Attendance List / Liste De Présence
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Country Private/ Ministries Delegate Address Telephone-Email Alternate Governamental Austria Gov and gov Federal Ministry of Julia Tschelaut Dept. II/7 - Department for Tel.: +43-1-53120-6053 Eva Schmutzer-Hollensteiner (AT) Science and Research International University Fax: +43-1-53120-816053 Federal Ministry for Science and Relations and Promotion of Mail: Research Young Scientists [email protected] Teinfaltstrasse 8 A-1010 Vienna Teinfaltstrasse 8 .at Tel: +43 1 53 120 6051 A-1010 Vienna Fax: + 43 1 53 120 81 6051 E-mail: eva.schmutzer- [email protected] Belgium Gov Belgian Science Policy Mr. Bernard Delhausse Rue de la science, 8 B tel: 32 2 238 36 80 (BE) Office Attaché, Intl 1000 - Brussels fax: 32 2 230 59 12 Coordination Bernard.DELHAUSSE@bel Belgium Gov Flemish government Karen Haegemans Policy support and academic Tel: 32 2 553 58 91 (BE) Senior Researcher industry Fax: 32 2 553 60 07 Koning Albert II-laan 35, Bus [email protected] 10 1030 Brussels Belgium Gov Ministère de la M. Marco Segers Direction de la Recherche Tel: 32 (0) 2 690 87 86 (BE) Communauté française Attaché (pour les affaires scientifique [email protected] européennes) Rue A. Lavallée 1 B - 1080 Bruxelles Bulgaria Gov and gov Ministry of Education Mrs Guenoveva Transnational Scientific tel. +359 2 9217 532 Ms.Diana Peeva (BG) and Science JECHEVA Initiatives fax +359 2 981 14 04 Junior expert Transnational Scientific Initiatives Head of Division Scientific Research Dept. [email protected] Scientific Research Dept [email protected] Cyprus Gov and gov Planning Bureau Christos ASPRIS Planning Bureau tel: +357 22602881 Telemachos TELEMACHOU (CY) Government of the Planning Officer 29 Vironos Avenue, fax: +357 22666810 Research & Information Soc..Attaché Permanent Rep of the Rep of Cyprusto Republic of Cyprus 1409 Nicosia, [email protected] Cyprus the EU Av. de Cortenbergh, 61 - 1000 Brussels Tel: 02/739 51 31/11 02/735 45 52 [email protected] Czech Gov Ministry of Education, Ms. Jirina Frycova Karmelistka street 7, 118 12 Tel: +420-257-193-504 Republic Youth and Sports; (replacing Sarka Prague 1 Fax +420-257-193-713 The Czech Republic [email protected] (CZ) Department of Brabnikova) International Cooperation in
Research and Development
Denmark Gov and gov The Danish Agency for Mrs. Mette Ballebye Bredgade 40 e-mail [email protected] The Danish Agency for Science, (DK) Science, Technology 1260 Copenhagen K. Technology and Innovation and Innovation Denmark Bredgade 40 1260 Copenhagen K. Denmark e-mail [email protected] Zacharias Balslev-Clausen [[email protected]] Estonia Gov and gov Estonian Ministry of Ursula Tubli Research Policy Department Tel : + 372-735 0316 Mr Rein Kaarli Adviser (EE) Education and Chief Expert Estonian Ministry of Fax: + 372-735 0220 FP7 National Coordinator Research Education and Research, [email protected] Department of research Munga 18 - 50088 Tartu - EE Estonian Ministry of education and Research Munga 18 50088 Tartu Estonia tel: + 372 735 0213 fax: + 372 735 0220 Finland Gov and priv Ministry of Education Ms Eeva KAUNISMAA Ministry of Education and tel: +358 9 1607 6960 Ms Tiina Petänen (FI) and Science Senior Adiver Science Division for Higher fax: + 258 9 1607 7137 Science Adviser Bioscience and Environment Replacement maternity Education and Science [email protected] Research Unit Academy of Finland leave: P.O. Box 29 (Meritullinkatu Anna- P.O. Box 99 (Vilhonvuerenkatu 6) FI- Anna-Kaarina Peura 10) FI- 00023 Government, [email protected] 00501 Helsinki, Finland Senior Adviser Finland tel: + 358 9 7748 8263 fax: + 358 9 7748 8395 Ministry of Education [email protected] and Culture
France Gov and gov Ministère Délégué à Ms Marina Govoroff Ministère de l'Enseignement Tel.: +33 1 55 55 80 82 Stéphane Aymard (FR) l'Enseignement supérieur et de la recherche [email protected] Université de La Rochelle supérieur et de la Service de coordination Centre Universitaire de Recherche strategique et territories Relations avec les Entreprises 1, rue Descartes, 75005 Paris Tel.: +33 5 46 45 68 90 [email protected] Nahel Jean-Luc (no nomination yet)
