V„. ytm THE W I T H E R KET PRESS RUN roNOMt br V. S. Weather'BnMo, AVERAGE DAUiT CIRCUliATION New Havea OF THE EVENING UBRALP for the month of Janij^ry, 1027, Snow or rain and, wanner to> V] 4,966 nil^t. Sunday rain, wanner. MANCHESTER, C0?n^.i SATURDAY* FEBRUARY 5, 1927. (tJw ELVR PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XU ., NO. 108. Ciasslfied Adrertising on Page 6 BUPERSHERE To Close Dirty Shows CONN. CO. PROMISES As Public Nuisances IMPROVED SERWCE VOTE TO HGHI WAGE INCREASE New York Authorities, Disgusted With Stage AS GREAT BATTLE t Delay, Have Plenty of Law, WOMAN LOSES JOB 'I . ■ I Officials Tell Herald They THEN DIBS IN STORM They Declare. Montreal, Feb. 5.— Mrs. Eva Carpenters’ Demands For $1 Plan Drastic Changes Riedel, 57, was frozen to death Sun, Shanghais Defender, during the blizzard which has New York, Feb. 6.— Without without aeIa;Hng until an outraged swept this section for two days. a Day More WiD Be Op waiting any longer for the theater public sentiment demands sf^te Here— South Manchester censorship.” Her body was discovered partly to censor itself from within, the Hard Pressed in Conflict covered by a snow drift. She had posed— Budding Due For Mr. M c^ughlin said each police been dismissed from her posi Police GommUsloner and the Inspector would therefore be re- Line to Benefit— Main nflnded today "the hands-off-the- tion In LachIne, and altl^ough trict Attorney of New York County SUE PARISH PRIEST thinly clad had evidently faced Let-Up They Say.
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