GSRP Early Childhood Specialist (ECS) Meeting

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GSRP Early Childhood Specialist (ECS) Meeting

GSRP Early Childhood Specialist (ECS) Meeting Wednesday, April 20, 2016 Oakland Schools / 9 AM – 11 AM AGENDA

I. Introductions / Norms

a. Specific questions saved for your support person

b. If more clarification is needed concerning agenda items, please contact your Oakland Schools support person

II. Curriculum and PD Requirements for Programs: Edit Suggestions: -“Two streams of training…one is Oakland Schools GSRP required, over time… The other stream is Professional Development that includes everything else.” -On the pyramid, color code “Foundational Curriculum Training” vs. “Professional Development” and label the pyramid as well -Make sure this statement is part of the Boot Camp training a. DRAFT Statement—

MDE requires professional development including curriculum training for every GSRP program staff. Professional development can be from multiple sources (for example the HighScope conference and the regional resource center). Curriculum training can meet professional development requirements. Oakland Schools has specific requirements for GSRP foundational curriculum training to strengthen fidelity of implementation of the curriculum. Regarding foundational curriculum training:

Oakland Schools (OS) requires comprehensive, systematic curriculum training for GSRP program staff as outlined in the OS Early Learning Professional Learning Pyramid. . Comprehensive, systematic curriculum training is different than generalized professional development . The required and recommended HighScope training in the OS Early Learning Professional Learning Pyramid (HighScope STEP 1, HighScope STEP 2, HighScope STEP 3, COR Advantage 1.5, and Conflict Resolution) needs to be facilitated by a certified HighScope trainer. Going to a conference and attending a COR Advantage session is not the same as going through the OS COR Advantage 1.5 2-day session. If directors are Trainer of Trainer (TOT) certified in their GSRP approved curriculum (HighScope or Creative Curriculum), they can facilitate staff training that counts toward what OS requires for comprehensive, systematic curriculum training. If there are questions for individual GSRP staff related to this requirement, the ECS can be a resource for answers. . -This is open to exceptions: ECSs will need to work with teachers on an individual basis to determine what trainings they’ve had and them make suggestions of what training is needed next. o -This is the requirement for all the teachers in the classroom. If an adult only comes for lunch/nap support their training would look different. Work with the administrator to determine what professional development would support their growth. o -Directors received a copy of this o -This is a requirement that already exists o -If a program says their having budget issue with this, come to us and we can support them o -Changes coming for next year: . -Next year Chris will focus more on PD systems o -Gerri will oversee the ECS group III. GSRP Food Issues and Quantity requirements a. Document on the PQA a.i. Quality of food—III-A, I-A (moldy or spoiled, no gloves by servers) a.ii. Quantity of food—II-K a.iii. Can you think of any other place for documentations? a.iii.1. If teachers are eating their own food, document it on the PQA. They should try to match what children’s menu says. If they can’t have them eat in advance and have water, fruit etc. with the children. a.iii.2. If children are bringing in their own food, have a conversation with the Admin, districts will provide for allergies and religious needs, otherwise have the families try to match the menu a.iii.3. Accommodation must meet all the food groups that are served for the meal b. Food portions b.i. b.ii. b.iii. NSLP National School Lunch Program IV. Audit

a. All went well with the audit

a.i. Suggestions revolved around child files

a.ii. ECSs share visit experiences

-GSRP logo items should be looked at by the ECS

-Child Files-Tammy is creating a document to give to directors for keeping more accurate child files-ECS will get a truncated version that they can use when looking at a couple files during their PQA visit

-Programs should update their websites

b. Thank you for your work

Final report coming at the end of April

V. Next Year a. Election Day PD-Teacher Led Conference

a.i. Suggestions of teachers

-Is there a practice you think other teachers MUST see in action?

-Email Chris who you would recommend.

-They may only be willing if they do it with another person and that’s fine.

-There will be stipends for them.

VI. Reminders:

a. Due date for End of Year Form A entered online is May 1st

b. Use the new Feedback form for documentation

c. Form A baseline / end of year that is 3.25 or lower – let us know about Form B if it’s lower than 3.25 also

d. Reliability recertification – keep track of your renewal date

VII. Office matters / Contractor needs

a. Joan will discuss next year contractor information

The state says:

-Being a contractor means you come with your own equipment. We won’t be allowed to provide you with the level of equipment that we used to in the same capacity.

-Do you have set hours, workspace at Oakland Schools? Are you paid by the hour?

Next year you will be paid by the classroom. We will let you know what that is after we look at the average for this type of work and the funding we have. Your work product will be directly tied to your payment. We are working on timing and how this will play out. In order to keep the cost down for programs and support quality programing, we are sticking with ECSs as contractors at this time.

-These changes are being made in our department for every contractor. We are the pilot department because the amount and varies types of contractors we have.

-Questions that are still being answered are: Can you be a contractor with us and still do other work with us as an employee or other places? We are still waiting on the answers. We want to be transparent so that you have the opportunity to ask questions and make decisions. This does not apply if you work for your own district or are a retired-rehired employee.

We will continue to let you know information, as we know more.

b. New visitor badging system in the Atrium starting the week of April 25

b.i. All office side doors will be locked on floors 1-3

b.ii. Guests will use a self-service kiosk to create a temporary badge

c. Remaining contract balances

c.i. Keep track of your balances and contact your support person if you feel you will need more money to complete your work for the year.

VIII. Resources

a. Return checked out materials (recorders, iPads, etc.) when you are done using them

b. Remind teachers to return items from the library as well

IX. Data meetings / Local Advisory Meetings (Krista)

a. Parent Advisory sample data/goal sharing report (see handout)

b. 3rd Data Meeting Guidance

Reach out to Krista for the data you need

c. OS GSRP Quality Improvement Action Plan

c.i. Goals form handout

c.i.1. Classroom Community Checklist-for ECS to provide ideas around diversity related materials

c.i.2. Head Start link on Linguistically and Culturally Relevant Early Childhood Environments: system/cultural-linguistic/Dual%20Language %20Learners/ecd/supportive_environments/Linguisticallyan.htm

d. GSRP Time 2 Data Report (see handout)

X. Questions from the group

XI. Today’s PD is a. ECS Learning Share

b. “PQA Form A Dissection of Examples”

XII. Future meeting dates and PD topic

June 1 – 170: Celebration, Reflection and Survey / Setting Goals for Yourself as an ECS

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