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September 2009 The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Volume 44 Issue 2 Alpha State Austin, Texas Area VII, No. 187 September 2009 International Theme: From Vision to Action: Advancing the Society State Theme: Advance the Society: Believe, Engage, Learn, Lead The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.
Dear Eta Tau Sisters,
I am sitting here in the heat for the 4th day while I wait for my air conditioner repair person to come back once again to try to find out what is wrong with our AC. It started out as a bearing on the fan that was making a noise, but you know how that goes. I hope that it will not progress to needing a new unit. But the good news is that we still have AC in our bedroom!! Enough said about my problems. Now for the fun stuff…
It was great to see such a large group of members in August at Susan Bridges’ lovely home. The large variety of salads and desserts seem to get better each year. Don’t you agree? A special thanks to: Marilyn, Connie, and Cindy for organizing such a luscious dinner; Susan for sharing her home; Mary and Jan who brought the fun door prizes; Laura for our inspiration and to everyone else who made the evening special.
Our next meeting will be Monday, September 21st at our usual meeting place in the house across the street from St. John’s United Methodist Church. We will begin with refreshments and fellowship at 6:45 and then our program about the changing role of Hospice in our community. We are so pleased to have Mary Wallace’s sister as our speaker.
I hope to see each of you at our September meeting. Participation by all will keep our chapter strong. See you on the 21st.
Take care! Janie
Page 2 September 2009
Attendance Goal When: September 21, 2009 7:00 PM *6:45 – Refreshments* Help us meet our goal of 50% at the chapter meetings. Where: St. John’s United Methodist Church Call a friend and carpool to the 5906 Wynona meeting! Austin, Texas See you there!
Program: “Understanding Hospice” Debbie Giossi Attendance Our Goal is 50% Hostesses: Cathy Harris 60 60 Aug. Lois Pendley 50 Sept. Lois Mays 40 Oct. Nov. 30 Jan. 20 Door Prizes: Susan Bridges Feb. 10 Mar. Lois Pendley 0 Apr. Emily Farnsworth Mem bers
Inspiration: Lois Pendley
Make plans now to attend our September meeting! A reminder…if another group is meeting before us and you arrive early, go in through the entrance next to the garage and you can use the kitchen before the other meeting ends.
Directions: From Mopac: Take the Northland Drive Exit (also 2222). Go east on Northland Drive. Northland Drive is also Allandale. Turn left on Wynona Drive. Wynona Drive is 1 block west of Burnet Road.
Page 3 September 2009
Roses to….. Eta Tau Susan Bridges…for opening her home for our Salad Supper. Book Club
Connie Colmenero, Marilyn Elrod, and At our February meeting, we will have Cindy Werland…for serving as hostesses for book discussions on three books. Choose the August meeting one (or all) of the books listed below to read.
Jan Raby and Mary Wallace …for providing Same Kind of Different As Me door prizes for the August meeting. by Ron Hall and Denver Moore Synopsis: The true account of unlikely friendship Laura Packard…for her wonderful and love between two men and the woman that inspiration at the August meeting brought them together. It is a touching story of faith and the kind of compassion that transcends race and cultural boundaries.
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel From the Treasurer… Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows 2009-2010 Eta Tau dues are now due! Synopsis: In 1946, writer Juliet Ashton finds Please send them to Cathy or bring your inspiration for her next book in her dues to the September meeting. We correspondence with a native of Guernsey, who would like to have all dues collected by tells her about the Guernsey Literary and Potato the September meeting in order to meet Peel Pie Society, a book club born as an alibi the October deadline. Active dues are during German occupation. Juliet begins a $77.00 and reserve dues are $38.50. remarkable correspondence with the society’s Make checks payable to Eta Tau and send members, learning about their island, their taste in them to books, and the impact the recent German occupation has had on their lives. Captivated by Cathy Harris their stories, she sets sail for Guernsey, and what she finds will change her forever.
Empress Orchid by Anchee Min Synopsis: A story of one of the concubines of the Chinese emperor in the last days of the Ch’ing dynasty. Though she is only 17, Orchid rises in the emperor’s favor until, as the empire falls, she finds herself in the position of empress, and Don’t forget to bring your used books deeply immersed in the complex politics of the to the chapter meetings. The chapter time. is selling paperbacks for 50 cents and hardbacks for $1.00. If you have any If you have read one of the books and would questions, ask Susan like to lend your copy to a member, please bring it to the meeting. Bridges. Happy Reading! Page 4 September 2009 Upcoming Events Membership News Mark your calendar for these important dates! On the road again… September 21 – Eta Tau Chapter Meeting Mary Wallace and husband, St. John’s United Methodist Church Bob, traveled to Hawaii this summer to celebrate their 35th anniversary. October 1 – Applications for Mini Grants due Congratulations! On-line at Murphy McBride traveled 3,800 miles and October 19 – Eta Tau Chapter Meeting visited five national parks this summer… St. John’s United Methodist Church Wow! November 16 – Eta Tau Chapter Meeting Lavonne Rogers and husband, Tom, are St. John’s United Methodist Church traveling in South Africa. Save travels!
******************** January 11, 2010 – Eta Tau Meeting *one week early* Did you know...Marilyn Elrod is starting St. John’s United Methodist Church her 45th year of teaching this year! How fortunate to be one of her students!
