-hoc discussed on 30 Oct Resolution 52 – Countering and combating ([email protected]) YOUM Sunday morning and spam ([email protected]) afternoon Mr. Thaib Mustapha All proposed text from APT [email protected]. was accepted. my (Malaysia)

15 Com4 Proposed modification of WTSA-12 Dr. Noah LUO (Huawei, China Presented at COM4 on 29 Resolution 77 – Standardization work in the (P.R.)) Oct morning ITU Telecommunication Standardization ([email protected]) On Sunday, US, Canada, Sector for software-defined networking Russia and China had an informal discussion. US. Canada agreed to modify Res.77 and not suppress Res.77. A agreed revised version was reviewed in the Informal Consultation Meeting for Res.77. Monday: Informal Consultation Meeting for Res.77, No more comments from participants for it. It will be reported to COM4 plenary meeting for next action 16 Com4 Proposed new Resolution [APT-3] – Mr. Sean Sharidz Doral Dr. Noah LUO Able to reach a consensus Standardization work in the ITU [email protected] (Huawei, China with several amendment on Telecommunication Standardization Sector for Malaysia (P.R.)) the text. cloud based event data monitoring application ([email protected] Agreed to replace the word m) monitoring application with Mr. Youngnam technology. KOH New title will be “Cloud 8 ACP Alloc. Leading Country Supporting Doc. No. / Status Title Countries ([email protected]) Based Event Data Technology: Changes will be reflected throughout the resolution. Consolidated draft have been submitted to COM 4. 17 WG4B Proposed modification of WTSA-12 Ms. Nguyen Thi Khanh Thuann Prof. Shinwon The consolidated text Resolution 44 – Bridging the standardization (MIC, Viet Nam) KANG keeps the APT proposal, gap between developing and developed ([email protected]) ([email protected] RCC proposal on assist countries developing countries on Mr. Ratnam NA developing strategies in [email protected] establishing, Malaysia, Myanmar, national/international test Singapore, Papua laboratories for emerging New Guinea technologies; and also elements of RCC and ARB on interpreting for plenary and WP, SG and TSAG; the proposal on generating additional revenue for ITU-T is harmonized to additional revenue for BSG only. [ 39-GEN ] will be presented at COM4. 18 WG4A Proposed modification of WTSA-12 Mr. Ratnam NA Mr. Tran Canh Toan [ 46-GEN ] Resolution 64 – IP address allocation and [email protected], Ms. Nguyen Thi Proposed revised text in facilitating the transition to and deployment of Malaysia Khanh Thuann ACP are accepted. IPv6 (MIC, Viet Nam) ([email protected]. vn) Papua New Guinea

Page 9 of 10 ACP Alloc. Leading Country Supporting Doc. No. / Status Title Countries 19 Com4 Proposed modification of WTSA-12 Mr. Nguyen Van Khoa Mr. Aiman Hilmi Adopted at COM4 2nd Resolution 72 – Assessment concerns related (MIC, Viet Nam) Azhar meeting to transfer to to human exposure to Radio Frequency ([email protected]) [email protected] COM5 [[ 33-GEN] electromagnetic fields, Submitted by COM5 to Cambodia, Plenary as [ 74 ] Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea 20 Com4 Proposed modification of WTSA-12 Mr. Ratnam NA Mr. Nguyen Van [ 28-GEN ] Resolution 73 – Information and [email protected], Khoa communications technologies, environment Malaysia ([email protected] and climate change ) Mr. Tran Trong Dung (MIC, Viet Nam) Cambodia, Papua New Guinea 21 Com4 Proposed modification of WTSA-12 Mr. Cheng LI, (CAICT, China Mr. Tran Trong [ 34-GEN ] Resolution 76 – Studies related to (P.R.)) Dung The draft Resolution 76 had conformance and interoperability testing, ([email protected]) Mr. Nguyen Van been completed in Ad hoc assistance to developing countries, and a Khoa after 4 drafting session. The possible future ITU mark programme ([email protected] draft document was shortly ) reported to COM4 meeting (MIC, Viet Nam) in Saturday morning. Mr. Ratnam NA The final output of Res.76 [email protected] retains ITU Mark, which is, the hot topic in this Malaysia resolution. Malaysia, Iran, Most points from ACP Papua New Guinea were accepted, while some redundant parts were removed.


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