Germany Gov and gov Bundesministerium für Dr. Birgit GALLER Federal Ministry of Education Tel: +49 (0) 3018-57 5264 (DE) Bildung und Forschung Head of division and Research Fax: +49 (0) 3018-57-8- Section 417 "International 5264 Gerhard Duda [[email protected]] Exchange in Higher [email protected] Education; Internationalization" Friedrichstr. 130 B 10117 Berlin Greece Priv, priv and gov Research & Technology- M. Dimitrios NCP for the Specific Programme Tel.: +30 23 10 49 81 55 Dr Vassiliki Pletsa General (EL) Hellas (CERTH) SANOPOULOS 6thkm Charilaou - Thermi Road Movil: +30 69 46 79 66 90 Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) Head of Liaison Office P.O. Box 60361 Fax :+30-23-10-49-82-80 GR-570 01 Thermi Thessaloniki Ministry for Development [email protected] Tel no: +30 210 7714495/7458094 Fax no: + 210 7714153 e-mail: [email protected],
Hungary Gov and gov National Office for Nora Jeney 1117 Budapest Neumann Tel: +36-1-484-2878 Szonja Csuzdi (HU) Research and Janos u 1/C Email: Head of Unit National office for Research & Technology [email protected] Technology Department foe EU relations Tel: +36-1-4842954 Fax: +36-1-266-0801 [email protected] Ireland Priv and priv Office of Science, Aidan Hudson Dept. of Enterprise, Trade & Tel. : +00 353 1631 2201 Mr Conor O'CARROLL (IE) Technology & Principal Officer Employment email: IUA (Irish Universities Association) 48 Merrion Square - Dublin 2 Innovation Office of Science, Techn. 23 Kildare Street [email protected] Innovation Tel: +353 1 676 4948 Dublin 2 Fax: +353 1 662 2815 e-mail: [email protected]
Italy Priv and gov Cluster in Molecular Fulvio Esposito Rettorato Ph. 0039-0737-402003 (IT) Biomedicine - CBM - Rector University of 62032 Camerino Cell. 00393386021883 University of Trieste Camerino Fax 00390737402007 [email protected] [email protected] Latvia Priv and gov Latvian EURAXESS Dr. Arnis Kokorevics Latvian Researchers' Mobility Tel: +371 29473753 Ms. Signe Martisune- replacing (LV) Service Center Expert Centre Fax: +371 67310135 Dace Tirzite 27 Dzerbenes Street, Riga, arnis Science Attaché to the Permanent LV-1006 Representation of Latvia in the EU-23 avenue des Arts 1000 Bruxelles +32 2 2 383 126 [email protected] 3 ______STEERING GROUP MEMBERS
Lithuania Gov and gov Ministry of Education Mrs. Jurate Deviziene Phone +370 5 2190118 Mr Albertas Zalys (LT) and Science of the Deputy Head of the Fax +370 5 2190100 Director of the Department of Republic of Lithuania International jurate.deviziene @ sm Science & Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Cooperation Division Science of the Republic of Lithuania Z.Sierakausko str. 15, LT-01516 Vilnius Tel : 370 5 219 01 12 Fax : 370 5 219 01 00 [email protected]
Luxembo Gov and gov Ministère de la Culture, Mme Josiane Département Recherche et Tel: 352 478 5217 Mr. Leon Diederich Conseiller urg de l'Enseignement ENTRINGER Innovation Fax: 352 460927 de Gouvernement (LU) Supérieur et de la Chargée de mission 20, Montée de la Pétrusse [email protected] Ministère de la Culture, de Recherche L-2912 Luxembourg l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Luxembourg Tel : 352-24786642 [email protected] Malta Gov and gov Malta Council for Dr Brian Warrington Villa Bighi, Kalkara KKR tel. +356 21 660340 Ms Jacqueline Fenech (MT) Science and Technology 1320, Malta (fax) +35621660341 email: [email protected] [email protected] .mt MsChristine Scholz email : [email protected]
Poland Gov and gov Ministry for Science Anna Majda Department of Strategy Tel : 48-22-529-22-25 Mrs Anna WISNIEWSKA (PL) and Higher Education Fax : 48-22-62-89-713 U1. Wspolna 1/3, 00- 529 Ministry of Science and Higher [email protected] Warsaw tel: 48 22 826 2502 Education [email protected] fax: 48 22 828 5370 Poland, 02-529 Warsaw [email protected]. pl 20 Hoża St.
