Officer S Reports for Scrutiny Panel 02/04/14

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Officer S Reports for Scrutiny Panel 02/04/14

Officer’s Reports for Scrutiny Panel 02/04/14


 There is no report for the Post-graduate Officer as she is on leave

Officer Accountability Session

Officer Community Officer Session 5


‘Ensure that JCR/Committee student representatives are accountable to their constituents. Progress  Ran a presented at candidate academies in all hall clusters and 3rd party halls to inform and inspire candidates during the nomination periods.  Using 3rd party hall research I have taken the decision to split BGP into 5 committees for better representation.  Have renamed 3rd party hall JCR’s, ‘Committees’ for clarity, resulting in widening participation.  Simplifying the campaigning process for JCR/Committee positions, directing candidates to write 3 point manifestos.

 I have since agreed with Rob Henderson that the treasurer shall submit a proposed expenditure for the year before the Christmas break.  The treasurer will be mandated to publish this data on the relevant hall Facebook page, before the Christmas break, for their constituents to read/feedback on.  I have asked Rob Henderson to chase this up in the run up to the Christmas holidays.  Chased up JCR budgets in the New Year

 Committee expenditure (to date) to be sent out at the beginning of February  Due to examinations budget chasing has been put on hold  A meeting has been organised to meet up and discuss current expenditure and remaining budget

 Rob Henderson has confirmed that budgets are almost ready  I will be speaking to Presidents Committee about why budget transparency is important and asking whether this is something they would be happy to sign up to

 After a long debate about budget transparency in halls the committee presidents have agreed to the principle and a message from the SU will go out to all hall residents instructing them on how to access JCR/hall committee accounts  The Hugh Stewart Hall President (with the say-so of his treasurer) and Derby Hall President have agreed to publish their hall expenditure as a pilot study to encourage other presidents to do so.

‘Publicise existing support for year out students looking for housemates/ homes.’ Progress  Through the online ‘Love Your Home’ campaign material ‘Year out’ students will be directed to the Unipol website where they can find support and access the student forum noticeboards to find housemates.

  The love your home videos have since been released, which directly refers students to Unipol’s house hunting channels and forums.  Student feedback will be sought to analyse how well this service worked for them.

 The Student survey to analyse how well this service worked for them will be commissioned in June/ July

‘Improve cycling in Lenton’ Progress  I have been an active voice at the ‘Improving cycle routes in Dunkirk and Lenton’ with Cllr. Sarah Piper, Pedals, ThinkBike, Sustrans, Mel Futer and the Police.  I have followed this up with conversations with Keith Morgan, an officer at NCC.  We have since located 4 bike lock up points and the suggestion has gone through to the planning stage of the process.

 I have since chased this up further and am waiting on the relevant NCC officer’s response.  I have since been in Crime Prevention communications meetings with the University who are tightening controls on cycling on campus alongside giving out wheel reflectors.  N.B. The police in association with Think Bike have been running a ‘be seen, be safe’ style campaign giving out free luminous cycle materials.

 Cycle lock up points and rent bikes have to been said to have been approved for the areas of consultation  Currently waiting on all the relevant paperwork to go through

 I have had written confirmation and apologies from Keith Morgan that the works should have been completed by now and they have ben delayed to the Easter holiday, I will continue to hound the poor guy

“Make Station Road a safer place for Sutton Bonington students, installing street lamps/ potentially cycle paths.” Progress  Whilst fully advocating this campaign I have agreed to take a step back from leading it due to the passion and the expertise that, Guild officer, Adeel Khan has. He has been actively working on this campaign since his first year in post.  I am eager to support Adeel as a UoNSU representative to the best of my ability when called upon.  I have actively sought further meetings with Adeel, not only on this campaign but other SB related changes, submitted through the official UoNSU channel, ‘Change-it’.

 The meeting with Adeel has been set back due to unforeseen Veterinary Science commitments.

 Lobbied Lilian Greenwood (MP for Nottingham South) to sign up to the Station Road street lighting petition and to send a letter through to County Council  On the 24th of February a petition with over 1,500 student/staff/resident signatures was handed over to Councillor Brown at an assembly held at Sutton Bonington Campus  The petition will go to council on the 27th Feb

 There has been a huge breakthrough in the Station Road Campaign; the University of Nottingham has agreed to contribute up to £50,000 towards the cost of installing street lights along Station Road.

‘Lobby the city council to remove parking permit charges for students, combating student discrimination.’ Progress  I have raised this point in meetings with city Councillors.  I have had an agreement from Cllr Trimble to meet to discuss parking permit exemptions.  I have followed this up with meetings, scheduled for late November.  I will continue to Lobby the city council to remove parking permit charges for students.

 I am working with the Student Living manager to those students for whom accessing private transport may be a necessity. These are currently: Those with off-campus placements, (to include) Medical students, Nursing students, Midwifery students, Physiotherapy students,

Those based at satellite-campus locations Those with caring responsibilities Those commuting a distance considered to be unreasonable for them to take public transport Those with mobility issues  The meeting is on Tuesday 26th November with Cllr Trimble and some representatives from NTSU.

 It was agreed to put the City Council officer Lianne Taylor (Head of Community Relations) in touch with Stephen Dudderidge to discuss implementation methods  I met with Stephen Dudderidge to discuss the Universities current parking permit systems in place and the potential for a safe data sharing process  Stephen agreed to meet with NCC to flesh out an implementation plan  The progress was recorded at a meeting between City Councillors and Officers 16/01/2014  Due to Lianne Taylor being away for a few weeks a different City Council Officer has been assigned to the discussion with Stephen

 The Healthcare Societies have been consulted with regards to the numbers expected and the peak vehicle requirement times  I have worked with Stephen Dudderidge to come to a realistic figure for his meeting with Lianne Taylor and Mike Cole

 Currently working with campaigns and democracy to write a proposal for Cllr Trimble to lobby the portfolio holder with. Cllr Trimble is fully behind a realistic suggestion from the Students Union.