We are sorry to accept Sherrie Shaver's resignation due to personal commitments. Chapter Officers 2008-2010
President: Janie Knolle September Birthdays First Vice-President: Jean Fajkus Second Vice-President: Pollye Hofstedt Jan Raby – 12 Recording Secretary: Mary Wallace Corresponding Secretary: Susan Bridges Parliamentarian: Wilda Scott Pollye Hofstedt – 25 Treasurer: Cathy Harris Past President: Laura Packard Barbara Matocha - 29
Send your Eta Tau committee reports
and Service Project... membership news to Donna Slathar. The deadline for the October newsletter is We will start collecting items for October 2. Hospice in October. Donna Slathar [email protected] Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Eta Tau Chapter Minutes August 17, 2009
The August meeting of the Eta Tau Chapter was held at the beautiful home of Susan Bridges. A delicious potluck salad supper was enjoyed by the members, and the gracious hostesses were Marilyn Elrod, Connie Colmenero, and Cindy Werland. Cathy Harris will compile the recipes from the wonderful salads that were sampled and will send them out to our Eta Tau membership. Be sure to send Cathy your recipe!
Program - Sharing Interests Members had an opportunity to share things they had experienced or accomplished over the summer. What a talented, well-traveled group we have!
Call to Order Janie Knolle, president, called the business meeting to order at 8:00, and Laura Packard shared two touching inspirations – the poem “To teach is to touch a life forever…” and twelve questions to determine “Are you a true elementary teacher”.
Member News LaVonne Rogers is going to Africa in two weeks, and JoAnn Slack West is going on a cruise.
Minutes April Minutes : The minutes from the April meeting were approved as printed.
Committee/Officer Reports
Treasurer’s Report : The financial records of Eta Tau were audited in August of 2009 and were found to be in order and accurate.
The proposed budget for 2009 – 2010 was presented to and approved by the Eta Tau Executive Board in July of 2009. This year’s budget was then presented to the Eta Tau members at the August meeting by treasurer, Cathy Harris. Laura Packard moved that the members approve the budget. The motion passed.
Cathy Harris reported that our current bank balance is $1,735.58. Last year’s Silent Auction earned the chapter $322.25.
The dues, payable to Eta Tau, are $77.00 for Active members again this year, and the dues for Reserve members are $38.00. Dues must be paid by October 19th.
Correspondence: Margaret Eisenbeck sent a lovely note thanking the chapter for awarding her our 2009 Chapter Achievement Award.
Sherrie Shaver, an Eta Tau member since 2002, regretfully resigned her Eta Tau membership due to family responsibilities.
Miriam Tormollan sent a precious picture of her great grandson, Toren James Sparks-LaPlaca.
Legislation and Professional Affairs Committee: LaVonne Rogers reported that there still has been no opinion on a $500 payment to retired teachers. Retired teachers have not received a pay raise in nine years.
Social Committee: Members at the August meeting signed up to be hostesses, to provide door prizes, and to share an inspiration at a meeting for the 2009 – 2010 year. The sign-up sheets will be available at the September meeting if you did not have a chance to sign up.
Yearbook Committee: In an effort to prevent waste and to save money, Eta Tau members voted to receive the 2009 – 2010 yearbooks electronically. Hard copies will be available for those Eta Tau members who prefer to have a printed copy.
Membership Committee: Keep an eye out for prospective new Eta Tau members! Unfinished Business - none
New Business
Convention Awards: Eta Tau received the following awards at the Alpha State Convention in Corpus Christi in June: Exemplary Year Book; the Early Bird yearbook award; the Rosebud Award for maintaining our membership; an award for our 5 Star Newsletter; an award for being an Honor’s Chapter for more than ten years; and a PACE Award! Congratulations, Eta Tau!
Nominations Committee: Jan Raby, Laura Packard, and Cindy Werland comprise our Nominations Committee. They will be compiling a slate of officers for the next biennium in the spring. Be thinking about how you can serve our chapter.
Meeting Dates: The meeting dates for the 2009 – 2010 were presented and approved: September 21st; October 19th, November 16th, January 11th, February 15th, March 8th, April 19th, and the Founders Day celebration on May 1st.
Fund Raisers: Members agreed to continue supporting the Silent Auction, the Door Prizes, the Brag Bag, and the Book Sales.
Founders Day: Ten Eta Tau members attended the Founders Day luncheon on Saturday, May 2, 2009. They were Janie Knolle, Margaret Eisenbeck, LaVonne Rogers, Murphy McBride, Donna Slathar, Laura Packard, Pollye Hofstedt, Cathy Harris, Jean Fajkus, and Mary Wallace.
Educator of the Year Award: The Austin Coordinating Council will present the Educator of the Year Award at the Founders Day celebration in May. This honor is awarded to a deserving Delta Kappa Gamma member every other year. Cindy Werland is our chapter Research Chairman and will be our Eta Tau representative in this process.
The business meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Door Prizes furnished by Jan Raby and Mary Wallace were awarded, and Cathy Harris led the chapter in singing the Delta Kappa Gamma song.
Respectfully submitted, Mary Wallace Recording Secretary