Four Page Colored ice of This Paper is S cents everywhere—Pay no more Comic Section 12 Pages Today CARTERET PRESS Editorials, Page 4 y<)l, IV, No. 31 C.AKTRRF.T, N. .!., FRIDAY, MRCH 26, 1926 PRICE THREE CKNT3 Sophomore Hop Planned Theatre Owners To Build Big Card Party Will Be Annual Event Barrie's Great Play New Theatre To Be Modern Picture Theatre Biggest Fight Show Built In Center of Town HmnoroDS Sketch Due to the success of the Hop, giv- And Dance Here At New Empire Morris Spewak, proprietor of the en by the Sophomores last year, the two local theatres, has purchased a| Here Tomorrow Announcement was made yester- Indies Democratic Club Com- Sophomores of this year have decid- 'Uncle Torn1* Cabin" and "A day to a representative of the PRESS Scores Big Hit plot of six lots at Cooke avenue and Fans Believe Card Arranged pleting Arrangement* For ed to make the Hop an annual af- Ki»i For Cinderella" Washington avenue and intends to that a new, modern theatre is to be Mother-Teacher Association fair of the second grades. By Firemen The Best Ever erected soon In CarUrst. A corpo- Big Social Event At Dal- Among Big Pictures erect a modern motion picture thea- of Presbyterian Church Suc- At a meeting of the class during tre there. The property was pur- Put On Here ration of local and Now York men ton's On Eatter Mon- cessfully Presents Play the week, the date for the second an- At Rahway Theatre chased from Councilman Sameul B. have purchased a site at Cook ave- day Night nual Sophomore Hop was set for Fri- —Benefit Show Brown. With nil the members of Fire Com- nue snd Irvine street. The plot has About The Sewing day evening, April 30, in the high < on Sunday Mr, Spewak stated that he plans to pany No. 2 working at top speed and a frontage of seventy-five feet and Circle Many preparations are being made school gymnasium. The class com- build a large structure, possible seat- al! the friends and fans of the fight- is about 100 fret deep. Work will mittee is working hard to arrange f,,r the big card party and dance to ing 2,006 persons. He said that the ers rooting, the fight show tomorrow begin as soon as the weather is fav- "The Sewing Circle Meets at Mrs. an evening of enjoyment. One of the James M\ Barrie's charming play, location is better suited to the needs night in Dalton's hall under the aus- orable and, it is expected, the the- Martin's" n humorous one-set sketch |,i< h''lil under the auspices of the La- best orchestras in the State will be "A Kiss for Cinderella", is perhaps of the public than either of hl« pres- pices of the fire company promises to atre will be completed and ready for presented Friday night in the Flnt ,lio» Democratic Club on Easter Mon- booked for the occasion. Garnet to the most notable of several great pictures billed at the New Empire ent houses as the latter are too small be a big success in every respect. A shows some time in August. Presbyterian Church, under the aat- ,[ay night, April 6, in Dalton's au- satisfy all players will be provided. record crowd is assured unless all the theatre, Rahway,^or the week begin- and it incolves needless labor to op- pices of the Mother-Teacher Associa- There will be several specialty dependable signs of the fight game According to the announcement 1t .liiorium. More than 200 prizes will ning today. Of the many master- erate two houses in opposite ends of tion, drew a full house and proved JS l,i' offered for the winners in the numbers by the Sophomores during the borough. One modern theatre in fail, the card will be well worth see- is to be modern in every respect with a success both artistically and fin an- .S the evening, refreshments will be pieces that Barrie wrote, "A Kiss a stage large enough to present vau- , Lrrl primes. AH the popular games "or Cinderella" and "Peter Pan," are a central location and .fitted with all i dally. The Association cleared* 184 '?| .urh as euchre, whist, five hundred, served. Dancing and card playing modern equipment and conveniences,' The star bout on the card will deville {which will be a regular fes by the venture and those cast won will start at 7.30 and continue until rated the beRt. The story of Cin- .ind pinochle,Afill be played. For the derella, in one form or another, of Mr. Spewak said, wlil be appreciated' ' brinbringg together Dick Lynch of Car- ture) or other plays. The main fea a name for themselves as clever ,l:inrers excellent music has been as- 11.30. A door prize will be award- by the people of the borough. teret and Kid Karslick of South ture will be motion pictures and a thesplans course, is much older. It is one of high grade screen projection machine) ,.