‘Continue the ‘Love Your Home’ campaign.’ Progress  I have worked closely with the ‘Marketing and Communications’ and ‘Campaigns and Democracy’ departments to form this year’s refined advisory campaign.  I have worked closely with staff from ‘Marketing and Communications’ and ‘Campaigns and Democracy’ to refine campaign content.  I have worked closely with staff from ‘Marketing and Communications’ and ‘Campaigns and Democracy’ to script and film this campaign.  I have liaised with Unipol to use their materials for video use.  The campaign should be launched by late November for maximum impact.  I am at the stage of liaising with staff from ‘Marketing and Communications’ and ‘Campaigns and Democracy’ to discuss promotion and publicity surrounding the ‘LYH’ video launch

 The love your home videos have now been released.  I have been working with Rich to target the intended audiences.  I have been posting and promoting the video.  I have written a blog on the purposes of the ‘Love Your Home’ videos.

 ‘Love Your Home’ has been physically launched into halls  I am (with assistance) delivering the checklists and promoting the videos over dinner times  10/14 catered halls have been contacted with over 700 students talked to and 600 checklists distributed  By the 24/01/2014 all catered halls will have been reached  By 30/01/2014 all halls should have been reached  I have consulted Hall Wardens and Hall representatives to find suitable times and events to reach out into the off-campus locations

 The LYH videos have reached an average of 1,000 views each  1,800 checklists have been distributed  All halls have been reached incl. 3rd Party Halls  I have worked with Raleigh to run their first Common Room, non-drinking social whereby checklists and video screenings were viewed, which was highly appraised by the Hall Manager and enabled better relationships between the Committee and the Management

 We have had a meeting to discuss next steps with Student Advice Centre, Campaigns and Democracy and Student Living  We have a meeting in with Student Advice Centre to sort out a ‘checklist’ for the end of tenancy period, (deposit reclaim, final meter readings etc.)  I will be talking with Melanie Futer about the current end of term waste disposal systems available to students  Should there be inadequate supply of waste facilities I will be lobbying the City Council to provide these.  As stated above the ‘Love Your Home Survey’ will be commissioned in June/ July

‘Derby hopper bus: Make it more frequent and reliable.’ Progress  Have talked to Jonathan Kavanagh and Mike Dore about the current progress of this situation.  Will look for an opportunity to Lobby the University on this recurrent and deeply felt issue.

 Have asked Matt Wilks whether we can establish a timeline to help deliver an appropriate action to progress this campaign.

 Have met up with Emma Kemp to discuss hopper bus changes  Have been invited to a hopper bus working group in late February to bring any student feedback/cases for changes  Will be compiling evidence to lobby to achieve making the Derby hopper bus more frequent and reliable

 25/02/2014 Attended Hopper bus working group meeting with Estates (Emma Kemp)  Emma Kemp agreed to take forward the proposal to acquire another hopper bus between UP and Derby Hospital, thus extending the morning arrival times and doubling the frequency to 1 hour, to University Executive Board.  The working group will be looking into getting a minibus running between Derby and UP to enable students to do activities on a Wednesday evening. This will be a trial to gauge student uptake before committing to further Hopper Bus expenditure

 I have talked to the Healthcare Association Presidents to find out the best time and launch a minibus service for evening activities at Derby  Have talked to Phil Smith about the possibility of a part SU funded minibus for activity, he has suggested a cascade bid.  This will be pursued

‘Introduce a farmers market to Broadgate Park selling fresh produce.’ Progress  I have talked to Andy Schulten about the idea of a Farmers Market on Broadgate to enhance the student experience.  I approached the Sutton Bonington Farmers Market representatives to ask whether they would be interested.  Have since liaised with UPP about holding a Christmas market.  A provider has been located and a Christmas Market is currently set for December.

 We have got confirmation that our first ever Broadgate Park Christmas Market will be happening on site on Wednesday 11th December between 1pm – 8pm.  I have asked for any SU societies that wish to take part to have stalls/spaces to participate. I have got the UPP Student Experience Manager to agree to this.  The UPP Student Experience Manager has sent out emails to societies to ask whether they would like to play an active part in the Christmas Market.  UPP will fund the extra spaces/stalls.

 Met up with the Sutton Bonington Farmers Market Committee at their campus event  They have agreed to meet up after exams  Will be in contact with Sutton Bonington Farmers Market once examination period is over

 A meeting with the SB farmers Market committee is due for the 27/02/2014 up at SB

 Oliver Goold agreed to a trial farmers market on campus  OG consulted with his committee and it seems that they have withdrawn their original offer due to dissertation deadlines

‘Create a healthy two-way dialogue between the student body and the NCC’ Progress  Met with Sam Webster and Sally Longford to agree counsellor drop in sessions

 I am meeting with Cllr Trimble to discuss parking permits.  I try to engage in as many out of hours community meetings within reason and have often met with Cllr. Trimble, Webster and Piper.  I respond promptly and positively to Cllr correspondence.  B37 is now a regular booking for Councillor drop-in sessions.

