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California State University, Long Beach s9




The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Praveen Soni in the Towner Auditorium, Psychology 150 at 2:06 pm.

All voting members were present EXCEPT: CBA: K. Lacey; ENGR: H.Rahai, B. Ward; LIB. ARTS : E. Blankley; A. Jaffe; CNSM: S. Crass; ADMIN: D. Dowell; STUDENT: S. Mistry; EX-OFFICIO: M. Khan; R. Kochan; D. Para; G. Riposa; A. Taylor,

EXCUSED ABSENCES: EDUC.: H. Masunaga; CNSM: A. Colburn; STAFF: V. Jacobo; EX-OFFICIO: W. Griffith.


The agenda for the September 7, 2006 Academic Senate meeting was approved with the following deletion: Item 8.3, Membership of Advisory Council on Enrollment Management (AS-694-05/CEPC).


The Minutes of 2005-2006 Academic Senate Meeting of May 11, 2006, and the Minutes of the 2006-07 Academic Senate Organizational Meeting of May 11, 2006 were approved as distributed.

4. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. Praveen Soni, Marketing, was elected as the 2006-07 chair of the Academic Senate following the tenure of Margaret Merryfield, Chemistry and Biochemistry. The Chair welcomed all senators to the meeting and orientation. The Chair introduced Donna Reese, the new Assistant to the Chair, Kiry Meng, Administrative Coordinator, and Mary McGraa, past Assistant, who is helping with the transition. b. The WASC Proposal is complete and due October 15, 2006. c. Mary Boyce, WASC representative, will visit with the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate on September 12, 2006. d. The Academic Senate Retreat will occur on Friday, October 13, 2006 at The Pointe from 8 am until 3pm. Our title this year is MISSION POSSIBLE: Envisioning Our Future – Charting the Mission and Vision of the CSULB. e. The Academic Senate Information Booklet will be available for mailing by the end of September 2006. f. Information regarding the 2008-09 International Program through the Chancellor’s Office can be obtained from Raul Reis, Journalism, at extension 52257. Dr. Raul Reis is the CSULB representative to the CSU Academic Council on International Programs. g. The Center for Advanced Logistics Management Systems (CALMS) was approved by the Provost on April 25, 2006.

h. The Chair announced that he has appointed David Hood, History, as Academic Senate Parliamentarian. i. The Chair introduced the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate: Ken Curtis, Vice Chair; Keith Freesemann, Secretary; Alan Colburn, Member-at-Large; Emma Daugherty-Phillingane, Member-at-Large; Betsy Decyk, Member-at- Large; and Jalal Torabzadeh, Member-at-Large. j. Senator Chun announced that Counseling and Psychological Services is sponsoring National Coming Out Day on October 11, 2006. She encouraged faculty to encourage discussion in classes regarding campus climate issues. k. Senator Decyk announced that there will be a meeting of lecturers on September 14, 2006 in the Anatol Center. l. Senator Olson informed the Senate that the theme for the Odyssey program this year is “The Ethical is Personal.” There will be an Odyssey Kick-Off Panel Discussion on September 11, 2006 from 11:00 am – 12:15 pm in the University Student Union.

1 m. Senator Moreno-Alcaraz announced that there will be a meeting of the Latino Faculty and Staff Association on September 14, 2006 at 12:30 pm

4.12 Academic Senate CSU Report

The Academic Senate CSU has not yet met, therefore no report is available at this meeting. The CSULB representatives on the Academic Senate CSU are David Hood, History; Praveen Soni, Marketing; and Maria Viera, Theatre Arts. One of these representatives will present the report of the Academic Senate CSU at the CSULB Academic Senate meeting.

4.2 Nominating Committee

Keith Freesemann, Chair, Nominating Committee, announced that the members of the committee are: Karen Clippinger, Dance, College of the Arts, Kathleen Lacey, Legal Studies in Business Programs, College of Business Administration, Trinidad Lewis, Teacher Education, College of Education, Bede Ssensalo, Black Studies, College of Liberal Arts, Stacy Young, Communication Studies, College of Liberal Arts, Thomas Kelty, Geological Sciences, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Judy Prince, Counseling & Psychological Services, Student Services, Leslie Andersen, University Library, and Marka Burns, Art, College of the Arts. Dr. Freesemann announced that Committee Preference Forms will be out in the spring semester and recommended that faculty serve on various committees where they can use their expertise.

4.31 Consent Calendar

Senator Margaret Merryfield informed the Senate that the Consent Calendar is used for non-controversial items. The item will appear on the Agenda under the Consent Calendar with the words “First Distribution,” and on the subsequent Agenda as “Second Distribution.” If a member of the Senate wishes to discuss the item, the item is then pulled off the Consent Calendar and discussed as a “First Reading.” After appearing on the Agenda for two distributions and there has been no request to pull the item from the Consent Calendar, the item is deemed approved by consent.

5. REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTES: 5.1 Report on the Provost Search

Laura Kingsford, Chair of the Provost Search Committee, reported on the status of the Provost Search. The members of the Review Committee are: Keith Freesemann, Kinesiology; Bobby Godina, student representative; Chuck Noble, Political Science; Dawn Person, Educational Psychology, Administration, and Counseling; Hamid Rahai, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Praveen Soni, Marketing and Chair of the Academic Senate; Marnos Lelesi, President-elect of the Alumni Association; and Carol Riley, Credential Processing Center, staff representative. She also recognized Robin Moore, Academic Affairs, for providing staff support to the Committee. Dr. Kingsford reported that: a. the services of Korn Ferry International were engaged to assist in the search for the Provost, b. representatives of the committee and the President have met with the firm to review applicant files and hope to have candidates coming to the campus in early October, c. the President would like to have the new Provost on board by January,

d. Dr. Kingsford encouraged everyone to attend the open forums and to please provide feed back to the search committee.

