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Commission on Aging March 22, 2011
Members present: John Granchay, Steve Gueths, Marianne Phalen, Frank Wozniak, Dr. Tom Thomas, Bonnie Olson, Dept. of Community Programs representatives Pat Magee and Julie Vanderbilt, Bonnie Weyers, , Holly Konitzer and Shelly Wudtke.
Members excused: Herb Tauchen, Rosetta Stern, Pam Anderson, LuAnn Krajenka and Rick Kane. Absent: T. L. Christen and Stockbridge Munsee representative.
Location and Time: Fellman Center 607 E Elizabeth Street, Lundmark Room – 9:00 a.m. Shawano, Wisconsin 54166
1. Roll call was taken by Wozniak and noted that the open meeting notice was properly posted.
2. Approval of January 25, 2011 minutes. Olson made a motion to approve the January 25, 2011 minutes; Thomas seconded the motion. All aye, motion carried.
3. Public comment. None.
4. Adoption of Agenda. Gueths made a motion to adopt today’s agenda, seconded by Granchay. All aye, motion carried.
5. Deviation from the Agenda. Olson made a motion to deviate from agenda, if necessary; seconded by Gueths. All aye, motion carried.
6. Benefit Specialist Report. Bonnie Weyers reported in the absence of Pam Anderson. Anderson will be presenting a seminar called “What You Should Know Before Turning 65” on Wednesday, May 11, 2011. The seminar will include information regarding veterans, Medicare, health insurance options, prescription drug options, social security, public benefits and volunteering.
Weyers also reported that we are unsure of the current status of SeniorCare. SeniorCare makes prescription drugs more affordable and is a benefit for many seniors in Wisconsin. For those that qualify, it offers better coverage and lower cost than Medicare Part D prescription drug plans. Senator Herb Kohl has stated the Federal government would need to approve any planned changes to the program.
7. Nutrition. a. Approval of new Nutrition Council members. A motion was made by Thomas and seconded by Gueths to approve the new Nutrition Council members. All ayes, motion carried. New members for Bonduel are Sandy Staszak and alternate, Mavis Stark. For Wittenberg, Audrey Hartleben and alternate, Shirley Hartlaben have been reelected. For Birnamwood, Ray Kennig and alternate, Cecil Johnson, have also been reelected. b. 2010 Donations and Program Income Report. Konitzer reported donations and program income for the Nutrition Program in 2010. For home delivered meals, the average donation per meal was $2.39. For congregate meals, the average donation per meal was $2.93. Both donation averages are less than the suggested donation of $3.00 per meal. For congregate meals at the Civic Center, average cost for a bulk meal is $3.37 and $4.26 for prepackaged. For Wittenberg, average cost for a bulk meal is $3.53 and $4.43for a prepackaged meal.
8. Transportation report. Commission on Aging Page 2 March 22, 2011
a. Maintenance and Repair Report. Weyers reported the 2008 GMC bus broke down on the way home from the shopping trip to the Fox River Mall in Appleton. The bus could not exceed 20 mph. The bus driver was able to get the bus to Fox Valley Truck. The mechanic tried to get the bus operational in order to get it home but had to keep it overnight. The fuel filter and element were replaced. The passengers on the bus ended up on the bus many hours longer than anticipated. The riders have asked for a refund of their $10 or for a free trip on the next shopping trip to Green Bay in April. After discussion and deciding that because the purpose of the trip was accomplished, Gueths made a motion, seconded by Granchay to deny the refund/free trip request. All aye, motion carried. A policy will be drafted for future trips that bus riders will need to sign, indicating that the Aging Unit is not responsible for unforeseen circumstances, delays or breakdowns, and as a result, no refunds will be given. b. Semi-annual 85.21 report. Konitzer reported that from July to December 2010, the driver escort program provided 1,608 one-way rides with a total of 65,815.5 miles, $54,873.64 in transportation expenses and 2227.5 hours of service. The mini-bus had a total of 2,333 riders, 16,160 total trip miles, $62,359.79 in expenses and 893 hours of service. c. Transportation Broker. As of July 1, 2011, Logisticare, a Georgia firm, will be the MA transportation broker for the state of Wisconsin. Logisticare will contract with current MA transportation providers as well as recruit their own volunteer drivers to provide transportation for MA clients. Those on MA in nursing homes are exempt from needing to go through Logisticare for their rides. Private pay riders are also not affected. The Aging Unit will continue to provide volunteer drivers for private pay clients. After July 1, 2011, we can no longer bill MA.
9. Aging Unit Director Report. a. ADRC Update. Weyers reported Family Care is currently on hold, and the counties currently providing Family Care have had their enrollments capped. An audit is being done on those counties not on Family Care to determine if it is more cost effective to operate in the current system or under Family Care. Weyers also reported that funding for the ADRC is still in the budget with a projected start-up date of April 2012 for our region. Currently our ADRC is not grant-funded. b. May is Older American Month Resolution. Copies of the resolution “May is Older American Month” were previously mailed to the board. Gueths made a motion to approve the resolution to be passed on to the Social Services Board; Olson seconded the motion. All aye, motion carried. Granchay suggested the resolution also be forwarded to the city of Shawano. Pam Anderson’s “What You Should Know Before Turning 65” as well as the Living Treasures program will be part of Older American Month programs. c. Living Treasures. A committee was formed for the Living Treasures program. The committee includes Wozniak, Thomas, Olson and Phalen. The committee will choose the Living Treasures, interview them, produce a booklet featuring the Living Treasures’ stories host an appreciation banquet recognizing them. d. NFCSP Self-Assessment Approval. Copies of the self-assessment were previously mailed to the board. The self-assessment is used by GWAAR to justify funding and show accountability for what we do for family caregivers. Thomas made a motion to approve the NFCSP Self-Assessment, seconded by Granchay. All aye, motion carried. e. GWAAR Updates. The Department of Health Services will hold a Town Hall meeting at NWTC in Green Bay on Wednesday, March 23, 201 at 1:00 pm. CWAG will hold their spring meeting at the Clarion Hotel on Main Street in Green Bay on Friday, April 1 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. f. Advocacy. Handouts regarding advocacy were previously mailed to board members. Continue to advocate for older individuals.
10. District Representatives and AARP Reports. Central District. Granchay reported he recently met in Madison with Senator Robert Cowles and an aide to Representative Gary Tauchen. Cowles and Tauchen’s aide both suggested to email the state finance committee once a week and to personalize the issues rather than reporting statistics to get your concerns heard. Western District. Wozniak reported attendance at the meal sites in the western district are hit and miss with Birnamwood having the best turnout. AARP. Phalen reported Reverend Charles Daly was the February speaker. Speaker, Leah Lehman, was very entertaining for their March meeting. A potluck supper is planned for April; that is always well-attended. Commission on Aging Page 3 March 22, 2011
Picnic plans are in the works for July in the Civic Center basement. City. No report. Eastern District. No report. DCP. No report.
11. Per Diem Approval. Gueths made a motion to approve the per diem payments for today’s meeting and the Nutrition Council meeting on March 1, 2011. Olson seconded the motion. All aye, motion carried.
12. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at 9:00 am at the Fellman Center.
13. Adjournment. Olson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Thomas seconded the motion. All aye, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned.
John Granchay, Secretary Date Shawano County Commission on Aging