 Have had excellent contact with student ward councillors surrounding the East Midlands Today student housing article  Have set up a Termly meeting with councillors

 Sam Webster visited the Portland building 26/03/2014  This has been publicised through Comms ‘Ensure NCC consultations are accessible to students’ Progress  Have asked NCC that all consultations take place during term time.  They have agreed to do so.

‘Combat Bin Fines’ Progress  Actively liaised with Nottingham City Council to discuss the problems caused by bins being left out.  Helped steer a group to find the most suitable way to address the problem of students not knowing which their bin day was.  Decided on an opt-in SMS reminder service.  Formed a student friendly message to be sent out via SMS.  Secured the campaign to be a pilot study for UoNSU exclusively.  Promoted this campaign win via a number of channels.  I am set to collect data at the end of Term 1.

 I have met with an officer from NCC to work out how relations will work between their Comms department and the SU  Further publicity has been sent out advertising Bin Fines  Flyers and other print material has been produced

 Flyers and other print material has been dispensed to the University who have been dispensing it on their rounds of student residential areas

‘Weekly Credit on Meal cards’ Progress  The idea was brought to Presidents Committee  Principle agreed on but questions about implementation  Presidents Committee consulted their students who agreed on the principle  Idea taken to ‘Halls and Catering Forum’  Idea pushed on to UEB by Jonathan Hamblett and additional info given  Idea taken back to Presidents Committee who are going back to speak to constituents before sending in an email-vote on 28/03/2014 Education Officer

Hej (‘hi’ in Danish as I’ve just come back from my short holiday in Copenhagen)! The first half of this month, I was occupied with GOATing for elections and supporting my candidates – our new Education Officer is Adam BK! I’ve been away for 2 days with university council, sat on the Staff Oscars judging panel and spent 2 whole days carrying out the school review for Engineering. In short, I haven’t been in the office much 


Work with individual schools and departments to tackle additional course costs, 1st project being architecture Progre ss The Printing Board meeting finally happened. Our BME officer, Yasmin, went instead of me as I couldn’t be there. The result is such that the board approved for architecture to go through to the University Executive Board (UEB) as a special case so that university are aware of the situation and hopefully begin to consider allocating extra funds to the school! We saw this as the most efficient way of tackling the problem as the school simply wouldn’t have enough resources internally to cover student printing costs.

Once the UEB considers our paper – I will be sure to report on the outcomes.

I am further helping the school of Art History tackle the cost of a compulsory trip (£300 per student).

Lobby identified schools to change the number of printing credits allocated Progre ss Wyn and I have written a paper that will go to UEB that outlines recommendations schools need to adhere to that are in line with the university’s vision for sustainability and online submission. This is the paper I refer to above where architecture is mentioned as a special case. We essentially ask that the university cover all costs for required printing and fully move to online submission. Moreover, the printing contract has been finalised and, again, needs to be approved by UEB. The cost of printing in general should be lower for students next year as the minimum number of credits will go up to £10 and the cost per page will be lower also. Will confirm these and other benefits of the contract once it is signed off! 

Explore issues around books with a view to campaign to deliver the improvement students want Progre ss In the process of setting up the working groups, getting my successor involved!

Currently in the process of following things up with MSL with regards to when we can launch the online 2nd hand book shop.

Lobby identified schools on increasing provisions for trips Progre ss Have caught up with the school reps regarding the above and whilst the majority felt it should be up to the departmental society to organise those, the PGT rep (Sarah Clayton) expressed an interest in setting up more trips for postgraduate students in general to improve the community feel. She will be meeting with Andy O’Hara to work out how this could be achieved.

Lecture recordings (audio) Progre ss The survey is out! Once we have the results from this, we will be so much more empowered to lobby on the local and central level.

In the process of confirming once again exactly what provision for lecture recordings already exists as there seems to be confusion amongst universitymanagement.

Agree a minimum standard of information provided to students when making module choices Progre ss Have worked out a plan of how we are going to lobby the University Senate members, involving the officers’ team, so that the publication of SET/SEMresults passes at the next senate! Alan Ford is doing the same from the university side, so working in partnership again here ;)

Team Objectives - QMC Progre ss The results of the Aldwych survey that we wrote and got medical students across the country to fill in have been collated and we working out what we can act on now to make a lasting difference to the experience of the medical students at Nottingham.



Meeting What Happened The Result Teaching Meeting to ensure the We identified the need to define what we mean by and alignment of the partnership as it's a term banded about in the Learning activities of relevant university and everyone seems to have different Leadership professional services interpretations of it. I am following this up with the Group with university’s T&L head of IS, who has written a paper on what she & Teaching strategy believes partnerships between university and and students is. Great opportunity for us to tell Learning university what we understand by partnership! Board

Quality and Meeting to look at all of the N/A Standards university regulations, such as Committee the Quality Manual Engineering & Meeting to look at the current N/A Science library redevelopment of George Green Teaching Meetings with schools to help Meeting with schools on a regular basis, Transformation them decide which aspects of prioritising student needs – lecture Programme teaching (be it curriculum or recordings, student involvement in staff assessment) they would like to recruitment, etc. prioritise for the next few years University Meeting which university N/A Senate teaching and research boards feed into where university- wide decisions get made (has deans from all faculties present and is chaired by the VC)

Meeting of a highest level that Have been on a 2-day away day which University all of the university committees focused heavily on strategy 2020 Council report to. It is primarily consultation work where I made sure concerned with the direction quality teaching and student experience the univeristy is heading in, its is prioritised above all else and that strategy and mitigating research and teaching strategies potential risks complement each other, as opposed to clash! Evaluate pilot is launched and we hope A board to ensure the launch of to roll it out on all 3 campuses in Sep14. Evaluate Board evaluate is a success and all Discussions are taking place regarding stakeholders are consulted the sense of feeling amongst staff about the publishing of SET/SEM scores.

