Athabasca & District Minor Hockey Association

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Athabasca & District Minor Hockey Association

Athabasca & District Minor Hockey Association Executive Meeting November 16, 2005

Attendance: Trevor Marks, Anita Duckering, Darcy Tangedal, Wendy Hutchison, Jill Calliou, Bernie Giacobbo, Mark Kanzig, Rick Bendall, Don Pope, Karon Friesen, John Parsons, Melanie Opmeer, Tracy Baron, Darryl Anderson, Janice Dron, Russ Strathdee, Virginia Gill, Shawn Lindballe, Jody Tangedal, Terry Lovelace

1.0 Call to Order - 7:05 p.m.

2.0 Approval of Agenda – Approved as presented

3.0 Pre-Novice Coach, Jody Tangedal

Trevor introduced Jody Tangedal and Terry Lovelace. They have asked to address the executive regarding the Pre-Novice. Jody advised that only a couple of day’s notice was given to move Pre-Novice to Saturday mornings (previously Thursdays). More notice should have been provided and the coaches should have been asked, not told about the change. This must be thought about for next year. With Saturday practices, if an away game is scheduled then Pre- Novice loses their ice time, if a home game then they play twice - some do not want Sunday ice times. There is concern that Pre-Novice will have less ice time. Jody would like to review what blocks of ice time are available so bookings can be made. Trevor advised that SPHL has finalized all league game commitments and this can be reviewed. Terry indicated that a parent meeting was held. He noted that these are the kids of the future and they need the appropriate ice time to develop their skill. The number of Pre-Novice players is low and doesn’t feel that this will help. Discussion was held. It was noted that the challenge on Saturday mornings would be when Provincials and league playoffs start. Other teams will also lose their ice time on Fridays. Everyone has ice time challenges. Trevor thanked Jody and Terry and their comments are appreciated. Trevor proposed that himself, Melanie and the coaches from both teams meet and discuss scenarios that happen in the future – meeting to be scheduled. Russ distributed the ice schedule up to January, 2006.

4.0 Approval of October 19, 2005, Minutes Approved as presented.

4.0 Vacancy – Female Director

Trevor reported that due to personal commitments, Deanna Byrtus has given her resignation. Deanna has suggested that Jill Calliou fill in for this position in addition to her NAFMHL role. Jill accepted.

6.0 Business Arising from Minutes

6.1 Bantam Provincials

Trevor indicated that an application was dropped off today. He has spoken to Randy and he was willing to let the ‘C’ group go forward with their proposal. Notification will be received by December 15th. The provincial objectives/mandate is geared towards funding for the Multiplex. 6.2 Player Movement - Bantam

Trevor reported that with regards to Braden Shaw, he has responded to Karen’s request regarding his movement to the Midget level. Karen has asked for a copy of the Bylaws & Policies and was provided. To date Trevor has not heard from Karen. Don noted that a goalie is needed at the Midget A level and Braden would like to play at this level. John Rudyk, ‘A’ goalie, would help out with the AA’s and Don hasn’t heard from Troy McDonald. Travis Marks is willing to fill in until Kyle Boven is back. Discussion was held. It was not known how long Kyle would be out although the team would continue if no goalie was found. Motion: (Don/Tracy) Moved to allow Braden Shaw to play as back up goalie for Midget A’s. Discussion held. Amended Motion: (Don/Tracy) Moved that the Executive request Braden Shaw to play as a backup goalie for the Midget A’s. In Favor – 5, Opposed – 6. Defeated.

6.3 Letter to Editor

Trevor indicated that he responded to last week’s article with a letter to the editor. The letter was in support of our referee’s. He noted that a discussion was held with Todd White.

6.4 Website Training

December 1st was the date scheduled for the website training (approx. 2 hours). One person from each team should attend.

7.0 AHPA (Athabasca Hockey Parents Association)

7.1 President – Virginia Gill

Virginia reported that she is dealing with complaints from the parents working the weekends that the staff during the week is not doing anything to maintain the kitchen.

7.2 Treasurer – Janice Dron

Janice reported that at the next meeting she would transfer over funds.

