Bangor on Dee Community Council s1

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Bangor on Dee Community Council s1


A Meeting of Bangor on Dee Community Council was held on Tuesday 15th September 2015 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall, Overton Road, Bangor on Dee.

Present : Councillors: Cllr G Tranter (Chair), G Hughes, R Forster, S Morrison, J Grice, T Adams, H Jones and PCSO L Maurice.

S Merry – Clerk.

Apologies: Councillors: R Spencer, B Huckle, J Jones.

The meeting was chaired by Cllr G Tranter.

The Chairman welcomed back the community councillors after the summer break. The meeting was informed that there is now a vacancy as Cllr R Spencer had resigned from the council, following his move away from the village.


There were no declarations of interest noted.


The Minutes of the last meeting on the 21st July, having been circulated were reviewed and agreed as an accurate record. Proposed by Cllr R Forster and seconded by Cllr T Adams.


Matters arising out of the last meeting on 21st July are as follows:

The Clerk confirmed he had contacted the WCBC Planning Department regarding the storage of cars on a residential property in the village. The matter is to be monitored and reviewed again if the position does not change.

One off donations to St Dunawds Parish Church and the Presbyterian Church have been paid. The Clerk confirmed he had also received thank you correspondence from both parties. Cllr H Jones also thanked the council on behalf of the Parish Church and reiterated that the funds will be used to assist the Church with their energy costs, in particular the lighting of the exterior of the church in the evening.

With regard to planning applications the Clerk confirmed instructions had been emailed to all councillors on how to view future applications online.

[1] In his absence the Clerk confirmed that Cllr B Huckle has also had some difficulty contacting the owners of the Royal Oak regarding the Boat House. It is understood the family are spending the summer overseas.

The Clerk confirmed that historical minutes for the period March 1967 to March 1985 and May 1989 to December 2007 have been deposited at the Wrexham Museum for safe keeping.

Regarding contact with the Empty Homes Officer, Cllr H Jones asked the Clerk to make contact regarding a long term empty property in Abbey Gardens. The property is deteriorating and therefore having a financial impact on other residents in the area. Action: Clerk to contact the Empty Homes Officer at WCBC

At this point the meeting came out of Standing Orders to receive policing information. This was proposed by Cllr J Grice and seconded by Cllr R Forster.

PCSO L Maurice informed the council that the crime report for July/August 2015 was low.

Speed checks on Whitchurch Road for the 12th August was presented to the council. 30 cars came under the speed gun, with speeds ranging from 22 to 38 mph in a 30 mph zone. Although the average speed was 28.96 mph there were 9 drivers exceeding the speed limit. It was agreed that this information should be passed to a Whitchurch Road resident, Mr Richardson, who is keen to lower speeds in this area. Action: Clerk to write to Mr Richardson.

Speed checks will continue around the village, in both marked and unmarked cars.

There was a report of a burglary at a garage at St Dunawds School, fortunately once inside nothing seems to have been taken.

A Mountain bike was found along the riverbank by the new bridge, it has not been claimed, it is being held at Wrexham Lost and Found. Cllr T Adams agreed to place a notice in the Middle Shop. Action: Notice to be placed in Middle shop.

There have been reports of a suspicious male knocking on doors seeking gardening work in the area. Calling cards were given out showing an address in the Shrewsbury area. Although the card makes the caller seem more genuine, north Wales police have noted that details on the calling cards are often made up and this is part of a scam targeting the elderly.

PCSO L Maurice was thanked for her time and efforts.

At this point Standing Orders were resumed. This was proposed by Cllr R Forster and seconded by Cllr J Grice.


No new correspondence was presented.


[2] An outline planning application for P/2015/0622 for Bank Farm Caravan Park, Whitchurch Road, Bangor on Dee has been received. This was circulated to the Planning Committee for comments.

Based on the location and the low impact to the village, there were no objections raised.