Gathered feedback from school reps with regards to how their students feel Monthly meeting which takes about supporting the Marking Boycott Education place with School Reps to and the clear majority of those at the Network discuss current campaigns, meeting said that they wouldn't like the Meeting agree further actions and SU to support it. answer any queries they may have It has become clear that there is clear disparity with regards to the quality of NSS action plans different schools provide - this is often reflected in the Meetings lead by Alan Ford scores. NSS Meetings thatfocus on schools’ We have given a set of that NSS scoresto discuss recommendations from the SU to the action plans for improvement registrar and he welcomed them all! The UEB now needs to decide exactly which recommendations are going to be implemented and how - exciting.

We have a huge number of courses on offer some of which have an extremely low uptake and put a real strain on there timetable. We are looking to reduce the bloating so that the choice Meeting to resize and reshape we claim to offer to students really Curriculum the curriculum so that we offer does exist and is good quality! 2020 real choice

Other Issues or Events

Meeting What The Result Happened Teaching & Every school Have sat on my first ever review panel for Engineering which Learning gets was eye opening. Main concerns seem to be the prioritisation School reviewed of research over teaching in the school which has an impact Reviews every 4/5 on staff attitude to teaching and spending time with students years - these become second priority. This is unfortunately catastrophic to student experience. The challenges of being a large institution have also been highlighted as it is hard to create a sense of belonging in such a large faculty.


Poli Grade Point Average cy Typ FT e Wit h Acti on We have modelled every single subject in the 2013 cohort to GPA and presented our results nationally. We are aware of the risks of moving to GPA for students and employers and are very much still of the opinion that we should only move to having GPA run parallel to HDC if a significant number of the HE sector move (specifically, Russell Group Institutions)

Poli National Student Survey cy Typ FT e Wit h Acti on Presented our recommendations to the university as to what we believe they should do to tackle the low scores and are waiting for a formal response

Poli Involving students in curriculum design cy Typ FT e Wit h Acti on Actively working on defining partnership between students and the university, for the correct definition to be in strategy 2020 which would hopefully kick off a change in culture!

Developing the students as change agents project further by defining how students can gain Nottingham Advantage Award credit for getting involved in the programme, which strands of teaching and learning will benefit from this and how we can make this useful to both the university and students as opposed just having an NAA module for the sake of having it Report for Officer Accountability Session

Officer Michael Abiodun Olatokun- ESJ Officer Session 5 Objectives

Inclusion of off-campus halls

Progress  Met with the Raleigh Park JCR.  Advised them on their liaison with their third party accommodation agency, helped publicise rugby opportunities for their students. Placing students at the heart of the community Progress  Worked with the Romanian Society on a voter registration project.  I am currently assisting the next International Students' Officer, Alex Pinzariu, in registering students to vote in the upcoming European Elections. We are working with the Hope Not Hate EM community organising group, who have a lot of resources (forms to secure postal voting, stickers, badges etc. to engage) and are eager to help. Remit


Meeting What Happened The Result Catch up with Sarah Discussed ways of bridging my I will attend the Nottingham Burton. current work with compatible Citizens Delegate reception after manifesto projects for next year. the scrutiny meeting.

Environment and Social The meeting codifies the work of All Hall environment reps invited to Justice Committee the ESJ Officer, SEEN groups and be briefed for Earth Hour on meeting. hall JCR reps. Issues in these three Saturday 29th March. Elections for spheres are discussed and actions next year's committee organised, as created. well as a social for the end of term. One-to-one with Islam We discussed Islamophobia and I will work with Yasmin Talsi, our Soc President. issues in the presentation of his BME Officer, on helping them to constituents' issues in the media. start a campaign in this area.

BassSoc AGM. They elected their committee for Met the DJ Soc President and Bass next year, but more importantly Soc group. We are collaborating in we discussed collaboration on an finding out what we need for this end of year music event on the event. downs. UoN Feminists Meeting. The final preparation of the motion The motion passed and the group took place. I helped them craft are very happy. They presented their approach in part, and also very eloquently and persuaded the told them what they could expect room that our Union should take a at Union Council. stance against the objectification of women. Meeting with Lydia from In light of my recent election, we I now have a much better idea of Nottingham Citizens. discussed a wider group of projects how Citizens work and ways in than the Living Wage. We spoke of which other officers could benefit ways that campaigns against racist from working with them. hate crime might look. Other Issues or Events

Issue What Happened The Result Supporting Campaign Spoke at AGMs about the Union People and Planet are holding groups. LeftSoc and the work of the ESJ elections. Their committee has Affiliation, Unicef/P&P Committee. Support struggling been troubled this year and I will AGMs. SEEN elections. keenly support whoever is elected. The election of Emily The Union chose my successor in It passed. Placed her on my Holmes to succeed me. the Student Leader Elections. committee and introduced her to

Earth Hour. One of the biggest days of the year The Sustainability team and I have (in environmental circles) will be actioned environmental reps to on the 29th January. It is a national hold film screenings, debates and day of environmental meet and greet events for an hour consciousness raising. in their jcrs to engage people in discussion re pollution/wastage/sustainability/re cyling. Their residents will turn their lights and electrical equipment off. There is a fairly wide spread of engaged reps at the Jubilee/University Park campuses supporting the day, but we are having trouble with the off-campus reps. Feeling guilty. During the election, I realised that I I will attend all of the have not been proactive enough as Environmental events that my JCR an officer in trying to engage a reps are working on from now on, more diverse and less “portland- for an opportunity to talk to the centric” group of students in my people I represent, and they will be work. I only really began to “GOAT” at all ESJ Committee metings from (go out and talk to students) when now on. I have noticed that about a job opportunity would result. the way I work, and hope to change it going forward.


