Copper Canyon Board of Aldermen s2

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Copper Canyon Board of Aldermen s2


Workshop Session with the Long Range Planning Task Force begins at 6:00 p.m. Regular Monthly Town Council Meeting immediately following Workshop Session




1. Introduction of new members of the Long Range Planning Task Force.

2. Presentations by Halff Associates: (a). Core Analysis Report (b). Traffic Count Report (c). TxDOT Report on Copper Canyon Off System Bridges – Poindexter Branch and Estates Drive.

3. Council Member Dan Christy to present a “Pay As You Go” Roadway Capital Improvement Plan.

4. Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Steve Hill to present information on “Private Placement Through a Bank” as an alternate method of funding a Town Roadway Capital Improvement Plan.

5. Long Range Planning Task Force Members may make a recommendation for financing of a long term Roadway Capital Improvement Plan for the Town and how and when the Plan should be implemented.

6. Set next meeting of the Long Range Planning Task Force and any additional information Task Force Members request on the physical condition of Town roads and possible methods and timetable for funding.



The Town Council of the Town of Copper Canyon will meet in regular session on Monday, January 11, 2010, in the Council Chambers at Copper Canyon Town Hall, 400 Woodland Drive, Copper Canyon, Texas, immediately following the Workshop Session, whereupon the following items will be considered:


American Flag – I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Texas Flag - “Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.”


Citizens can make comments to the Town Council during this section of the meeting agenda. We ask citizens who wish to speak on agenda items to sign in on the sheet provided on the table at the back of the Council Chambers. There is a 3 minute time limit for each citizen who wishes to make a presentation. Pursuant to State Open Meetings law, the Town Council cannot discuss or take action on items not posted on the Agenda. Therefore, the Council cannot take action on or discuss any issues or items brought up during public input.


1. Council Member Mark Schmitz: Welcome back Council Member Mark Schmitz after his sudden, but successful, open heart surgery. Mark has assured the Council that he will be in attendance at Council Meetings, thus alleviating any concerns about having a quorum to transact Town business. Thank you, Mark, for your dedication to Copper Canyon!

2. Natural Gas Pipelines and possible Toxic Emissions in the Barnett Shale area: Denton Mayor Mark Burroughs hosts regular quarterly meeting of area Mayors to discuss regional issues. Topics will include the recently drafted “Best Practices” guidelines for natural gas pipelines traversing municipalities. Also to be discussed are possible toxic emissions from natural gas drilling sites and transmission pipelines and the possibility of voluntary emission monitoring by the natural gas operators in the Barnett Shale area.

3. Monitoring Gas Well Emissions in Copper Canyon: Tyler Deines reported that Red Oak Gas, LP is voluntarily installing natural gas monitors on each of its three gas well drilling sites in Copper Canyon. Only one

Page 2 site, located on Janet Aune’s land west of Copper Canyon Road, is currently producing; but Red Oak expects the other two drill sites to be producing within weeks. In addition, Red Oak has retained an environmental firm to install infrared cameras on each site and to do independent studies of the quality of any emissions. However, the gas produced in Copper Canyon and our immediate area is considered “dry gas”. Toxic emissions are usually associated with “liquid gas”, such as the gas produced in the area of the City of Dish.

Red Oak is currently in full compliance with any State mandated emission requirements. But the company realizes that emission standards are a “moving target” as the local branch of the federal Environmental Protection Agency tightens its standards for air emissions in North Texas.

4. Proposed Frack Water Disposal Well adjacent to area’s potable Water Wells: Bartonville Water Supply Corporation has sent a letter to the Texas Railroad Commission objecting to an injection well to dispose of recovered fracking water used in natural gas well drilling. The injection well is located near BWSC’s major producing water well and its soon to be drilled new water well. BWSC is concerned that the disposal well may contaminate the water wells that supply our area with drinking water.