Cllr G Tranter confirmed there was very little progress was being made, and that the company seemed to be struggling to deal with planning queries from this and other applications.


Following the resignation of Cllr R Spencer, who was also the Lead Flood Warden, a brief discussion followed on his successor, however as Cllr B Huckle was away. It was agreed that further discussions would take place at the next meeting in October.

Cllr R Forster informed the meeting that the bi monthly planned flood defence walks would not be covered by insurance from WCBC. Community councillors are covered in the village under the village insurance, however the Clerk was unsure if this would extend to flood wardens. Action: Clerk to investigate this matter with the insurer Zurich.


The Clerk updated the meeting on Friars Field and confirmed that he had had a meeting with a funeral director from E J Edgerton & Son on site this afternoon. The meeting was focussed on the access road to Friars Field. As expected the road to the last gate was considered acceptable, however a turning circle would be required at the entrance to the cemetery. The circle would need to be large enough to allow the hearse and up to two family cars to turn comfortably.

Following communication with Natural Resources Wales (NRW), information has already been sought on the most appropriate materials to construct a turning circle that will also form part of the villages flood defences. The Clerk asked the community council if it would be acceptable to obtain estimates from contractors on the likely cost of this undertaking. Action: Clerk to obtain estimates.

With regards to Abbots Way park, the Clerk updated the council that no specific proposals have been received and that the council are waiting for the local residents to reply.

Although absent, Cllr B Huckle has updated the council on the position with the owners of the Royal Oak and the Boat House. He hopes to arrange a meeting shortly to further discuss the ownership and future responsibility.

The community council warmly embraced the idea of the Scarecrow Competition on the 17th October to be held on Friars Field. The Clerk confirmed that the issue of Public Liability Insurance had been raised by the organisers, and that following initial discussions with the insurer Zurich some cover would be provided, however this would not be comprehensive. In order to improve the level of cover the Clerk confirmed that the

[3] community council would need to take responsibility for the event and that a risk assessment would need to be completed. Action: Clerk to liaise with event organiser Mrs Joanna Payton and Zurich to address the current shortfalls.

Cllr S Morrison raised the issue of a litter bin on Whitchurch Road at the T junction with the A525. Although there is a bench there and it is part of a popular walking route, no bin is currently available. The community council are aware that the costs for any new bins are from the community council budget and not WCBC. However as the emptying of the bin is the responsibility of WCBC, authorisation is required. This was proposed by Cllr S Morrison and seconded by Cllr H Jones. Action: Clerk to contact WCBC prior to ordering a litter bin..

The Clerk informed the council that Mr Darren Green from the Highways Agency has confirmed that the new speed limit proposals for the village towards Overton and Worthenbury have been published and may be in place by late October/ early November. In addition to these new road signs and markings, it is hoped the slow/araf road markings in the village on Whitchurch Road and Overton Road will be in place soon. Mr Green has confirmed the road markings have been agreed and are now with the road marking team.

Cllr T Adams asked for an update on the proposal for yellow lines on the High Street. Action: Clerk to contact Mr D Green from the Highways Agency.

On the issue of street signs, it was reported that there are no signs (road markings or posts) for the bus stop on Whitchurch Road coming into the village. There is a high step on the pavement to allow easier access, however with no signage cars do park there and so the bus cannot always stop in the appropriate place. Action: Clerk to contact Mr D Green from the Highways Agency.

Whilst on the issue of roads, Cllr S Morrison informed the council that the pot holes on Dongray Lane still require attention. Action: Clerk to contact WCBC.

The Clerk informed the community council that he had made some progress in obtaining a replacement sign for Riverside Walk. The current sign depicting the history of the village is very badly worn and is basically unreadable. Unfortunately, the programme organisers Groundworks were unable to provide details for the original supplier, however a template of the wording for the original sign has been found. The Clerk has contacted Shelley Signs who supply most of the village signs and has received a quotation for £280 plus VAT for a replacement sign. The council felt that the sign in its current state reflected badly on Riverside Walk and the village and agreed to a replacement, this was proposed by Cllr S Morrison and seconded by Cllr H Jones. Action: Clerk to remove existing sign to check measurements and contact Shelley Signs for a replacement.