Policy Living Wage Type Single With Matt Styles and Living Wage campaigners Action  Met with local leaders of Nottingham Citizens Groups.  Discussed plans going forward for the city-wide campaign.  I have been actioned by Citizens to encourage New College Nottingham to attend a meeting.  We are planning a celebration event of Cripps Health Centre becoming a living wage employer. Template for Officer Reports for Officer Accountability Session

Officer Mike Dore Session 5


Improve mental health provision at University of Nottingham Progress  I have been involved in consultation in new members of staff coming in to mental health support team and also new recruitment within Student Services.  We have been invited to the table to develop these plans, and I am currently meeting with course-based societies regarding what they would like to see in a peer support scheme. This is still ongoing; myself, and Dasha are now on the working group, where we will be meeting with schools interested in developing the programme. Work with partners within the University to develop support for students who face harassment at University Progress  Reviewed harassment cases coming in to the Student Advice Centre and hasn’t been any difficulties as of yet in using the new dignity policy  Planning on facilitating training for our Student Advice Centre team in liberation issues to help deal with harassment cases coming in.  Have met with dignity advisors on a couple of cases which have required support from the Union, leading to discussions whether a joint set-up should be considered. Improving the Night-time experience of our students in Nottingham Progress  Meeting with the network and researchers to talk next steps. Providing Women’s Officers are happy, I’d like to run a pledge-style campaign similar to work of NUS Scotland. Challenge the University to improve on-campus, physical infrastructure for the benefit of all students Progress  The long pathway on the downs is proving the most difficult, as that area is a ‘place of natural beauty’ and there is certain resistance to more lights being added. I wrote a paper documenting our walk, the outcomes and our evidence from previous surveys. This has been sent to various members of the Estates team and I am currently awaiting a response. This will be being raised at the next Student’s Unions Central Liaison Group Meeting also.  So following on from that point, the Central liaison group proved useful; we pushed this pretty hard and got conformation that the reasons for neglecting this were ‘flimsy’, i.e. they were coming up with excuses. I have since sent the paper to various allies in the University and they are following this up with Estates. I will be chasing this up shortly, but at this moment we are being patient.  I have still been chasing this, and at this current time I am no farther forward.  I will now be asking for support from Ellie to take this up formally with the head of Estates, with whom she has a good working relationship with. Continue to tackle additional course costs in line with the plans in the Education Network Progress  Vet School have agreed to subsidise and absorb some 5th year placement and travel costs which amounts to £350 per student!  With all of our asks to the Vet School being successful, and a good working relationship established, I am moving on to 2 new schools.  I have met with English and about to meet with Spanish/Portuguese studies; both are high on priority schools. Next steps will involve putting together a paper with further insight, and meeting with schools to discuss. Work with the University to create more space for faith groups Progress  Our new Faith & Cultural Co-ordinator has started so have been inducting her and facilitating meetings with the different chaplains and faith societies.  Have been supporting Jsoc with an interfaith initiative.  Hoping to be incorporated into Portland space review Provide sexual health care in Derby equivalent to that on other University campuses Progress  Still monitoring progress.



Meeting What Happened The Result Training Development Working group to discuss different Working on basic welfare training Working Group training we give as a Union and that can be used for anyone, then how it can be more tailored support with developed/improved. practical stuff for students with welfare remit.

Personal Safety Working with University, Police and Launching in late March, involving Campaign Trent on personal safety campaign, lots of key-ring torches and safety welfare reps and CU also cards. Messages coming from supporting. many different student groups, who were involved in the consultation stages of the campaign.

Other Issues or Events

Issue What Happened The Result Leading on our NUS Have selected Officer/staff team to We are going for HE Union of the awards working group decide which awards to go for and Year… fingers crossed! who to lead on nominations.

Issue What Happened The Result Equal Opps & welfare Organised QT for candidates for Some good questions and a good Question Time networks to attend and anyone turnout. with an interest for welfare.

Student eviction from Working on supporting students Working group formed, most likely halls when quickly evicted from halls taking it to Registrar as he is and attaining a ‘grace period’ that designated lead for this policy. they are given so they have time to find a place.

Annual Members Been preparing preparation for this meeting week of our previous financial year for our Annual Members meeting. Policy

Policy Equal Opportunities Type Single With N/A Action  No action taken Policy Equal Marriage Type PT/FT With N/A Action  No action taken Policy Gender Neutral Toilets Type PT/FT With N/A Action  No action taken Policy Respecting Religion Type Single With N/A Action  No action taken Policy Safe Space Type Single With N/A Action  No action taken Policy Safety on campus Type Joint With Community Action  Lighting on campus project Policy Sexual health policy Type Single With N/A Action  No action taken Policy Zero tolerance to sexual harassment Type PT/FT With Women’s Action  No action taken Policy Equal Opportunities Type Single With N/A Action  No action taken Policy  No action taken Type PT/FT With Disabled Action  No action taken Policy Donation not discrimination Type PT/FT With LGBT Action  No action taken Policy To join Nottingham Citizens Type Joint With Community Action  No action taken Policy STAR Equal Access Motion Type Single With N/A Action  Have written a letter to the VC, signed by all FTOs and leader of STAR campaign.  Will be booking in a meeting to formally give the letter over Policy No More Page 3 Type PT/FT With Women’s Officer Action  Have done a number of media interviews and statements as a result of this campaign, explaining the work that the UoN Feminists did and the council structure.  Met with various students who are against the motion and are calling for action, supporting them to do so. Officer Reports for Officer Accountability Session

Officer Will Knapp (Activities) Session 02/04/2014


Improving relationships with society committees Progress  From the Presidents meetings, there is clearly a problem with the expectations of the Finance Department. From this, I am collating a list of complaints/concerns to work on with the Department.  When this is complete we will be releasing a “You Said, We Did” document.

