Chapter 6: Integumentary System Name ______Date_____Per__ I. Introduction to Skin and its Tissues A. Basic Structure and Functions of the Skin 1. What are the major functions of the skin in regards to?  pathogens

 water

 body temperature

 other (receptors, chemicals & wastes)

2. Label the two distinct regions of the skin on the image to the right. 3. The outer layer is called the ______and is composed of

4. The inner layer is called the ______and is made up of

5. Compare the vascularity of the dermis and the epidermis. How does the layer that is avascular get nutrients?

6. What is the hypodermis (superficial fascia)? Is it part of the skin?

7. What are the functions of the hypodermis?

6-1 B. The Epidermis 1. The tissue that makes up the epidermis is classified as?

2. What is the function of keratinocytes?

3. Draw desmosomes between the keratinocytes. What is the function of these structures?

4. Keratinocytes on the lowest part of the epidermis are constantly undergoing what process?

5. Describe the process of how “living keratinocytes” at the base of the epidermis eventually become “dead keratinocytes” at the surface of the epidermis.

6. What is a callus or a corn? Why and how do they form?

7. What is a melanocyte?

8. Shade in the melanocyte to the right. Describe its shape.

9. Describe how melanin gets transported from a melanocyte to a keratinocyte. What is the name of this process?

10. How does melanin act as a natural sun block?

11. Describe the shape, location and function of the epidermal dendritic cells (also known as Langerhans cells).

12. Describe the shape, location and function of the tactile cells (also known as Merkel cells).

2 13. Where would you find thick skin?

14. Where would you find thin skin?

15. Label & describe the layers of the epidermis:

a. Stratum Basale

b. Stratum Spinosum

c. Stratum Granulosum

d. Stratum Lucidum

e. Stratum Corneum

16. What mnemonic can help you remember the layers of the epidermis?

II. The dermis 1. Describe the structure of the dermis.

2. How is the dermis nourished?

3. The boundary between the dermis and epidermis is uneven because of what structures?

4. Define the following sense organs of the skin and label each in the image.  Lamellated (Pacinian) corpuscles:

 Meissner’s corpuscles:

 Free nerve endings:

5. What is a fingerprint and how is it made?

6-3 6. What causes cleavage or tension lines? Why are they of importance to surgeons?

7. Below are other structures that might be found on your skin. Describe each in detail.  Flexure Lines:

 Stretch Marks:

 Blisters:

III. Appendages of the Skin A.______Sweat Glands 1.______What are the two types of sweat glands?

2.______Describe eccrine glands and draw one in the box (be sure to include a pore in your drawing).

3.______Where are eccrine glands found?

4.______What is the function of eccrine glands?

5.______Describe the structure and function of sweat.

6.______Why is the term Apocrine gland misleading?

7.______Describe apocrine glands and draw one in the box.

8.______Compare the ducts of eccrine glands to those of apocrine glands.

9.______Why does sweat smell?

4 10.______When do apocrine glands become active?

11.______Compare and contrast ceremonious glands and apocrine glands.

B.______Sebaceous Glands 1.______Where are sebaceous glands found?

2.______Sebaceous glands secrete sebum. What are the functions of Sebum?

C.______Hair Follicles 1.______What produces hair?

2.______What is hair?

3.______Compare the hair root and the hair papilla.

4.______Draw a hair follicle in the box. Include the arrector pili muscle. 5.______What is the function of the arrector pili muscle?

D.______Baldness and Hair Color 1.______What causes baldness?

2.______How is hair colored?

3.______Describe how each of the following hair color is produced: ______Dark hair: ______Blonde/Red hair: ______White hair: ______Grey hair: E.______Nails

6-5 1.______What is the function of the nails?

2.______Label each of the structures of a fingernail. 3.______What is the lunula?

IV. Skin Color 1.______What are the three pigments that contribute to skin color?

2._If the numbers of melanocytes is the same among ethnicities how do you explain the various shades of skin color?

3.______What is a freckle or a mole?

4.______Geographically darker skinned people tend to be found near the equator. Why is this?

5.______Describe how melanin acts as a “UV shield”?

6.______What causes the leathery appearance of sun damaged skin?

7.__Describe how the following factors affect skin color and what might have caused this to occur.  Carotene:

 Oxygenated blood:

 Exercise:

 Constricted blood vessels:

 Jaundice:

 Black and blue marks:

V. Functions and Regulation of the Integumentary System A. Functions of the Integumentary System 1. Our skin is the most vulnerable organ system. The skin has three different barriers used for protection describe each.  Chemical barriers (acid mantle):

 Physical barrier:

 Biological barrier (dendritic cells, macrophages and DNA): 6 B. Body temperature Regulation 1. How does our body produce heat? (Hint: think cellular)

2. Describe how and why vasodilation occurs.

a. Does the skin redden or become pale due to vasodilation?

3. Describe how and why vasoconstriction occurs.

a. Does the skin redden or become pale due to vasoconstriction?

4. How much sweat is released daily?

5. What is the function of vitamin D?

VI. Homeostatic Imbalances of the skin A. Skin Cancer 1. What is cancer?

2. Compare a benign tumor and a malignant tumor? 3. The most important risk factor that contributes to skin cancer is?

4. How can UV radiation lead to skin cancer?

5. What other factors (other than UV) can lead to skin cancer?

6. How does the “Fas” protein protect sun damaged skin?

7. There are three major forms of skin cancer; basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and 6-7 squamous cell carcinoma. Describe each type of cancer, causes and treatment: ______Basal cell carcinoma:

______Squamous cell carcinoma:


8. Which type of skin cancer is the most dangerous? Why?

9. Describe the ABCD rule for recognizing melanoma?

10. Fill in the blanks below.

B. Burns 1. What is a burn?

2. What can cause a burn?

3. What is the immediate threat to life resulting from a burn? 4. What is the rule of nines?

5. Describe the following classifications of burns. ______1st degree burns

______2nd degree burns

______3rd degree burns

6.______What is an autograft? 8 7.______What is a homograft?

8.______What are other skin substitutes?

C. Development & Aging 1. People have approximately the same number of sweat glands. Describe how climate determines sweat gland activity.

2. Skin changes as an individual ages. Describe how each of the following changes as a result of aging. Circle the appropriate answer. ______Rate of epidermal cell replacement (increases or decreases) ______Skin (thickens or thins) _The production of lubricating substances produced by skin to make young skin soft (increases or decreases) ______The subcutaneous layer/hypodermis (increases or decreases) ______Deceasing elasticity of the skin leads to(wrinkled skin or fresh and vibrant skin) _The incidence of skin cancer (increases or decreases) due to decreasing numbers of melanocytes. ______The number of hair follicles (increases or decreases) _The delayed action genes for graying and male patterned baldness (inactivate or become active)