8.0 Treasurer – Tracy Baron

Melanie advised that she spoke to Trevor Martin regarding coffee fundraising. All directors are to meet on this topic. Tracy gave out team names as to who is cashing their cheques. Another fundraising option was selling NHL portraits. Each child needs to profit $100. Trevor asked to have the basic information for all directors and plan a meeting in the next few days. Bernadette Boven had donated $700 towards the Golf Extravaganza and said she was told that she didn’t have to fundraise. This is not the case as hockey fundraising goes directly towards the operation of minor hockey and the Golf Extravaganza was for the Multiplex.

9.0 SPHL (Sturgeon Pembina Hockey League) – Bernie Giacobbo

Bernie reported that the SPHL website is not yet up-to-date. Trevor attended the Presidents Meeting on November 6th and it was also a tiering meeting. - for game sheets – AP – Affiliate OA – Overage Player - Aaron Parsons has no affiliation as per Hockey Alberta - Novice and up requires 3 people in the time box (preferably over 18 years of age). - Comments regarding Northern Alberta Female Minor Hockey League – concern on schedule/games.

9.1 ‘B’ Tiering Results

Atoms – 18 teams, tiered into 2 groups of 9 each which means 12 remaining games to play Atom B – tiered into Tier 2 PeeWee – 19 teams, variation in scores and split into 3 tiers – PeeWee B, PeeWee B Central and PeeWee B2. Our teams ended up in PeeWee B and PeeWee B Central – 12 remaining games. Bantam B – 13 teams. Discussion held with Boyle/Jasper – scoring a lot higher – move to AA division but 7 games have already been played in the AA schedule and Barrhead dropped from AA to B. Our team is Bantam B Tier 1, 8 teams, 14 games. Tier 2, 5 teams, 12 games.

No game books have been received. Until each team gets one, the game book will be left at the arena.

10.0 NAFMHL (Northern Alberta Female Minor Hockey League) – Jill Calliou

Jill reported that there is no league news. The girls are undefeated and the schedule is finalized.

11.0 Hockey Alberta/Registrar – Wendy Hutchison

Wendy reported on the following: - everyone is carded (if not let Wendy know) - Affiliations are done (Atom and up) - Trevor, Darcy and Wendy to review Novice - Pre-Novice cannot move team to team - The ½ price for new players intent was to draw new players to the sport. Anita to review the minutes for clarification. - Hockey Alberta Regulations requires that everyone has to be carded with Hockey Alberta to be on the ice. - Players can be encouraged to move to other divisions as a ‘mentorship program’. Full equipment must be worn. - Atom and below is co-ed in the dressing rooms. - Trevor recommended that Atoms and up should not have parents in the dressing room.

12.0 Division Directors

12.1 Girls – Vacant

Jill reported that the girls practice on Thursday’s 5:00 – 5:50 p.m. is a concern for about 4-6 of the girls. The coach/manager is to review ice times with other teams. Another issue was the discrepancies in total ice times – girls have 100 minutes vs. 110-120 minutes for other teams - it was noted that some teams share ice time. It is a coaching issue to deal with players who do not show up for practices but for games. Six girls are eligible for the Alberta Winter Games and two have registered to try out.

12.2 Pre-Novice – Melanie Opmeer Melanie reported that there are quite a few upset parents at the Pre-Novice level. She didn’t anticipate and deal with the schedule change appropriately, as her understanding was that we would meet again and review. Melanie thanked Russ and Trevor for their work. Melanie is trying to present a positive outlook at this level and parents were told that options were explored. She asked that everyone do things for Pre-Novice as they do things for everyone else. Although registration fees are less, families still have the same fundraising and kitchen duties with less ice time. These kids need exposure so they are ready for Novice and Melanie would like to look at their level with the executive group’s experience. Trevor advised that it is frustrating to hear things about number crunching, parents are going by assumption. We are not in a paid position and a lot of time is put in as an executive member. Change is a big impact. Russ noted that Sundays are available from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Although not Melanie’s choice, she will ask parents about Sundays.

12.3 Novice – Darcy Tangedal

Darcy reported that Novice teams are doing well. Game sheets are needed. Trevor noted that teams must have carded officials. A coach would be suspended from coaching for up to 3 years if you have someone on the bench who is not carded.