Creating a Smartphone App Progress  Having created a list of essentials, desirables and nice to haves – a brief has been sent over to a local company in Nottingham.  Currently waiting for a response on potential designs and costs.

Improving Employability Progress  Waiting for one more department to confirm money from their budget before we go ahead and purchase the website feature.

Establishing a closer link between schools and societies Progress  Complete  Also met with Econ & Finance Soc and Business Soc about a potential merger – was decided that this was not the right way forward. Business Soc now working with Andy O’Hara to create of clearer set of Aims and Objectives.

Space and Storage Progress  Cages removed and storage shelving now installed in both rooms. One final clear out on Monday and will then be sending out applications for societies to apply for space.  University Estates replied to follow up email asking for more specifics regarding Porters Fees. Having sent over the info from group meetings and all other information, I am now waiting on a reply.  Room Bookings Menu waiting for final info from Porters Fees discussions

Making the student voice heard in planning for major events Progress  Following from last year’s feedback, more money has been spent on higher quality acts, with less money going on theme decoration.  Will be working with the Insight team to receive higher quality feedback to help inform the direction of next year’s event.  I have formed a working group for our Celebration Week, which is planned for the penultimate week of term. o Looking to get students involved once properly set up.

Societies Exec Reform Progress  Societies Exec structure has been confirmed through Societies Council.  Next step will be to work with Joe Caunce (next year’s Activities Officer) to define the duties and expectations of the positions.  These will be elected at the next Societies Council in June. Remit


Meeting What Happened The Result Funding to increase  A couple of weeks ago, we sent  4 out of 8 were successful participation out applications and criteria for  2 are waiting on more societies to apply for up to information £500 to undertake an initiative  2 were rejected that would increase participation and engagement with their society.

Meeting What Happened The Result Portland Review Panel  With the Portland Building  We have chosen a research leases expiring in 2015, we are company based on three looking to see how students applications, which will start in use Portland Building to inform a couple of weeks’ time. how it is shaped by us over the next 10+ years.  Societies are the most common users of the Portland Building, especially outside 9-5, which is why I’m on the panel.

Meeting What Happened The Result Reporting and Finance  Sub-committee of Trustee  In terms of my Officer role, Committee Board. provided an update on Clubs,  Content mostly confidential. Societies, SRS, JCR debts.  Student group debt has reduced from £44,598.57 to £16,924.63 over the course of this year.

Other Issues or Events

Issue What Happened The Result Elections  As Chair of Elections  Highest number of candidates Committee, this has taken up a that we’ve ever had running. lot of my time over the past  Highest ever voter turnout for couple of weeks. SU elections in the UK with 11,501 votes.  Only 1 formal complaint throughout the entire process, which was dismissed by Elections Committee as the issue had been resolved between the relevant parties.

Event What Happened The Result Societies Ball  Celebrating an incredible year  An incredible night with over of achievements from our 440 students attending. societies.  7 incredible performances  Time spent chasing various from our Societies on the night, aspects of the event to ensure which was undoubtedly the everything was on track. highlight of the event – Magic  Time also spent deciding on Soc, Moonlighters, LBSS, the awards with Societies Exec. NUDance, Revival Gospel Choir, Break Dance Soc and Pole Dance Soc.  Also had great input from URN and TEC to run the event.


Policy Freedom of Expression Type FT/PT With ESJ Officer Action  Speaker forms are requested every time a group wants to bring in a speaker.  Every time a form is submitted, a quick search is done to ensure they are brought in because of their expertise in that subject, not to cause controversy.

Policy Environment: Sustainable Procurement Type PT/FT With ESJ Officer Action  As the supporting Full Time Officer to ESJ on this policy, I have not been made aware of any purchases made recently that would contravene this policy.

Policy Environment: Waste and Recycling Type PT/FT With ESJ Officer Action  I am yet to be asked to undertake any action on this policy.  Meeting agendas and minutes are now only circulated electronically and the default printer setting is for double sided printing.

Policy Ethical Investments and Banking Type PT/FT With ESJ Officer Action  The Union has a list of banks that we will not use as a result of this policy.  There has been no further need for action since last Accountability Session.

Policy Events Type FT/FT With Sports Officer Action  Events forms are to be approved for every event that a student group runs  Should the event be flagged as controversial, further information is requested before the event is approved.  All approved Events Forms now come with a unique ID code.  All large scale events (over 250 people) planned for after exams will need to be submitted by the end of March to effectively prepare in conjunction with University Estates department.

Policy Respect for International Law in the University’s Procurement and Investment Policy Type PT/FT With ESJ Officer Action  I am yet to be asked to undertake any action on this policy.  The strength of the Union’s relationship with the University now means that we will be made aware when they are dealing with Procurement and Investment.  There has been no further need for action since last Accountability Session.

Policy Society Storage Type FT With - Action  See objectives progress above.