Portugal Gov and gov Ministério da Ciência, Hugo Horta Av. de Cortenbergh 12 Tel.: +32 2 286 42 48 Ana Margarida Santos (PT) Tecnologia e Ensino 1040 Brussels BELGIUM [email protected] Av. 5 de Outubro n°85, 5°- Superior 1050-050 Lisboa T. 351-21-782 83 00 [email protected]
Romania Gov, gov and gov Ministry of Education Mr Adrian Curaj 1, Schitu Magureanu Ave., [email protected] Ms. Anca GHINESCU National (RO) and Research director of the Executive Sector 5, Bucharest, Romania Authority of Scientific Research Phone: + 4021 212 77 91 National Authority for Agency for Higher Tel 004021 307 19 10 [email protected] Scientific Research Education and Research Alexandra Vancea Funding (UEFICSU) [email protected]
Slovak Gov and gov Ministry of Education Danica Hudáková Department for National [email protected] Ing. Eva Murínová Rep (replacing Katarina and European S&T Policy k Chief State Counsellor (SK) Kostalova) Division of S&T Policy Tel : +421 2 59 10 26 47 Department of Strategy and Analyses Division of Science and Technology Ministry of Education of Ministry of Education of the Slovak the Slovak Republic Republic
Stromová 1 Stromová 1 831 30 Bratislava 813 30 Bratislava Slovak Republic Tel.: 00421 2 692 52 227 Fax: 00421 2 692 02 203 Slovenia Gov Ministry of Higher Mrs. Radojka Vercko Trg OF 13 Tel: +386 1 478 4683 (SI) Education, Science and Under Secretary of the SI-1000 Ljubljana Fax: +386 1 478 4719 Technology Office for International [email protected] Cooperation and European Affairs Programmme Committee Member NCP "People" and "Sc in Soc" Spain Priv and gov ETSIA-Universidad Dra.M. Ines Minguez Ciudad Universitaria s/n Tel: +34 660006354 Dr. David Sayago (ES) Politécnica de Madrid Tudela (replacing Israel fax: +34 915449983 Oficina Europe Ministerio de Marques) 28040 Madrid. SPAIN E-mail: Ciencia e Innovación Vicerrectora adjunta investigación [email protected] c/ Albacete, 5 -2ª planta Este ETSIA-Universidad Telf: +34 91 603 79 55 E-mail: Politécnica de Madrid- [email protected] Ciudad Universitaria s/n Sweden Gov and gov Ministry of Education Mr. Max Kesselberg Division for Higher Education Tel: +46 8 405 4145 Mats Johnsson (SE) Senior Adviser SE - 10333 Stockholm Fax: +46 8 723 1752 Division for Higher Education max.kesselberg@education. +46 8 4051840 [email protected]
Netherlan Gov and gov The Ministry of Drs. Yvonne Schaap- Directorate Research and Tel: +31 70 412 34 56 ds Education, Culture and Koenen Science Policy Direct number : 31 70 41 23 (NL) Science Senior Policy Advisor P.O. Box 16375/IPC:4100 401 2500 BJ Den haag Fax: 70 41 22 080 [email protected] United Gov, gov and priv Research Councils UK Anne Grikitis Office of Science & Technology anne.grikitis1@dius Dr Brian DITCHAM Kingdom STEM and Science Office of Science & Technology (UK) Workforce unit in Bay 5120 Research Base 1, Victoria Street Directorate London SW1H 9HP Tel: +44 20 7215 6419 Fax: +44 20 7215 6410 [email protected] Dr. Iain Cameron RCUK [email protected]
+44 (0) 1793 444038
Candidate Countries
Croatia Priv and University of Zagreb Prof. Neven Duic Faculty of Mechanical Tel: +385 (0)91 5285 443 Ms. Suzana Karabaic (HR) gov Engineering and Naval Fax: +385 (0)1 500 5652 NCP FP7 Specific Programme Architecture of the Univ. Of People Zagreb [email protected] Tel: +385 (0)1 5494 030 Ivana Lučića, 5 Fax: +385 (0)1 5494 720 10000 Zagreb E-mail: [email protected]