The slightly confusing signage for dog owners on the entrance to the playground/sportsfield was discussed, one sign refers to No Dogs Allowed, the other one, Dogs Allowed on a Lead. As the area is used regularly by children and local football teams it is important that dog owners respect the usage. Cllr J Grice, a member of the Sportsfield Committee, confirmed that one sign was from the committee, with another from WCBC. As this is not a community council matter it is hoped clarification will be provided in due course.

[4] The council have received notification that the paper bank on Station Road is full and needs emptying. Cllr G Tranter confirmed the responsibility lies with Shotton Paper as WCBC do not have a vehicle large enough to empty the bank. Both Cllr G Tranter and the Clerk have reported this matter to WCBC. Action: Clerk to monitor the position over the next 7 to 10 days and then report again.

The Clerk confirmed he had spoken with Mrs J Jones regarding the Memorial bench for her two sons. Her favoured bench designs with handed around the meeting for comments and opinions. The council confirmed they were fully supportive of the Memorial Bench and were happy to allow Mrs Jones to have the bench of her choice in the most suitable location. The Clerk confirmed, that following correspondence from WCBC, the bench would be purchased by the community council with a donation from Mrs Jones, this was proposed by Cllr S Morrison and seconded by Cllr H Jones, all present were happy to move forward with this proposal. Action: Clerk to meet with Mrs Jones to agree on the best location.


The Clerk confirmed he had received an email from Jones Lighting Ltd, that the concrete lampposts 11 and 12 on Abbots Way, had cracks in the concrete. Their recommendation was replacement at a cost of £1,066.84 + VAT each.

Following discussions with Jones Lighting Ltd, the Clerk confirmed that he understood the lampposts have been in place for many decades and it is possible the cracks have also been there for a number of years, they may not be new cracks. The Clerk was asked to obtain further information from the company, including the possibility of a repair, details of the replacement posts and if discounts were available for multiple posts. Action: Clerk to re-contact Jones Lighting Ltd.

Cllr G Tranter made the point that the community council had some funds available, however a choice would be required between the potential new street lights in Abbots Way and electronic speed limit signs for Whitchurch Road and possibly Station Road. In light of the pending speed limit signs and road markings from the Highways Agency, it was agreed to wait and see what impact this would have on road speed around the village before these signs were considered any further.


The Clerk confirmed the community council has received a VAT refund of £2,687.26 for the tax year 2013/14.

The Clerk confirmed he had provided a cheque to Mrs P Fitton for her work on Friars Field, additionally he had asked Mrs Fitton to confirm if this amount did cover her actual costs. Cllr T Adams agreed to speak to Mrs Fitton to ensure she has been reimbursed correctly for her hard work. Action: Cllr T Adams to speak to Mrs P Fitton.

[5] The following payments have become due in the last two months, all payments were proposed by Cllr S Morrison and seconded by Cllr H Jones.

WCBC River Lease Annual payment £100.00 101762 Jones Lighting Ltd (July maintenance) £115.27 101763 Donation to St Dunwads Parish Church £250.00 101764 Donation to BOD Presbyterian Church £250.00 101765 Little Red Tractor Co (Village Cut July) £284.00 101766 Scottish Power (July) £170.78 101767 Mrs P Fitton (Friars Field planting £ 30.00 101768 WCBC Employee Costs (August) £228.25 101769 Jones Lighting Ltd (August m'tenance plus ann elec test) £220.04 101770 Little Red Tractor Co (Village & Church Cut August) £608.00 101771 Scottish Power (August) £170.78 101772

Meeting closed at 9:20 pm


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