Template for Officer Reports for Officer Accountability Session

Officer Sports Session


Wednesday Academic Provisions Progress  Currently in the process of analysing the results I have a meeting with one of our insight team to look into the survey and the results that we have found, by the time of the meeting I hopefully will be able to update with a plan of action. Expand IMS Progress  Beginning to look at what we can do for next year, and once again looking at where we are at with halls engagement with IMS sport, looking at the idea of taking some of the money out of the JCR pot initially to put towards the program so that halls feel more obliged to get involved or at least to ensure that they are providing an opportunity for those who want to get involved in their halls can. Facilitate Satellite Campuses Progress  No time to really continue with this one as of yet. Meeting with climbing set up still to complete. And shooting will be receiving their grant money for new guns.  Meeting with UNAD required, yet to do this struggling to find an appropriate time especially now many placements have begun. JCR Sport Secs Progress  Both Kiri and Glynn have big ideas about this and one is around separating the sports sec from the JCR to form a sub sport committee this is still only thoughts at the moment and will be fed into discussions that we are having around the effectiveness of the JCR sports secs. Watch this space. Specific guidance for sports committees Progress  In place, just waiting to deliver the training now. Will be reviewing once it is over and how we want to tweak it for next year. Also exciting development in creating new scorecards which will basically take the place of STARS awards. Giving us an effective way to assess how well clubs are getting on in different areas including things like how inclusive they are.



Meeting What Happened The Result University Strategy 2020 Took the place of Ellie at Lots of discussions took place the most recent strategy around study abroad opportunities meeting looking at and how well we tie in Ningbo and international strategy and Malaysia. What we need to do in external engagement. order to stay ahead of the field in this area. With external engagement there was very much some confusion around the room around what it was, where it fit and where students tied into it if at all? Interviews for Director of Took 3 days interviewing for the Second round of interviews was Performance and interim role of Director of Performance intense and the panel struggled to Sport interviewed 7 candidates to make a decision, however it was create a shortlist of 4 and then fantastic that we were on that appointed. panel. A decision has been made and I look forward to him coming in. However that will not be until the end of May so there is quite a lot of work to do in the interim around BUCS entries, scholorships, bursaries, and I will be feeding into these discussions. Varsity Helped out with the dodgeball, Varsity is all a bit complex at the futsal, and volleyaball event on the moment and there is a much wider 19th March. It was a good event discussion going on around the with some spectators. They will be organisation and responsibility of it going onto the list to see if we can all. add them to the official calendar next year. Interviews for Director of Took 2 days to interview for the Awaiting the final round of Participation Director of Participation, very interviews in which I hope we can similar to the last one except we appoint. had 10 candidates, next round will have happened by the time we have scrutiny panel so can update if requested by then and hopefully we will have appointed. Disability Sport Steering 2nd meeting was productive looking Hannnah has gone away and is Group through a lot of Hannah Webber’s tasked with finding 3-4 clubs that ideas. Some of which are very we can begin to trial the idea of ambitious but if they work could be inclusivity liaison officers in club, very effective and making our clubs and then we will review at the end more inclusive. of the year.


Policy 3.2 Type PT/FT With Environment and Social Justice Action  Nothing more to report

Policy 6.5 Type Single With Action  Nothing more to report since last meeting

Policy 6.9 Type Single With Action  Nothing to report – unsure if this policy is still relevant with the new democratic structure

Policy 6.12 Type Single With Action  Nothing more to report since last meeting

Policy 6.13 Type Single With Action  Nothing more to report since last meeting

Policy 6.14 Type Single With Action  Brand value meetings starting week 25/11/13 helping to move the strategy forward

Policy 6.17 Type Single With Action  Same to last meeting Policy

Policy 4.13 Living Wage Type FT/PT With ESJ Officer Action  Mike O is meeting with Sarah Gosling later to discuss the application of this campaign.  I have notified societies with shared interests of the Nottingham Citizens action around this campaign.

Policy 5.1 Balloon release Type FT/PT With ESJ Officer Action  A meeting with Xia Bury will take place next week to discuss this. Any event proposing a non-biodegradable balloon launch will be rejected

Policy 5.5 and 5.8 Lobbying for Environmental change and Environmentally Friendly Heaters Type FT/PT With ESJ Officer Action  That will probably be a page on the Love Your Home Campaign website.  Due to the nature of the ‘Love Your Home’ campaign it will not feature on it

Policy 5.10 No Desk bin Type PT/FT With ESJ Officer Action  This has already been achieved.

Policy 5.11 Wind Turbines Type PT/FT With ESJ Officer Action  Mike Olatokun attended a planning hearing at Beeston Town Hall on the 10th September 2013. Template for Officer Reports for Officer Account Ability Session

Officer Ellie McWilliam - President Session 5


Hello – I just wanted to apologise on my lack of progress on my objectives. I am very aware that some need more attention and I have planned this into my term 3 schedule to make them a priority. China, Malaysia and elections as well as university strategy work has taken up much more time than I first anticipated so I’m working on balancing.

I have a China and Malaysia report that I will be showing to you once it has been approved by the University, I feel that this is the best and easiest way for you to understand what I did on the trip, the outcomes of the focus groups and likewise the recommendations for next steps. I should have got the okay for this next week and therefore will attach it to the next panel.