12.4 Atoms – Shawn Lindballe

Shawn reported that Atoms are going well. Atom B’s are in Tier 2 and were in a tournament last weekend in Whitecourt. Shawn expressed his concern regarding the number of home games (only 3) and 7 away games. Bernie to contact SPHL regarding this. Mark noted that the Atom A’s are competitive. So far they have 2 wins, 5 losses, 2 ties.

12.5 PeeWee – Karon Friesen

Karon reported that there is some trouble with the Calling Lake players coming to practice on Mondays. PeeWee 1’s doing well. There was an issue with ice times from a player from Smith. There’s a possibility that the Town might change public skating to 4 p.m. on Thursdays.

12.6 Bantam – Darryl Anderson

Darryl reported that the Bantam AA’s are having a good season and are competitive in the league. The Bantam B’s are struggling, no games won. Darryl asked about scheduling exhibition games in Calling Lake with other Tier 2 teams and having minor hockey pay for it. Trevor advised that in the past if no ice were available in Athabasca, we would pay for it, as long as it’s kept to a minimum.

12.7 Midget – Don Pope

Don reported that the Midget A’s are struggling. There have been some problems with Calling Lake. Todd White has stepped down as coach for the Midget AA’s and Mike Baron has taken on this position. Tony Kiselyk would like to come out to help. Midgets still have a goalie issue. The Midget AA’s are 3rd in the league and doing well despite the goalie situation.

13.0 Equipment Manager – John Parsons

John reported on the following: - Most of the jerseys are in. - The puck box is working well. - The Midget A’s are still sharing a locker with the AA’s. - Darryl noted issues with the time clock. The time clock was provided as an agreement through AHPA. Pepsi no longer supports repairs and/or replacement. The Town is doing their best to look at it. Virginia will contact the supplier. Bernie noted that Coke is interested in regards to the Multiplex. - Trevor advised that although we have 2 midget teams we only had 1 set of jerseys (#1-20). When the new jerseys came in, there was no #20. The parents are asking if minor hockey would take another jersey and put a #20 on it or get a new jersey with #20 as they would like to buy the jersey at the end of the year. John will order a #20 jersey and switch the crests with the Bantams.

14.0 Coaching Director – Rick Bendall

Rick reported that there are no issues. The Midget AA coach, Todd White, has left and Mike Baron is now coaching with Tony Kiselyk helping out. Rick and Trevor Martin attended a coaching clinic this past weekend. Rick is reviewing RCMP checks giving a deadline of 2 weeks to get one. If no RCMP check is done, then the person cannot coach. This is for anyone on the bench.

15.0 Ice Scheduler – Russ Strathdee

Russ distributed the ice schedule and reported on the following: - Russ doesn’t appreciate the comments made about ice times as a lot of thought and time was put into it. - If ice is cancelled, Russ needs to know by Wednesdays - If you reschedule games because of tournaments, you won’t get ice in Athabasca (maybe Boyle or Calling Lake). - With the number of teams, please decide if your team will commit to Provincials as ice time is very limited. Early January is when commitment is to be made about Provincials. Pre- zone draw meeting will be held and we would know which teams are in it and we would decide then. - Play downs begin January 30th - The Town has taken ice on December 18th, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Novice 2 time changes from 2:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. Bantam AA from 4:00 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. - On January 28th, figure skating has a meet from 8 a.m.- 6 p.m. Pre-Novice will be moved to the 29th, Atom A’s to find a different slot as well as PeeWee B2. - No phone calls after 10 p.m. – can also email Russ

16.0 Other

16.1 Registration Plan 2006-07

Trevor would like to be more prepared for next next season. Bernie would like to encourage kids in hockey and would like to pursue asking Calling Lake to affiliate with us. The players would register on time, we could utilize the ice service in Calling Lake and it would get players into the game. Trevor noted that we have attempted to try this with Boyle and it did work for 1 season in 1 division, this year Boyle said no. This was also done with Westlock/Lineria. Calling Lake would be part of our association and it would help up co- ordinate things better. Trevor and Bernie are to approach someone from Calling Lake in this regard.

16.2 Protocol

Trevor noted that it has been a difficult time for everyone this year, but we do have to be supportive of each other. We may not like the decisions made but we do have to support the decisions and each other.

17.0 Next Meeting – The next meeting is scheduled for December 14th, 7:00 p.m., EPC, Room 101. . 18.0 Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

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