5. Update on engineering for Orchid Hill Lane and Chinn Chapel Road: Commissioner Andy Eads hosted a meeting at the Denton County Courthouse for updates on engineering progress for Orchid Hill Lane and Chinn Chapel Road. Commissioner Eads met with Mayor Tejml and Halff Associates consultant Jim Carter and engineers Brian Haynes, James Gaertner, Ben McGahey and Cody Hodge for an extended three and a half hour meeting. At Commissioner Eads’ request, Copper Canyon and its Town Engineer Halff Associates had agreed to expedite the engineering for rebuilding the Town’s two perimeter roads, Orchid Hill Lane and Chinn Chapel Road. Both roads are highly utilized by north-south Denton County commuters.

Orchid Hill Lane’s reconstruction needs to be expedited to accommodate the expected increase in east-west traffic from a completed FM 2499. However, the main concern for Chinn Chapel Road is the flooding which occurs from Harlington Drive south to Copper Canyon’s boundary with Flower Mound. The northern three quarters of Chinn Chapel Road is still in relatively good physical condition.

Former County Commissioner Jim Carter suggested that bids for Orchid Hill Lane’s reconstruction in concrete be combined with the rebuilding of the southern quarter of Chinn Chapel Road. That southern quarter of roadway will be underlaid with three side-by-side 4’ x 8’ cast-in-place concrete culverts. This is a $2 million dollar project to alleviate flooding in that area of Highland Village and Copper Canyon. Jim Carter and Halff Engineer in charge Ben McGahey

Page 3 suggested that the Town, and ultimately the County, might receive a very favorable bid if those two concrete road and drainage projects were bid together. Halff Associates agreed to expedite its engineering, so that the two projects could be bid as a package in March 2010.


Fire Chief Report

1. Calls for service 2. Staff activity 3. Call volumes 4. Gas Well Inspections

Town Administrator Report

1. Latter Day Saints Church 2. Energy Grant 3. Annual 08/09 Financial Audit 4. Traffic ticket citations

Town Secretary Report

1. Election Law Seminar


a. Approve Minutes December 14, 2009 meeting. b. Approve the December 2009 financials. c. Approved updated Budget Pro Forma through December 31, 2009. d. Approve Bills to be Paid, and Transfer of Funds. e. Resolution increasing the Mayor’s and the Town Administrator’s Spending Authority from $500 to $1,000.00 each. f. Adopt a Resolution endorsing Regional “Best Practices” Standards to foster improved intrastate gas utility-municipal relations with regard to the routing, rights-of-way acquisition, construction and operation of pipelines through incorporated areas. g. Approve payment of invoices through October 2009 from Halff Associates subject to the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Denton County and Professional Services Agreement with Halff Associates on the Orchid Hill Lane and Chinn Chapel Road Reconstruction Projects. Halff Associates will be paid engineering fees when the Town of Copper Canyon receives funds from Denton County on the projects.


Page 4 1. Town Engineer Brian Haynes to present Town Center Project.

2. Discuss, consider and take action on recommendations for repairs to Poindexter Creek and Estates Drive bridges and any all matters incident and related thereto.

3. Discuss, consider and take action on any and all recommendations of the Long Range Planning Task Force regarding financing of a long term Roadway Capital Improvement Plan for Copper Canyon and any and all matters incident and related thereto.

4. Discuss, consider and take action on a boundary adjustment agreement between the Town of Flower Mound and Copper Canyon for the area of Jernigan Road from FM 407 north to the Bartonville Water Supply Corporation ground storage tank and the future annexation of Jernigan Road intersection with FM 407.



I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Agenda of Meeting for Monday, January 11, 2010, Town Council Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the Town Hall of Copper Canyon, Texas, 400 Woodland Drive, Copper Canyon, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and said Agenda was posted on the following date and time: January 8, 2010, at 4:00 p.m. and remained so posted at least 72 hours before said meeting was convened.

______Liz Penny, TRMC Town Secretary Town of Copper Canyon

Pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code, the Town Council reserves the right to consult in closed session with its attorney and to receive legal advice regarding any item listed on this agenda.

Notice of Assistance at the Public Meetings The Copper Canyon Town Hall is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aids or services are requested to contact the

Page 5 Town Secretary’s Office within 48 hours of the meeting at (940) 241-2677 or by fax (940) 241- 2727.

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