Demanding Smaller tutor group sizes better tailored to your degree.  I had a meeting with Gabriele Neher about Peer Mentoring and implanting a scheme not only here but on our international campus. We agreed due to president portfolio it makes more sense to allocate peer mentoring to Dasha (Education) and Mike (Welfare)

Wireless printing for your laptops at a better rate; saving you time and money

Progress  I believe that the new printer contracts are waiting to be signed to be implemented next year. ‘Large scale networking events with alumni, professionals and senior staff alike; improving your employability

Progress  I have yet to work on these. ‘Go green; cutting food wastage whilst working in partnership with Nottingham’s Soup Kitchens to benefit others

Progress  I have neglected this point massively but have put in my third term plan to make this a LARGE priority. ‘Greater focus and acknowledgement of our External campuses; improving healthcare provisions for Jubilee and Sutton Bonington campuses whilst incorporating the Ethos and image of our SU

Progress  We are successfully reporting green / amber on our team objectives around promiting the SU to wider campuses – please find attached graph below. ‘Gym freezing for placement students; saving you money whilst keeping you healthy

Progress  NONE TO DATE – I won’t be picking this up until Tom is done with his Wednesday Sport Academic Provision forms ‘Women in leadership Progress  We successfully launched the women in leadership video  Had a successful women in leadership week of events  I am planning on doing another series of actions before I leave – yet to finish this Celebrating our Centenary year

Progress  I am hosting the president lunch with past presidents next week  I am speaking at our 100 hero’s exhibition  I have been promoting it and will continue to showcase the work to students



Meeting What Happened The Result Union Council Away 2 Days Dasha and myself went for 2 The first day was talking about the overall days to discuss at length the 4 strategy vision, mission and aim, which I have strands of strategy 2020, played a significant role in as I sit on both the International, Research, task team and the main group. I am extremely Teaching + Learning and proud that ‘putting students at the centre’ is external engagement the university moto after lobbying from me. Now we are revising how we practically live this in these 4 areas Union Council 4 motions came to council, No More Page 3, selling in the SU shop has again engaging with selected caused some back lash, this has taken up a lot students which I still believe is of my time meeting with various students and fantastic writing the union’s stance. Institutional performance 1st meeting of this new board We have established an action plan whereby board headed by our VC, it is to we are targeting with the SU ways to improve cross compare the league the NSS scores. I am co-writing (with the VC) to tables and establish action applicants who have received offers why Notts plans to establish Nottingham is the best university. as a better institution. Campaign Briefings / I played a significant role during the election period, hosting both question times Question Time and numerous candidate briefings. Student welfare is an important part during the elections ensuring the candidates are mentored is something I feel very passionately about, especially as it’s a long campaign period and some often get negative press. Reporting and Finance We discussed at length here and also at trustee board the changes to the pension scheme.

1-2-1 with officers These happened every month, because I have been away visiting our external campuses I have had to do them all in 2 weeks and therefore have taken up a lot of time.

People Committee I chair this meeting. Lots of pre and We have agreed to change the union’s post prep work had to be completed bereavement leave policy. We also brought the people transformation piece forward as well as the brand values for approval. Trustee Board  Successfully signed off the Union’s Brand Values  Gave our China and Malaysia write up and presentation, some changes need to be made before replicating the process at UEB (University Executive Board) 

Other Issues or Events

Event What Happened The Result Station Road I have been involved in supporting the Sutton Bonington Guild in their campaign to improve safety on the Station Road near the campus. Through research and community organising with the Campaigns & Democracy Department, the campaign has had a lot of positive support. Following this, I met with the Head of Estates and negotiated a donation of £50,000 from the University towards the improvements to road facilities on Sutton Bonington. This should cover 50% of the cost and we now look towards applying pressure to the Council to match this offer.

Chancellors Visit I hosted the Chancellors visit involving all departments and showcasing to him the union. We discussed at length the idea of ‘being where students are’ and updating our facilities Soc Ball I attended the societies ball for the first time, I just wanted to praise the event and say how inspiring I found the performance elements. It really is fabulous watching students showcasing their talents

A.M.M Every year the union hosts their We officially welcomed and selected a Annual Members Meeting whereby we new trustee, Carole. agree our accounts and welcome new I hosted the event and chaired the members discussion. Portland Review Panel I sat on the review panel for this work. We happily come to a decision, I am We graded potential third party extremely excited to work with this researchers to pick the best one. agencies as they have innovative ways of looking at engaging students. Insight manager interview Held a day of interviews as well as being on the selection panel. Successfully hired the position and feel extremely happy with the choice.

Location Initiative Update RAG City Hospital  Work with SUPA and others to New physical space is now in use with kitchen, identify one project for change tables, social seating and TV/media space. Officers that would improve the liaising with SUPA committee to create a less clinical experience of students at this site. feel and more student-friendly.  Create and deliver a campaign Dyslexic support now available to Physiotherapy plan around this project students. Derby  Support the roll out of the UNAD Over 50 students signed up and using the service condom scheme with UNAD welfare reps promoting scheme actively.  Set target of 50 people taking up University very happy with progress and have the opportunity by the end of extended funding agreement for the rest of the year December 2013 (previously agreement was for term 1). QMC  Work with Med Soc and others to Currently analysing survey results from Aldwych identify one project for change regarding priorities for our medic students, of which that would improve the 130 of UoN Medicine students responded. Secured experience of students at this site. University funding for branding re-launch at QMC.  Create and deliver a campaign plan around this project Sutton  Create and deliver a campaign Through work of our Guild, the Orchards clinic has Bonington plan to get the Orchards clinic made improvements regarding online services, staff open on Wednesday afternoons training and hour adjustments. Our SB Campaigns Officer is still an active member of the Orchards Clinic Patient Committee..


NO work has been done on my policies.

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