5.2 WASC Executive Summary

David Hood, WASC Accreditation Officer, reported that Accreditation has three parts and we are at step one now which is to examine the three themes that WASC has identified for our campus. They are: Institutional Effectiveness, Human Resources, and Student Success. Our institutional proposal is due to WASC in October and is complete. From the first campus-wide survey, we see that employees and students have the same concerns.

6. SPECIAL ORDERS: 6.1 Report of the President – Time Certain 2:15 a. Proposition 1D on the November ballot is a $10.4 billion referendum that is very important to us because it includes our new Chemistry building and is the largest proposal in the CSU.

2 b. The Index for National Public Policy shows our scores have risen from 37th to 34th with regard to student success and with regard to access to higher education from 11th to 8th. c. CSULB has been first in affordability in the last eight (8) years d. Educational benefits from 10th to 6th e. We have the largest fall class in our history – increase of 2.5%. f. Jana Echevarria has retired from the University and as NCAA Faculty Representative. The Academic Senate will be participating in the appointment of a NCAA representative. Dixie Grimmett, Kinesiology, has been appointed as Interim Representative to NCAA. g. Elizabeth Novack, University Ombuds, has taken a new position as Assistant Superintendent at Newport Mesa School District. The president is looking for someone to serve in the interim.

6.2 Report of the CSU Trustee – Craig Smith a. Dr. Craig Smith is the first faculty trustee from CSULB and is in his second year of a two (2) year renewable term. b. He has visited 22 out of the 23 campuses and was on his way to the 23rd today! c. He has worked very hard to get more grant dollars for our students, as well as, having worked to raise the age limit for students who need grant dollars. d. Our remedial success rate is 85% and he finds that the other percentage do go to our community colleges and eventually return to CSULB. e. Faculty on other campuses are not as aware of workload reduction methods and he assists with that effort by using CSULB as a model especially since we have a fully funded SCAC program. f. There will be new penalties for not reaching enrollment targets in the future so marketing and outreach will become increasingly important to assist in that effort. g. Our state legislature is only interested in getting the students into college and our graduation rates but the in between is where the access to a good education occurs – we must meet that challenge.


There was no unfinished business.


8.1.1 Resolution: Academic Senate Meeting Calendar for 2006-07 (AS-696-06/EC) came before the Senate for action. It was M/S/P that the following resolution be adopted amending the Academic Senate schedule.

RESOLVED: That the CSULB Academic Senate adopt the following schedule for the 2006/07 Academic Year.

RESOLVED: That should the Academic Senate CSU or the Board of Trustees alter their meeting schedules, the CSULB Academic Senate Executive Committee is authorized to change the schedule of meetings with adequate notice to the CSULB Academic Senate.

FALL 2006 SPRING 2007

September 7 Orientation & First Meeting February 8 September 21 February 22 October 13 (Friday) Retreat at the Pointe March 15 October 26 November 2 March 29 November 16 April 12 November 30 (if needed) April 26 (if needed) December 14 May 10

8.2 Senate Liaisons – It was M/S/P to approve the following as liaisons to the Senate: Deborah Hamm – Curriculum and Educational Policies Council Betsy Decyk – Faculty and Personnel Policies Council David Hood – University Resources Council 3 Keith Freesemann – Program Assessment and Review Council Carlos Piar – Campus Climate Committee Brenda Vogel – Committee on Athletics

8.3 Advisory Council on Enrollment Management was removed from the agenda.

8.4 Academic Senate Structure –

Curriculum and Educational Policies Council – David Huckaby, Chair, explained how the council deals with new proposals for degrees and academic programs, and academic polices and procedures.

Program Assessment and Review Council – Zvonimir Hlousek, Chair, gave an overview of this new council whose chief purpose is to perform self studies for programs, who in its first year completed one third of the programs to be reviewed and asked that the Executive Committee assist them in getting more membership.

University Resources Council – David Hood, Chair, talked about how this council reviews curriculum proposals with regard to resources and receives reports from Financial Management.

Faculty Personnel Policies Council – Alan Colburn, Chair, was unable to attend but Academic Senate Vice-chair, Ken Curtis informed the Senate that the Council is currently reviewing the University‘s Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Policy which has to do with the rights and responsibilities of faculty.

Committee on Athletics – Brenda Vogel, Chair, informed the Senate that this Committee is involved in all aspects of athletics – and serves as a liaison between the faculty and the athletes with regard to meeting NCAA guidelines, improving athlete grades, scholarships and graduation rates.

8.5 Mock Motion –a mock motion was conducted so that new Senators had an opportunity to see how business can be conducted within the Senate based on parliamentary procedure.

8.6 Open Discussion a. Margaret Costa asked if the applicant pool has closed for Provost search. Per Praveen Soni – the applicant pool is open until the position is filled. b. Tulin Mangir expressed concern regarding parking in Lot 9 – she wants some spaces reserved for faculty. c. Teri Yamada asked about policy review. d. Bill Johnson asked who can attend and or observe Senate meetings and fair and democratic discussion process that can be used via email. e. Deborah Hamm expresses the need for a microphone in the room for some voices to be heard. f. Deborah Hamm asked if a sign-in sheet rather than Roll Call can be implemented. g. Gladys Garcia asked about more light in the room. h. Eileen Klink asked about the possibility of sending the agenda via email to all faculty.


It was M/S to adjourn. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 4:03 PM.

Submitted by, Approved by,

Donna Reese Keith Freesemann Recording Secretary Secretary of the Senate


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