Turkey Gov Ministry of State Ms. Melis Yurttagul TUBITAK Tel: +90 312 468 5300/1097 (TR) Turkish Scientific & Ataturk Bulvari 221 , Kavaklidere Fax: +90 312 467 3659 Ankara Technological [email protected] Karakuzu Miray Research Council - TUBITAK FYROM Gov and Ministry of Education Dr.Natasa Markovska Bd. Krste Misirkov, bb 1000 tel. mob+38923235427 Marina Nikolovska (FY) gov and Science Skopje [email protected] Senior Adviser Macedonian Academy [email protected] of Science and Arts 6 ______STEERING GROUP MEMBERS
Associated Countries
Iceland Gov and Icelandic mission to the Hjordis HENDRIKSDOTTIR Rond-Point Schuman 11 Tel. 022385013 Agust H. Ingthorsson (IS) gov EU Science Counsellor 1040 Brussels Belgium Fax +354 552 9814 Counsellor (Science, Education & hjordis.hendriksdottir@utn. Culture) Icelandic mission to the EU Rue de Trêves 74, 1040 Brussels [email protected] Israel Gov and Israël Ministry of Ms. Ilana Lowi P.O. Box 49100 Dr Israel Peer (IL) priv Science, Culture and Director, Intl Relations Jerusalem 91490 Research Authority, Bar-Ilan Sport Project Coordinator for ERA- [email protected] University Ramat Gan; Israel MORE projects T. +972-2-541 11 83 52900 Tel : 972-3-531-84-03/04 NO LONGER F. +972-2-582 57 25 Mob: +972-50-623 11 83 Mobile : 972-51-880-880 Fax : 972-3--635-32-77 [email protected] Liechtenst gov Office of Economic Mr. Markus Buergler Head Office of Economic Affairs Tel : 423-236-76-86 ein Affairs Liechtenstein of Labour Market Service Gerberweg 5 Fax : 423-236-68-95 (LI) Government FL-9490 Vaduz [email protected] Norway Gov and Ministry of Education Mrs Mette Lending Dept of Research, Tel: +47 22 24 76 78 Hans M BORCHGREVINK (NO) gov & Research PO Box 8119, Fax : +47 22 24 95 51 Special Adviser, Intl Unit N-0032, Oslo [email protected] The Research Council of Norway, P.O. Box 2700 St. Hanshaugen, N- 0131 Oslo Tel: + 47 2203 71 60 F. +47-2203-7194 Mobile: +47-970-464 07 [email protected] Serbia Gov and Ministry of Science Prof. Dr. Viktor Nedovic Nemanjina 22-26 Tel./Fax: +381 11 3616 589 Prof. Dr. Miroslav Trajanovic (RS) priv Assistant Minister for 11000 Belgrade E-mail: Mechanical Engineering Faculty International Cooperation Serbia [email protected] University of Nis Aleksandra Medvedeva 14 18000 Nis Serbia Tel. +381 18 500 662 Fax +381 18 500 661 E-mail: [email protected]
Switzerlan Gov and State Secretariat for Sonja Merwar Hallwylstrasse 4, CH-3003 +41 31 323 52 78 Ms. Gabriela Obexer d priv Education and Bern Sonja.Merwar Coordinator International (CH) Research Relations of CRUS Postbox 607 CH- 3000 Bern 9 Switzerland gabriela.obexer-ruff
Bosnia&Herzegovina Ministry of Civil Ms Biljana Camur Trg BiH 1 [email protected] Ms Alma Hasanovic Affairs of Bosnia and Assistant to the Minister for 71 000 Sarajevo Tel: + 387 33 492 552 Adviser for European Integration Herzegovina Science and Culture in Science Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina Trg BiH 1 71 000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina [email protected] + 387 33 492 553
Montenegro Ministry of Education Ms. Nada Kovac Rimski trg bb [email protected] Ms. Branka Zizic and Science Senior Advisor for International 20000 Podgorica, Montenegro Senior Advisor for International Academic Mobility Tel +38 220 405-313 Scientific Cooperation Ministry of Education and Fax: +38 220 405 334 Science [email protected]
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