(l by the engagement of the Pine ed. River. These two are sluggers as Tht plot upon a theme of charac- r the oldest stories known and ver- will be installed. [Yn> Orchestra. Many of the prizes- well as-boxers and both have a list r clash with the tremendous ener- sions of it were told long before the The new theatre, it is announced ,,, ta be exhibited in the windows Christian era. But none has the Young Roxy Bests Mallon of knockouts to their credit. Lynch gy and ever ready critical powers In Perth Amboy Scrap has trained in local quarters for sev- will have a balcony and will be cap- of "Mrs. Smith, the Parish terror," :,! DaltonV charm and human appeal of the able of seating about 1,200 persons. Mr?. William V. Coughlin is chair- Tax Rate Jumps Barrie version. eral of his fights in the paBt but is the motive force. As a member of .,,,,] of the committee on arrange- has never worked so hard as he has he sbciety she clashes with all the The picture will be presented in Substituting for Gene Fernandez ments. She has called another meet- for the battle tomorrow night and ither members. The character was Twenty-five Points the New Empire as the leading fea of Amboy, Young Roxy of Newark, ,,- ,f the committee to be held in never was in better condition; per- bly interpreted by Mrs. E. H. Mott. ture on Monday, Tuesday and Wed New Jersey bantamweight .cham- I . home, Monday night, when the pion, had an edge on Jackie Mallon, haps never in as good condition. Three Local Places "Eliza," a maid (Miss Esther Mor- r Carteret Formerly Lowest In neaday of next week. Betty Bron i ,,;il details will be completed for of New York City, formerly of Eng- The same may be said of the way ris,) famished much of the humor County It Now Only Fourth son is the star and is supported by ji,, b\g event. The other members land, on the main bout at the P. A. Johnny Carroll has been training for Raided By Police by her frankness about Mrs. Mar- From Top. New Rate a fine cast. There will be extra fea- ,f the committee are: Mrs. Olga Ad- Boxing Show last night. The bout his special six-round go with Irish in's affairs and those of the other tures on Wednesday including "Op- :IM,>-.. Mra. William Duff, Isadora 6.33 was a hummer but was cut down to Kid Brown of Elizabeth. Liquor Found In Each. One members of the. circle. portunity Night," in which ten acts v.-hwRrti, Mrs. C. A. Sheridan, Mr. six rounds because Roicy had taken Carroll is the idol fo fight fans in Things keep getting more and of vaudeville will be presented and Had Cent Machine And ;,:A Mrs. Harry Helm, Mrs. William Carteret's tax rate has jumped an- the bout at a minute's notice and Carteret and has a long record of more strained in the affairs of the cash prizes will be awarded to th Ran Pool Room With- i '<) Hrien, Mrs. Georgt Swenson, Mrs. othtr twenty-five points. The tax has a hard fight on for Wednesday victories. His fighting is a thing apart sewing circle and there is a grand best on vote of the audience. Jack y.incis Coughlln, Miss Florence rate for the municipalities of the night. Fernandez was,taken ill in from the run of boxers and his en- out License climax when all the members resign. Hoxie in "Bustin* Through", is an- -..Titian, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cough-1 county were made public today and New York City. Mallon scaled 120 durance and knowledge of the game Sach member of the cast did credit- other Wednesday feature. It is a i Mr*. Laura Crane, Mrs. Hay, [the rate for Carteret is 5.33 at and his opponent a pound less. Poul- are exceptional. The Irish Kid from Three places were raided Sunday ble work in her part. The play may . stirring romance of the cattle coun- Hetty Jefferys, James Mullan, I against 5.08 for last year. The rat* sen had no easy task in getting Roxy announced as "one tough evening by the police in a quest for * repeated. Miss try with action, shooting, and plots Grohman, Henry Staubach, For this engagement. baby" but Carroll, in the opinion of moonshine and evidence, it is said, In addition to the sketch there K;irt for the borough has jumped in four by villians mixed up in a land deal Scalty, Francis Coughlin, Ed- yean from 3.74 to 5.33, the figure Mallon, the Idol of many fans, took every fight fan who has seen him was found in each.
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